Do you listen to Alex Jones?

His interviews are top rate he has an almost photographic memory for information, dates ,history and has a impressive list of top rate guest on his show that any major broadcast would be happy to get on and because of the length of his show he is able to do in depth interviews...he can hold his own in any interview with some of the best educated and and sharpest minds in history and world politics all in his own style...he is pure hillbilly royalty
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[ame=]Pat Buchanan-Alex Jones interview - YouTube[/ame]
This is his best ever...Too much for most blue pill people to wrap their heads around though...but the implications are far reaching

[ame=]Alex Jones asks David Gergen about Bohemian Grove Rituals - YouTube[/ame]
Alex Jones is not a conspiracy theorist.

He won't present anything on his show without some evidence to back up what he is saying.

Also, he is neither a righty or a lefty.

And his interviews are top notch and he asks hard hitting questions to any of his guests.
He is a conspirac y theorist.

His entire show is conspiracy-theory driven.

He pushed the fucking john titor time traveler story for fuck's sake. Get a clue.

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