Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Straight up, let me ask you honestly... Who would you rather have negotiating a trade deal?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

... I rest my case.
That's a lousy choice, but I'd prefer Hillary in that instance.

A few years ago I saw Trump boast that he would slap a 25% tariff on China (Trump Tax China 25 Fox News), and the ignorance of that one was absolutely stunning. Somehow he thinks China would let him get away with that without repercussions (one of many examples being the fact that China owns over $1T in US Treasuries and would doubtlessly threaten to retaliate by dumping them on world markets).

The fact that he would even say that scared me a bit.

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Straight up, let me ask you honestly... Who would you rather have negotiating a trade deal?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

... I rest my case.

straight up, I wouldn't want to negotiate any trade deals.

But given how often Trump has messed things up, I would probably want Hillary doing it.
Is that a concession that you support Free Trade......................hmm
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Funny, I remember the same question being asked about Obama back in 2008. No one had an answer other than "he's black and you must be a racist to ask that question".

At least Trump has years of administration experience, the dear leader had none.
And Trump knows how to work for a living, the only real job Obama ever had was at Baskin Robbins. Trump can relate to the working class and knows what needs to be done to help them, Obama can only relate to the silver spoon liberal elite. Totally out of touch (never even been in touch).
Trump is not a self-made man. You folks underestimate what it's like to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. My brother is rich and his sons are getting opportunities no Americans get unless you were born into a wealthy family. Trump has no clue of the real world. An amazing you guys are endorsing a jackass who's gone bankrupt twice. First you like Carly Fiorino who lost jobs at hewlett-packard and now trum who's a two time loser. By the way keep in mind the Rich when Bush was president change the bankruptcy laws so common folk wouldn't be able to do it is easy as they had in the past probably because they knew the collapse was coming. But they made it easier for rich people to be able to go bankrupt.

It is true that Trump was the son of a real estate developer in New York. He attended military school as a child and worked his first real estate deal while in college. His paternal grandparents were German immigrants, so the family was not "blue blood aristocrats" like the Kennedys and Rockefellers.

Yes, he has gone bankrupt twice and rebounded both times... he's worth over $8 billion today. So he is a "self-made man" twice over in terms of personal finance.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Funny, I remember the same question being asked about Obama back in 2008. No one had an answer other than "he's black and you must be a racist to ask that question".

At least Trump has years of administration experience, the dear leader had none.
And Trump knows how to work for a living, the only real job Obama ever had was at Baskin Robbins. Trump can relate to the working class and knows what needs to be done to help them, Obama can only relate to the silver spoon liberal elite. Totally out of touch (never even been in touch).
Trump is not a self-made man. You folks underestimate what it's like to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. My brother is rich and his sons are getting opportunities no Americans get unless you were born into a wealthy family. Trump has no clue of the real world. An amazing you guys are endorsing a jackass who's gone bankrupt twice. First you like Carly Fiorino who lost jobs at hewlett-packard and now trum who's a two time loser. By the way keep in mind the Rich when Bush was president change the bankruptcy laws so common folk wouldn't be able to do it is easy as they had in the past probably because they knew the collapse was coming. But they made it easier for rich people to be able to go bankrupt.
Bobo imitates Skylar.
Straight up, let me ask you honestly... Who would you rather have negotiating a trade deal?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

... I rest my case.
That's a lousy choice, but I'd prefer Hillary in that instance.

A few years ago I saw Trump boast that he would slap a 25% tariff on China (Trump Tax China 25 Fox News, and the ignorance of that one was absolutely stunning. Somehow he thinks China would let him get away with that without repercussions (one of many examples being the fact that China owns over $1T in US Treasuries and would doubtlessly threaten to retaliate by dumping them on world markets).

The fact that he would even say that scared me a bit.

BRICS plans on dumping them next year anyway.......................they are cutting deals to get rid of the dollar already.............and pushing the IMF to get their currency in the basket of currencies in the IMF already.....................................that may happen this month.
Straight up, let me ask you honestly... Who would you rather have negotiating a trade deal?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

... I rest my case.
That's a lousy choice, but I'd prefer Hillary in that instance.

A few years ago I saw Trump boast that he would slap a 25% tariff on China (Trump Tax China 25 Fox News, and the ignorance of that one was absolutely stunning. Somehow he thinks China would let him get away with that without repercussions (one of many examples being the fact that China owns over $1T in US Treasuries and would doubtlessly threaten to retaliate by dumping them on world markets).

The fact that he would even say that scared me a bit.

BRICS plans on dumping them next year anyway.......................they are cutting deals to get rid of the dollar already.............and pushing the IMF to get their currency in the basket of currencies in the IMF already.....................................that may happen this month.
TBT Fund Quote - ProShares UltraShort Lehman 20 Year Treasury Fund Price Today TBT NAR - MarketWatch

Funny, I remember the same question being asked about Obama back in 2008. No one had an answer other than "he's black and you must be a racist to ask that question".

At least Trump has years of administration experience, the dear leader had none.
And Trump knows how to work for a living, the only real job Obama ever had was at Baskin Robbins. Trump can relate to the working class and knows what needs to be done to help them, Obama can only relate to the silver spoon liberal elite. Totally out of touch (never even been in touch).
Trump is not a self-made man. You folks underestimate what it's like to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. My brother is rich and his sons are getting opportunities no Americans get unless you were born into a wealthy family. Trump has no clue of the real world. An amazing you guys are endorsing a jackass who's gone bankrupt twice. First you like Carly Fiorino who lost jobs at hewlett-packard and now trum who's a two time loser. By the way keep in mind the Rich when Bush was president change the bankruptcy laws so common folk wouldn't be able to do it is easy as they had in the past probably because they knew the collapse was coming. But they made it easier for rich people to be able to go bankrupt.
I just don't like him. He has no class, Trump is an uncouth, uncultured, rude, crude, troglodyte of a man. He's a salesman, not a statesman.
Not PC correct...........I'm down with that..........

I'm just not sure if he's the real deal yet..........He's starting to take financial losses for his statements.............taken out of context........and if he folds then it's BS............the attacks from both sides have begun................let's see where it goes..............right now he is hitting back to prove his argument................which I'm all for.....................
There's a difference between not being pc and being a complete fucking phony asshole. Have you heard Trump answer questions about foreign affairs or defense policy issues? It's like listening to a five year old.
Supporting a guy like Trump -- which, in a way, is a misnomer, since I really can't think of anyone else quite like him -- out of sheer frustration and exasperation is understandable, I guess. But basing support on those emotions doesn't seem very rational.

I can't imagine him dealing with Congress or (especially) relating to leaders on the world stage He gives the notion of "loose cannon" an all new depth, and we need more reasonable people in power right now. More humility, much less bombast.


Straight up, let me ask you honestly... Who would you rather have negotiating a trade deal?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

... I rest my case.
They would have a foreign entity is the case now under the WTO...............
and further that by signing the be fair the GOP is lock stock and barrel on board...........which will further outsource jobs form this country........

Trump is openly calling for TARIFFS to keep jobs here......................and OPENLY against Free Trade...............and I've been against it since NAFTA.........
Just remember the last time we had an uncool raw inexperienced president and his cronies running this country. Remember that Bolton guy? That ass clown with a big mustache that Bush sent to the UN and the rest of the world hate us because of that jackass? Will trump is just like that jackass. You like that? I might agree that I don't love the way now after is drafted and it can be improved just like the Affordable Care Act but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be doing free trade right?
Did I just hear a Republican who is defending Trump say they didn't like NAFTA? Is this an issue that Republicans agree with us Democrats on?
Specifics on policy statements that you agree with or disagree with.........................any..............or just more BS.
Let's start with illegal immigration, Trump's new signature issue. He, and every other Republican politician, are completely full of shit on this issue one hundred percent of the time. If Trump were serious about illegal immigration he would want to do something about illegal employers.....something you'll never hear any of these liars talk about.
Show me the clip where he hasn't said he wouldn't do on this issue I understand that companies hiring illegals should be punished................but at the same time...........a system of vetting would have to be put into place.............................such as e-verify as a means test................and if I'm not mistaken the dems don't really want that program either..............
Feel free to show any Republican ever saying anything about illegal employers. They can spend billions on a wall, as long as they don't disrupt business.
I understand the ties to the Chamber...........and don't agree with it............................and love it when RINO's go down......................................makes my day.
Republicans aren't serious about illegal immigration, they never have been.
Of course that is true, but neither are the Ds. In fact, the Ds appear to want more illegal immigration along with full amnesty for those already here.

It is apparent from Trump's popularity, that millions of Americans want illegal immigration stopped...likely a majority want it stopped. But the powers that be, the billionaire class that funds both parties, want it continued. Will the people get what they want or will the billionaire class win again?
That's a lousy choice, but I'd prefer Hillary in that instance.

Then you're a moron.

Scenario: You have to send a negotiator to... say, Indonesia... to work out a trade agreement. Your choices are Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump... YOU are going to send Hillary? Really?

It's the equivalent of having to select a starting pitcher for the World Series and you are going to pick Hillary Clinton over Felix Hernandez. :cuckoo:
Straight up, let me ask you honestly... Who would you rather have negotiating a trade deal?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

... I rest my case.
That's a lousy choice, but I'd prefer Hillary in that instance.

A few years ago I saw Trump boast that he would slap a 25% tariff on China (Trump Tax China 25 Fox News, and the ignorance of that one was absolutely stunning. Somehow he thinks China would let him get away with that without repercussions (one of many examples being the fact that China owns over $1T in US Treasuries and would doubtlessly threaten to retaliate by dumping them on world markets).

The fact that he would even say that scared me a bit.

BRICS plans on dumping them next year anyway.......................they are cutting deals to get rid of the dollar already.............and pushing the IMF to get their currency in the basket of currencies in the IMF already.....................................that may happen this month.
TBT Fund Quote - ProShares UltraShort Lehman 20 Year Treasury Fund Price Today TBT NAR - MarketWatch

showing stable currency graphs doesn't mean it will not be challenged...................BRICS has every intent to go off the dollar..............It will not be ready to go into effect until next August. The IMF may try to buy them off in their meeting this month. By adding to the basket.
That's a lousy choice, but I'd prefer Hillary in that instance.

Then you're a moron.

Scenario: You have to send a negotiator to... say, Indonesia... to work out a trade agreement. Your choices are Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump... YOU are going to send Hillary? Really?

It's the equivalent of having to select a starting pitcher for the World Series and you are going to pick Hillary Clinton over Felix Hernandez. :cuckoo:
I gave you a very specific example, even provided a link, commented on it.

You're sold, I get it. No contrary information is going to get in, I'm used to that here.

Let's start with illegal immigration, Trump's new signature issue. He, and every other Republican politician, are completely full of shit on this issue one hundred percent of the time. If Trump were serious about illegal immigration he would want to do something about illegal employers.....something you'll never hear any of these liars talk about.
Show me the clip where he hasn't said he wouldn't do on this issue I understand that companies hiring illegals should be punished................but at the same time...........a system of vetting would have to be put into place.............................such as e-verify as a means test................and if I'm not mistaken the dems don't really want that program either..............
Feel free to show any Republican ever saying anything about illegal employers. They can spend billions on a wall, as long as they don't disrupt business.
I understand the ties to the Chamber...........and don't agree with it............................and love it when RINO's go down......................................makes my day.
Republicans aren't serious about illegal immigration, they never have been.
Of course that is true, but neither are the Ds. In fact, the Ds appear to want more illegal immigration along with full amnesty for those already here.

It is apparent from Trump's popularity, that millions of Americans want illegal immigration stopped...likely a majority want it stopped. But the powers that be, the billionaire class that funds both parties, want it continued. Will the people get what they want or will the billionaire class win again?
Neither party wants to talk about a lot of things. One party wants to build a wall. Meanwhile, both parties have a good laugh at our expense, while they give us meaningless diversions to squabble over.
Straight up, let me ask you honestly... Who would you rather have negotiating a trade deal?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

... I rest my case.
That's a lousy choice, but I'd prefer Hillary in that instance.

A few years ago I saw Trump boast that he would slap a 25% tariff on China (Trump Tax China 25 Fox News, and the ignorance of that one was absolutely stunning. Somehow he thinks China would let him get away with that without repercussions (one of many examples being the fact that China owns over $1T in US Treasuries and would doubtlessly threaten to retaliate by dumping them on world markets).

The fact that he would even say that scared me a bit.

BRICS plans on dumping them next year anyway.......................they are cutting deals to get rid of the dollar already.............and pushing the IMF to get their currency in the basket of currencies in the IMF already.....................................that may happen this month.
TBT Fund Quote - ProShares UltraShort Lehman 20 Year Treasury Fund Price Today TBT NAR - MarketWatch

showing stable currency graphs doesn't mean it will not be challenged...................BRICS has every intent to go off the dollar..............It will not be ready to go into effect until next August. The IMF may try to buy them off in their meeting this month. By adding to the basket.
No, that was an investment suggestion!


Did I just hear a Republican who is defending Trump say they didn't like NAFTA? Is this an issue that Republicans agree with us Democrats on?
I'm a Conservative.............and have disagreed with NAFTA and FREE Trade deals from the get go..................I get into it with other Republicans all the time on this subject...........................

Yes you heard me say it..................and yes I want to re instate protective tariffs.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Funny, I remember the same question being asked about Obama back in 2008. No one had an answer other than "he's black and you must be a racist to ask that question".

At least Trump has years of administration experience, the dear leader had none.
And Trump knows how to work for a living, the only real job Obama ever had was at Baskin Robbins. Trump can relate to the working class and knows what needs to be done to help them, Obama can only relate to the silver spoon liberal elite. Totally out of touch (never even been in touch).
Trump is not a self-made man. You folks underestimate what it's like to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. My brother is rich and his sons are getting opportunities no Americans get unless you were born into a wealthy family. Trump has no clue of the real world. An amazing you guys are endorsing a jackass who's gone bankrupt twice. First you like Carly Fiorino who lost jobs at hewlett-packard and now trum who's a two time loser. By the way keep in mind the Rich when Bush was president change the bankruptcy laws so common folk wouldn't be able to do it is easy as they had in the past probably because they knew the collapse was coming. But they made it easier for rich people to be able to go bankrupt.

It is true that Trump was the son of a real estate developer in New York. He attended military school as a child and worked his first real estate deal while in college. His paternal grandparents were German immigrants, so the family was not "blue blood aristocrats" like the Kennedys and Rockefellers.

Yes, he has gone bankrupt twice and rebounded both times... he's worth over $8 billion today. So he is a "self-made man" twice over in terms of personal finance.
Could you duplicate his efforts and make those billions too? Why not? What connections did he have that allowed him to even get in the game and not have to start over by selling hundred thousand dollar houses. He never had to do that he always sold expensive commercial real estate. Bottom line is both he and you lack empathy for people who arent as lucky. that isn't president material. that story does not sell me on Donald Trump being the next president of the United States. Just like Romney and jeb and every other GOP candidate.

Obama was a middle class community organizer. He was one of us and clearly looks out for us more than McCain or mitt would have. The middle class is doomed because they are dumb enough to either vote Republican or WORSE not vote at all. If you like trump vote in the primaries. I'm sure a very high percent of US M the members vote so I'm probably preaching to the choir. That last part is for stupid Americans who don't even care enough to vote or don't think that it matters
Just remember the last time we had an uncool raw inexperienced president and his cronies running this country.

Uhm... that would be TODAY!
Hey if you can look back at when Dennis Hastert Tom DeLay and George W Bush ran the country and say what you want to go back to those days then I guess there's nothing I can say to you because in my opinion you're crazy
Funny, I remember the same question being asked about Obama back in 2008. No one had an answer other than "he's black and you must be a racist to ask that question".

At least Trump has years of administration experience, the dear leader had none.
And Trump knows how to work for a living, the only real job Obama ever had was at Baskin Robbins. Trump can relate to the working class and knows what needs to be done to help them, Obama can only relate to the silver spoon liberal elite. Totally out of touch (never even been in touch).
Trump is not a self-made man. You folks underestimate what it's like to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. My brother is rich and his sons are getting opportunities no Americans get unless you were born into a wealthy family. Trump has no clue of the real world. An amazing you guys are endorsing a jackass who's gone bankrupt twice. First you like Carly Fiorino who lost jobs at hewlett-packard and now trum who's a two time loser. By the way keep in mind the Rich when Bush was president change the bankruptcy laws so common folk wouldn't be able to do it is easy as they had in the past probably because they knew the collapse was coming. But they made it easier for rich people to be able to go bankrupt.

It is true that Trump was the son of a real estate developer in New York. He attended military school as a child and worked his first real estate deal while in college. His paternal grandparents were German immigrants, so the family was not "blue blood aristocrats" like the Kennedys and Rockefellers.

Yes, he has gone bankrupt twice and rebounded both times... he's worth over $8 billion today. So he is a "self-made man" twice over in terms of personal finance.
Could you duplicate his efforts and make those billions too? Why not? What connections did he have that allowed him to even get in the game and not have to start over by selling hundred thousand dollar houses. He never had to do that he always sold expensive commercial real estate. Bottom line is both he and you lack empathy for people who arent as lucky. that isn't president material. that story does not sell me on Donald Trump being the next president of the United States. Just like Romney and jeb and every other GOP candidate.

Obama was a middle class community organizer. He was one of us and clearly looks out for us more than McCain or mitt would have. The middle class is doomed because they are dumb enough to either vote Republican or WORSE not vote at all. If you like trump vote in the primaries. I'm sure a very high percent of US M the members vote so I'm probably preaching to the choir. That last part is for stupid Americans who don't even care enough to vote or don't think that it matters
Obama rags to riches

Just like Hillary

Your Liberal skirt is demand we look at our candidates while saying your side can do no wrong........................

move to the center of this issue or get ignored.............

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