Does America deserve to implode?

Yes a doddering senile old man is the best we can do right?

It's actually pretty sad when you think about it.
I wouldn't exactly describe Biden that way. But trump callls him senile and you run with it even as trump can't remember what his first wife looked like.
You are doing the same thing the Trump folks did, giving him all the credit for good things and no blame for bad things.

Biden does not get blame for inflation because it is happening all around the world, yet he gets credit for us going to places without mask, which is all happening all around the world. Why does he get credit for the latter and not part of the blame for the former?
Since the United States had the most deaths and infections in the word when Biden took office, I think we can credit Biden for what he did. Biden did not create the increase in demand, shortage of supply and supply chain problems that creaed the inflation. Nor did he initiaate the price gouging.
Since the United States had the most deaths and infections in the word when Biden took office, I think we can credit Biden for what he did.

What did he do other than ride out the end of the pandemic like every other country.

Biden did not create the increase in demand, shortage of supply and supply chain problems that creaed the inflation. Nor did he initiaate the price gouging.

But he did exacerbate all of the problems with his policies.
What did he do other than ride out the end of the pandemic like every other country.

But he did exacerbate all of the problems with his policies.
He did more than that. He implemented the same Defense Autthorization Act that trump didn't use which helped and created a national vaccination plan. His policies didn't exacerbate anything and since inflation has been falling, why can't he get credit for that from people who only seem able to criticize everything he does.
I wouldn't exactly describe Biden that way. But trump callls him senile and you run with it even as trump can't remember what his first wife looked like.
FYI I am no Trump supporter.

The duopoly is corrupt and if you keep voting for it you do nothing to end the corruption.

But I see that you have to ASSume these things because you can't comprehend that there are more than 2 dimensions to think about.
Wanna name names there, poster Missourian?
They... The same people who manufactured the Russian Collusion Hoax, were the behind the scenes power brokers of two impeachments, the people pulling the strings off the legacy media, the ones behind raiding Mar-a-lago, the ones orchestrating kangaroo January 6th commissions and civil trials in New York.

They're not fooling anyone.
"They... The same people who......"

You offer the forum a listing of developments unfavorable to or skeptical of Don Trump. But you never mention a single name as a potential assassin.
In that list of yours there were likely thousands of people engaged in executing or processing those 'developments, yet, you name no one.
Do you expect this to be a self-assassination of Trump by Trump?

Don't be an internet hufferpuffer with no there there.
Tell us who you think will be the assassin.
And why you think that person and not another.
After all, it was you....and only you....who suggest Trump would be killed by someone you don't like.

Batter up, mon ami.

You offer the forum a listing of developments unfavorable to or skeptical of Don Trump. But you never mention a single name as a potential assassin.
In that list of yours there were likely thousands of people engaged in executing or processing those 'developments, yet, you name no one.
Do you expect this to be a self-assassination of Trump by Trump?

Don't be an internet hufferpuffer with no there there.
Tell us who you think will be the assassin.
And why you think that person and not another.
After all, it was you....and only you....who suggest Trump would be killed by someone you don't like.

Batter up, mon ami.

You cannot possibly be this naive.

Sorry, My Dude... They failed to add me the their emailed newsletter list.

I'm making a prediction.

Time will tell if I am not correct.

If I am... that will be a very different conversation.
There is no God but God, dumbass.
God the Father?
The Holy Ghost?
Mother Nature?

There are many many 'gods' that humans have worshipped. And worship now. It runs into the thousands.
And some worshippers are polytheistic.....they have several gods they believe in and worship in their fashion. (think of the Catholics with their trifecta of gods)

Yet, are you claiming you know which of that crowd of gods is the lucky winner?
Count me skeptical.
Skeptical that you know which one is which.
Skeptical that one is far superior to all of the others.

The God they understood was the Biblical God and His rules for life.
Rules such as? The 10 Commandments?
OK, we get that.

But wasn't their Biblical God also responsible for Deuteronomy 22:21?
The same "Biblical God" who would have your neighbors stone to death (on your porch, no less) your little Emily because she fooled around a little too far with the cute neighbor boy?

So you can keep that particular "Biblical God".
For thank you.
Probably for most fathers who love their little Emilys, or Marys, or Graces, or Olivias, and so on and so would be a 'No thank you.'
But you be you, poster Jackson.
You may not have a daughter, or two?
Here's the really bad news. They'll kill him before they let him win the presidency again...
I'm making a prediction. Time will tell if I am not correct.
Well, yes, time will tell.
But your assertion doesn't sound like "a prediction" whatsoever.
It sounds like an emphatic assertion.

But, if you wish to re-calibrate your post....I'm cool with that. No harm, no foul.

But if you are gonna "predict" that Don Trump is gonna be assassinated.....well, amigo, say you are predicting it.
Don't do with a declarative sentence such as: "They'll kill him......"

I am mildly sure you can understand how to more effectively communicate with our language.

Good luck.

ps....and yeah, I can be naïve about some things, some of the time. So?
But too, this one ain't one of 'em.

God the Father?

The Holy Ghost?
Mother Nature?

There are many many 'gods' that humans have worshipped. And worship now. It runs into the thousands.
And some worshippers are polytheistic.....they have several gods they believe in and worship in their fashion. (think of the Catholics with their trifecta of gods)

Yet, are you claiming you know which of that crowd of gods is the lucky winner?
Count me skeptical.
Skeptical that you know which one is which.
Skeptical that one is far superior to all of the others.


Rules such as? The 10 Commandments?
OK, we get that.

But wasn't their Biblical God also responsible for Deuteronomy 22:21?
The same "Biblical God" who would have your neighbors stone to death (on your porch, no less) your little Emily because she fooled around a little too far with the cute neighbor boy?

So you can keep that particular "Biblical God".
For thank you.
Probably for most fathers who love their little Emilys, or Marys, or Graces, or Olivias, and so on and so would be a 'No thank you.'
But you be you, poster Jackson.
You may not have a daughter, or two?
God the Father?

The Holy Ghost?
All one and the same!!

Just think. If violent rapes, child molestation, murder, etc. were met with the death penalty, those crimes would be significantly reduced. And the fact of the matter is that evil WILL be dealt with very harshly by Christ and His angels. They aren't wimps. Matthew 13:38-43

God gave you a choice to or not to believe in Him. You made your choice (a God-given gift) and you get to live with the eternal consequence of that choice. Not my deal. I'm not the ultimate Judge. Christ is.
ps....and yeah, I can be naïve about some things, some of the time. So?
But too, this one ain't one of 'em.
Nope...this is definitely one of them.


Name the man who killed JFK...and this is 60 years later.

Now...why would you ask me to "name names" for a future event when we can't even name names from a six decade old assassination?
All one and the same!!
So, Jews think Jesus is a God?
And Jesus is Yahweh, too?

  • Jesus
  • God the Father (of Jesus)
  • The Holy Ghost.
Are all the same guy?
OK, but it sounds like pantheism to me.
What's the division of labor for each?

Sounds like you don't really have a good idea of the role of gods.....other than some uber-religionist's fantasies.

No disrespect intended.
So, Jews think Jesus is a God?
And Jesus is Yahweh, too?

  • Jesus
  • God the Father (of Jesus)
  • The Holy Ghost.
Are all the same guy?
OK, but it sounds like pantheism to me.
What's the division of labor for each?

Sounds like you don't really have a good idea of the role of gods.....other than some uber-religionist's fantasies.

No disrespect intended.
1) Yahweh is simply the ancient Hebrew name for God. The English version is Jehovah. Simply put: God
2) The Jews reject Jesus, but Jesus is God in the flesh. Jesus is "the Word" and "the Word was made flesh." The Jews reject that premise. Jesus can also go by the name Yahshua (there are various spellings).
3) Jesus (the Son), God (the Father), and the Holy Spirit make up the triune nature of God. Like a prism: A white light enters but 3 primary colors emerge.
4) All the same God. The Bible says there is one God ... not three Gods.

5) The role of Jesus Christ (Jesus = man, Christ = God) was to endure the hardships of the flesh but prove to man that it's possible to overcome the temptations of the flesh. The same temptations that we all endure. His role was to shed His blood for the sins of all mankind and open the door to redemption and salvation. His role was to conquer death as proven by His resurrection. His future role is to return to earth with His angels and cleanse the earth of evil and restore it to Eden-like conditions.
6) The role of the Holy Spirit is to comfort and teach and awaken mankind spiritually. He's the soft voice (metaphorically speaking) that whispers to us through our conscious or subconscious and opens our eyes to certain truths or inspires us to do one thing or another in a righteous manner. Most of us ignore or miss hearing that voice due to the world's distractions, but we can often discern it during or after sincere prayer.
7) God the Father begat the Son and the Holy Spirit proceeds from and through the Son. He (the Father) is considered omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (ever present), and omnipotent (all powerful).
American's kicked God out of the public square and chose to make their own laws while casting His aside. America deserves what she asked for. Get rid of good and evil fills the void.
So-called "Christians" (the fake disciples of Jesus), threw out God's laws a long time ago. They're the biggest hypocrites in society.
So-called "Christians" (the fake disciples of Jesus), threw out God's laws a long time ago. They're the biggest hypocrites in society.
Says someone who has no clue what the tenets of Christianity are. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.

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