Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works

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Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
You saw it used firsthand?
In the early days, but I can’t remember the last time I saw it used.
Did it work?
Hard to know.
Therein lies the problem.
Exactly. It requires rigorous analysis.
My thought is if there are no to minimal side effects then take it. But I am not a doctor. I have had COVID. Didn't need drugs to get rid of it.

The real issue is that our country is fat and unhealthy and neither party is discussing it. Fattest country in the world. It is a shame. And what do we do? We close all the gyms but leave liquor stores open and now deliver food in multiple ways. So we get fatter and more unhealthy, which is what virus prey on.

Pretty stupid.

The reason the USA is fat and unhealthy is that people don't have cheap access to health care for all. Access to emergency rooms or free clinics is not the same thing as having a good GP, and a team of specialists, as needed who track your health, your care, and to get on your ass to make heathier choices.
You fat loser. You don't need access to healthcare if you exercise and eat right. ZERO to do with healthcare. It is 99% diet. Please don't opine when I post. Your posts kill more brain cells than alcohol. Most people in the US have insurance and they are still fat.

Yeah, you go with that nutcase...

I'll go with an informed doctor...

LMAO @ the Daily Beast ...

You keep parroting the Fake News MSM ....

We ALL understand Leftist ARE NOT capable of independent thought !!!

SMH @ all crazy shit Leftist believe .....

Her sermons are publicly available.

You guys should be embarrassed.
Ok stick to the argument.. or can you? Lol
The argument is you’re glomming onto a fringe doctor without having any idea who she is.
Ok how does that disprove her 350 patients that recovered because of trumps miracle drug? Stick to the argument if you want to talk to her personal life go start another thread
When she presents proof of it, we can talk. But I wouldn’t take the word of someone with such fringe views.
She did, google keeps deleting it

The Tech giants promised that they would delete any info that didn't exactly concur with the Chinese-WHO findings.
They keep their promises pretty well.
Almost as well as they keep bubble people in the dark.
You idiots are why this country is so dysfunctional.
youre projecting again,,,
Says the people promoting a doctor who claims ovarian cysts are from demon sex and ridiculing anyone who points this out.

I wish that were sarcasm, but that’s what’s actually happening here.
so when you cant prove the message wrong you attack the messenger,,,,figures,,,
Well, her entire message relies on her credibility so it’s necessary to assess.
no it doesnt,,and there are other opinions that match hers,,,
Sure it does. She tells me she’s cured hundreds with hydroxychloroquine. Should I believe her?
Not just cured hundreds -- but claims a 100% success rate.
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
You saw it used firsthand?
In the early days, but I can’t remember the last time I saw it used.
Did it work?
Hard to know.
Therein lies the problem.
Exactly. It requires rigorous analysis.
My thought is if there are no to minimal side effects then take it. But I am not a doctor. I have had COVID. Didn't need drugs to get rid of it.

The real issue is that our country is fat and unhealthy and neither party is discussing it. Fattest country in the world. It is a shame. And what do we do? We close all the gyms but leave liquor stores open and now deliver food in multiple ways. So we get fatter and more unhealthy, which is what virus prey on.

Pretty stupid.
We need to focus on what works.
What works is getting the country healthy. Proactive not reactive. If we were healthier like say Japan, we would have fewer deaths and severe cases. No one wants to talk about that though. We are fat. Republicans, Independents, Democrats. F...A....T....!!!!!

Disgustingly so. If we cannot agree on that, colfax, we cannot agree on anything.

While we as a country are overweight
Japan is a small homogenous society
Easier to be healthy.

They have an alcohol problem.
With all the poo-pooing of the Trump Treatment for Corona, the libs would take it themselves if they were stricken with it. Over in Europe, the beloved Eurotrash take it openly in spite of their liberal orthodoxy and hatred of Trump.

Just like the Liberal Antisemites took the polio shot, even though Salk was an Israelite.

I will give Cofax and Fuan credit
I believe that they would kill themselves before acknowledging anything President Trump said was right.
I least I hope so.
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
You saw it used firsthand?
In the early days, but I can’t remember the last time I saw it used.
Did it work?
Hard to know.
Therein lies the problem.
Exactly. It requires rigorous analysis.
My thought is if there are no to minimal side effects then take it. But I am not a doctor. I have had COVID. Didn't need drugs to get rid of it.

The real issue is that our country is fat and unhealthy and neither party is discussing it. Fattest country in the world. It is a shame. And what do we do? We close all the gyms but leave liquor stores open and now deliver food in multiple ways. So we get fatter and more unhealthy, which is what virus prey on.

Pretty stupid.
We need to focus on what works.
What works is getting the country healthy. Proactive not reactive. If we were healthier like say Japan, we would have fewer deaths and severe cases. No one wants to talk about that though. We are fat. Republicans, Independents, Democrats. F...A....T....!!!!!

Disgustingly so. If we cannot agree on that, colfax, we cannot agree on anything.
Obviously we’d be better off healthier but if that’s not really going to address our current crisis in any meaningful way.
But could prevent future ones. Closing gyms while keeping liquor stores open and delivering cheap fatty foods to people stuck at home is a recipe for disaster. Do your research. Skinnier countries are faring much better than we are. Wonder why....?

Diabetes is mostly due to people being fat and diabetes significantly destroys one's ability to fight infections. Hence COVID-19 kills those people. No one talks about that. Get skinnier!!! Every pound counts. Why can we not start now?
Lets do today’s work today. We are fighting a pandemic now. Don’t get ahead of yourself. The last thing we need is putting the overweight unhealthy people into gyms where the virus would have a very high rate of spread, and that’s even if we could get them to go.
They can take walks, they can swim, they can eat healthier (less), they can curb alcohol intake. Your view is why nothing gets done. Kick the can....weak.

Virus would not spread faster in a gym than at a grocery store. Stop it.
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
You saw it used firsthand?
In the early days, but I can’t remember the last time I saw it used.
Did it work?
Hard to know.
Therein lies the problem.
Exactly. It requires rigorous analysis.
My thought is if there are no to minimal side effects then take it. But I am not a doctor. I have had COVID. Didn't need drugs to get rid of it.

The real issue is that our country is fat and unhealthy and neither party is discussing it. Fattest country in the world. It is a shame. And what do we do? We close all the gyms but leave liquor stores open and now deliver food in multiple ways. So we get fatter and more unhealthy, which is what virus prey on.

Pretty stupid.
We need to focus on what works.
What works is getting the country healthy. Proactive not reactive. If we were healthier like say Japan, we would have fewer deaths and severe cases. No one wants to talk about that though. We are fat. Republicans, Independents, Democrats. F...A....T....!!!!!

Disgustingly so. If we cannot agree on that, colfax, we cannot agree on anything.

While we as a country are overweight
Japan is a small homogenous society
Easier to be healthy.

They have an alcohol problem.

Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
You saw it used firsthand?
In the early days, but I can’t remember the last time I saw it used.
Did it work?
Hard to know.
Therein lies the problem.
Exactly. It requires rigorous analysis.
My thought is if there are no to minimal side effects then take it. But I am not a doctor. I have had COVID. Didn't need drugs to get rid of it.

The real issue is that our country is fat and unhealthy and neither party is discussing it. Fattest country in the world. It is a shame. And what do we do? We close all the gyms but leave liquor stores open and now deliver food in multiple ways. So we get fatter and more unhealthy, which is what virus prey on.

Pretty stupid.
We need to focus on what works.
What works is getting the country healthy. Proactive not reactive. If we were healthier like say Japan, we would have fewer deaths and severe cases. No one wants to talk about that though. We are fat. Republicans, Independents, Democrats. F...A....T....!!!!!

Disgustingly so. If we cannot agree on that, colfax, we cannot agree on anything.
Obviously we’d be better off healthier but if that’s not really going to address our current crisis in any meaningful way.
But could prevent future ones. Closing gyms while keeping liquor stores open and delivering cheap fatty foods to people stuck at home is a recipe for disaster. Do your research. Skinnier countries are faring much better than we are. Wonder why....?

Diabetes is mostly due to people being fat and diabetes significantly destroys one's ability to fight infections. Hence COVID-19 kills those people. No one talks about that. Get skinnier!!! Every pound counts. Why can we not start now?
Lets do today’s work today. We are fighting a pandemic now. Don’t get ahead of yourself. The last thing we need is putting the overweight unhealthy people into gyms where the virus would have a very high rate of spread, and that’s even if we could get them to go.
whos forcing overweight unhealthy people into gyms???
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
You saw it used firsthand?
In the early days, but I can’t remember the last time I saw it used.
Did it work?
Hard to know.
Therein lies the problem.
Exactly. It requires rigorous analysis.
My thought is if there are no to minimal side effects then take it. But I am not a doctor. I have had COVID. Didn't need drugs to get rid of it.

The real issue is that our country is fat and unhealthy and neither party is discussing it. Fattest country in the world. It is a shame. And what do we do? We close all the gyms but leave liquor stores open and now deliver food in multiple ways. So we get fatter and more unhealthy, which is what virus prey on.

Pretty stupid.
We need to focus on what works.
What works is getting the country healthy. Proactive not reactive. If we were healthier like say Japan, we would have fewer deaths and severe cases. No one wants to talk about that though. We are fat. Republicans, Independents, Democrats. F...A....T....!!!!!

Disgustingly so. If we cannot agree on that, colfax, we cannot agree on anything.

While we as a country are overweight
Japan is a small homogenous society
Easier to be healthy.

They have an alcohol problem.


Not that healthy after all.
Reason US is so terribly afflicted is because we are fat. Old and fat people are the ones dying from this. Few if any young and healthy (weight wise) people.
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
You saw it used firsthand?
In the early days, but I can’t remember the last time I saw it used.
Did it work?
Hard to know.
Therein lies the problem.
Exactly. It requires rigorous analysis.
My thought is if there are no to minimal side effects then take it. But I am not a doctor. I have had COVID. Didn't need drugs to get rid of it.

The real issue is that our country is fat and unhealthy and neither party is discussing it. Fattest country in the world. It is a shame. And what do we do? We close all the gyms but leave liquor stores open and now deliver food in multiple ways. So we get fatter and more unhealthy, which is what virus prey on.

Pretty stupid.

The reason the USA is fat and unhealthy is that people don't have cheap access to health care for all. Access to emergency rooms or free clinics is not the same thing as having a good GP, and a team of specialists, as needed who track your health, your care, and to get on your ass to make heathier choices.
thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard,,,
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

This woman has been completely debunked:

The clip focused on the testimony of a woman named Stella Immanuel, who received a medical license in Texas in November, according to state records. Immanuel did not return a request for comment.

Immanuel says she previously worked as a doctor in Nigeria and also calls herself a “Deliverance Minister” who is “God’s battle axe and weapon of war.” She has given sermons attacking progressive values and promoting conspiracy theories including, in her words, “the gay agenda, secular humanism, Illuminati and the demonic new world order.” Another doctor shown in the video, a noted Trump supporter, called Immanuel a “warrior.”

No where in that crap I just read debunked what was reported by doctors.. try again
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
You saw it used firsthand?
In the early days, but I can’t remember the last time I saw it used.
Did it work?
Hard to know.
Therein lies the problem.
Exactly. It requires rigorous analysis.
My thought is if there are no to minimal side effects then take it. But I am not a doctor. I have had COVID. Didn't need drugs to get rid of it.

The real issue is that our country is fat and unhealthy and neither party is discussing it. Fattest country in the world. It is a shame. And what do we do? We close all the gyms but leave liquor stores open and now deliver food in multiple ways. So we get fatter and more unhealthy, which is what virus prey on.

Pretty stupid.

The reason the USA is fat and unhealthy is that people don't have cheap access to health care for all. Access to emergency rooms or free clinics is not the same thing as having a good GP, and a team of specialists, as needed who track your health, your care, and to get on your ass to make heathier choices.
thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard,,,
You should read more of her posts. This doesn't even crack the top 10. She is an idiot.
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yeah, you go with that nutcase...

I'll go with an informed doctor...

Fauci has been wrong on everything about this virus. No wonder you prove yourself a dumbass everyday.
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
View attachment 368215are you calling her a liar?

No idea who she is or what she’s doing. I only know what the data shows, which in medicine is the only thing that should count.

The data for hydroxychloroquine shows its a tremendous drug, its 60 year history shows its as safe as mother's milk and almost as cheap.
Data like this ...?

Do you have a study of people that werent already on their deathbed with pre-existing conditions. Avg age 64 lol
Study was done in March lol
Do you have a comparative dosage?

This is what I have

350 patients Took Hydro! 100% survival rate..
your docs aren’t smart .. mine are
Um, you don't even have that. You have a quack claiming that.
So if they are lying how come they haven’t lost their license to practice health?
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
You saw it used firsthand?
In the early days, but I can’t remember the last time I saw it used.
Did it work?
Hard to know.
Therein lies the problem.
Exactly. It requires rigorous analysis.
My thought is if there are no to minimal side effects then take it. But I am not a doctor. I have had COVID. Didn't need drugs to get rid of it.

The real issue is that our country is fat and unhealthy and neither party is discussing it. Fattest country in the world. It is a shame. And what do we do? We close all the gyms but leave liquor stores open and now deliver food in multiple ways. So we get fatter and more unhealthy, which is what virus prey on.

Pretty stupid.

The reason the USA is fat and unhealthy is that people don't have cheap access to health care for all. Access to emergency rooms or free clinics is not the same thing as having a good GP, and a team of specialists, as needed who track your health, your care, and to get on your ass to make heathier choices.
thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard,,,
You should read more of her posts. This doesn't even crack the top 10. She is an idiot.
I try to avoid it for obvious reasons
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
View attachment 368215are you calling her a liar?

No idea who she is or what she’s doing. I only know what the data shows, which in medicine is the only thing that should count.
She's a quack whose webpage was taken down ... today...

Its not just her there were dozens of other doctors front line doctors that spoke to trumps miracle drug.
Quote them...
I can’t lefties that run social media keep deleting the quotes.. why?
Wut? The only place these quotes exist is on Twitter and Facebook?
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
You saw it used firsthand?
In the early days, but I can’t remember the last time I saw it used.
Did it work?
Hard to know.
Therein lies the problem.
Exactly. It requires rigorous analysis.

What I do know, is that we aren’t really using it and our mortality rate is improving.
Dr's are using off lable and getting great results.. Only left wing echo chambers are screaming at the sky and ignoring the facts.
You have stories like this, which are difficult to ignore.

They’re quite easy to ignore actually. Random doctors from their own little clinics make claims all the time that are not backed up the way they should be.

That’s not how evidence based medicine works.
Did you read his background? Very impressive. I do not believe he is lying.
This Dr Steven Smith is just some random community doctor. Same with this Dr Robin Armstrong and that random NY GP Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. What’s so impressive?
He went to Yale....pretty impressive.
In medicine, graduating medical school is barely the beginning of a career. If that’s all, then it’s not very impressive.
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
View attachment 368215are you calling her a liar?

No idea who she is or what she’s doing. I only know what the data shows, which in medicine is the only thing that should count.
She's a quack whose webpage was taken down ... today...

Its not just her there were dozens of other doctors front line doctors that spoke to trumps miracle drug.
Quote them...
I can’t lefties that run social media keep deleting the quotes.. why?
Wut? The only place these quotes exist is on Twitter and Facebook?
Well google deleted any way to gain information,, kinda like book burning .. why?
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
You saw it used firsthand?
In the early days, but I can’t remember the last time I saw it used.
Did it work?
Hard to know.
Therein lies the problem.
Exactly. It requires rigorous analysis.
My thought is if there are no to minimal side effects then take it. But I am not a doctor. I have had COVID. Didn't need drugs to get rid of it.

The real issue is that our country is fat and unhealthy and neither party is discussing it. Fattest country in the world. It is a shame. And what do we do? We close all the gyms but leave liquor stores open and now deliver food in multiple ways. So we get fatter and more unhealthy, which is what virus prey on.

Pretty stupid.

The reason the USA is fat and unhealthy is that people don't have cheap access to health care for all. Access to emergency rooms or free clinics is not the same thing as having a good GP, and a team of specialists, as needed who track your health, your care, and to get on your ass to make heathier choices.
thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard,,,
The unhealthiest people are the impoverished who have the least access. There’s a serious correlation between unhealthy activity and lack of medical access.
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