Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

And Trump knows how to work for a living, the only real job Obama ever had was at Baskin Robbins. Trump can relate to the working class and knows what needs to be done to help them, Obama can only relate to the silver spoon liberal elite. Totally out of touch (never even been in touch).
Starting with millions of dollars and going bankrupt repeatedly is nothing like hard work. Trump never actually worked a day in his life. Man you people are stupid.
Specifics on policy statements that you agree with or disagree with.........................any..............or just more BS.
Let's start with illegal immigration, Trump's new signature issue. He, and every other Republican politician, are completely full of shit on this issue one hundred percent of the time. If Trump were serious about illegal immigration he would want to do something about illegal employers.....something you'll never hear any of these liars talk about.
Show me the clip where he hasn't said he wouldn't do on this issue I understand that companies hiring illegals should be punished................but at the same time...........a system of vetting would have to be put into place.............................such as e-verify as a means test................and if I'm not mistaken the dems don't really want that program either..............
Feel free to show any Republican ever saying anything about illegal employers. They can spend billions on a wall, as long as they don't disrupt business.
I understand the ties to the Chamber...........and don't agree with it............................and love it when RINO's go down......................................makes my day.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Appears to me Trump is willing to confront problems and do something about them...rather than talk about them and do nothing.
Supporting a guy like Trump -- which, in a way, is a misnomer, since I really can't think of anyone else quite like him -- out of sheer frustration and exasperation is understandable, I guess. But basing support on those emotions doesn't seem very rational.

I can't imagine him dealing with Congress or (especially) relating to leaders on the world stage He gives the notion of "loose cannon" an all new depth, and we need more reasonable people in power right now. More humility, much less bombast.

There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Funny, I remember the same question being asked about Obama back in 2008. No one had an answer other than "he's black and you must be a racist to ask that question".

At least Trump has years of administration experience, the dear leader had none.
And Trump knows how to work for a living, the only real job Obama ever had was at Baskin Robbins. Trump can relate to the working class and knows what needs to be done to help them, Obama can only relate to the silver spoon liberal elite. Totally out of touch (never even been in touch).
Trump is not a self-made man. You folks underestimate what it's like to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. My brother is rich and his sons are getting opportunities no Americans get unless you were born into a wealthy family. Trump has no clue of the real world. An amazing you guys are endorsing a jackass who's gone bankrupt twice. First you like Carly Fiorino who lost jobs at hewlett-packard and now trum who's a two time loser. By the way keep in mind the Rich when Bush was president change the bankruptcy laws so common folk wouldn't be able to do it is easy as they had in the past probably because they knew the collapse was coming. But they made it easier for rich people to be able to go bankrupt.
Supporting a guy like Trump -- which, in a way, is a misnomer, since I really can't think of anyone else quite like him -- out of sheer frustration and exasperation is understandable, I guess. But basing support on those emotions doesn't seem very rational.

I can't imagine him dealing with Congress or (especially) relating to leaders on the world stage He gives the notion of "loose cannon" an all new depth, and we need more reasonable people in power right now. More humility, much less bombast.

Trumps just the first assclown the Republicans are going to parade out in front of us. Even though he won't be nominated people who don't like illegal immigrants will vote Republican because they will feel that it least that party Cher their feelings on the issue. + Deep down we all believe that Jeb Bush and any other Republican feels exactly the same way about illegals they just can't say it. On another note I don't even believe Donald Trump dislikes illegals if he did he wouldn't be hiring them. Rich Republicans love illegal immigrants for the cheap labor
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

You're overthinking it. This isn't about quality or even policy. Its about feeling. He's the emotional choice. You'll only fuck it up if you start injecting useless criteria like qualification or whether or not he'd actually be good at the job.

Don't ruin this for me!
Skylar takes the exact description of Obabble and overlays it on the Donald...funniest and most transparent lie of the year.
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I don't think Trump will be any worse than the last few presidents

But then again Presidents are usually useless figureheads
No reason why he wouldnt be a good president. Better than a crapbag like rubicon.
Its like if are racist ran for the GOP nomination. That person would rally all of the racist Americans and even though that candidate would never get the nomination the races of America would then know the Republican Party is the party for them
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

You're overthinking it. This isn't about quality or even policy. Its about feeling. He's the emotional choice. You'll only fuck it up if you start injecting useless criteria like qualification or whether or not he'd actually be good at the job.

Don't ruin this for me!

Trump taps into the ‘go with your gut, don’t think, just do’ mentality common to most on the right that disdains ‘intellectualism,’ thoughtfulness, facts, objective evidence, and the truth.

Many conservative believe that there are things which are ‘just wrong,’ they don’t have any facts, proof, or evidence as to why some things are ‘just wrong,’ its just something conservatives ‘feel’ and ‘believe’ to be ‘true,’ where Trump is exhibiting the ‘guts’ to come out and say what is ‘wrong,’ although this perception is completely unfounded and devoid of merit.

Total bullshit. Every true Conservative can tell you exactly what is wrong and why it is wrong. This forum is chock-full of threads and posts from Conservatives with passion about their philosophy. Now I know that you know this because I routinely see you in those threads arguing your viewpoints and tearing down their arguments... or trying desperately to do so.

What you are is a walking-talking infomercial for Liberal Democrats. You're like a carnival barker and that's about all you are.
Yet no ‘true conservative’ could explain why homosexuality is ‘wrong’ and should be subject to criminal punishment. The failure of conservatives to explain why homosexuality is ‘wrong’ is why anti-sodomy laws were struck down by the Supreme Court in 2003.

And the Supreme Court recently struck down as un-Constitutional measures seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage law for the same reason, because conservatives failed again to explain why allowing same-sex couples to marry was ‘wrong.’

‘True conservatives’ believe things are ‘wrong’ for partisan, subjective reasons, having little to do with facts, evidence, or the truth.
Out of all those running, we could do a lot worse than Trump. Hillary and Jebby are exponentially worse.

A wealthy businessman (NOT a lying politician) with the ability to fund his own campaign...thus not beholden to the billionaire class, just might be exactly what the country needs.

He will be viciously attacked by the billionaire class, Ds, Rs, and the MSM. That alone makes him an attractive candidate...particularly if he can weather those attacks.
Think about how horrible the last two Republican presidents were. Not to mention both of them names ended with Bush. And now the GOP is going to run a third Bush? A guy who had five sanctuary cities in Florida when he was governor? That's what trump said.

I love trump running because he's going to bad mouth all the other Republican candidates
Supporting a guy like Trump -- which, in a way, is a misnomer, since I really can't think of anyone else quite like him -- out of sheer frustration and exasperation is understandable, I guess. But basing support on those emotions doesn't seem very rational.

I can't imagine him dealing with Congress or (especially) relating to leaders on the world stage He gives the notion of "loose cannon" an all new depth, and we need more reasonable people in power right now. More humility, much less bombast.


Straight up, let me ask you honestly... Who would you rather have negotiating a trade deal?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

... I rest my case.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Funny, I remember the same question being asked about Obama back in 2008. No one had an answer other than "he's black and you must be a racist to ask that question".

At least Trump has years of administration experience, the dear leader had none.
And Trump knows how to work for a living, the only real job Obama ever had was at Baskin Robbins. Trump can relate to the working class and knows what needs to be done to help them, Obama can only relate to the silver spoon liberal elite. Totally out of touch (never even been in touch).
Trump is not a self-made man. You folks underestimate what it's like to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. My brother is rich and his sons are getting opportunities no Americans get unless you were born into a wealthy family. Trump has no clue of the real world. An amazing you guys are endorsing a jackass who's gone bankrupt twice. First you like Carly Fiorino who lost jobs at hewlett-packard and now trum who's a two time loser. By the way keep in mind the Rich when Bush was president change the bankruptcy laws so common folk wouldn't be able to do it is easy as they had in the past probably because they knew the collapse was coming. But they made it easier for rich people to be able to go bankrupt.
I just don't like him. He has no class, Trump is an uncouth, uncultured, rude, crude, troglodyte of a man. He's a salesman, not a statesman.
Supporting a guy like Trump -- which, in a way, is a misnomer, since I really can't think of anyone else quite like him -- out of sheer frustration and exasperation is understandable, I guess. But basing support on those emotions doesn't seem very rational.

I can't imagine him dealing with Congress or (especially) relating to leaders on the world stage He gives the notion of "loose cannon" an all new depth, and we need more reasonable people in power right now. More humility, much less bombast.


Straight up, let me ask you honestly... Who would you rather have negotiating a trade deal?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

... I rest my case.
They would have a foreign entity is the case now under the WTO...............
and further that by signing the be fair the GOP is lock stock and barrel on board...........which will further outsource jobs form this country........

Trump is openly calling for TARIFFS to keep jobs here......................and OPENLY against Free Trade...............and I've been against it since NAFTA.........
Starting with millions of dollars and going bankrupt repeatedly is nothing like hard work. Trump never actually worked a day in his life. Man you people are stupid.
Specifics on policy statements that you agree with or disagree with.........................any..............or just more BS.
Let's start with illegal immigration, Trump's new signature issue. He, and every other Republican politician, are completely full of shit on this issue one hundred percent of the time. If Trump were serious about illegal immigration he would want to do something about illegal employers.....something you'll never hear any of these liars talk about.
Show me the clip where he hasn't said he wouldn't do on this issue I understand that companies hiring illegals should be punished................but at the same time...........a system of vetting would have to be put into place.............................such as e-verify as a means test................and if I'm not mistaken the dems don't really want that program either..............
Feel free to show any Republican ever saying anything about illegal employers. They can spend billions on a wall, as long as they don't disrupt business.
I understand the ties to the Chamber...........and don't agree with it............................and love it when RINO's go down......................................makes my day.
Republicans aren't serious about illegal immigration, they never have been.
Supporting a guy like Trump -- which, in a way, is a misnomer, since I really can't think of anyone else quite like him -- out of sheer frustration and exasperation is understandable, I guess. But basing support on those emotions doesn't seem very rational.

I can't imagine him dealing with Congress or (especially) relating to leaders on the world stage He gives the notion of "loose cannon" an all new depth, and we need more reasonable people in power right now. More humility, much less bombast.

Trumps just the first assclown the Republicans are going to parade out in front of us. Even though he won't be nominated people who don't like illegal immigrants will vote Republican because they will feel that it least that party Cher their feelings on the issue. + Deep down we all believe that Jeb Bush and any other Republican feels exactly the same way about illegals they just can't say it. On another note I don't even believe Donald Trump dislikes illegals if he did he wouldn't be hiring them. Rich Republicans love illegal immigrants for the cheap labor
It's not about liking illegals, it's about managing the fundamental aspects of your country's security, economy and core beliefs.
Straight up, let me ask you honestly... Who would you rather have negotiating a trade deal?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

... I rest my case.

straight up, I wouldn't want to negotiate any trade deals.

But given how often Trump has messed things up, I would probably want Hillary doing it.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Funny, I remember the same question being asked about Obama back in 2008. No one had an answer other than "he's black and you must be a racist to ask that question".

At least Trump has years of administration experience, the dear leader had none.
And Trump knows how to work for a living, the only real job Obama ever had was at Baskin Robbins. Trump can relate to the working class and knows what needs to be done to help them, Obama can only relate to the silver spoon liberal elite. Totally out of touch (never even been in touch).
Trump is not a self-made man. You folks underestimate what it's like to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. My brother is rich and his sons are getting opportunities no Americans get unless you were born into a wealthy family. Trump has no clue of the real world. An amazing you guys are endorsing a jackass who's gone bankrupt twice. First you like Carly Fiorino who lost jobs at hewlett-packard and now trum who's a two time loser. By the way keep in mind the Rich when Bush was president change the bankruptcy laws so common folk wouldn't be able to do it is easy as they had in the past probably because they knew the collapse was coming. But they made it easier for rich people to be able to go bankrupt.
I just don't like him. He has no class, Trump is an uncouth, uncultured, rude, crude, troglodyte of a man. He's a salesman, not a statesman.
Not PC correct...........I'm down with that..........

I'm just not sure if he's the real deal yet..........He's starting to take financial losses for his statements.............taken out of context........and if he folds then it's BS............the attacks from both sides have begun................let's see where it goes..............right now he is hitting back to prove his argument................which I'm all for.....................

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