Do you think Trump would have won if?

Would Trump have won if?

  • Trump won anyway, but yes, not question

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters
Democrats picked the perfect candidate to beat Trump

Experienced, non controversial and well liked Joe Biden.
No drama, no extremist views

If they selected Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, Trump could have won
Trump won. Trump was defrauded. Admit it. You do not care election integrity is gone. You do not care about this country. Please stop acting like you do. Only idiots believe you.

Not encouraging your silly fantasies
Not a fantasy liar. It will be proven.

It is a hard lesson I learned in dealing with the 9-11 Truth posters. If you treat them seriously and try to deal in facts and logic......they just embrace their fantasy.

Best not to encourage them
It is a hard lesson I learned in dealing with the 9-11 Truth posters. If you treat them seriously and try to deal in facts and logic......they just embrace their fantasy.

Best not to encourage them
The difference is that it only took a few "deep state" agencies to pull off 9-11.

While voter fraud in 2020, would have taken most of the executive and judicial branches to be behind it. Both at the federal and state levels.
Democrats picked the perfect candidate to beat Trump

Experienced, non controversial and well liked Joe Biden.
No drama, no extremist views

If they selected Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, Trump could have won
Trump won. Trump was defrauded. Admit it. You do not care election integrity is gone. You do not care about this country. Please stop acting like you do. Only idiots believe you.

Quit being stupid. No president has ever been re-elected with the approval ratings Trump had. Not even damn close. If he had won, well now THAT would be screaming for an investigation in to voter fraud.

Here is the deal. Trump knew what his approval ratings were. He knew he didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. So he told his supporters not to vote absentee and not to vote early. Or vote twice, cause he did that a few times. He was laying the seed for the damn fraud fantasy he was going to perpetuate. In a real sense, he was planning a coup. Because there is one thing that Trump has banked on, and quite successfully for a while. STUPID ASS PEOPLE. Hell, they are every damn where. But get a damn grip, cleanse thyself from the stupidity. Pull your head out of your ass and take a real look at the political landscape immediately before the election. It don't take a rocket scientist to figure this shit out.

Another thing Trump banked on was loyal Judges.
The lower courts that he packed with conservatives and a 6-3 Supreme Court with three Judges owing their seats to him.

He assumed he could bring any unfounded conspiracy to “His Judges” and they would overturn the results.

He was shocked that they actually followed the law.
It is important to remember that there is a big difference between stealing and winning. Beijing Biden did not "win" shit.
Another thing Trump banked on was loyal Judges.
The lower courts that he packed with conservatives and a 6-3 Supreme Court with three Judges owing their seats to him.

He assumed he could bring any unfounded conspiracy to “His Judges” and they would overturn the results.

He was shocked that they actually followed the law.
This is why Trump put such a premium on loyalty. He thought everybody was a crooked as he was, and would break the law out of "loyalty" to him.

Even Barr couldn't cross that line when it was clear that what Trump wanted would be clearly illegal.

Same with Mike Pence, and the counting of the electoral ballots.
It is important to remember that there is a big difference between stealing and winning. Beijing Biden did not "win" shit.
There's a big difference between 81 million votes and 74 million votes.

There's a big difference between 306 electoral votes and 232 electoral votes.
It is important to remember that there is a big difference between stealing and winning. Beijing Biden did not "win" shit.
There's a big difference between 81 million votes and 74 million votes.

There's a big difference between 306 electoral votes and 232 electoral votes.
It is important to remember that there is a big difference between stealing and winning. Beijing Biden did not "win" shit.
It is important to remember that there is a big difference between stealing and winning. Beijing Biden did not "win" shit.
That seems to be the argument of those flying the stars and bars.

The North didn't "win"
The Patriot Act didn't approve of illegally spying.

Surveillance Under the USA/PATRIOT Act | American Civil ... › other › surveillance-under-usapa...

The Patriot Act increases the government's power to spy in four areas · Records searches. It expands the government's ability to look at records on an individual's ...
1. Expanded Access To... · ‎2. More Secret Searches · ‎3. Expansion Of The...

Under the Patriot Act, the FBI can secretly conduct a physical search or wiretap on American citizens to obtain evidence of crime without proving probable cause, as the Fourth Amendment explicitly requires. ..
The Patriot Act didn't approve of illegally spying.

Surveillance Under the USA/PATRIOT Act | American Civil ... › other › surveillance-under-usapa...

The Patriot Act increases the government's power to spy in four areas · Records searches. It expands the government's ability to look at records on an individual's ...
1. Expanded Access To... · ‎2. More Secret Searches · ‎3. Expansion Of The...

Under the Patriot Act, the FBI can secretly conduct a physical search or wiretap on American citizens to obtain evidence of crime without proving probable cause, as the Fourth Amendment explicitly requires. ..

I expected more.out of Obama. He showed he was no better than Bush.
Let's imagine for a moment mainstream media supported Trump instead of Biden because they're conservative instead.

They wouldn't have assaulted Trump with 24/7 BS propaganda since before his election, but never mind that. Let's say they do Biden as they do Trump, but the kicker is in Biden's case it's all true. So, 24/7 Biden instead of Trump, and here it goes.

Biden has a history of making racist remarks.

Biden supported legislation segregating blacks.

45 years & Biden is a politician ONLY. His only real accomplishments is plagiarizing, and he demonstrates a history of outright lies concerning his accomplishments.

Biden sold out his family who were tragically killed used as a sale's pitch. The biggest liar on Earth and he's clearly morally corrupt.

Biden talks to people like a fucking asshole, which also demonstrates he's a coward. He speaks to everyone like they're beneath him & don't need to know.

Meanwhile Biden hasn't accomplished dick.

Biden is a creepy, he feels he's entitled to paw young girls and women he's never met.

Biden's son is also very creepy, figure Joe on cocaine. Hunter is clearly morally corrupt, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Biden uses his influence in Ukraine to help "his son's" business ventures.

Biden uses his influence throughout the world to help "his son's" business ventures of which the big guy gets 10%.

Biden is clearly in serious cognitive decline, and unfit to do anything beyond walking his dog assuming he doesn't break another foot.

Biden's connections throughout the world 24/7 news.

Yeah it was Hunter's laptop.

Biden accusations of sexual misconduct, yeah go figure, he paws young girls too.

Kamala is clearly a sociopath, even her own party rejected her because she has the character a snake.

Biden selected the Kosher-Commie as his running mate because she's a black female, insulting both blacks & females.

So at this point does Trump win? How about?

Democrats exploited COVID to influence the election.

Democrats exploited racism & riots (Floyd etc) to influence the election.

Democrats used fear & fraud to influence an election.

At this point does Trump win? Remember, we're playing MSM prefers Trump, so how about?

Trump is the most accomplished POTUS in history. Changes positive for the best interests the country he serves.

The establishment detests Trump, we're REAL REPORTING now and Trump is an outsider.

Trump has GREAT taste in women, first rate. Stormy Daniels was just a thing, who cares who he fucks so long as he's doing a bitchen job.

Trump's blunt honesty is refreshing. It's also refreshing our leader is not a politician, especially a career politician like Xiden.

Trump was a success in business, Democrats get rich after they've been elected POTUS.

Left entertains the lowest common denominators and attempt to make them mainstream.

Left sucks ass.

Oh, and pretend conservatives run education systems too. Our only political influence is we teach people how to read between the lines on Demoncrats

At this point does Trump win?
To verify your contention...Were you aware the MSM donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and when she lost they spent the next 4 years doing
what this expert said was something he'd never seen in 35 years. So to MAKE sure Trump was beat the MSM again donated 90% to Biden/Democrats in 2020!
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.
Let's imagine for a moment mainstream media supported Trump instead of Biden because they're conservative instead.

They wouldn't have assaulted Trump with 24/7 BS propaganda since before his election, but never mind that. Let's say they do Biden as they do Trump, but the kicker is in Biden's case it's all true. So, 24/7 Biden instead of Trump, and here it goes.

Biden has a history of making racist remarks.

Biden supported legislation segregating blacks.

45 years & Biden is a politician ONLY. His only real accomplishments is plagiarizing, and he demonstrates a history of outright lies concerning his accomplishments.

Biden sold out his family who were tragically killed used as a sale's pitch. The biggest liar on Earth and he's clearly morally corrupt.

Biden talks to people like a fucking asshole, which also demonstrates he's a coward. He speaks to everyone like they're beneath him & don't need to know.

Meanwhile Biden hasn't accomplished dick.

Biden is a creepy, he feels he's entitled to paw young girls and women he's never met.

Biden's son is also very creepy, figure Joe on cocaine. Hunter is clearly morally corrupt, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Biden uses his influence in Ukraine to help "his son's" business ventures.

Biden uses his influence throughout the world to help "his son's" business ventures of which the big guy gets 10%.

Biden is clearly in serious cognitive decline, and unfit to do anything beyond walking his dog assuming he doesn't break another foot.

Biden's connections throughout the world 24/7 news.

Yeah it was Hunter's laptop.

Biden accusations of sexual misconduct, yeah go figure, he paws young girls too.

Kamala is clearly a sociopath, even her own party rejected her because she has the character a snake.

Biden selected the Kosher-Commie as his running mate because she's a black female, insulting both blacks & females.

So at this point does Trump win? How about?

Democrats exploited COVID to influence the election.

Democrats exploited racism & riots (Floyd etc) to influence the election.

Democrats used fear & fraud to influence an election.

At this point does Trump win? Remember, we're playing MSM prefers Trump, so how about?

Trump is the most accomplished POTUS in history. Changes positive for the best interests the country he serves.

The establishment detests Trump, we're REAL REPORTING now and Trump is an outsider.

Trump has GREAT taste in women, first rate. Stormy Daniels was just a thing, who cares who he fucks so long as he's doing a bitchen job.

Trump's blunt honesty is refreshing. It's also refreshing our leader is not a politician, especially a career politician like Xiden.

Trump was a success in business, Democrats get rich after they've been elected POTUS.

Left entertains the lowest common denominators and attempt to make them mainstream.

Left sucks ass.

Oh, and pretend conservatives run education systems too. Our only political influence is we teach people how to read between the lines on Demoncrats

At this point does Trump win?

Democrats exploited Covid. Sorry, but Trump gave them that. He so ineptly handled the Covid crisis that he gave that to the Democrats on a civil platter.

Democrats exploited racism and riots. That is on Trump too. Good people on both sides. Hell, he all but promoted white supremacists while in the White House. And he did nothing, absolutely nothing, as the country went on a rampage because of the unequal treatment of blacks by law enforcement. No empathy for those effected. Hell, he wanted to act like it didn't happen. So yeah, that one is on him too.

And then there is the claim that Trump is a good businessman. Bullshit. He is terrible. I wouldn't want him running a damn lemonade stand. How many times has he declared bankruptcy. I mean don't get me wrong, successful people sometime have some failures before success. But not what, three times? I mean did he not learn anything the first time. Hell, odds are he will do it again. Not really seeing him able to make the loan payments coming due in the next couple of years and damn sure not seeing him getting any concessions from the lenders. Most have already cut his ass off.

I mean here is the thing. If Trump would have just taken what his father left him and gave him, and deposited that into an index fund, and then spent all day every day, partying and chasing porn stars, HE WOULD HAVE MORE MONEY.

I mean he tried to start a water company, failed. A vodka, failed. Jesus, how damn hard is it to sell water or vodka? And then there were Trump steaks. Look, if you eat your steak well-done with ketchup, yeah, you probably should not start a steak company. He wouldn't know a good steak if it walked up and bit him in the ass.
Being like you I'm going to make an estimate here.
Trump is STILL far more WEALTHY than you!
He also has done something I'm sure you haven't even thought of, i.e. being President of the USA.
But keep showing people the idiocy of anti-trumpers and your tremendous ignorance.
Neat how Trump lost cuz economy, in PROG. We'll just disregard everything the left did and COVID too.

In the meantime, GDP grew more than 30% during Trump's 3rd qtr., but in PROG Trump failed us cuz of their feelings.

Let's pretend MSM flashed that historic growth favorable Trump. Trump wins and you know it.

If I were PROG I'd be a pussified snowflake deeply penetrated by 24/7 snakes. Pretty sure that would mean I'm dependent and mentally lazy, what you say?
Another thing Trump banked on was loyal Judges.
The lower courts that he packed with conservatives and a 6-3 Supreme Court with three Judges owing their seats to him.

He assumed he could bring any unfounded conspiracy to “His Judges” and they would overturn the results.

He was shocked that they actually followed the law.
This is why Trump put such a premium on loyalty. He thought everybody was a crooked as he was, and would break the law out of "loyalty" to him.

Even Barr couldn't cross that line when it was clear that what Trump wanted would be clearly illegal.

Same with Mike Pence, and the counting of the electoral ballots.

What he assumed the courts would do for him was bad enough.

But Mike Pence?
That was just bizarre.

Not just that Pence is a Dudley Doright but that there is no way a Vice President has the power to overturn the election results of the States.
When Pence said No......Trump sent an angry mob to get him
Democrats picked the perfect candidate to beat Trump

Experienced, non controversial and well liked Joe Biden.
No drama, no extremist views

If they selected Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, Trump could have won
Trump won. Trump was defrauded. Admit it. You do not care election integrity is gone. You do not care about this country. Please stop acting like you do. Only idiots believe you.

Not encouraging your silly fantasies
Not a fantasy liar. It will be proven.

It is a hard lesson I learned in dealing with the 9-11 Truth posters. If you treat them seriously and try to deal in facts and logic......they just embrace their fantasy.

Best not to encourage them
The facts point to fraud. The historical differences, the stopping of the count. The refusal to turn over ballots and machines. You lie has been shot down so many times I have lost count.
Neat how Trump lost cuz economy, in PROG. We'll just disregard everything the left did and COVID too.

In the meantime, GDP grew more than 30% during Trump's 3rd qtr., but in PROG Trump failed us cuz of their feelings.

Let's pretend MSM flashed that historic growth favorable Trump. Trump wins and you know it.

If I were PROG I'd be a pussified snowflake deeply penetrated by 24/7 snakes. Pretty sure that would mean I'm dependent and mentally lazy, what you say?

Like I said......The 2019 economy would have elected Trump.

But the inept leadership in COVID and economic collapse destroyed any chance Trump had.
Being like you I'm going to make an estimate here.
Trump is STILL far more WEALTHY than you!
He also has done something I'm sure you haven't even thought of, i.e. being President of the USA.
But keep showing people the idiocy of anti-trumpers and your tremendous ignorance.
That wasn't always true. At one point Trump famously told Ivanka that he was so far in debt, that the homeless guy on the corner was worth more than he was.
Democrats picked the perfect candidate to beat Trump

Experienced, non controversial and well liked Joe Biden.
No drama, no extremist views

If they selected Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, Trump could have won
Trump won. Trump was defrauded. Admit it. You do not care election integrity is gone. You do not care about this country. Please stop acting like you do. Only idiots believe you.

Not encouraging your silly fantasies
Not a fantasy liar. It will be proven.

It is a hard lesson I learned in dealing with the 9-11 Truth posters. If you treat them seriously and try to deal in facts and logic......they just embrace their fantasy.

Best not to encourage them
The facts point to fraud. The historical differences, the stopping of the count. The refusal to turn over ballots and machines. You lie has been shot down so many times I have lost count.

Again, sorry
But not engaging in your fantasies

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