Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
I've had to have criminal background checks and drug tests to get a job it ain't no big deal.

If you don't want to submit to the screening then don't apply for the job. Simple right?

Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?

They have to have a criminal background check cause they might be working with money.....You truly are a paranoid idiot.

And you're a big poopyhead. So there!

(read: Do you fall down much, buddy?)
I never took a single dime of government money. I paid my own way every step of the way.
Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?

They have to have a criminal background check cause they might be working with money.....You truly are a paranoid idiot.

And you're a big poopyhead. So there!

(read: Do you fall down much, buddy?)
Unlike you I know how to tie my shoes.
I never took a single dime of government money. I paid my own way every step of the way.

I applied for unemployment one time many MANY years ago when we arrived in a small town--hubby was transferred a lot in those days--and there wasn't a single job listed in the local newspaper and nobody seemed to be hiring. I just wanted a job if they had any listed, and they sort of insisted I file. Then you had to wait two weeks to receive your first unemployment check and you had to be actively looking for work. So I did manage to find a job that started the Monday of the third week and I was happy to report that to the unemployment office and that I didn't need unemployment after all. They sent me a check for the two weeks I was off work anyway.

Other than that, even though I qualified for government subsidies from time to time, I have never received a freebie of any kind from the government and didn't want any.

The Wal-marts of the world offer jobs to people who want those jobs. They don't force anybody to work for them and there's just a whole bunch of folks who enjoy their jobs there--some as a transitional job--some as a career. I would love to be a fly on the wall in places where some seem to be scheming on how to bring Wal-mart down. And the only reason I can think of they would want to do that is for their own selfish interests.

Since the election, however, the unions have been applying much more extreme pressure on work forces to unionize. Just now watching a demonstration re whether the court will require Wal-mart to unionize. If they do, another part of Americana will be lost.
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I never took a single dime of government money. I paid my own way every step of the way.

Gee, I really admire you.

There is nothing that you do not currently do for a living.

You could go to work for Gramps' imaginary business.
I never took a single dime of government money. I paid my own way every step of the way.

I cant say the same....As a child my famliy lived in our car. I dont want any government help now but I cant say I have never taken it....Funny thing is my mom got off of the government tit in spite of them and not with their help.
Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

Yeah, bullshit.

Sorry, but if you held an executive position, you'd know exactly why background checks are conducted. Employers have always wanted to know the background of potential hires, the thing that has changed is the ability to do so with ZabbaSearch and other tools. Hiring and employee is an expensive and time consuming process, which any executive knows. When I hire a person, I do EVERYTHING possible to ensure they are the right person for the job. I can gauge intellect and technical knowledge through the interview, but integrity and baggage require a background check, which ANY executive would know.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?

Sure, I believe every word you write..
Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?

How many people have actually risen from poverty to the board room as you say?

My guess is not too many so using that as a yardstick is silly.

I did. Do you want to know what it really takes? I'll be happy to tell you.

You didn't answer the question.

And I chose to work for myself rather than someone else so you don't have to lecture me about what it takes.
Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?

How many people have actually risen from poverty to the board room as you say?

My guess is not too many so using that as a yardstick is silly.

Like you, I'd hazzard a guess that it's damn few, and getting more unlikely all the time.

Meanwhile, how are you at picking up on irony? None too quickly? That's my guess.

I don't work in a board room but I do own my own business. And FYI anyone can work for themselves.
I never took a single dime of government money. I paid my own way every step of the way.

I cant say the same....As a child my famliy lived in our car. I dont want any government help now but I cant say I have never taken it....Funny thing is my mom got off of the government tit in spite of them and not with their help.

I've never taken unemployment either. When I was a child there was no such thing as government help. No welfare, WIC, Medicaid, food stamps, HUD housing, Section 8, obamaphones, nothing. There was general relief but to get on general relief, the social worker would take anything of value that you had and sell it in the second hand store so the state could get some of their money back.

We didn't live in a car. We didn't have a car. We lived on the streets of New York when we weren't hitch hiking and riding box cars up and down the eastern seaboard. That went on until a good samaritan turned my parents into the authorities and I was taken away and sent to live with an aunt until my parents got their act together. My step dad had to get a job. Had there been a government tit, they would have sucked off it forever. As it was, my parents believed they were living lives of pure, unadulterated, freedom. No greedy landlord, no boss telling them what to do, no one to please or satisfy. Go where they wanted to go, do only what they wanted to do. They felt they were "bohemians". In fact, they were more like the first occupiers looking for a Zucotti Park.
Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

Yeah, bullshit.

Sorry, but if you held an executive position, you'd know exactly why background checks are conducted. Employers have always wanted to know the background of potential hires, the thing that has changed is the ability to do so with ZabbaSearch and other tools. Hiring and employee is an expensive and time consuming process, which any executive knows. When I hire a person, I do EVERYTHING possible to ensure they are the right person for the job. I can gauge intellect and technical knowledge through the interview, but integrity and baggage require a background check, which ANY executive would know.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?

Sure, I believe every word you write..

Well let's see, shall we?

Because they can, and think it's the shorter path to employees they need not fear, as much. The rising hardship resulting from business lobbying success, might be creating some meaness out there. Folks might steal from us. Plus HR depts, too, like the sense they're needed and doing good work.

What makes it possible is the business nirvana that exists currently. No shit. It's corporate fucking heaven right now. It only seems sucky, since for average workers, it sucks serious fucking ass. But corporations are enjoying record profits, and near historically-low taxes on that profit. Also, they can be selective as hell in who they hire, what with unemployment so high, praise babyjesus.

So workers willl jump through hoops to get the job, and take any starting salary they're offered. Also, the folks already with keycards, are hoping they keep theirs, and are thus loathe to demand a raise. Just hang in there and pray the COLA raises of years past do not evaporate, which they have been, what with the labor market so biz-friendly (fuckit that profits are at record highs). So, why spend the dough? Report the higher profits and let our stock options turn to diamond-studded fucking gold.

But I digress. Simple: workers and the American people are mere commodities. Pay em what we have to, and drive their wages down wherever possible. Shift tax burden onto individuals and not corporations. Keep unemployment high by encouraging low wage minimums, no overtime pay requirements, and clever new businesses that sell our employees ways to fund their own retirements and healthcare. And if workers are lower paid, and their savings are gone, make credit available. That'll keep the great unwashed in stores and buying shit, for a while, anyway. Then find other markets we can exploit.

How'd I do?
I never took a single dime of government money. I paid my own way every step of the way.

I cant say the same....As a child my famliy lived in our car. I dont want any government help now but I cant say I have never taken it....Funny thing is my mom got off of the government tit in spite of them and not with their help.

Are you a big fan of Craig T. Nelson? He said the same thing - that the government helped him but didn't help him. Make up your mind.

[ame=]Craig T. Nelson on Government Aid - YouTube[/ame]

Both Nelson and your mother got back on their feet with the help of the government. Nothing wrong with that. Actually, I admire it. But don't pretend that the govt didn't help you.
And while I don't see what any of that has to do with Wal-mart, it should not be Wal-marts duty to make the poor unpoor. Like many of you, I started out with nothing but an education and a willingness to work for what I had. I financed my time in college by working at whatever I could get and accepted a lot of grundgy jobs. I would have been thrilled with a part time job at Wal-mart if there had been one back then.

Hubby and I had five jobs between us when we got married, and due to circumstances beyond our control lost four of them the first year. Times were tough and there was a lot more week than paycheck most weeks. But in those days there weren't government giveaways to help, so we dug ourselves out. We earned our credentials for better jobs along the way--he moved slowly up the ranks in his career and I took whatever I could get when I could get it--and eventually we utilized what we had learned in our own business. We never worked for a union shop. And we took no government subsides except for that two week unemplyment check they insisted on sending even after I told them I didn't need it.

The American dream may not actually be a fancy car, yacht, Country Club membership, and a mansion, but it is still there for those who are willing to work for it. And millions, and I do mean millions, of us worked our way out of poverty back then. There were lots and lots of 'Wal-mart' kinds of jobs to help us do it and we were glad to get them.

There is much less incentive to do so when the government makes people comfortable in poverty. And apparently the folks working at Wal-mart don't consider themselves to be among that group.
P.S. I don't fault those who accept available government aid and kudos to those who have worked their way up from the bottom. I do fault those who choose to live off the government and make no effort to work their way up.
P.S. I don't fault those who accept available government aid and kudos to those who have worked their way up from the bottom. I do fault those who choose to live off the government and make no effort to work their way up.

Worry not. Ron Paul is leaving his cushy guvmint job where all he had to do was whine about his employer.

Brighter days ahead.
P.S. I don't fault those who accept available government aid and kudos to those who have worked their way up from the bottom. I do fault those who choose to live off the government and make no effort to work their way up.

Worry not. Ron Paul is leaving his cushy guvmint job where all he had to do was whine about his employer.

Brighter days ahead.

Thank you for totally missing the point being made.
P.S. I don't fault those who accept available government aid and kudos to those who have worked their way up from the bottom. I do fault those who choose to live off the government and make no effort to work their way up.

Worry not. Ron Paul is leaving his cushy guvmint job where all he had to do was whine about his employer.

Brighter days ahead.

Thank you for totally missing the point being made.

The inept post isn't a complete loss. I found another idiot to put on my ever growing ignore list. :eusa_clap:
Well let's see, shall we?

Because they can, and think it's the shorter path to employees they need not fear, as much.

Just in case ANYONE believed a word of your bullshit about being an executive....

I don't "fear" my employees, I recognize the liability they represent. Any businessman does, executive or business owner. If I hire the wrong person, I incur wasted time training them, and possible repercussions when I fire them. Just because someone has a criminal record doesn't mean I won't hire them, but they will have to explain to me what happened.

The rising hardship resulting from business lobbying success, might be creating some meaness out there. Folks might steal from us. Plus HR depts, too, like the sense they're needed and doing good work.

You're either a communist, opps community organizer, or a Union pimp. You're no executive.

What makes it possible is the business nirvana that exists currently. No shit.

What makes it possible is the internet, shit fer brains.

It's corporate fucking heaven right now. It only seems sucky, since for average workers, it sucks serious fucking ass. But corporations are enjoying record profits, and near historically-low taxes on that profit.

So, you're one of those "executives" who hates profits, then?

ROFL - frauds are so easy...

Also, they can be selective as hell in who they hire, what with unemployment so high, praise babyjesus.

Bodies are not equal to qualified people.

So workers willl jump through hoops to get the job, and take any starting salary they're offered.

Really? Kool - I'm bringing on a new cost accountant - I'll let her know that I don't have to pay her the $80k she asked for, some troll on the internet said she would take any salary I offer. I'll offer $10K

also, the folks already with keycards, are hoping they keep theirs, and are thus loathe to demand a raise. Just hang in there and pray the COLA raises of years past do not evaporate,

Ah, so you ARE a union thug - COLA is not used outside of unions.

which they have been, what with the labor market so biz-friendly (fuckit that profits are at record highs). So, why spend the dough? Report the higher profits and let our stock options turn to diamond-studded fucking gold.

So why did you lie about being an executive? Do you think you appear more credible if people believed you?

But I digress. Simple: workers and the American people are mere commodities. Pay em what we have to, and drive their wages down wherever possible. Shift tax burden onto individuals and not corporations.

You have little education, that is clear. Tell me, why should corporations be taxed at all? If I buy stock in Apple, and they pay me a dividend, I have to pay taxes on it - why should the same money be double taxed? Either eliminate corporate taxes or capital gains - double dipping is anti-American. (But favored by communists,)

Keep unemployment high by encouraging low wage minimums,

That is contradictory - when wages fall, employment numbers rise.

no overtime pay requirements,

Really comrade? I hadn't heard that overtime was abolished. Do you have a link?

and clever new businesses that sell our employees ways to fund their own retirements and healthcare. And if workers are lower paid, and their savings are gone, make credit available. That'll keep the great unwashed in stores and buying shit, for a while, anyway. Then find other markets we can exploit.

You know comrade, virtually every 401K I've been exposed to has a matching component.

How'd I do?

You proved that you've never held an executive position and have very little education. I assume you come from construction and are higher up in the union.
P.S. I don't fault those who accept available government aid and kudos to those who have worked their way up from the bottom. I do fault those who choose to live off the government and make no effort to work their way up.

Worry not. Ron Paul is leaving his cushy guvmint job where all he had to do was whine about his employer.

Brighter days ahead.

Thank you for totally missing the point being made.

Nah; I got it. :)

The thing is, we all depend on government, none more so than businesses. Schools, largely funded by home owners, educate our work force. Roads and transit bring our workers to and from the jobsite, our products to market, and customer to our doorstep. Food assitance keep folks coming into our grocery stores. Gravy abounds, if you're paying attention, which the more successful companies do, religiously.

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