Does anyone think Trump is gaming the system here?

Isn't gaming the system what all politicians do? I mean, it's kind of a requirement for the job these days.

Also, NY law say he MUST post the bond in order to appeal... and if he doesn't, Letitia and Judge Skelator can deny the request... which they probably would. They don't have too, but you can rest assured they would.

They also want nothing more that to start the process of seizing Trump's assets, which a lot of anti-Trumpers would love to see too.

I just believe Trump has stretched this out to the 11th hour for the drama and the press... and wanting to bust the State's bubble on Monday by providing the bond.

I could be wrong, but that would be a classic Trump move.
I would not be a bit surprised.
Personally, I am an anti-trumper, and I would rather see him go ahead and post the bond, maintaining control of all business and real estate holdings, to manage as his company chooses, as that is the better management decision.
You are following the eventual losing side. Unfortunately, it will drag much of the population with it.
If Trump uses this as the final insult against him then America's justice system will be forced to step back to avoid the long promised violence that will be ordered by Trump.

This is his power and it's practically unstoppable by government using means within the law. Government using means outside of the law are Trump's great danger still.
If Trump uses this as the final insult against him then America's justice system will be forced to step back to avoid the long promised violence that will be ordered by Trump.

This is his power and it's practically unstoppable by government using means within the law. Government using means outside of the law are Trump's great danger still.
If DJ orders violence, he'll go down like the fat orange kid on a see-saw.
Gaming? You gotta be kidding. Some game when a Banana Republic administration that never had a real job steals everything he has and tries to put him in jail on trumped up charges. More like a game of fascism.
Trump has to play the game on their terms.

That's just the way it is in this scenario. The Gobment is holding the better hand for sure, but that doesn't mean Trump can't run an end around. He's certainly done similar before
It's just a theory, but could it be that Trump has had the ability to pay this outrageous bond the whole time... and has just been purposely stretching the drama out to keep the "Poor persecuted political opponent" story front and center for as long as he can for political expendiency?

I mean, the man knows how to work a crowd for sure... and the "I am being targeted and persecuted by the State because I stand for the average guy" theme seems to be working really well for him in the polls.

He also gets the benefit of appearing to be broke, so asking for "Whatever you can spare!" seems more appealing to his base too.

It wouldn't surprise me. He certainly knows how to play the game.

I bet he's had the money the whole time.
Anyone who has money is going to wait till the last minute to pay such a large sum.

He's not broke.

He just doesn't want to empty his private campaign fund till the last minute.

He also wants the criminals that perpetrated this stunt to pay a price for their illegal actions.
If DJ orders violence, he'll go down like the fat orange kid on a see-saw.
Much more important than Trump himself is the chance that America will become a bloodbath. Don't doubt that he's as serious as a cornered rat.

Not suggesting that he's a rat, just to make the point that he won't suffer a clear loss.
Anyone who has money is going to wait till the last minute to pay such a large sum.

He's not broke.

He just doesn't want to empty his private campaign fund till the last minute.

He also wants the criminals that perpetrated this stunt to pay a price for their illegal actions.

I think Trump sees the value in waiting to last day and then pulling what the State really wanted off the table at the last minute.

Letitia has been licking her lips to start the process for seizing Trump's assets... and the Donald is gonna say "ah ah ah, not so fast!" on the last day.

Like I said, it would a classic Trump move.
It's just a theory, but could it be that Trump has had the ability to pay this outrageous bond the whole time... and has just been purposely stretching the drama out to keep the "Poor persecuted political opponent" story front and center for as long as he can for political expendiency?

I mean, the man knows how to work a crowd for sure... and the "I am being targeted and persecuted by the State because I stand for the average guy" theme seems to be working really well for him in the polls.

He also gets the benefit of appearing to be broke, so asking for "Whatever you can spare!" seems more appealing to his base too.

It wouldn't surprise me. He certainly knows how to play the game.

I bet he's had the money the whole time.
You have been distracted into focusing on the wrong issue. The fundamental issue is the "civil fraud" case is completely baseless and a shocking abuse of twisting laws into a political weapon. It is poison to our country.
It's just a theory, but could it be that Trump has had the ability to pay this outrageous bond the whole time... and has just been purposely stretching the drama out to keep the "Poor persecuted political opponent" story front and center for as long as he can for political expendiency?

I mean, the man knows how to work a crowd for sure... and the "I am being targeted and persecuted by the State because I stand for the average guy" theme seems to be working really well for him in the polls.

He also gets the benefit of appearing to be broke, so asking for "Whatever you can spare!" seems more appealing to his base too.

It wouldn't surprise me. He certainly knows how to play the game.

I bet he's had the money the whole time.
How stupid is the christian right, so stupid that they don't realize that the only God Trump will support is one he can control.
You have been distracted into focusing on the wrong issue. The fundamental issue is the "civil fraud" case is completely baseless and a shocking abuse of twisting laws into a political weapon. It is poison to our country.
That will be addressed on appeal, which will come. There is no distraction at all... it's just eating the taco from the end first, and not from the middle.

Short of armed revolution, letting the system proceed is the only option at this point.

Patience Padawan.

I cannot imagine Trump looking good from this, even with the poorly educated people he pretends to love.

During the 2016 Republican primary Trump claimed to be so rich that he would finance his own campaign. When someone heckled one of his speeches Trump told his cultists, "Get him out of here. Rough him up a bit. If you are arrested I will pay for your legal expenses."

Now Trump is rattling his beggar's cup and pleading for money. :D

He is so desperate that he is even sending email letters to me, begging for money.

I suspect that his image of being a billionaire was always a pose based on borrowed money, and that he is deeply in debt.
It's just a theory, but could it be that Trump has had the ability to pay this outrageous bond the whole time... and has just been purposely stretching the drama out to keep the "Poor persecuted political opponent" story front and center for as long as he can for political expendiency?

I mean, the man knows how to work a crowd for sure... and the "I am being targeted and persecuted by the State because I stand for the average guy" theme seems to be working really well for him in the polls.

He also gets the benefit of appearing to be broke, so asking for "Whatever you can spare!" seems more appealing to his base too.

It wouldn't surprise me. He certainly knows how to play the game.

I bet he's had the money the whole time.
Trump is pretty wise at triggering the media to say stuff they will regret saying later, i.e. making them look like the partisan and dishonest political tools that they are. But I wouldn't put it past him to be using this to accomplish some greater purpose as well, but I don't know. Even Elon Musk when he was the richest man in the world didn't have that kind of cash laying around.
Possibly, but the end result is the same.....Leftist dems are left standing there with their dicks in their hand, as usual.
This country never expected such a corrupt mofo and the followers sniffing his ass. Like you.
He’s always gaming the system. It’s what He does.
It's all he knows. He'll do or say absolutely anything in any given moment to advance himself in some way.

But he's far worse when he's being enabled, as he is now.

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