Do you know the libs on the this site still think there was collusion between Russia and Trump?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
I swear to God that is true. I just to state that, and they also think when Trump finally fires Mueller that that will be their proof.


They have been wrong about everything.

Hey, my internet is still working!!! Remember that?
I swear to God that is true. I just to state that, and they also think when Trump finally fires Mueller that that will be their proof.


They have been wrong about everything.

Hey, my internet is still working!!! Remember that?
Liberalism - When stupid just isn't stupid enough.
All our president needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key aids were having multiple meetings with the Russians and I will be satisfied

Until that time....we need to continue the investigation
I swear to God that is true. I just to state that, and they also think when Trump finally fires Mueller that that will be their proof.


They have been wrong about everything.

Hey, my internet is still working!!! Remember that?

Its their fantasy. It helps them cope with the hillary being landslided.
Since everything and all things the left claim is 100% wrong, what else can we assume about ALL of their claims over the years?

There is not one thing, and this is truly amazing, has the left been right about. Not one single thing.
Since everything and all things the left claim is 100% wrong, what else can we assume about ALL of their claims over the years?

There is not one thing, and this is truly amazing, has the left been right about. Not one single thing.
Its a good thing now that Mueller isnt on the left.

The crimes of flynn and manafort have already been exposed, and more...
Now we'll find out if voter outreach coordinated with russian trolls.
Since everything and all things the left claim is 100% wrong, what else can we assume about ALL of their claims over the years?

There is not one thing, and this is truly amazing, has the left been right about. Not one single thing.
Its a good thing now that Mueller isnt on the left.

The crimes of flynn and manafort have already been exposed, and more...
Now we'll find out if voter outreach coordinated with russian trolls.
Told you. They are so fucking pathetic.
All our president needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key aids were having multiple meetings with the Russians and I will be satisfied

Until that time....we need to continue the investigation
. Aren't the Russians a super power in which every administration has to deal with ?? So you think in this one instance in history, and because Hillary was running for President, that it was hands off in regards to the Russians all because of ?? Did not the Russians come up in past presidential debates, and haven't we always dealt with the Russians ever since world war two ?? Why is it that Obammy and Hitlery we're free to deal with the Russians, and to speak with the Russians, but all of a sudden they were off limits according to the Demon-crats in this past election ? Were the Demon-crats so corrupt that they were jumping at their own shadows anymore ??
All our president needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key aids were having multiple meetings with the Russians and I will be satisfied

Until that time....we need to continue the investigation
. Aren't the Russians a super power in which every administration has to deal with ?? So you think in this one instance in history, and because Hillary was running for President, that it was hands off in regards to the Russians all because of ?? Did not the Russians come up in past presidential debates, and haven't we always dealt with the Russians ever since world war two ?? Why is it that Obammy and Hitlery we're free to deal with the Russians, and to speak with the Russians, but all of a sudden they were off limits according to the Demon-crats in this past election ? Were the Demon-crats so corrupt that they were jumping at their own shadows anymore ??
Dont waste your time. The only thing proven is the democrats were the ones colluding. That is beyond the shadow of any doubt now and the losers are still claiming the opposite. In fact CNN several times has been caught red handed showing that they are lying. They have found NOTHING and they use stupid shit like manafort or flynn as their eureka moments. Nothing, they have nothing.

Yet, when it is proven that it was the democrats, they seem to be fine with it.

The day we understand what sort of ass backwards piles of shit we are dealing with, will be the day we truly get why we need to avoid even communicating with such losers.

The day those losers on the left understand that they get very little, will be the day they are understanding a lot.
Point of order....

The thread title implies libturds have the capacity to think.

Libturds lack a functioning frontal lobe. They believe in shit the same way kids believe in Santa Claus but there is no actual thinking taking place. As soon as a kid thinks about it, they realize Santa can't possibly exist, global warming is a hoax, and that collectivist policy only works in an ant colony.
'Do you know the libs on the this site still think there was collusion between Russia and Trump?'

Of course they do.

1. 'Collusion' is not a crime. It is a made-up term created by seditious Democrats used to try Trump in the court of public opinion, utilizing the army of Fake News Media surrogates to push their propaganda, bullshit, and lies.
-- The only connection Trump has to 'Russian Election Interference' is Trump's laughable debate remark in which he said he hoped Russia would hack and release her files to expose her now proven criminal server activity. Trump voiced his wishes that Hillary's crimes would be revealed - the same thing millions of other Americans wished for...and it has since been exposed.

2. It has been proven that Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid the evidence of Russia's intent on buying Uranium One and their crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Violence, Intimidation...even protected Hillary from being indicted for taking approx. $145 million from the KGB Bank, the leading financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One....but snowflakes insist - without evidence - that TRUMP is guilty of 'Collusion'.

3. It has been proven Comey, Lynch, and Obama KNEW about the Russians running a PsyOp campaign using social media in the US to con snowflakes into organizing and marching for them, about the Russians paying Liberal groups like Antifa / The Black Fist / Black Lives Matter to spread racial hatred and violence across the US, about how the Russians were attempting to hack the most Senior US politicians' computers / files....and none of them did a damn thing about it. They did not warn those senior politicians, did not do anything to stop the Russians' PsyOp program or the Interference. Evidence shows Obama refused to do anything about it because he did not want to anger Putin because he wanted Putin's approval / ok to invade Syria. OBAMA WAS COMPLICIT IN RUSSIA'S INTERFERENCE BY ALLOWING RUISSIA TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED TO DO...but snowflakes insist - without evidence - that TRUMP is guilty of 'Collusion'.

4. Hillary took $145 million from the KGB Bank....Bill took $500k per speech from the KGB Bank and met directly with Vladimir Putin when he could not get an audience with the Russian Nuclear Agency reps...Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta, cofounded a firm that worked for the Russians, 1/3rd of his company's board of directors consist of prominent Russian businessmen who had direct connections to the Kremlin and to Vladimir Putin himself, and he received thousands of UN-REPORTED shares of Russian stocks...Fat Tony Podesta - John's brother and co-owner of the Podesta group - worked f0r the Russians as CEO of the Podesta Group company, worked for the KGB Bank as an unregistered foreign agent, and, most amazingly, worked for the same RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY that supposedly hacked the DNC...ND NOT ONLY DOES THAT NOT BOITHER ANY OF THE SNOWFLAKES, THEY STILL BELIEVE - WITHOUT EVIDENCE - THAT TRUMP IS GUILTY OF 'COLLUSION'.


Snowflakes are mentally disturbed, reality denying, butt-hurt, hate-driven, Trump-Hating, Hillary/Obama worshipping seditious nut bags.
Yep.......for right wing, Trump Cult ass kissers.......

Flynn, Manafort, Gates and Papadapolus were just "coffee boys" who never really worked for the orange buffoon .....................LOL
Yep.......for right wing, Trump Cult ass kissers.......

Flynn, Manafort, Gates and Papadapolus were just "coffee boys" who never really worked for the orange buffoon .....................LOL
Good Lord, is nat4900 dumber than Jilian? That would be really really stupid. As it is, he has shown to be dumber than Ted Frazier and Luddley.
Good Lord, is nat4900 dumber than Jilian? That would be really really stupid. As it is, he has shown to be dumber than Ted Frazier and Luddley.

I am so damn "hurt" that a Trump Cult member doesn't like me or doesn't like hearing some truth.......LOL

Did Flynn OPENLY admit that he is a felon who lied about his dealings with Russia????..............Yes or fucking No?

Did Flynn work for the orange moron?...........Yes or No?

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