Do You Support A Woman's Right To Choose?


Only a fertilization will yield a zygote. And it takes a zygote to be implanted. The morning after pill ONLY works post-conception.

Actually, that depends on which pill you mean. Some work by preventing implantation, but some work by preventing ovulation, so that no fertilization can occur.
Nope. But only in part. The purpose of the morning after pill is to prevent implantation. I guess that’s the so-called Plan B pill.

You are, however, correct that one of the so-called morning after pills is designed to prevent (delay) ovulation

RU-486 prevents implantation. Plan B, I believe, prevents ovulation.
Actually, that depends on which pill you mean. Some work by preventing implantation, but some work by preventing ovulation, so that no fertilization can occur.
Correct: as I later said in this thread. I had to concede that 1/2 point. 👍
The difference is viability outside the womb.

And there is a huge difference between a zygote and an adult.
None of that will matter to the court when they hear it. Is it human? Yes. Is it a specific human? Yes. Then he or she has individual human rights. And SCOTUS will kick it to the states to decide how they want to handle it.
Procreation was never a sacred act at any time in the history of the human race. Abortion will always have a place in society, we become the physical beings we're inhabiting when we visit this world, this mutualistic relationship with physical animals taints our spirit being. It's like a kid in a candy shop. The temptations are too great and the spirit is subdued.

History? It is always sacred to some regardless of era. Maybe not to you. Some people DO cherish it and remain loyal and responsible to what they start and who they start it with. Some don't. With the liberal media and free abortions working on corrupting 7+Billion people 24/7/365 there's a lot more people out there to corrupt and more chance they WILL be corrupted. If you can't stand among the strong and the morally pure don't condemn the rest just to make yourself feel better about yourself.
History? It is always sacred to some regardless of era. Maybe not to you. Some people DO cherish it and remain loyal and responsible to what they start and who they start it with. Some don't. With the liberal media and free abortions working on corrupting 7+Billion people 24/7/365 there's a lot more people out there to corrupt and more chance they WILL be corrupted. If you can't stand among the strong and the morally pure don't condemn the rest just to make yourself feel better about yourself.
The problem with anti-abortion people is they lump all abortions together as being unnecessary, just a " convience " thing. I believe the woman knows what's best for her situation in each and every case. I believe it is immoral for a woman to attempt to bring a child into this world which will need 50 operations on it to look normal and hopefully live. What kind of life is that, there's already enough pain and sorrow in this world. Also if a woman or child has been the victim of rape, especially if it's incest, abortion is the best answer. The united Nations has declared abortion as a right wether it be due to one of the above situations and / or socioeconomic needs and the lack of / incapability as in the case of children, mental and emotional preparedness for a pregnancy. No child or any woman should be forced to have a child.
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The cover art might not be as exciting ... And the text may be a bit more complicated ...
But if anyone wanted to know how they are going to lose their Rights with the passage of Time and Governance.

Frederic Bastiat's ... The Law would be a much better choice ... :thup:
But then again ... It isn't about a Feminist who is out of touch with her own ideology in the real world.


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Yeah, trying to be right by simply stating over and over that you are is always the hallmark of clear-thinking reason.
My thinking is this world doesn't need any more humans on it. Especially if that life is unwanted or genetically terribly flawed. Forcing women to bring those lives into this world would only lead to more pain, suffering and sorrow, in a world where there's too much of that already. Plus the fact that this is the most egregious abuse of our laws and courts that there ever could be.
Especially if that life is unwanted
You need to avail yourself of the info listing the number of people on waiting lists to adopt. Abortion for the convenience of the irresponsible mother is nothing but murder. If you are so convinced there are too many people on this earth, please, feel free to abort yourself post partum--I would support that abortion and it would demonstrate your commitment to your position.
This is a hot topic among both sides these days, I think we can ALL agree on that.

The Left's position of course is that no one has the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body.

If she chooses to murder her unborn child than that should be her choice.

We are ALL clear on this position.

So my question to those on the Left is .....

Do you support a woman's right to choose if that choice is to not get the vaccine.

Is it still her body, her choice?

Yes, rape is and should be illegal. That is the only time choice matters in this discussion. And yes, sex with minors is rape.
My thinking is this world doesn't need any more humans on it. Especially if that life is unwanted or genetically terribly flawed. Forcing women to bring those lives into this world would only lead to more pain, suffering and sorrow, in a world where there's too much of that already. Plus the fact that this is the most egregious abuse of our laws and courts that there ever could be.

The ones you sentence to death are far more valuable than those who turn their back on them.
The ones you sentence to death are far more valuable than those who turn their back on them.
First of all you people are crazy to compare abortion with murder. Secondly a woman should always have the last say, it's her body. Abortion laws need to be done away with altogether; they are the most egregious overreach of government there ever could be. They don't have the right to do this to anyone.

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