Do You Think the President is Above the Law?

Is the President Above all the laws of the United States?

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Good for you, but that is exactly the defense Trump's lawyers sent to the Mueller probe.

Report: Trump lawyers' letter to Mueller challenges subpoena

I do like how you didn't vote. Put your money where your mouth is.

Your article says nothing about being "above the law". LOL, you're a partisan hack, I'm not. NOBODY is above the law, some however enjoy extended protections, the President is one of them. Impeachment is the only option for a sitting Prez. Once a Prez is removed everything else opens up. Get an education.
------------------------------------- i think that Doc is closest to being correct . Impeach the President then go after criminal proceedings after impeachment . While not the KING that was rejected by Washington the President has powers very close to a KING Lew . [imo] --- [how could it be otherwise??]

It's not even close to being a King. Not even by a country mile.
---------------------------------------- you make an assertion or give an OPINION that i disagree with and i see yer assertion as BS Lewdog .

If you think the President of the United States has the same powers as a King you failed civics class in junior high school.
------------------------------------------- I didn't say that TRUMP 'is' a king , i said that he as main man and 'cic' of the USA he has power approaching a 'kings' power . It gets annoying having lefty judges and people like YOU going after the TRUMP Lew .
Your article says nothing about being "above the law". LOL, you're a partisan hack, I'm not. NOBODY is above the law, some however enjoy extended protections, the President is one of them. Impeachment is the only option for a sitting Prez. Once a Prez is removed everything else opens up. Get an education.
------------------------------------- i think that Doc is closest to being correct . Impeach the President then go after criminal proceedings after impeachment . While not the KING that was rejected by Washington the President has powers very close to a KING Lew . [imo] --- [how could it be otherwise??]

It's not even close to being a King. Not even by a country mile.
---------------------------------------- you make an assertion or give an OPINION that i disagree with and i see yer assertion as BS Lewdog .

If you think the President of the United States has the same powers as a King you failed civics class in junior high school.
------------------------------------------- I didn't say that TRUMP 'is' a king , i said that he as main man and 'cic' of the USA he has power approaching a 'kings' power . It gets annoying having lefty judges and people like YOU going after the TRUMP Lew .

His powers aren't anything close to approaching a king's power. Again, you are totally lost.
pismoe I know you enjoy the passive-aggressive trolling of using the funny button on my posts, but I'm warning you now, this is Zone 2 politics and if you continue to do it, I will report you.
President Trump's new defense against the Mueller probe is that he is above the law. Not only that, but he IS THE LAW. He can do whatever he wants and can not be prosecuted for it. Do you think the President of the United States holds that much power?

Let me remind you that when the United States decided on George Washington to be the first leader of the United States, they were going to call him a king and he rejected it. He said a President shouldn't hold as much power as a king, and that a President is only a part of the head of government along with Congress and the Supreme Court.

Here is a copy of the letter that spells out how Trump's team says Trump can not obstruct Justice because he is Justice.

The Trump Lawyers’ Confidential Memo to Mueller, Explained
I hold that illegal aliens aren't either , but they get entire cities and states giving them sanctuaries. By people that otherwise hold a different standard of lies and honesty and lawfulness when it comes to Trump. One rich guy ,Trump is a lying scoundrel. Illegal aliens that violate immigration law by the millions, they are victims. We need to stop enabling one type of liar and turn around and bash other liars.
It doesn’t matter what anyone ‘thinks.’

It is a fact that no president is above the law (see United States v. Nixon (1974)).

Depends on the president and we know that this prez believes he is actually the Supreme Leader and has stated he cannot be charged with any of the crimes he is now or has been accused of, or been convicted of in the past and I can't think of any more ways I can screw up the grammar of this sentence but you get the idea. Yeesh.

Would President Trump Heed Robert Mueller's Subpoena? - The Atlantic
President Trump's new defense against the Mueller probe is that he is above the law. Not only that, but he IS THE LAW. He can do whatever he wants and can not be prosecuted for it. Do you think the President of the United States holds that much power?

Let me remind you that when the United States decided on George Washington to be the first leader of the United States, they were going to call him a king and he rejected it. He said a President shouldn't hold as much power as a king, and that a President is only a part of the head of government along with Congress and the Supreme Court.

Here is a copy of the letter that spells out how Trump's team says Trump can not obstruct Justice because he is Justice.

The Trump Lawyers’ Confidential Memo to Mueller, Explained
I hold that illegal aliens aren't either , but they get entire cities and states giving them sanctuaries. By people that otherwise hold a different standard of lies and honesty and lawfulness when it comes to Trump. One rich guy ,Trump is a lying scoundrel. Illegal aliens that violate immigration law by the millions, they are victims. We need to stop enabling one type of liar and turn around and bash other liars.

How are those two thing related?
President Trump's new defense against the Mueller probe is that he is above the law. Not only that, but he IS THE LAW. He can do whatever he wants and can not be prosecuted for it. Do you think the President of the United States holds that much power?

Let me remind you that when the United States decided on George Washington to be the first leader of the United States, they were going to call him a king and he rejected it. He said a President shouldn't hold as much power as a king, and that a President is only a part of the head of government along with Congress and the Supreme Court.

Here is a copy of the letter that spells out how Trump's team says Trump can not obstruct Justice because he is Justice.

The Trump Lawyers’ Confidential Memo to Mueller, Explained

The far left thinks that the president is above the law, especially in their support of Obama.

Then when someone not far left becomes president they suddenly question it.

You want that to be true but in FACT, you cannot prove any such thing.

Stay on topic.

pismoe I know you enjoy the passive-aggressive trolling of using the funny button on my posts, but I'm warning you now, this is Zone 2 politics and if you continue to do it, I will report you.
------------------------------------ go ahead , report , And by the way mods , i didn't know that it was against the rules to give the funny on this forum so let me apologize for breaking a rule . ------------ thankyou --- Pismo
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I would have agreed that no president is above the law.


then came Obama.

The silence of the left convinced me that any president....or even any "president" can do as they fucking well please and nobody has any right to bitch.

What went around has come around.

Suck it up snowflakettes.
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President Trump's new defense against the Mueller probe is that he is above the law. Not only that, but he IS THE LAW. He can do whatever he wants and can not be prosecuted for it. Do you think the President of the United States holds that much power?

Let me remind you that when the United States decided on George Washington to be the first leader of the United States, they were going to call him a king and he rejected it. He said a President shouldn't hold as much power as a king, and that a President is only a part of the head of government along with Congress and the Supreme Court.

Here is a copy of the letter that spells out how Trump's team says Trump can not obstruct Justice because he is Justice.

The Trump Lawyers’ Confidential Memo to Mueller, Explained
You know the president has the authority to FIRE MUELLERS ASS don't you? The only thing stopping him is politics. Personally, I wish he'd end this nonsense. Most of the country knows this is all about protecting Clinton from jail.
It doesn’t matter what anyone ‘thinks.’

It is a fact that no president is above the law (see United States v. Nixon (1974)).

If you could just find a law he broke, maybe then you would make sense. Just because you don’t like him isn’t a crime, go sit in your safe space for a few more years.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
------------------------------------- i think that Doc is closest to being correct . Impeach the President then go after criminal proceedings after impeachment . While not the KING that was rejected by Washington the President has powers very close to a KING Lew . [imo] --- [how could it be otherwise??]

It's not even close to being a King. Not even by a country mile.
---------------------------------------- you make an assertion or give an OPINION that i disagree with and i see yer assertion as BS Lewdog .

If you think the President of the United States has the same powers as a King you failed civics class in junior high school.
------------------------------------------- I didn't say that TRUMP 'is' a king , i said that he as main man and 'cic' of the USA he has power approaching a 'kings' power . It gets annoying having lefty judges and people like YOU going after the TRUMP Lew .

His powers aren't anything close to approaching a king's power. Again, you are totally lost.
------------------------------------------------- says YOU Lew . But , looks like the President has a lawyers letter saying that he is immune from many of the things that YOU cry about Lew . So go ahead , challenge the lawyers letter in court Lew .
President Trump's new defense against the Mueller probe is that he is above the law. Not only that, but he IS THE LAW. He can do whatever he wants and can not be prosecuted for it. Do you think the President of the United States holds that much power?

Let me remind you that when the United States decided on George Washington to be the first leader of the United States, they were going to call him a king and he rejected it. He said a President shouldn't hold as much power as a king, and that a President is only a part of the head of government along with Congress and the Supreme Court.

Here is a copy of the letter that spells out how Trump's team says Trump can not obstruct Justice because he is Justice.

The Trump Lawyers’ Confidential Memo to Mueller, Explained
You know the president has the authority to FIRE MUELLERS ASS don't you? The only thing stopping him is politics. Personally, I wish he'd end this nonsense. Most of the country knows this is all about protecting Clinton from jail.


Who the fuck cares about Clinton, except for the obsessed Trump supporters who still need someone to point at and call villain?
President Trump's new defense against the Mueller probe is that he is above the law. Not only that, but he IS THE LAW. He can do whatever he wants and can not be prosecuted for it. Do you think the President of the United States holds that much power?

Let me remind you that when the United States decided on George Washington to be the first leader of the United States, they were going to call him a king and he rejected it. He said a President shouldn't hold as much power as a king, and that a President is only a part of the head of government along with Congress and the Supreme Court.

Here is a copy of the letter that spells out how Trump's team says Trump can not obstruct Justice because he is Justice.

The Trump Lawyers’ Confidential Memo to Mueller, Explained
I hold that illegal aliens aren't either , but they get entire cities and states giving them sanctuaries. By people that otherwise hold a different standard of lies and honesty and lawfulness when it comes to Trump. One rich guy ,Trump is a lying scoundrel. Illegal aliens that violate immigration law by the millions, they are victims. We need to stop enabling one type of liar and turn around and bash other liars.

How are those two thing related?
ahhem. The title of this thread "Is the president is above the law", well we circumvent (federal) law by allowing sanctuary cities to even by extension and or implication, why can't the president be above the law?
President Trump's new defense against the Mueller probe is that he is above the law. Not only that, but he IS THE LAW. He can do whatever he wants and can not be prosecuted for it. Do you think the President of the United States holds that much power?

Let me remind you that when the United States decided on George Washington to be the first leader of the United States, they were going to call him a king and he rejected it. He said a President shouldn't hold as much power as a king, and that a President is only a part of the head of government along with Congress and the Supreme Court.

Here is a copy of the letter that spells out how Trump's team says Trump can not obstruct Justice because he is Justice.

The Trump Lawyers’ Confidential Memo to Mueller, Explained

If the President is named Clinton or Obama more than likely the answer is yes.
It's not even close to being a King. Not even by a country mile.
---------------------------------------- you make an assertion or give an OPINION that i disagree with and i see yer assertion as BS Lewdog .

If you think the President of the United States has the same powers as a King you failed civics class in junior high school.
------------------------------------------- I didn't say that TRUMP 'is' a king , i said that he as main man and 'cic' of the USA he has power approaching a 'kings' power . It gets annoying having lefty judges and people like YOU going after the TRUMP Lew .

His powers aren't anything close to approaching a king's power. Again, you are totally lost.
------------------------------------------------- says YOU Lew . But , looks like the President has a lawyers letter saying that heis immune from many of the things that YOU cry about Lew . So go ahead , challange the lawyers letter Lew .

Have you read the letter? Have you watched any news about this?
pismoe I know you enjoy the passive-aggressive trolling of using the funny button on my posts, but I'm warning you now, this is Zone 2 politics and if you continue to do it, I will report you.
------------------------------------ go ahead , report , And by the way mods , i didn't know that it was against the rules to give the funny on this forum so let me apologize for breaking a rule . ------------ thankyou --- Pismo

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