Does America deserve to implode?

1) Yahweh is simply the ancient Hebrew name for God. The English version is Jehovah. Simply put: God
2) The Jews reject Jesus, but Jesus is God in the flesh. Jesus is "the Word" and "the Word was made flesh." The Jews reject that premise. Jesus can also go by the name Yahshua (there are various spellings).
3) Jesus (the Son), God (the Father), and the Holy Spirit make up the triune nature of God. Like a prism: A white light enters but 3 primary colors emerge.
4) All the same God. The Bible says there is one God ... not three Gods.

5) The role of Jesus Christ (Jesus = man, Christ = God) was to endure the hardships of the flesh but prove to man that it's possible to overcome the temptations of the flesh. The same temptations that we all endure. His role was to shed His blood for the sins of all mankind and open the door to redemption and salvation. His role was to conquer death as proven by His resurrection. His future role is to return to earth with His angels and cleanse the earth of evil and restore it to Eden-like conditions.
6) The role of the Holy Spirit is to comfort and teach and awaken mankind spiritually. He's the soft voice (metaphorically speaking) that whispers to us through our conscious or subconscious and opens our eyes to certain truths or inspires us to do one thing or another in a righteous manner. Most of us ignore or miss hearing that voice due to the world's distractions, but we can often discern it during or after sincere prayer.
7) God the Father begat the Son and the Holy Spirit proceeds from and through the Son. He (the Father) is considered omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (ever present), and omnipotent (all powerful).

There's a lot of religious dogma and speculation there, but this thread isn't about theology so I will refrain from debating this issue.
No, the next generations of Americans deserve the same freedoms and opportunities as we had. All of America does not deserve to implode because of the reckless actions and policies of the Democratic Party.
It's not just the Dems, it's the Repubs as well.
God the Father?
The Holy Ghost?
Mother Nature?

There are many many 'gods' that humans have worshiped. And worship now. It runs into the thousands.
And some worshipers are polytheistic.....they have several gods they believe in and worship in their fashion. (think of the Catholics with their trifecta of gods)

Yet, are you claiming you know which of that crowd of gods is the lucky winner?
Count me skeptical.
Skeptical that you know which one is which.
Skeptical that one is far superior to all of the others.


Rules such as? The 10 Commandments?
OK, we get that.

But wasn't their Biblical God also responsible for Deuteronomy 22:21?
The same "Biblical God" who would have your neighbors stone to death (on your porch, no less) your little Emily because she fooled around a little too far with the cute neighbor boy?

So you can keep that particular "Biblical God".
For thank you.
Probably for most fathers who love their little Emilys, or Marys, or Graces, or Olivias, and so on and so would be a 'No thank you.'
But you be you, poster Jackson.
You may not have a daughter, or two?
The real God is the one who created the universe. Many religions try to interpret or define Him.
Moses lived about 1,500 B.C., he wrote the 10 Commandments. The Old Testament was superseded by the New Testament.
Deuteronomy should be deleted from the Old Testament, based on the New Testament.
The real God is the one who created the universe. Many religions try to interpret or define Him.
Moses lived about 1,500 B.C., he wrote the 10 Commandments. The Old Testament was superseded by the New Testament.
Deuteronomy should be deleted from the Old Testament, based on the New Testament.
That's a Christian religious opinion.
7) God the Father begat the Son and the Holy Spirit proceeds from and through the Son. He (the Father) is considered

Omniscient? The Father is? But not the alleged son? And not the son of the son--the Holy Ghost?
Sounds a whole lot like pantheism. Have a squad of gods to help one out.

Your version of 'God' sure sounds like the Mayan and Aztec Quetzalcoatl who was three but one.....or so they believed like you do. Believed in having a team working for you

"Quetzalcoatl was part of a triad of agricultural deities:

  • the Goddess of the Cave, symbolizing motherhood, reproduction and life
  • Tlaloc, god of rain, lightning and thunder
  • the feathered serpent, god of vegetational renewal"
Hey, you be you. Just keep one or all of your gods out of the public sphere. The sphere that I and others also inhabit.
There are people other than you or your kind in that sphere and they have their own gods.
We don't need no public sphere crowded with competing gods.
So stick to your own brand or version of worship and beliefs.
And do it the private space that you and your kind paid for by yourself.


The Old Testament was superseded by the New Testament.
Deuteronomy should be deleted from the Old Testament, based on the New Testament.

Ah, so it works that way?
The Bible being "the word of God" is still subject to revision, addendums, codicils, stipulations, deletions and insertions
Who knew? Does your god know he is subject to editorial review?

God's word in the Old Testament was wrong, you say? Outdated. Now invalid.
What he said then doesn't apply now?
So if Deuteronomy should be deleted as poster kyzer asserts.....well, that leaves us in a quandary as Deuternomy 5 gives us the 10 Commandments. Duh!
Of course Exodus 20 does too....but that's part and parcel of the outdated and replaced Old Testamanent.

Methinks too many of today's religious folks are not all they are cracked up to their minds.

Let's pray for those poor souls. And you can pray to whichever god you think works for you. Hell, you can pray to more than one...there are, after all, a lot of 'em out there. Go for it.

It's not just the Dems, it's the Repubs as well.
The DEMs handed Afghanistan to the Taliban making them a global terrorist force. They have created the worst immigration crisis in our history. They have allowed China to attack us with Fentanyl and the drug Cartels to run the border and do nothing. They constantly push hateful narratives intended to divide the country racially and politically. The GOP is weak and fragmented but they aren't actively trying to destroy the country like the DEMs.
Omniscient? The Father is? But not the alleged son? And not the son of the son--the Holy Ghost?
Sounds a whole lot like pantheism. Have a squad of gods to help one out.

Your version of 'God' sure sounds like the Mayan and Aztec Quetzalcoatl who was three but one.....or so they believed like you do. Believed in having a team working for you

"Quetzalcoatl was part of a triad of agricultural deities:

  • the Goddess of the Cave, symbolizing motherhood, reproduction and life
  • Tlaloc, god of rain, lightning and thunder
  • the feathered serpent, god of vegetational renewal"
Hey, you be you. Just keep one or all of your gods out of the public sphere. The sphere that I and others also inhabit.
There are people other than you or your kind in that sphere and they have their own gods.
We don't need no public sphere crowded with competing gods.
So stick to your own brand or version of worship and beliefs.
And do it the private space that you and your kind paid for by yourself.


Ah, so it works that way?
The Bible being "the word of God" is still subject to revision, addendums, codicils, stipulations, deletions and insertions
Who knew? Does your god know he is subject to editorial review?

God's word in the Old Testament was wrong, you say? Outdated. Now invalid.
What he said then doesn't apply now?
So if Deuteronomy should be deleted as poster kyzer asserts.....well, that leaves us in a quandary as Deuternomy 5 gives us the 10 Commandments. Duh!
Of course Exodus 20 does too....but that's part and parcel of the outdated and replaced Old Testamanent.

Methinks too many of today's religious folks are not all they are cracked up to their minds.

Let's pray for those poor souls. And you can pray to whichever god you think works for you. Hell, you can pray to more than one...there are, after all, a lot of 'em out there. Go for it.

The Bible says that there would be them "with the eyes to see and the ears to hear." This is metaphorical language that is discussing ones "spiritual eyes" and "spiritual ears." It's the inner man's ability discern truths that the average, worldly person can't detect for one reason or another.
The DEMs handed Afghanistan to the Taliban making them a global terrorist force. They have created the worst immigration crisis in our history. They have allowed China to attack us with Fentanyl and the drug Cartels to run the border and do nothing. They constantly push hateful narratives intended to divide the country racially and politically. The GOP is weak and fragmented but they aren't actively trying to destroy the country like the DEMs.

You're really confused if not totally brainwashed by your capitalist masters. You're asserting that the Repubs are better than the Dems because the Dems pulled us out of Afghanistan after 20 years of occupying it. It was the Repubs who voted multiple times against every attempt to establish a plan to end the war and to allocate funds to develop the infrastructure and institutions in Afghanistan to establish a democracy and eliminate the extreme poverty in that country. Trillions of dollars were poured into the Afghan war in contracts to private contractors and the military-industrial complex with the full approval of GOP politicians. How does that serve our national security interests? How much more money and lives did we have to waste in Afghanistan to satisfy you, Republicans?

The Taliban aren't an international terrorist group. Actually, they're now fighting ISIS in Afghanistan. The United States is imposing brutal sanctions on Afghanistan making living conditions even worse for the Afghan people:

The true terrorist here is the US federal government in the pockets of the defense industry (war profiteers).

As far as immigration. Obama was called the Deporter And Chief. He deported more people than Bush and Trump, hence your charge that Dems caused the illegal immigration crisis, all by themselves, is false. Both parties contribute to the illegal immigration by supporting and even sponsoring coups in Central America, imposing economic embargoes, and threatening Latin American heads of state like Nayib Bukele in El Salvador for improving the lives of their people:

This is a hit-piece against Bukele.

Another hit-piece.

The above video says Bukele got rid of the right of people charged with a crime to get a lawyer. That's false. Terrorists don't have a right to a public lawyer (state-paid legal assistance).

Bukele is being threatened by the US State Department and the European Union for eliminating the terrorist street gangs of El Salvador by imprisoning and killing them. For decades terrorist gangs like MS-13 and Sombra Negra were destroying the lives of millions of people in El Salvador and throughout Central America, forcing millions of people to migrate to the United States seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Bukele has essentially cleaned up El Salvador of these demonic cockroaches, and the US government and the EU are threatening him with sanctions and other penalties.

My point is that, let's top creating the conditions for people in these third-world countries, to come here to the USA. Let them develop their own countries, that way they won't come here. Both the Republicans and Democrats have negatively contributed to the poverty and chaos in Central America.

The American big-money capitalists love their cheap Latin American labor, working for them both in those poor countries and here in the United States. Many of those capitalists are conservative Republicans, who like making huge profits by hiring cheap, illegal labor. They also keep those countries destitute, because well-paid workers become "middle class" and begin asserting their human rights and asking for benefits, not to speak of unionizing themselves to better negotiate their terms of employment with their wealthy, powerful employers (exploiters/masters).

Capitalists have many ways of keeping Central America, poor (screwed up, hungry, and desperate for a job, even one that pays 75¢ hourly). Keeping Central America in scarcity and politically unstable serves the American ruling class that profits from their misery.

The fact that the Mexican cartels are buying Fentanyl from Asia (not just Chinese criminals), isn't necessarily the fault of the Chinese government, nor a devious plan to "drug-up" America (America was already drugged up). The Chinese are also dealing with a drug use epidemic, however, unlike the USA, the Chinese condemn drug dealers to death and force drug addicts into rehab camps.

One could just as well argue that the US government isn't doing enough to eliminate the cartels in Mexico and drug dealers who are selling this deadly poison within the United States. Don't blame the Chinese scapegoat, blame the US government for not taking the proper steps to rid America of its drug dealers. It's called a firing squad. A bullet is much cheaper than incarceration or an injection.

As far as your "hateful narrative and division" whining, that's just a ploy to stifle debate and stop people from disagreeing with each other. That's how democracy works. People debate and that can cause division, and that's OK, provided we're not killing each other and remain within the boundaries of the law.
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The Bible says that there would be them "with the eyes to see and the ears to hear." This is metaphorical language that is discussing ones "spiritual eyes" and "spiritual ears." It's the inner man's ability discern truths that the average, worldly person can't detect for one reason or another.

I agree, those who are born again and spirit filled, have discernment. Unfortunately, way too many people who think they're disciples of Jesus (born again and filled with the Holy Spirit), are just self-deluded. They have one foot in the church and the other in the world, living a carnal, shameful life. They refuse to carry their cross and follow Jesus as He commanded. Paul taught that the flesh is death and whoever sows into it will die spiritually.
I agree, those who are born again and spirit filled, have discernment. Unfortunately, way too many people who think they're disciples of Jesus (born again and filled with the Holy Spirit), are just self-deluded. They have one foot in the church and the other in the world, living a carnal, shameful life. They refuse to carry their cross and follow Jesus as He commanded. Paul taught that the flesh is death and whoever sows into it will die spiritually.
I am pleasantly surprised by your answer and happen to agree 100%. But remember ... none of us are perfect even on our best days.
I am pleasantly surprised by your answer and happen to agree 100%. But remember ... none of us are perfect even on our best days.
I didn't say we have to be perfect, although that should be our objective. To be perfect in Christ, just as he commanded us. Until Christians obey Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the church will remain a mere shadow and caricature of what it's supposed to be. An impotent, pathetic church/circus, without authority or power.
I didn't say we have to be perfect, although that should be our objective. To be perfect in Christ, just as he commanded us. Until Christians obey Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the church will remain a mere shadow and caricature of what it's supposed to be. An impotent, pathetic church/circus, without authority or power.
It's too bad that the public schools banned such common sense statements as yours. Remove God and Christ from kids, and they have to fill the void left in their souls with things of this world.
It's too bad that the public schools banned such common sense statements as yours. Remove God and Christ from kids, and they have to fill the void left in their souls with things of this world.
It's not just the children or new generation that is worldly, but "Christians". The "church" has failed them and society in general, with its indifference to the poor and working class, not to speak of its love for mammon and carnal pleasures. So-called Bible-believing Christians, don't follow the Bible in the places where it's most important. They like to debate theology, and religious doctrines (doctrineering), deluding themselves into thinking that makes them good Christians while disobeying Christ's requirements for discipleship and becoming a governor in training. Christians are supposed to be governors in training, in Christ's school of government, ruling with him over the nations with a rod of iron.

Christians have failed miserably, due to their love for the demonic trinkets of this world. They lust after the world, hence they can't guide or govern it with love and power. The church has become a creepy circus infested with devilish, bloodthirsty clowns dancing around a burning cross.

Rom 8:12-14 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. (13) For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. (14) For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Mat 7:12-23 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. (13) Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: (14) Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (15) Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (16) Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? (17) Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. (18) A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. (19) Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. (20) Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (21) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. (22) Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? (23) And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity (Greek: anomois = lawlessness).
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