Do you really want to go to "Heaven" when you die?

There's no such thing as afterlife, obviously, even if there were, heaven? Really?


The simple answer is "we don't know what happens after"

We can guess, but that's all we have, guesses.

Someone who goes around telling people that their guess is the right answer, is what?
There's no such thing as afterlife, obviously, even if there were, heaven? Really?


The simple answer is "we don't know what happens after"

We can guess, but that's all we have, guesses.

Someone who goes around telling people that their guess is the right answer, is what?
We can use logic and reason to make an informed guess.
No you can't. Not enough factual information to make an informed guess.
There's no such thing as afterlife, obviously, even if there were, heaven? Really?


The simple answer is "we don't know what happens after"

We can guess, but that's all we have, guesses.

Someone who goes around telling people that their guess is the right answer, is what?
We can use logic and reason to make an informed guess.
No you can't. Not enough factual information to make an informed guess.
You mean like observations that all throughout the natural world there are examples of death-rebirth cycles? Or that the 1st Law of Thermodynamics tells us that matter and energy cannot be destroyed?
Or how about that consciousness cannot be located within the human mind? That as near as we can tell consciousness appears to be impervious to inspection?
There's no such thing as afterlife, obviously, even if there were, heaven? Really?


The simple answer is "we don't know what happens after"

We can guess, but that's all we have, guesses.

Someone who goes around telling people that their guess is the right answer, is what?
We can use logic and reason to make an informed guess.
No you can't. Not enough factual information to make an informed guess.
You mean like observations that all throughout the natural world there are examples of death-rebirth cycles? Or that the 1st Law of Thermodynamics tells us that matter and energy cannot be destroyed?
Or how about that consciousness cannot be located within the human mind? That as near as we can tell consciousness appears to be impervious to inspection?
Some say it's the neurons. Plants think, just very slowly because they have few neurons far apart. The Universe is full of neurons. But if it thought it would be so slowly who would give a damn.
There's no such thing as afterlife, obviously, even if there were, heaven? Really?


The simple answer is "we don't know what happens after"

We can guess, but that's all we have, guesses.

Someone who goes around telling people that their guess is the right answer, is what?
We can use logic and reason to make an informed guess.
No you can't. Not enough factual information to make an informed guess.
You mean like observations that all throughout the natural world there are examples of death-rebirth cycles? Or that the 1st Law of Thermodynamics tells us that matter and energy cannot be destroyed?
Or how about that consciousness cannot be located within the human mind? That as near as we can tell consciousness appears to be impervious to inspection?
Some say it's the neurons. Plants think, just very slowly because they have few neurons far apart. The Universe is full of neurons. But if it thought it would be so slowly who would give a damn.
Yes, some say it is, but there is no single region that they can identify. Consciousness encompasses our whole being of senses and all of the neurons.

Consciousness is the pinnacle of evolution and it was predestined by the laws of nature which existed before space and time were created.
The simple answer is "we don't know what happens after"

We can guess, but that's all we have, guesses.

Someone who goes around telling people that their guess is the right answer, is what?
We can use logic and reason to make an informed guess.
No you can't. Not enough factual information to make an informed guess.
You mean like observations that all throughout the natural world there are examples of death-rebirth cycles? Or that the 1st Law of Thermodynamics tells us that matter and energy cannot be destroyed?
Or how about that consciousness cannot be located within the human mind? That as near as we can tell consciousness appears to be impervious to inspection?
Some say it's the neurons. Plants think, just very slowly because they have few neurons far apart. The Universe is full of neurons. But if it thought it would be so slowly who would give a damn.
Yes, some say it is, but there is no single region that they can identify. Consciousness encompasses our whole being of senses and all of the neurons.

Consciousness is the pinnacle of evolution and it was predestined by the laws of nature which existed before space and time were created.
Predestined by whom?
We can use logic and reason to make an informed guess.
No you can't. Not enough factual information to make an informed guess.
You mean like observations that all throughout the natural world there are examples of death-rebirth cycles? Or that the 1st Law of Thermodynamics tells us that matter and energy cannot be destroyed?
Or how about that consciousness cannot be located within the human mind? That as near as we can tell consciousness appears to be impervious to inspection?
Some say it's the neurons. Plants think, just very slowly because they have few neurons far apart. The Universe is full of neurons. But if it thought it would be so slowly who would give a damn.
Yes, some say it is, but there is no single region that they can identify. Consciousness encompasses our whole being of senses and all of the neurons.

Consciousness is the pinnacle of evolution and it was predestined by the laws of nature which existed before space and time were created.
Predestined by whom?
The Laws of Nature which existed before space and time.
You are given free will and can choose to reject your creator and eternal life and, I presume, just die into non-existence. Your memory will be forgotten by those that loved you and it will be as if you never existed.
You are given free will and can choose to reject your creator and eternal life and, I presume, just die into non-existence. Your memory will be forgotten by those that loved you and it will be as if you never existed.
I wouldn't mind ceasing to exist. My life sucks, take me now.
Some people believe in a meme or myths. I prefer something of more substance like the Bible.

Why do I believe in an afterlife? You only live twice. Also, one can't take anything from the physical world even if they get buried with their possessions. Then, which came first the spiritual or the materialistic or physical world? Finally, I have faith that the spiritual is what gives our bodies life and the chance to experience all the goodness in the world. You can't do that with just the physical. This life doesn't start that way.
The TWO schools of thought on eternity:

"There'll be bread overhead when you're dead"

"There'll be pie in the sky when you die? It's a LIE"

Which suggests you oughta pack a lunch.
“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”

Jorge Luis Borges

Warms my heart.
Why don't you practise for it right now and stfu? :biggrin:

I generally find that those I have formerly put in their place, use the obnoxious "stfu."

It seems that when you can't compete, that's all you have left.

And here you are to prove it.

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