Doddering Biden Again Embarasses the Nation

Your denial of that which is abundantly obvious and crystal clear doesn’t speak well of your expertise, xponetiallyhackboi.

You remain not just a partisan hack bitch, but also totally lacking in any shred of cred.

Your inconsistent characterization of gaffes shows that you’re a partisan hack. When your guy does it, it’s a gaffe. When the other guy does it, it’s dementia.

Sorry kiddo. This isn’t complicated.
This one is stunning. Had it been a Republican POTUS they'd be running this on a loop at CNN, MSNBC, and elsewhere.

Had it been Trump they'd be writing bills of impeachment and demanding that he be 25th'd.

He embarrassed the nation.

it’s tough to watch…the smile is almost sinister…like boy did we play you
This one is stunning. Had it been a Republican POTUS they'd be running this on a loop at CNN, MSNBC, and elsewhere.

Had it been Trump they'd be writing bills of impeachment and demanding that he be 25th'd.

He embarrassed the nation.

39% approval rating. 66% of Independents believe he sucks.

Or because he would fail. Like he is failing our country according to most Americans. Pretty pathetic.
And if he didn’t fail the cognitive test, you guys would just whine that it was rigged. Like you crybabies do after each time you lose.

Not complicated.
I know what you would say. You would call it “bad optics” and entertain any baseless conspiracy theory nonsense when you don’t like the result.
You don’t know. You’re guessing. Not complicated. The optics for Biden are already bad. Hence his approval rating is 66% negative with independents. Not complicated.
You don’t know. You’re guessing. Not complicated. The optics for Biden are already bad. Hence his approval rating is 66% negative with independents. Not complicated.
Republicans aren’t hard to predict. You guys always make up conspiracy theories when you don’t like the result.
Republicans aren’t hard to predict. You guys always make up conspiracy theories when you don’t like the result.
I am one of those Independents. The rating is not a Republican rating. I am Speaking English. Not complicated. Yet you still don’t understand, leftist.
I am one of those Independents. The rating is not a Republican rating. I am Speaking English. Not complicated. Yet you still don’t understand, leftist.
What you want to call yourself isn’t my problem.

It doesn’t change the fact that you Republicans love to point to baseless conspiracy theories when you don’t like reality.
What you want to call yourself isn’t my problem.

It doesn’t change the fact that you Republicans love to point to baseless conspiracy theories when you don’t like reality.
It is your problem as you mislabel me. Not complicated. If it’s baseless then why is his approval rating at 39% and 66% of Independents believe he sucks? Do tell. Or is it too complicated?

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