Do you think Russia attacked our democracy to steal the 2016 election in favor of Trump?

Your opinion is directly contrary to American Intelligence and facts carefully detailed in 2 year long special investigation.

Do you care? Nope you rw fools just belive whatever the fuck your bleeding little politico heart desires.
What investigation was that? The one I’m aware of led to nowhere and was expected to lead to nowhere because the investigators knew from the outset that it was based in a phony piece of ‘evidence’.
What investigation was that? The one I’m aware of led to nowhere and was expected to lead to nowhere because the investigators knew from the outset that it was based in a phony piece of ‘evidence’.

The one where Brennan, Comey and pro-communist Obama Justice dept. types went rogue & lied to the court system to fabricate.
What investigation was that? The one I’m aware of led to nowhere and was expected to lead to nowhere because the investigators knew from the outset that it was based in a phony piece of ‘evidence’.

You are clueless. Where have you been for the last 5 years?

Special Investigation Report:

Senate Intelligence Committee

House Inteligence Committee
That was a straw man bullshit investigation aimed at keeping ‘Trump bad’ in the headlines for the low-info morons.
It resulted in nothing and was rooted in nothing.
You need to vet your Pravda.
You keep repeating your baseless fantasies while I present to you well supported facts.

Stupid much?
You know, because he's "Putin's lapdog" and stuff like that to make one feel better?

Foreigners interfere with elections all the time. Happened since before we were born and the left gave us the internet. We do the same thing. The same was done for Clintons, Obama, Biden.

Speak of internet, compare and contrast "Russian influences" to daily left run most information, which is really misinformation. And there's always this.......

Just the opposite.

The dirty secret is that Russia and Iran both have had disinformation campaigns. The social media giants were complicit when it promoted the disinformation in their favor...but when it went against their desires they shut it down.

And for next to nothing financially they were able to affect the outcome of the last election.... everything from racial tensions to antivaxxer activists...all deliberately focused on discrediting conservatives.

And most conservatives are looking really ridiculous currently with their antivaxxers and anti-mask and fake cures for coronavirus...not to mention their protectionist policies limiting trade. The "uncommitted centrists" are the key to winning elections in dogs are not.
And while everyone debates nonsense...the real issue is ignored.

Do you think the Russians attacked our democracy to steal the 2016 election in favor of Trump?​

No, I think the democrats attacked our democracy to steal the 2016 election in favor of Hillary. But they got better at it by 2020.
Then you are a delusional fool who lives in an alternate reality. You are also a global embarrassment to our country .
What investigation was that? The one I’m aware of led to nowhere and was expected to lead to nowhere because the investigators knew from the outset that it was based in a phony piece of ‘evidence’.
They didn't tell you about it, in your alternate universe.
Your pos had the justice department lying for him
EVIDENCE, not the DOJ, proved Obama, his administration, Hillary, & Pelosi TRAITORS, & exonerated Trump.

EVIDENCE, not the DOJ, proved Obama, his administration, Hillary, & Pelosi TRAITORS, & exonerated Trump.

Trump DOJ kissing trump ass Might as well of had Ivanka and Jr on the DOJ
EVIDENCE, not the DOJ, proved Obama, his administration, Hillary, & Pelosi TRAITORS, & exonerated Trump.

What "evidence" nutbag?

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