Does anyone seriously believe illegals do NOT vote in america!!???

Does anyone seriously believe illegals do NOT vote in america!!???

Why that's utterly ridiculous! Everyone knows Democrats don't lie or cheat! :rolleyes:
(((And there are no political prisoners, and torture never occurs in North Korea.....Just ask the Dictator!!!!)))

"Temporary Lack of evidence does not equate to innocence"

Common sense........
Why would millions of illegals be issued drivers licenses in California and NewYork?
Why ARE there so many illegals IN those same two states?
Why do those same two states have Sanctuary policies for illegals?

Since the Left in California and NewYork CLEARLY do not follow Federal law, you'd have to be insane to think they'd FOLLOW the law concerning elections.

Again, lack of proof does not indicate that a crime has not been committed.
Circumstantial evidence and common sense CLEARLY suggest otherwise.

Some "conveniently" seem to lack common sense on certain issues such as election fraud, while miraculously retaining 100% clarity on issues such as bogus gun control demands. Interesting.

Politics has reached a new low in America on both sides, but Democrats in particular have created a Culture of Corruption and Deception.
The question is not whether Obumble tried to get Illegal Aliens to vote...

Maybe he did... maybe he didn't... doesn't matter, other than serving as a distraction...

The two questions raised by the OP are...

1. Is there substantive evidence of Illegal Aliens actually voting?

2. If 'yes', then, what was the extent of that illegal voting? *

( * translation: did it actually tip the scales or make a substantial or statistically significant difference? )
Any illegal voting is probably because they thought they could and nobody stoped them

There is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud
What evidence will you accept?

Go through the rolls of voters from 2016 and verify their citizenship
Find any who were illegal
I see. You ask the impossible. Speaks volumes.
Without the Illegals that come here and get on welfare the Democrat Party has no future and they know it.
We are trying to fix it. We elected Trump and he is trying to, but you criminals try to stop him at every turn.

How do criminals stop the President of the United States and a Republican House and Senate, Republican Governors, the FEC, state and local prosecutors' Republicans on election boards, and ICE, from investigating and prosecuting non-citizens in the millions that allegedly voted for Hillary in 2016 thus causing Trumpo to lose the popular vote?

How do these criminals achieve such a thing?
Pretending is a liberal criminal mainstay, is it not?
Inasmuch as all the people noted below have asserted that there is no material incidence of voter fraud, I think that if unauthorized individuals vote, it's not worth ushering to the front of the line, as it were, the fact that on rarefied occasions an unauthorized person here and there does cast a vote that shouldn't count.

Hey einstein. You haven't addressed what this thread is about. By supporting daca and dapa democrats proved they do not care about our immigration laws. So why should they enforce laws against illegals voting when letting them vote will help the democrats immensely.?? THINK
You are dumber than dirt!!!!!!

Every voter registration must be approved by the Republican Part & Democrat Party before they are added to the voter roll. If they were added to voter rolls Republicans had to background check & approve them. Then they would have to actually show up and vote!!! That did not happen!!!
Taking your word for what you describe as being the way voter registrations are made....I didn't know that was the "back end" process used to put on on the voter rolls. TY for the info.

Regardless of the registration process, it's preposterous to think that material quantities of unauthorized folks voted in the 2016 POTUS election. It's even more preposterous to think illegal immigrants, especially Latino illegal immigrants, did so, for the voter turnout rate among Latinos would have been much higher than it was in 2012, yet it was not.

Well, actually, what you illustrated, KissMy, is Shoot's ignorance, not his/her stupidity/dumbness. It's not fair to call someone "dumb" if they aren't aware of a material fact. Once the person becomes aware of a germane fact and they, without soundly establishing the immateriality of the fact, continue to stand on the position they did prior to knowing it, well, then it is fair to call the person stupid. The thing with most ignorant folks is that given time, they'll move from demonstrating their ignorance to demonstrating their stupidity, after which point, it's fine to call them stupid. So, just be patient.​
The question is not whether Obumble tried to get Illegal Aliens to vote...

Maybe he did... maybe he didn't... doesn't matter, other than serving as a distraction...

The two questions raised by the OP are...

1. Is there substantive evidence of Illegal Aliens actually voting?

2. If 'yes', then, what was the extent of that illegal voting? *

( * translation: did it actually tip the scales or make a substantial or statistically significant difference? )
Any illegal voting is probably because they thought they could and nobody stoped them

There is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud
What evidence will you accept?

Go through the rolls of voters from 2016 and verify their citizenship
Find any who were illegal
Didn’t California refuse to show that data?
Each county controls its own voter registrations.......even Republicans
It is a responsibility of county Registrars to very the validity of those registered

Why can’t Republicans do it?
Does anyone seriously believe illegals do NOT vote in america!!???

Why that's utterly ridiculous! Everyone knows Democrats don't lie or cheat! :rolleyes:
(((And there are no political prisoners, and torture never occurs in North Korea.....Just ask the Dictator!!!!)))

"Temporary Lack of evidence does not equate to innocence"

Common sense........
Why would millions of illegals be issued drivers licenses in California and NewYork?
Why ARE there so many illegals IN those same two states?
Why do those same two states have Sanctuary policies for illegals?

Since the Left in California and NewYork CLEARLY do not follow Federal law, you'd have to be insane to think they'd FOLLOW the law concerning elections.

Again, lack of proof does not indicate that a crime has not been committed.
Circumstantial evidence and common sense CLEARLY suggest otherwise.

Some "conveniently" seem to lack common sense on certain issues such as election fraud, while miraculously retaining 100% clarity on issues such as bogus gun control demands. Interesting.

Politics has reached a new low in America on both sides, but Democrats in particular have created a Culture of Corruption and Deception.
Show where any illegals voted
Again troll, the facts are iin the videos and the signs. Keep blowing smoke, but the facts bath house did it.

Answer the following question. Don't bullshit or post memes.
Just answer the question:
If you are correct and this is proof then why did Trump end the voter registration investigation?????
Again troll, the facts are iin the videos and the signs. Keep blowing smoke, but the facts bath house did it.

Answer the following question. Don't bullshit or post memes.
Just answer the question:
If you are correct and this is proof then why did Trump end the voter registration investigation?????
Gimmee a minute to call him and I'll get back to you, troll.
Your are filthy deplorable liar and you put it in writing.

Here is a direct uncut very important paragraph:

OBAMA: ... who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote. But they're counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard.

Did Obama Encourage Illegal Immigrants to Vote? No, But YES.

The "you" in the above is a legal US citizen by birth and Obama knows that.

You posted that link. I think you picked a wrong one.

She did not ask if UNDOCUMENTED aliens can vote.

and Obama did not answer;

"Obama says 'no way''re a citizen if if you're illegal!!!!""

You lied here. Doctored cut butchered what was actually said.

This sneaky play on words of yours is about as obvious as rudolph's nose.
I watched the uncut video and unless you are a moron, it's quite clear what he was saying.

As if Democrats have any problem with illegals flooding the country. :rolleyes:
Again troll, the facts are iin the videos and the signs. Keep blowing smoke, but the facts bath house did it.

Answer the following question. Don't bullshit or post memes.
Just answer the question:
If you are correct and this is proof then why did Trump end the voter registration investigation?????
Gimmee a minute to call him and I'll get back to you, troll.

I'm not trolling. You just can't take the heat and answer the question.
I answered it for you, post #129.

Most states refusing to provide voter data to Trump election panel

You see, idiot, it wasn't about voter fraud. It's about getting the info for Trump's 2020 campaign.
You idiots couldn't think your way through a wet tissue.
That does it for this thread.
And again, if you really lived in Texas you know every public and private place of business has the Spanish signs right along with the English.
Does anyone seriously believe illegals do NOT vote in america!!???

Why that's utterly ridiculous! Everyone knows Democrats don't lie or cheat! :rolleyes:
(((And there are no political prisoners, and torture never occurs in North Korea.....Just ask the Dictator!!!!)))

"Temporary Lack of evidence does not equate to innocence"

Common sense........
Why would millions of illegals be issued drivers licenses in California and NewYork?
Why ARE there so many illegals IN those same two states?
Why do those same two states have Sanctuary policies for illegals?

Since the Left in California and NewYork CLEARLY do not follow Federal law, you'd have to be insane to think they'd FOLLOW the law concerning elections.

Again, lack of proof does not indicate that a crime has not been committed.
Circumstantial evidence and common sense CLEARLY suggest otherwise.

Some "conveniently" seem to lack common sense on certain issues such as election fraud, while miraculously retaining 100% clarity on issues such as bogus gun control demands. Interesting.

Politics has reached a new low in America on both sides, but Democrats in particular have created a Culture of Corruption and Deception.
Show where any illegals voted
Show where any didn’t.
Redfish, post: 19674750
No one knows how many voted in 2016

if no one knows how many non-citizens voted in 2016 then then why does Trump keep saying that millions did?

If what you are saying is what you believe to be true, then the honest and correct number of
Illegals voting in the 2016 election has to be zero.

If Republicans believe there were millions who violated a Federal election law then the onus is on them to find specific individuals that broke our laws and indict them.

If no one knows 18 months after the election of any violations then the answer is quite clear, it has not happened.
tycho1572, post: 19675089
Show where any didn’t.

Every voting precinct in the nation except where a non-citizen has been identified charged and penalized according to the law.

So pretty much everywhere in the US.. None found where I vote.
The question is not whether Obumble tried to get Illegal Aliens to vote...

Maybe he did... maybe he didn't... doesn't matter, other than serving as a distraction...

The two questions raised by the OP are...

1. Is there substantive evidence of Illegal Aliens actually voting?

2. If 'yes', then, what was the extent of that illegal voting? *

( * translation: did it actually tip the scales or make a substantial or statistically significant difference? )
Any illegal voting is probably because they thought they could and nobody stoped them

There is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud
What evidence will you accept?

Go through the rolls of voters from 2016 and verify their citizenship
Find any who were illegal
Didn’t California refuse to show that data?
Each county controls its own voter registrations.......even Republicans
It is a responsibility of county Registrars to very the validity of those registered

Why can’t Republicans do it?
That would explain the backlash California is currently getting from cities who know Brown is an idiot.
Any illegal voting is probably because they thought they could and nobody stoped them

There is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud
What evidence will you accept?

Go through the rolls of voters from 2016 and verify their citizenship
Find any who were illegal
Didn’t California refuse to show that data?
Each county controls its own voter registrations.......even Republicans
It is a responsibility of county Registrars to very the validity of those registered

Why can’t Republicans do it?
That would explain the backlash California is currently getting from cities who know Brown is an idiot.

The fact is Dem's can't explain why they oppose voter ID.

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