Do you think Trump would have won if?

Would Trump have won if?

  • Trump won anyway, but yes, not question

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters
The republicans told Nixon he had to go.
That was before Republicans lost their spine and joined the cult. :rolleyes-41:
Yes. That was when republicans put their country ahead of their party. When politics stopped at the nations shores. Where their goal was to "govern" and not to obstruct.
They went from their contract with America saying what they would do. To the McConnell, "make him a one term president" plan of just obstructing everything the other party tried to do.
They also found that Bush illegally spied on everyone.

I did expect more out of Obama.

Obama wasn't perfect - Just 36 spots above the Worst EVER
The scary part is that view by Historians was before COVID, before Trumps post election disruption and before the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol

History will not be kind to Trump or those who pandered to him or voted for him
Let's imagine for a moment mainstream media supported Trump instead of Biden because they're conservative instead.

They wouldn't have assaulted Trump with 24/7 BS propaganda since before his election, but never mind that. Let's say they do Biden as they do Trump, but the kicker is in Biden's case it's all true. So, 24/7 Biden instead of Trump, and here it goes.

Biden has a history of making racist remarks.

Biden supported legislation segregating blacks.

45 years & Biden is a politician ONLY. His only real accomplishments is plagiarizing, and he demonstrates a history of outright lies concerning his accomplishments.

Biden sold out his family who were tragically killed used as a sale's pitch. The biggest liar on Earth and he's clearly morally corrupt.

Biden talks to people like a fucking asshole, which also demonstrates he's a coward. He speaks to everyone like they're beneath him & don't need to know.

Meanwhile Biden hasn't accomplished dick.

Biden is a creepy, he feels he's entitled to paw young girls and women he's never met.

Biden's son is also very creepy, figure Joe on cocaine. Hunter is clearly morally corrupt, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Biden uses his influence in Ukraine to help "his son's" business ventures.

Biden uses his influence throughout the world to help "his son's" business ventures of which the big guy gets 10%.

Biden is clearly in serious cognitive decline, and unfit to do anything beyond walking his dog assuming he doesn't break another foot.

Biden's connections throughout the world 24/7 news.

Yeah it was Hunter's laptop.

Biden accusations of sexual misconduct, yeah go figure, he paws young girls too.

Kamala is clearly a sociopath, even her own party rejected her because she has the character a snake.

Biden selected the Kosher-Commie as his running mate because she's a black female, insulting both blacks & females.

So at this point does Trump win? How about?

Democrats exploited COVID to influence the election.

Democrats exploited racism & riots (Floyd etc) to influence the election.

Democrats used fear & fraud to influence an election.

At this point does Trump win? Remember, we're playing MSM prefers Trump, so how about?

Trump is the most accomplished POTUS in history. Changes positive for the best interests the country he serves.

The establishment detests Trump, we're REAL REPORTING now and Trump is an outsider.

Trump has GREAT taste in women, first rate. Stormy Daniels was just a thing, who cares who he fucks so long as he's doing a bitchen job.

Trump's blunt honesty is refreshing. It's also refreshing our leader is not a politician, especially a career politician like Xiden.

Trump was a success in business, Democrats get rich after they've been elected POTUS.

Left entertains the lowest common denominators and attempt to make them mainstream.

Left sucks ass.

Oh, and pretend conservatives run education systems too. Our only political influence is we teach people how to read between the lines on Demoncrats

At this point does Trump win?

Democrats exploited Covid. Sorry, but Trump gave them that. He so ineptly handled the Covid crisis that he gave that to the Democrats on a civil platter.

Democrats exploited racism and riots. That is on Trump too. Good people on both sides. Hell, he all but promoted white supremacists while in the White House. And he did nothing, absolutely nothing, as the country went on a rampage because of the unequal treatment of blacks by law enforcement. No empathy for those effected. Hell, he wanted to act like it didn't happen. So yeah, that one is on him too.

And then there is the claim that Trump is a good businessman. Bullshit. He is terrible. I wouldn't want him running a damn lemonade stand. How many times has he declared bankruptcy. I mean don't get me wrong, successful people sometime have some failures before success. But not what, three times? I mean did he not learn anything the first time. Hell, odds are he will do it again. Not really seeing him able to make the loan payments coming due in the next couple of years and damn sure not seeing him getting any concessions from the lenders. Most have already cut his ass off.

I mean here is the thing. If Trump would have just taken what his father left him and gave him, and deposited that into an index fund, and then spent all day every day, partying and chasing porn stars, HE WOULD HAVE MORE MONEY.

I mean he tried to start a water company, failed. A vodka, failed. Jesus, how damn hard is it to sell water or vodka? And then there were Trump steaks. Look, if you eat your steak well-done with ketchup, yeah, you probably should not start a steak company. He wouldn't know a good steak if it walked up and bit him in the ass.
Being like you I'm going to make an estimate here.
Trump is STILL far more WEALTHY than you!
He also has done something I'm sure you haven't even thought of, i.e. being President of the USA.
But keep showing people the idiocy of anti-trumpers and your tremendous ignorance.

He's a crappy businessman as witnessed by umpteen bankruptcies despite umpteen bailouts by Daddy and an inheritance of somewhere in the neighborhood of half a billion in today's dollars.

Financial experts agree the if he'd simply invested Daddy Fred's windfall in index funds and waddled around his golf courses, he'd be twice as rich.

Which is not to say much - His "brand" is now crap, he has half a billion in personally guaranteed notes coming due in next 2 years, he's got legal problems up the yang, and NOBODY is interested in loaning him money anymore including Deutsche.

Destitute within two years. :)
They also found that Bush illegally spied on everyone.

I did expect more out of Obama.

Obama wasn't perfect - Just 36 spots above the Worst EVER
The scary part is that view by Historians was before COVID, before Trumps post election disruption and before the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol

History will not be kind to Trump or those who pandered to him or voted for him
It was not an attack. The lies about that were to distract from the real reason people were there. They were there to get Congress to investigate fraud. Congress knew 40% of voters were questioning the elections integrity. They did nothing. That was the attack that day. An attack on democracy but for real this time.
The scary part is that view by Historians was before COVID, before Trumps post election disruption and before the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol

History will not be kind to Trump or those who pandered to him or voted for him

Yep - History 50 years from now will hopefully teach our younguns that we very nearly became an autocracy ruled by a fucking dictator. A "King of PAIN" for the American people #ItsTheirSoulUpThere

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He's a crappy businessman as witnessed by umpteen bankruptcies despite umpteen bailouts by Daddy and an inheritance of somewhere in the neighborhood of half a billion in today's dollars.

Financial experts agree the if he'd simply invested Daddy Fred's windfall in index funds and waddled around his golf courses, he'd be twice as rich.

Which is not to say much - His "brand" is now crap, he has half a billion in personally guaranteed notes coming due in next 2 years, he's got legal problems up the yang, and NOBODY is interested in loaning him money anymore including Deutsche.

Destitute within two years. :)
Trump is fundraising like crazy. So far much more than $300 to $400 million.
The republicans told Nixon he had to go.
That was before Republicans lost their spine and joined the cult. :rolleyes-41:
Yes. That was when republicans put their country ahead of their party. When politics stopped at the nations shores. Where their goal was to "govern" and not to obstruct.
They went from their contract with America saying what they would do. To the McConnell, "make him a one term president" plan of just obstructing everything the other party tried to do.

Indeed - Twas their last stand which is why they feel the need to cheat.
It was not an attack. The lies about that were to distract from the real reason people were there. They were there to get Congress to investigate fraud.
They broke shit, injured 140 cops, killed a cop, and stole shit. If they were trying to get congresses attention, they should have just e-mailed their congressman, not threatened to kidnap or kill them.
Neat how Trump lost cuz economy, in PROG. We'll just disregard everything the left did and COVID too.

In the meantime, GDP grew more than 30% during Trump's 3rd qtr., but in PROG Trump failed us cuz of their feelings.

Let's pretend MSM flashed that historic growth favorable Trump. Trump wins and you know it.

If I were PROG I'd be a pussified snowflake deeply penetrated by 24/7 snakes. Pretty sure that would mean I'm dependent and mentally lazy, what you say?

Like I said......The 2019 economy would have elected Trump.

But the inept leadership in COVID and economic collapse destroyed any chance Trump had.


In what manner?

How did other countries do? China & such don't count of course. China is not a free country. Nor are we anymore in PROG.

Canada's GDP dropped at annualized rate of 38.7% between April and June: 2020.

It was not an attack. The lies about that were to distract from the real reason people were there. They were there to get Congress to investigate fraud.
They broke shit, injured 140 cops, killed a cop, and stole shit. If they were trying to get congresses attention, they should have just e-mailed their congressman, not threatened to kidnap or kill them.
They did not kill a cop. That is a lie. The other crap is minor compared to the Summer of Love where people were murdered. I believe close to 30 dead from those real insurrections.
They also found that Bush illegally spied on everyone.
I did expect more out of Obama.
The same patriot act was in effect. What did you expect?

The Patriot Act didn't approve of illegally spying. Besides, I expected Obama to dismantle it, not take it to the next level.

I also expected Obama to do what is right with Gitmo
He passed on it
The Patriot Act was meant to be a short term power
It is now going on 20 years

Actually closing Gitmo was Thug Obstructionism with Blue Dogs in opposition also ...
It was not an attack. The lies about that were to distract from the real reason people were there. They were there to get Congress to investigate fraud. Congress knew 40% of voters were questioning the elections integrity. They did nothing. That was the attack that day. An attack on democracy but for real this time.

Apparently they "hugged and kissed" those Capitol Cops to death huh? :icon_rolleyes:
PS: You're an idiot
The scary part is that view by Historians was before COVID, before Trumps post election disruption and before the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol

History will not be kind to Trump or those who pandered to him or voted for him

Yep - History 50 years from now will hopefully teach our younguns that we very nearly became an autocracy ruled by a fucking dictator. A "King of PAIN" for the American people #ItsTheirSoulUpThere

Can you articulate the why in causes for that conclusion? NOPE, but give it a try. Until you do it's easy to assume you're just a parrot.
It was not an attack. The lies about that were to distract from the real reason people were there. They were there to get Congress to investigate fraud. Congress knew 40% of voters were questioning the elections integrity. They did nothing. That was the attack that day. An attack on democracy but for real this time.

Apparently they "hugged and kissed" those Capitol Cops to death huh? :icon_rolleyes:
PS: You're an idiot
Show me how one was murdered. Where is your proof?

PS you are a liar.
Say left, how come when black thugs are killed by white police it's a racial story & serves rioting, but when a black kills an unarmed woman in the Capital it's a different story? Scratch that one, see what you can come up with.
Can you articulate the why in causes for that conclusion? NOPE, but give it a try. Until you do it's easy to assume you're just a parrot.

Let me demonstrate your problematic affliction with a simple toon.


I didn't need validation you couldn't, only a fellow PROG might hope that you could. But your confirmation of my point is pretty sweet.
Say left, how come when black thugs are killed by white police it's a racial story & serves rioting, but when a black kills an unarmed woman in the Capital it's a different story? Scratch that one, see what you can come up with.

Those of us on sane right to center left condemn ALL violence. You kids?
Not so much so long as it serves your interest.
Stock up and bunker up - Loon

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