Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
I say there is going to be some opening at wal-marts.....good deal my stepson needs a job.

Good luck to him. It's easy to get a job there: fill out an application online and take the online pre-test. Then if he scores sufficiently online, they'll group interview him. If that goes well they make an offer, at a buck or two north of minimum wage, if he's lucky and a stronger than average candidate.

Then just sign off on the privacy waiver, so they can back check criminal history, credit scores and whatever else they wish to look into, while your stepson hightails it over to the clinic to get a drug-test.

Just a few easy steps and removal of all privacy rights for a shit-pay job. Your stepson should be so lucky, and I have my fingers crossed he'll be stocking shelves soon.

Godbless the USA.
I say there is going to be some opening at wal-marts.....good deal my stepson needs a job.

Good luck to him. It's easy to get a job there: fill out an application online and take the online pre-test. Then if he scores sufficiently online, they'll group interview him. If that goes well they make an offer, at a buck or two north of minimum wage, if he's lucky and a stronger than average candidate.

Then just sign off on the privacy waiver, so they can back check criminal history, credit scores and whatever else they wish to look into, while your stepson hightails it over to the clinic to get a drug-test.

Just a few easy steps and removal of all privacy rights for a shit-pay job. Your stepson should be so lucky, and I have my fingers crossed he'll be stocking shelves soon.

Godbless the USA.

I've had to have criminal background checks and drug tests to get a job it ain't no big deal.

If you don't want to submit to the screening then don't apply for the job. Simple right?
I say there is going to be some opening at wal-marts.....good deal my stepson needs a job.

Good luck to him. It's easy to get a job there: fill out an application online and take the online pre-test. Then if he scores sufficiently online, they'll group interview him. If that goes well they make an offer, at a buck or two north of minimum wage, if he's lucky and a stronger than average candidate.

Then just sign off on the privacy waiver, so they can back check criminal history, credit scores and whatever else they wish to look into, while your stepson hightails it over to the clinic to get a drug-test.

Just a few easy steps and removal of all privacy rights for a shit-pay job. Your stepson should be so lucky, and I have my fingers crossed he'll be stocking shelves soon.

Godbless the USA.

So that's not different than any other way of getting hired.....Have you never had a job?
I have never NEVER cast a shadow on any Wal Mart floor. I prefer to buy from local merchants offering American made items. I love this country too much to sell out to a purveyor of cheap Chinese made junk who treats their employees like crap.

I wonder how many Americans claim a love of country, but defend the policies and practices of Wal Mart?

My sister and brother-in-law had absolutely no problem with how they were treated as employees of Wal-mart and they are/were (my BIL has since passed on) dyed-in-the-wool leftwingers who voted consistently Democratic or Green--I don't believe either ever voted for a single Republican in their lives. But they both praised Wal-mart as an employer and for their compassion, public service, and opportunities provided the employees. I'm sure there is much to condemn Wal-mart for as there is in any large corporation, but there is also much to commend it.

And other anecdotal testimony has been provided by a couple of folks I know well who currently work at Wal-mart and they love their jobs.

I think Wal-mart sometimes gets a really undeserved bad rap.
Before Wal Mart came to town, there were four places a knitter to buy yarn. There were three bicycle shops owned locally. Four different jewlers, I can't count the number of locally owned pharmacies. Today, there are three locally owned pharmacies, but just one place to buy a bicycle and one place to buy yarn.

Wal Mart does not fix bicycles, neither do they sell high end bicycles, nor do they have a great selection of bicycle accessories. They don't sell good yarn either, just the cheapest. They don't have lessons or knitters clubs. Wal Mart absolutely does not permit customer designed jewelry. The businesses that go under when Wal Mart opens cannot stay in business, at all, if they carry the same products at the same level of service and sell them for more money. At the North Redondo Wal Mart there is a collection of small businesses. There is a dry cleaner, Wal Mart has a dry cleaner. There are several fast food joints. Wall mart sells junk food. There is a Michaels! Wal Mart sells craft goods.

How do these businesses stay in business right next to Wal Mart? The businesses that go under when Wal Mart moves in deserve to go out of business. They were overcharging and gave bad customer service before Wal Mart moved in. All the customers needed was an excuse.
I say there is going to be some opening at wal-marts.....good deal my stepson needs a job.

Good luck to him. It's easy to get a job there: fill out an application online and take the online pre-test. Then if he scores sufficiently online, they'll group interview him. If that goes well they make an offer, at a buck or two north of minimum wage, if he's lucky and a stronger than average candidate.

Then just sign off on the privacy waiver, so they can back check criminal history, credit scores and whatever else they wish to look into, while your stepson hightails it over to the clinic to get a drug-test.

Just a few easy steps and removal of all privacy rights for a shit-pay job. Your stepson should be so lucky, and I have my fingers crossed he'll be stocking shelves soon.

Godbless the USA.

I've had to have criminal background checks and drug tests to get a job it ain't no big deal.

If you don't want to submit to the screening then don't apply for the job. Simple right?

Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?
My sister and brother-in-law had absolutely no problem with how they were treated as employees of Wal-mart and they are/were (my BIL has since passed on) dyed-in-the-wool leftwingers who voted consistently Democratic or Green--I don't believe either ever voted for a single Republican in their lives. But they both praised Wal-mart as an employer and for their compassion, public service, and opportunities provided the employees. I'm sure there is much to condemn Wal-mart for as there is in any large corporation, but there is also much to commend it.

And other anecdotal testimony has been provided by a couple of folks I know well who currently work at Wal-mart and they love their jobs.

I think Wal-mart sometimes gets a really undeserved bad rap.
Before Wal Mart came to town, there were four places a knitter to buy yarn. There were three bicycle shops owned locally. Four different jewlers, I can't count the number of locally owned pharmacies. Today, there are three locally owned pharmacies, but just one place to buy a bicycle and one place to buy yarn.

Wal Mart does not fix bicycles, neither do they sell high end bicycles, nor do they have a great selection of bicycle accessories. They don't sell good yarn either, just the cheapest. They don't have lessons or knitters clubs. Wal Mart absolutely does not permit customer designed jewelry. The businesses that go under when Wal Mart opens cannot stay in business, at all, if they carry the same products at the same level of service and sell them for more money. At the North Redondo Wal Mart there is a collection of small businesses. There is a dry cleaner, Wal Mart has a dry cleaner. There are several fast food joints. Wall mart sells junk food. There is a Michaels! Wal Mart sells craft goods.

How do these businesses stay in business right next to Wal Mart? The businesses that go under when Wal Mart moves in deserve to go out of business. They were overcharging and gave bad customer service before Wal Mart moved in. All the customers needed was an excuse.


The big stores can't do a lot of things very well.

For example, I buy dimension lumber from Lowes or the Depot but they don't carry a selection of high grade woods for projects or finish work. I have a guy who specializes in the most beautiful hardwoods and he's doing great.

In fact I just ordered 2 in thick slab maple that I'm using for a bar top. You can't get that at a box store.

There are plenty of niches in the market to fill
Good luck to him. It's easy to get a job there: fill out an application online and take the online pre-test. Then if he scores sufficiently online, they'll group interview him. If that goes well they make an offer, at a buck or two north of minimum wage, if he's lucky and a stronger than average candidate.

Then just sign off on the privacy waiver, so they can back check criminal history, credit scores and whatever else they wish to look into, while your stepson hightails it over to the clinic to get a drug-test.

Just a few easy steps and removal of all privacy rights for a shit-pay job. Your stepson should be so lucky, and I have my fingers crossed he'll be stocking shelves soon.

Godbless the USA.

I've had to have criminal background checks and drug tests to get a job it ain't no big deal.

If you don't want to submit to the screening then don't apply for the job. Simple right?

Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?

How many people have actually risen from poverty to the board room as you say?

My guess is not too many so using that as a yardstick is silly.
I've had to have criminal background checks and drug tests to get a job it ain't no big deal.

If you don't want to submit to the screening then don't apply for the job. Simple right?

Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?

How many people have actually risen from poverty to the board room as you say?

My guess is not too many so using that as a yardstick is silly.

I did. Do you want to know what it really takes? I'll be happy to tell you.
I've had to have criminal background checks and drug tests to get a job it ain't no big deal.

If you don't want to submit to the screening then don't apply for the job. Simple right?

Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?

How many people have actually risen from poverty to the board room as you say?

My guess is not too many so using that as a yardstick is silly.

Like you, I'd hazzard a guess that it's damn few, and getting more unlikely all the time.

Meanwhile, how are you at picking up on irony? None too quickly? That's my guess.
Good luck to him. It's easy to get a job there: fill out an application online and take the online pre-test. Then if he scores sufficiently online, they'll group interview him. If that goes well they make an offer, at a buck or two north of minimum wage, if he's lucky and a stronger than average candidate.

Then just sign off on the privacy waiver, so they can back check criminal history, credit scores and whatever else they wish to look into, while your stepson hightails it over to the clinic to get a drug-test.

Just a few easy steps and removal of all privacy rights for a shit-pay job. Your stepson should be so lucky, and I have my fingers crossed he'll be stocking shelves soon.

Godbless the USA.

I've had to have criminal background checks and drug tests to get a job it ain't no big deal.

If you don't want to submit to the screening then don't apply for the job. Simple right?

Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?

They have to have a criminal background check cause they might be working with money.....You truly are a paranoid idiot.
Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?

How many people have actually risen from poverty to the board room as you say?

My guess is not too many so using that as a yardstick is silly.

I did. Do you want to know what it really takes? I'll be happy to tell you.
Mattress mambo? LOL
Before Wal Mart came to town, there were four places a knitter to buy yarn. There were three bicycle shops owned locally. Four different jewlers, I can't count the number of locally owned pharmacies. Today, there are three locally owned pharmacies, but just one place to buy a bicycle and one place to buy yarn.

Wal Mart does not fix bicycles, neither do they sell high end bicycles, nor do they have a great selection of bicycle accessories. They don't sell good yarn either, just the cheapest. They don't have lessons or knitters clubs. Wal Mart absolutely does not permit customer designed jewelry. The businesses that go under when Wal Mart opens cannot stay in business, at all, if they carry the same products at the same level of service and sell them for more money. At the North Redondo Wal Mart there is a collection of small businesses. There is a dry cleaner, Wal Mart has a dry cleaner. There are several fast food joints. Wall mart sells junk food. There is a Michaels! Wal Mart sells craft goods.

How do these businesses stay in business right next to Wal Mart? The businesses that go under when Wal Mart moves in deserve to go out of business. They were overcharging and gave bad customer service before Wal Mart moved in. All the customers needed was an excuse.


The big stores can't do a lot of things very well.

For example, I buy dimension lumber from Lowes or the Depot but they don't carry a selection of high grade woods for projects or finish work. I have a guy who specializes in the most beautiful hardwoods and he's doing great.

In fact I just ordered 2 in thick slab maple that I'm using for a bar top. You can't get that at a box store.

There are plenty of niches in the market to fill

My framer is in direct competition with JoAnns, Michaels, Aaron Bros and Fast Frame. He's so busy that I have to wait two, sometimes three weeks to get a painting framed and pay twice what I would pay at one of the others.

When Petco opened a grooming shop a block from me, I didn't lose any business and actually gained a little.

There was a small mom and pop failing grocery within walking distance of a Ralphs Superstore. The owners sold out of the failing business before Ralphs crushed it completely. The new owners had a son recently graduated from business school who turned it around in six months into a crowded bustling store.

No one can stay in business selling the same stuff as Wal Mart but charging more for it and provide the lowest level of customer service. It's impossible. The business has to change if it can't, it goes under.
Before Wal Mart came to town, there were four places a knitter to buy yarn. There were three bicycle shops owned locally. Four different jewlers, I can't count the number of locally owned pharmacies. Today, there are three locally owned pharmacies, but just one place to buy a bicycle and one place to buy yarn.

Wal Mart does not fix bicycles, neither do they sell high end bicycles, nor do they have a great selection of bicycle accessories. They don't sell good yarn either, just the cheapest. They don't have lessons or knitters clubs. Wal Mart absolutely does not permit customer designed jewelry. The businesses that go under when Wal Mart opens cannot stay in business, at all, if they carry the same products at the same level of service and sell them for more money. At the North Redondo Wal Mart there is a collection of small businesses. There is a dry cleaner, Wal Mart has a dry cleaner. There are several fast food joints. Wall mart sells junk food. There is a Michaels! Wal Mart sells craft goods.

How do these businesses stay in business right next to Wal Mart? The businesses that go under when Wal Mart moves in deserve to go out of business. They were overcharging and gave bad customer service before Wal Mart moved in. All the customers needed was an excuse.


The big stores can't do a lot of things very well.

For example, I buy dimension lumber from Lowes or the Depot but they don't carry a selection of high grade woods for projects or finish work. I have a guy who specializes in the most beautiful hardwoods and he's doing great.

In fact I just ordered 2 in thick slab maple that I'm using for a bar top. You can't get that at a box store.

There are plenty of niches in the market to fill

There are plenty of niches in the market to fill

Definitely. My little town is rich with small local business. I know that I love knowing the owners personally and getting treated like a friend when I shop. I have several local businesses that are that way in my town. My town is very quaint and thrives on foot traffic partly because of its location to the ocean.

A garden shop
A tailor
A butcher
Several clothing stores
Craft stores
Book store
Shoe store
Toy store
Jewelry store

I don't see them ever competing with the huge box stores but they are doing quite well.
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Apparently. Funny how what were once requirements for a security position with government or a large corporation, are now shit compared to what folks need to go through to get a near minimum wage job.

But maybe that's me, being older and having not filled out an application nor sent a resume to anyone in over 30 years of an executive-level career. Six figure pay, and they treat you with some trust and respect. Imagine that.

But it ain't all peaches and cream. With more and more of our people being paid shit, or rendered unemployable for even "entry level" job, it's a sonofabitch to find customers to buy the shit we sell, albeit only in the US. Foreign markets are filling the void nicely, so I can still buy $100 ties. Yippee for me. And fuck Americans if they cannot rise from poverty to the board room. Laissez-faire free markets are the cat's fucking pajamas.

Yeah, pal?

How many people have actually risen from poverty to the board room as you say?

My guess is not too many so using that as a yardstick is silly.

I did. Do you want to know what it really takes? I'll be happy to tell you.

Nah; anyone can do it, if you or I can.

Simple. Be born with average to good looks, since homely gets less attention. Then a high IQ helps, so the inspiration that good public school teacher gives you ain't wasted. Scholarships and government Pell Grants cover some of the expense, and then some spunkiness and wit gets you some good bux tending bar at night, and some ass along the way.

From there it's cake. Be a superstar and rapidly rise through the corporate ranks to VP level, and gain some biz celebrity or be on point in a great acquisition and you're a lock for a position on the board of the newly acquired entity, in Europe, so you can see the Continent on the company's nickel any time, even bringing the SO with you and showing her how nice it is to mess up 600 thread-count sheets with a sweeping view of London, with no clean up after.

It couldn't be easier. Yeah? Or was your path harder? Do tell.
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How many people have actually risen from poverty to the board room as you say?

My guess is not too many so using that as a yardstick is silly.

I did. Do you want to know what it really takes? I'll be happy to tell you.
Mattress mambo? LOL

That's the liberal way.

I started out cleaning a law office and scrubbing their toilets. I went to school and worked up to library attendant. I took secretarial courses to learn to type and became a receptionist. When I could type well enough. I got another job with another law firm as a secretary. I stayed in school taking paralegal courses and moved into paralegal. As soon as I was established as a paralegal I went to law school. Then I opened my own law office and had people working for me.

Liberals prefer to rely on mattress mambo because they recoil from sacrifice and hard work. Think of all the things I could have bought with the money I spent on school, books, seminars. I could have worn $200.00 Nike shoes and supported a drug dealer had I not made those choices. This is what libs hate, more than anything. If I were a lib, I'd be cleaning toilets and DEMANDING the law degree.

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