Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

You have to understand to progressives and many paulbots America is to big for its britches and HAS to be taken DOWN a few notches.

Not the issue at hand. That being said, i'm a 'paulbot' and i don't subscribe to that agenda.

Well good for you ....I didn't say all I said many....Those would be the Progressives who jumped on the Paul wagon cause they thought it meant legal drugs.

It is the issue at hand....Why do you think they keep trying to make the country look bad???? This was a pr stunt to make us call for stronger gun control AND to make us look bad.

This lie has been repeated so often that most sheeple are believing it. A standard Goebbels tactic. What I have NEVER seen is ANY kind of proof of the assertion.

I would ask you, Thanatos, to please provide some kind of evidence for this statement if you can.

If you can't, STFU.
Not the issue at hand. That being said, i'm a 'paulbot' and i don't subscribe to that agenda.

Well good for you ....I didn't say all I said many....Those would be the Progressives who jumped on the Paul wagon cause they thought it meant legal drugs.

It is the issue at hand....Why do you think they keep trying to make the country look bad???? This was a pr stunt to make us call for stronger gun control AND to make us look bad.

This lie has been repeated so often that most sheeple are believing it. A standard Goebbels tactic. What I have NEVER seen is ANY kind of proof of the assertion.

I would ask you, Thanatos, to please provide some kind of evidence for this statement if you can.

If you can't, STFU.

Why cant you find your own posts you pathetic clingon?
Save your Republican Pity Party

Most Americans don't even know what Fast and Furious is in spite of Fox trying to force a non issue

The party media sure wasn't going to report on the most corrupt Attorney General in history supplying Mexican drug cartels with weapons that were used to murder two federal agents and dozens of Mexican citizens.

The party media is there to distort and obfuscate, not to inform.
Beating a dead horse

If you care about guns going to Mexico, let's start banning them

Selling Guns to Mexican nationals is already banned.

It just that Eric Holder, the most corrupt AG in history, doesn't follow the law.

I guess gun bans don't do shit, do they?
Here's the thing: the initial bitch by the neocons/teabaggers/libbertarians was that Holder was covering up the failure that caused a death of a US law official.

Well, when all was said and done, that wasn't the case, despite the ballyhoo by the neocon/teabagger Congress/Senate members.

So essentially, you had a failure of a sting operation THAT WAS STARTED UNDER THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION (of which NO CONSERVATIVE COMPLAINED ABOUT) AND CONTINUED BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. It happens, and no one is celebrating that fact.

But keeping in concert with the edict of the GOP that there primary goal is to make Obama a one term President, the parrots and punditry will keep regurgitating this stuff...leaving out pertinent information and details in order to maintain their narrative.

And the band played on. :bang3:

STILL fucking lying?

Even after being exposed a dozen times for this lie?

You have absolutely NO INTEGRITY at all, you are a perfect demagoguecrat.
Here's the thing: the initial bitch by the neocons/teabaggers/libbertarians was that Holder was covering up the failure that caused a death of a US law official.

Well, when all was said and done, that wasn't the case, despite the ballyhoo by the neocon/teabagger Congress/Senate members.

So essentially, you had a failure of a sting operation THAT WAS STARTED UNDER THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION (of which NO CONSERVATIVE COMPLAINED ABOUT) AND CONTINUED BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. It happens, and no one is celebrating that fact.

But keeping in concert with the edict of the GOP that there primary goal is to make Obama a one term President, the parrots and punditry will keep regurgitating this stuff...leaving out pertinent information and details in order to maintain their narrative.

And the band played on. :bang3:

STILL fucking lying?

Yes, you need to announce it. If you're unsure, go ask your local priest to absolve you.

Even after being exposed a dozen times for this lie?

Well, you do have a habit of doing such, but what else can an insipidly stubborn Uncensored neocon/teabagger hack from 2008 be expected to do?

You have absolutely NO INTEGRITY at all, you are a perfect demagoguecrat.

I see Uncensored2008 is STILL blathering like a petulant child....pity he can't grow up and face reality

I decided to see if this dumbass grew up a little, but I see keeping him on IA saves a LOT of space and time. :razz:
Exclusive: Fast and Furious IG report slams ATF Phoenix personnel

BySharyl Attkisson

Since the controversy was first exposed, a divide has developed between the ATF staff in Phoenix who oversaw and implemented Fast and Furious; and their supervisors at ATF headquarters and the Justice Department. The Phoenix officials say higher-ups approved of the case. But the higher-ups say it was all the brainchild of rogue ATF officials in Phoenix.

Phoenix ATF officials tell CBS News that higher-level officials were integral in shifting focus away from arresting ground level gun buyers, to "a cartel focused strategy" that allowed guns hit the streets in an attempt to make a bigger case. They say the idea was codified in the September 2010 ATF document "Project Gunrunner-A Cartel Focused Strategy." The document refers to using the tactic of "limited or delayed interdiction" of guns, while cautioning that such investigations "must be closely monitored."


Exclusive: Fast and Furious IG report slams ATF Phoenix personnel - CBS News
Exclusive: Fast and Furious IG report slams ATF Phoenix personnel

BySharyl Attkisson

Since the controversy was first exposed, a divide has developed between the ATF staff in Phoenix who oversaw and implemented Fast and Furious; and their supervisors at ATF headquarters and the Justice Department. The Phoenix officials say higher-ups approved of the case. But the higher-ups say it was all the brainchild of rogue ATF officials in Phoenix.

Phoenix ATF officials tell CBS News that higher-level officials were integral in shifting focus away from arresting ground level gun buyers, to "a cartel focused strategy" that allowed guns hit the streets in an attempt to make a bigger case. They say the idea was codified in the September 2010 ATF document "Project Gunrunner-A Cartel Focused Strategy." The document refers to using the tactic of "limited or delayed interdiction" of guns, while cautioning that such investigations "must be closely monitored."


Exclusive: Fast and Furious IG report slams ATF Phoenix personnel - CBS News

How much you want to bet some Mexican drug cartel will bomb the Phoenix office and the higher ups will be the ones caught inside during the explosion?
I see Uncensored2008 is STILL blathering like a petulant child....pity he can't grow up and face reality

I decided to see if this dumbass grew up a little, but I see keeping him on IA saves a LOT of space and time. :razz:

See, here's the thing. You're a fucking liar. Since you're a leftist - that's no real surprise. The American left has zero integrity, just as you have zero integrity.

{Fast and Furious was a “gun-walking” operation conducted by the Phoenix, Arizona branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (or the ATF) from 2009 and 2011.}

What Is Operation Fast and Furious? 11 Questions & Answers - The Daily Beast


Lying fuck Tiechiliberal just claimed that it started under BOOOOSHH. But, BOOOOSHH wasn't president in 2009, so how is this possible?

It isn't, tiachiliberal is just a lying fuck. Hey, leftists are scumbags, they lie as a matter of course.

So why would tiachiliberal try such a blatant lie? Well, he's a scumbag with utterly zero integrity, so dishonesty is a given.

But also, the hate sites that program him to spew the bullshit he does trained him to bark "Operation Wide Receiver."

Operation Wide Receiver, ran from 2006 to 2007 - it was an utter failure and Sen. Obama blasted the Bush administration for running it. Wide Receiver, unlike Fast and Furious, did not sell to Mexican drug cartels and did not violate federal law. But it was a stupid and dangerous operation, intended to entrap American citizens.

Fast and Furious though, was started by the Obama administration, and the most corrupt Attorney General in history, Eric Holder. F&F did sell weapons to the drug cartels with the intent that they would be used to murder innocent people, which Obama would use as a means to push more restrictive gun control.

Say, isn't selling weapons to foreign nationals a felony? Well yes, it sure is. Holder is a criminal who belongs in federal prison. tiachiliberal doesn't care though, he has no integrity and figures that the ends justifies the means - Obama has a constitution to crush, any means of doing that are cool with the scumbags on the left.
Exclusive: Fast and Furious IG report slams ATF Phoenix personnel

BySharyl Attkisson

Since the controversy was first exposed, a divide has developed between the ATF staff in Phoenix who oversaw and implemented Fast and Furious; and their supervisors at ATF headquarters and the Justice Department. The Phoenix officials say higher-ups approved of the case. But the higher-ups say it was all the brainchild of rogue ATF officials in Phoenix.

Phoenix ATF officials tell CBS News that higher-level officials were integral in shifting focus away from arresting ground level gun buyers, to "a cartel focused strategy" that allowed guns hit the streets in an attempt to make a bigger case. They say the idea was codified in the September 2010 ATF document "Project Gunrunner-A Cartel Focused Strategy." The document refers to using the tactic of "limited or delayed interdiction" of guns, while cautioning that such investigations "must be closely monitored."


Exclusive: Fast and Furious IG report slams ATF Phoenix personnel - CBS News

When all is said and done, the charges that Obama and Holder were NOT part of a cover-up conspiracy in this matter.
I see Uncensored2008 is STILL blathering like a petulant child....pity he can't grow up and face reality

I decided to see if this dumbass grew up a little, but I see keeping him on IA saves a LOT of space and time. :razz:

See, here's the thing. You're a fucking liar. Since you're a leftist - that's no real surprise. The American left has zero integrity, just as you have zero integrity.

{Fast and Furious was a “gun-walking” operation conducted by the Phoenix, Arizona branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (or the ATF) from 2009 and 2011.}

What Is Operation Fast and Furious? 11 Questions & Answers - The Daily Beast


Lying fuck Tiechiliberal just claimed that it started under BOOOOSHH. But, BOOOOSHH wasn't president in 2009, so how is this possible?

It isn't, tiachiliberal is just a lying fuck. Hey, leftists are scumbags, they lie as a matter of course.

So why would tiachiliberal try such a blatant lie? Well, he's a scumbag with utterly zero integrity, so dishonesty is a given.

But also, the hate sites that program him to spew the bullshit he does trained him to bark "Operation Wide Receiver."

Operation Wide Receiver, ran from 2006 to 2007 - it was an utter failure and Sen. Obama blasted the Bush administration for running it. Wide Receiver, unlike Fast and Furious, did not sell to Mexican drug cartels and did not violate federal law. But it was a stupid and dangerous operation, intended to entrap American citizens.

Fast and Furious though, was started by the Obama administration, and the most corrupt Attorney General in history, Eric Holder. F&F did sell weapons to the drug cartels with the intent that they would be used to murder innocent people, which Obama would use as a means to push more restrictive gun control.

Say, isn't selling weapons to foreign nationals a felony? Well yes, it sure is. Holder is a criminal who belongs in federal prison. tiachiliberal doesn't care though, he has no integrity and figures that the ends justifies the means - Obama has a constitution to crush, any means of doing that are cool with the scumbags on the left.

God, this guy is one uncensored fucking dumbass neocon from 2008. His own link points out that it's the SAME type of operation....different names, same objective, same basic operational tactic. "Fst & Furious" screwed one contests that. The neocon/teabagger ballyhoo was that Obama and Holder were pulling a Watergate cover-up...the LINK I PROVIDED disproves that. Period.

From Uncensored2008 link:

No. In fact, two similar gun-walking operations, including one run out of the same Phoenix-area office that oversaw Operation Fast and Furious, were conducted under President George W. Bush. The first, Operation Wide Receiver, ran from 2006 to 2007, and tried to make use of the same chain of gun buyers, smugglers, and middle men who tossed deadly weapons up the ladder to cartel enforcers. Both Wide Receiver and the 2007 probe allowed guns to make their way across the border in a manner similar to Fast and Furious

Like all intellectually impotent and dishonest neocon/teabagger flunkies, Uncensored2008 just ignores reality and facts that don't fit into his ideological view. A pity...but not unexpected.

I done with this chump.
Exclusive: Fast and Furious IG report slams ATF Phoenix personnel

BySharyl Attkisson

Since the controversy was first exposed, a divide has developed between the ATF staff in Phoenix who oversaw and implemented Fast and Furious; and their supervisors at ATF headquarters and the Justice Department. The Phoenix officials say higher-ups approved of the case. But the higher-ups say it was all the brainchild of rogue ATF officials in Phoenix.

Phoenix ATF officials tell CBS News that higher-level officials were integral in shifting focus away from arresting ground level gun buyers, to "a cartel focused strategy" that allowed guns hit the streets in an attempt to make a bigger case. They say the idea was codified in the September 2010 ATF document "Project Gunrunner-A Cartel Focused Strategy." The document refers to using the tactic of "limited or delayed interdiction" of guns, while cautioning that such investigations "must be closely monitored."


Exclusive: Fast and Furious IG report slams ATF Phoenix personnel - CBS News

How much you want to bet some Mexican drug cartel will bomb the Phoenix office and the higher ups will be the ones caught inside during the explosion?

That's because the higher ups might have bungled setting the charges...:badgrin:
Exclusive: Fast and Furious IG report slams ATF Phoenix personnel

BySharyl Attkisson

Since the controversy was first exposed, a divide has developed between the ATF staff in Phoenix who oversaw and implemented Fast and Furious; and their supervisors at ATF headquarters and the Justice Department. The Phoenix officials say higher-ups approved of the case. But the higher-ups say it was all the brainchild of rogue ATF officials in Phoenix.

Phoenix ATF officials tell CBS News that higher-level officials were integral in shifting focus away from arresting ground level gun buyers, to "a cartel focused strategy" that allowed guns hit the streets in an attempt to make a bigger case. They say the idea was codified in the September 2010 ATF document "Project Gunrunner-A Cartel Focused Strategy." The document refers to using the tactic of "limited or delayed interdiction" of guns, while cautioning that such investigations "must be closely monitored."


Exclusive: Fast and Furious IG report slams ATF Phoenix personnel - CBS News

When all is said and done, the charges that Obama and Holder were NOT part of a cover-up conspiracy in this matter.

Not done yet, if he were a republican president the Dem's would have several impeachment charges on him. One would be murdering US citizens abroad, wtf is code pussy?
When all is said and done, the charges that Obama and Holder were NOT part of a cover-up conspiracy in this matter.

Holder is absolutely part of it. Holder engaged in criminal activity and belongs in prison.

Obama is involved only insofar as he is the President, and held responsibility for what his people do. HE appointed Holder, the most corrupt AG in history. AND Obama has failed to fire Holder, which he should have done the INSTANT this came to light.

Of course Obama isn't involved in the actual operation, no president gets involved in such details - and no one claimed that Obama did.

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