Do You Smoke Pot/Weed?

Do you smoke Pot/Weed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 32.1%
  • No

    Votes: 19 35.8%
  • I used to

    Votes: 13 24.5%
  • I tried it once or twice. Got nothing out of it.

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 1.9%

  • Total voters
Does it help you with your pain though? I think using marijuana for your pain is a LOT safer than using those chemical laden prescription drugs.

Some of us just suck it up and deal with the pain.

Some of us understand that the stress of being in pain causes or aggravates the problem.

But then, you seem to enjoy your misery.

I've come to take his posts as complete fiction and fantasy from a dark-minded troll who wallows in his made-up absurdist gloom stories. I doubt he's ever experienced any of the scenaria he posts here at all. I think it's all a game. I doubt he's ever made an honest post in his life.
Does it help you with your pain though? I think using marijuana for your pain is a LOT safer than using those chemical laden prescription drugs.

Some of us just suck it up and deal with the pain.

Some of us understand that the stress of being in pain causes or aggravates the problem.

But then, you seem to enjoy your misery.

I've come to take his posts as complete fiction and fantasy from a dark-minded troll who wallows in his made-up absurdist gloom stories. I doubt he's ever experienced any of the scenaria he posts here at all. I think it's all a game. I doubt he's ever made an honest post in his life.

You are probably right.
Sorry if it upsets you, but many, many people out there are drug seeking individuals. They like to get high on the meds too. That's just a fact. They will even lie about their pain just to get the drugs. Sad but true.
The VA had me on methadone and hydrocodone..But I'm not really into pills and it got to where it was not helping, so I stopped..It's bad enough the Meloxicam I have increases your chance of a fart attack, So I take it sooo sparingly that I take it on 2-4 times a week at most.If I don't work I never take it....Same with the Gabapentin...

Good for you! It must suck to have to deal with pain, but what about other more natural remedies? Have you tried anything like that?

I have a slipped disc, hip bursitis & osteoarthritis in my back & hip & there's nothing more 'natural' than marijuana. it's a plant in its purest form & is what works for me.
From what I heard there are lots of medicinal benefits of marijuana.... So I did minor research from Google and this is what I find.

Short- & Long-Term Effects of Marijuana - Negative Side Effects of Weed - Drug-Free World
I have smoked weed 38 years and yet have none of the so called bad side affects, and neither do the professionals I know...

Does it help you with your pain though? I think using marijuana for your pain is a LOT safer than using those chemical laden prescription drugs.
Yes it helps with my severe muscle contractions from having spinal stenosis, scoliosis, herniated and ruptured disk, used to include crushed disks and my spinal degeneration disease, and anxiety..But the thing it works best is relaxing my Hitler frenzy......

gabapentin did nothing for me except make me gain weight.
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From what I heard there are lots of medicinal benefits of marijuana.... So I did minor research from Google and this is what I find.

Short- & Long-Term Effects of Marijuana - Negative Side Effects of Weed - Drug-Free World

that is certainly a biased website with an agenda. I don't think anyone would argue the fact that any drug or herbal supplement is free from side effects & there is always the decision to make about the benefits/risk ratio.

from a PDF file:


Leading National and International Medical, Religious, and Legal Organizations Supporting Physician-Supervised Access to Medical Marijuana:

• The American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM) • American Anthropological Association • The American Bar Association (ABA) • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) • The American Nurses Association (ANA) • The American Public Health Association (APHA) • Arthritis Research Campaign • British Medical Association • HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America • The Lymphoma Foundation of America (LFA) • The National Association for Public Health Policy • National Black Police Association • The National Nurses Society on Addictions • The Episcopal Church • The Presbyterian Church USA • The United Church of Christ • The United Methodist Church's Board of Church and Society • The Union of Reform Judaism • The Unitarian Universalist Association State/Local Medical Marijuana Endorsements and Statements of Support: • AIDS Care Ocean State • AIDS Foundation of Chicago • AIDS Project Rhode Island • Alaska Nurses Association • Associated Medical Schools of New York • California Academy of Family Physicians • California Legislative Council for Older Americans • California Medical Association • California Nurses Association • California Pharmacists Association • Florida Medial Association • Hawaii Nurses Association • Iowa Democratic Party • King County Bar Association (Washington) • The Medical Society of the State of New York • Michigan Democratic Party • Minnesota Nurses Association • Minnesota Public Health Association • Minnesota AIDS Project • Minnesota Senior Federation • Mississippi Nurses Association • Multiple Sclerosis California Action Network • New Jersey State Nurses Association • New Mexico Medical Society • New York AIDS Advisory Council • New York AIDS Coalition • New York County Medical Society • New York State AIDS Advisory Council • New York State Hospice and Palliative Care Association • New York State Nurses Association • New York Statewide Senior Action Council • North Carolina Nurses Association • Physicians for Social Responsibility (Oregon) • Rhode Island ACLU • Rhode Island Medical Society • Rhode Island State Nurses Association • San Francisco Medical Society • Senior Agenda Coalition (Rhode Island) • Texas Democratic Party • Texas Medical Association • Texas Nurses Association • United Nurses and Allied Professionals (Rhode Island) • Virginia Nurses Association • Whitman–Walker Clinic • Wisconsin Nurses Association • Wisconsin Public Health Association

Selected Quotes from Endorsements and Statements of Support:


physicians for medical marijuana - Google Search
Sorry if it upsets you, but many, many people out there are drug seeking individuals. They like to get high on the meds too. That's just a fact. They will even lie about their pain just to get the drugs. Sad but true.
The VA had me on methadone and hydrocodone..But I'm not really into pills and it got to where it was not helping, so I stopped..It's bad enough the Meloxicam I have increases your chance of a fart attack, So I take it sooo sparingly that I take it on 2-4 times a week at most.If I don't work I never take it....Same with the Gabapentin...

Good for you! It must suck to have to deal with pain, but what about other more natural remedies? Have you tried anything like that?

I have a slipped disc, hip bursitis & osteoarthritis in my back & hip & there's nothing more 'natural' than marijuana. it's a plant in its purest form & is what works for me.

So glad to hear it works for you! I would like to ask if you have it by prescription?
Quit smokin' pot decades ago when all it did was start making me paranoid, now some good Red Dragon.......... :eusa_whistle:
Put me down for yes. Nothing better than a little bud, a backpack, my golden retriever and miles of hard wood forest.
Outside of medical needs pot is for losers
How much alcohol do you drink.......? :eusa_whistle:

My opinion on pot is what it is.
Not irrelevant, hypocritical......... on your part. :thup:
Whatever you need to justify smoking pot or excusing it lol
Guess you missed the part where I posted I haven't touched pot in 35 years but then again I haven't touched alcohol in 20 years. Not against people using either for recreational use it's their choice but someone using one poison then claiming another (proven to be less harmful) is for losers is the real loser. :thup:
Outside of medical needs pot is for losers
How much alcohol do you drink.......? :eusa_whistle:

My opinion on pot is what it is.
Not irrelevant, hypocritical......... on your part. :thup:
Whatever you need to justify smoking pot or excusing it lol
Guess you missed the part where I posted I haven't touched pot in 35 years but then again I haven't touched alcohol in 20 years. Not against people using either for recreational use it's their choice but someone using one poison then claiming another (proven to be less harmful) is for losers is the real loser. :thup:
My opinion really bothers you lol

The op asked a question. I gave an answer. Your panties got bunched. Fun times.

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