Do you realize

That congress currently has more Q'anon supporters than black republicans?

Just something to think about.

Point us to the communities, cities, states and nations that are run by dark people and are safe, united and prosperous.
Sell us on the notion that dark people are capable leaders.
Oh look a deflection to racism.

What a surprise.
That most Republicans adhere to and which has infected our government
That congress currently has more Q'anon supporters than black republicans?

Just something to think about.

Point us to the communities, cities, states and nations that are run by dark people and are safe, united and prosperous.
Sell us on the notion that dark people are capable leaders.
The right's racism and hate is yet another reason why Republicans are unfit to govern.
what about the lefts racism and hate?....its ok jones you dont have to reply,i know you have problems talking to people...
"The left's racism and hate"?

Is orange a race now?
That congress currently has more Q'anon supporters than black republicans?

Just something to think about.
The con man trump had converted several of his cultists to Nazis that were already members of Congress. As for the QAnon crazies elected in 2020, that's just the beginning. The GOP's decades of brainwashing to continually increase the hatred, racism, bigotry, and most of all, paranoia in their right-wing base, has finally come back to bite the Republican leaders in their collective a$$.

That congress currently has more Q'anon supporters than black republicans?

Just something to think about.
How many is that?
I was curious about this absolutely stupid premise for a thread myself. (As this is not the first time I have seen it as an excuse for these stupid partisans to argue.) The left, for some reason, always is trying to using any identity politics to leverage and divide. . .who the hell knows why. :dunno:

As it turns out, there are the same number as GOP'ers that believe in that Q'Anon garbage in the house as there are black GOP house representatives.

IOW, there are two, yes, that is right, two whole reps. that have endorsed that Q insanity, and by my account, when I looked over the number of black GOP house members, I counted two.

So. . . I am not sure where that third Q supporter is that they are talking about.

QAnon goes to Washington: two supporters win seats in Congress
Believers in Deep State conspiracy enter halls of power

Here, you can run the filters and check for yourself. . . but this is a bogus paradigm they are running, and a stupid story.

Here are two black GOP'ers.

. . and if you count ALL of congress? Then of course, Senator Tim Scott makes the entire thread premise a bald face lie.
That congress currently has more Q'anon supporters than black republicans?

Just something to think about.

Question: What type of person race baits his enemies for decades and then cites teh lack of minority representation in their ranks as evidence of something wrong with said enemies?

Answer: Someone looking for a civil war.
That congress currently has more Q'anon supporters than black republicans?

Just something to think about.
How many is that?
I was curious about this absolutely stupid premise for a thread myself. (As this is not the first time I have seen it as an excuse for these stupid partisans to argue.) The left, for some reason, always is trying to using any identity politics to leverage and divide. . .who the hell knows why. :dunno:

As it turns out, there are the same number as GOP'ers that believe in that Q'Anon garbage in the house as there are black GOP house representatives.

IOW, there are two, yes, that is right, two whole reps. that have endorsed that Q insanity, and by my account, when I looked over the number of black GOP house members, I counted two.

So. . . I am not sure where that third Q supporter is that they are talking about.

QAnon goes to Washington: two supporters win seats in Congress
Believers in Deep State conspiracy enter halls of power

Here, you can run the filters and check for yourself. . . but this is a bogus paradigm they are running, and a stupid story.

Here are two black GOP'ers.

Yes they certainly are stuck on identity politics, which certainly does divide Americans. The rank and file masses of D voters who think this way don’t realize how divisive it is. They just follow their leaders (msm and D pols) directions like trained monkeys.
That congress currently has more Q'anon supporters than black republicans?

Just something to think about.

Point us to the communities, cities, states and nations that are run by dark people and are safe, united and prosperous.
Sell us on the notion that dark people are capable leaders.
The right's racism and hate is yet another reason why Republicans are unfit to govern.
what about the lefts racism and hate?....its ok jones you dont have to reply,i know you have problems talking to people...
"The left's racism and hate"?

Is orange a race now?
so are you now telling me there is no racism and hate on the left?.....

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