Zone1 Do you ever feel betrayed by God?

well, maybe you are lacking a conviction about... not allowing someone to abuse you. What exactly does she do that warrants that word, btw? Does she hit you?

Well, Jesus, of course, never hits people...or abuses them. If you were alone, you could pray to Him and have some peace. I don't know... I can't give advice bc I don't know the whle story. Only God does. I can tell you what helped me to never be in such a sick relationship again.. .but maybe you wouldn't listen any more than... say... BS Filter... laugh

People have a great resistance the the Catholic faith.. not sure exactly why... but I know that only true Catholicism saved me from... abusive relationships and other such hideous things... It was the rosary.. and the Real Presence that changed things for yours truly

She has hit me with her cane on in the head, the side of my ribs multiple times, a two hander, she has grabbed a torn bicep with both hands and tried to pull it further out, she has punched me in the head while on the highway. On and on, yes.

The verbal abuse has been constant also.

She needs help. If I am there for it, so be it. I took that pledge. If not, we will see. I need to work, it has hurt my confidence not working that's for sure.
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more so than in Canada... the OP seems to be afraid to call the cops because of how they unfairly treated him in the past... and there are of course Americans who feel the same way... but OP makes Canada look like Cuba or Russia compared to the US

Yes, you would be shocked, hence my name. I almost joined the military in Canada, not knowing what I know now.

This is why I reached out to the F.B.I years ago. They have divisions of people who understand profiling and can sift through bs from fact. I have nothing to hide, I am the victim and have not been allowed autonomy of my life since I was a kid ffs. A true caste system it seems.
You pray, you try and walk the righteous path but God punished you. Have you felt this way? If so, how do you overcome the feeling?
Whenever something weird or adverse happens without warning or ability to correct it, I usually get an idea or answer that (a) it was bad karma coming back from something previous I did that inconvenienced somebody else the equivalent amount (b) there was "demonic" interference of things getting twisted or bungled to warn me to renounce and clean up weak areas that are allowing negative energy or influences to infiltrate
She has hit me with her cane on in the head, the side of my ribs multiple times, a two hander, she has grabbed a torn bicep with both hands and tried to pull it further out, she has punched me in the head while on the highway. On and on, yes.

The verbal abuse has been constant also.

She needs help. If I am there for it, so be it. I took that pledge. If not, we will see. I need to work, it has hurt my confidence not working for sure.
why do I want to throw out advice, after saying I can't do that.. !?

Get the hell out of that relationship, so called. She has no respect for you. I have been alone for a long long time and yes, sometimes it gets lonely... but when it does, I just remember the Real presence of Christ... which I am deprived of at this time, except for such remembering... Once you know the love of Christ in a tangible, real (not just academic) way, you never forget it...

that woman is really sick and she is not going to change. I was once involved w/ someone just like that.

I was addicted... Are you? It sounds like you are. There was only ONE thing that broke my addiction to that *&^%$

the rosary

they are used in exorcisms. . which don't appear to be done anymore in the Francis sect but real Catholics still believe in them (I need to find some real Catholics, btw... because they are the only ones who u/stand me).

Anyway, yeh... the rosary changed things for me... I hope you're not too anti-Catholic... like so many posters here..
Yes, you would be shocked, hence my name. I almost joined the military in Canada, not knowing what I know now.

This is why I reached out to the F.B.I years ago. They have divisions of people who understand profiling and can sift through bs from fact. I have nothing to hide, I am the victim and have not been allowed autonomy of my life since I was a kid ffs. A true caste system it seems.
well, i hate to be the bearer of bad news but the FBI is not currently trustworthy. They harass conservatives, let libs get away with murder... Hopefully the new House will do something about that, but it's a huge problem so... I have all but lost hope for this country being what it used to be... should be... sigh... :(
Whenever something weird or adverse happens without warning or ability to correct it, I usually get an idea or answer that (a) it was bad karma coming back from something previous I did that inconvenienced somebody else the equivalent amount (b) there was "demonic" interference of things getting twisted or bungled to warn me to renounce and clean up weak areas that are allowing negative energy or influences to infiltrate

There is nothing I could have done to warrant the abuses against me for decades. Not in any civilized context.

We all have our sins, I've been a good human for my adult life. Imperfect yes, but solid and remaining committed to my fellow human being even when dealing with alot myself.
Whenever something weird or adverse happens without warning or ability to correct it, I usually get an idea or answer that (a) it was bad karma coming back from something previous I did that inconvenienced somebody else the equivalent amount (b) there was "demonic" interference of things getting twisted or bungled to warn me to renounce and clean up weak areas that are allowing negative energy or influences to infiltrate
well, there are all kinds of evils that happen to people who are not doing anything egregiously wrong.. Satan hates Christians... so there's that... He tells people who are not grounded in Christ to do sme evil or another and thye are usually only too happy to oblige.. it's a sick wrld
well, there are all kinds of evils that happen to people who are not doing anything egregiously wrong.. Satan hates Christians... so there's that... He tells people who are not grounded in Christ to do sme evil or another and thye are usually only too happy to oblige.. it's a sick wrld

We have to do good before we pass, it's mandatory. This is the way to overcome the evil around us.

It is difficult to do good when one is oppressed.
I've never asked God to stay out of my business, not once in my 40+ years on earth and maybe 1000s of conversations and prayers with him. I wanted his guidance and protection, I welcomed it dearly.
Then how do you know it is God punishing you?
There is nothing I could have done to warrant the abuses against me for decades. Not in any civilized context.

We all have our sins, I've been a good human for my adult life. Imperfect yes, but solid and remaining committed to my fellow human being even when dealing with alot myself.
but you stayed in it and it led to further abuse. I hope you're on you way to breaking free of this woman?
You pray, you try and walk the righteous path but God punished you. Have you felt this way? If so, how do you overcome the feeling?
I never have, even though I have had serious adversities, and I'm sure I'm not done with them yet.

They don't stop until you go to meet Heavenly Father.

Like my old aunt said: Gettin' old ain't for sissies! What really matters is how you deal with things.
I never have, even though I have had serious adversities, and I'm sure I'm not done with them yet.

They don't stop until you go to meet Heavenly Father.

Like my old aunt said: Gettin' old ain't for sissies! What really matters is how you deal with things.

You're a good man Duke, I've always felt it. One of the few I'd probably enjoy having a beer with and I don't really drink.
You're a good man Duke, I've always felt it. One of the few I'd probably enjoy having a beer with and I don't really drink.
Dude, I'm better off than Job, so there's that. PLUS God already did that to him and probably won't do it again to another human being. He found out what he wanted. The same with the way he tested Abraham.
I'm glad Abraham came through like a real man, or idk what God might have done.
Do you know about the Abraham thing?
Betrayed by GOD?

Even if the idea for a moment crosses my mind..... I know that's not true at all....

I know in my heart there is nobody but mySelf to blame.

Oh no, you're very wrong here. Missing the mark completely. There is an element of personality weakness which should be a strength but isn't in todays society. Those who are most evil are profiting that's for sure.

If anyone wants to raise the concept of karma, some have committed enough evil under a false guise to impact generations of their own.
Oh no, you're very wrong here. Missing the mark completely. There is an element of personality weakness which should be a strength but isn't in todays society. Those who are most evil are profiting that's for sure.

If anyone wants to raise the concept of karma, some have committed enough evil under a false guise to impact generations of their own.

My Karma is my Karma.

That's all.

We all have our own Karma and we pay....for the good and the bad.

No need blaming GOD for our mistakes....we all have free will

My Karma is my Karma.

That's all.

We all have our own Karma and we pay....for the good and the bad.
And some of us are paying for others sins and have for decades. You wouldn't know the details though and those who know the truth sure as hell wouldn't repeat it. They know what they did.

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