Does Barack Obama Deserve A Third Term?

Serious question for OP and other low-info nutters:

Do you really not know that presidents cannot run or serve more than two terms?
Is that the same Constitution that says all laws must originate in Congress? That's so passe.
I would not be able to take another four years of a speech every day
with Barry telling us over and over and over how great he is. :blowup:
If we amend the Constitution to allow a third term Bush could run again too....imagine the possibilities.
Based on what he is alleged to have done here you would think he was still president.

I think you're right, President Bush is a convenient scapegoat. Fortunately he never made any important decisions that have had any long range consequences or any real effect at all. I think we can just forget all about he was never President. George who?
I never did like that amendment. When you get a good President like Obama, it forces the nation to pick someone else for no reason.
The reason being that adults vote; you should be able to vote for whom you think would be the best person for the job...this is one of the reasons I think Ted Cruz should be allowed to run for whatever office he wants regardless of where he was born.
I would not be able to take another four years of a speech every day
with Barry telling us over and over and over how great he is. :blowup:

Not to mention the omnipresent but ever-shrinking gaggle of Orgasmic ObamaBots swooning over His Imperial Majesty's every word.
I never did like that amendment. When you get a good President like Obama, it forces the nation to pick someone else for no reason.
I refuse to believe any sober person could make that statement. Say it ain't so.
"When you win, there is ... a feeling that the people have spoken and embraced your point of view," Bush said. "And that's what I intend to tell Congress, that I made it clear what I intend to do as the president; now let's work."

Gee, when Bush said that I'm sure all of the conservatives here thought he was being autocratic and authoritarian; right?\\

Isn't it strange how after Obama wins the message from Conservatives is that somehow the people were duped and that a President intending to implement his agenda is appointing himself king?
I never did like that amendment. When you get a good President like Obama, it forces the nation to pick someone else for no reason.
I refuse to believe any sober person could make that statement. Say it ain't so.

Completely sober.

Obama has been a good president. More "hope" than "change" as it turns out, he's had his scandals as any President has, he's had his mis-steps...

Jobs and the economy are on their way back, we're getting out of the Middle East, people now have to buy their own healthcare instead of relying on the taxpayers to foot the bill at the ER everytime they get sick.
"When you win, there is ... a feeling that the people have spoken and embraced your point of view," Bush said. "And that's what I intend to tell Congress, that I made it clear what I intend to do as the president; now let's work."

Gee, when Bush said that I'm sure all of the conservatives here thought he was being autocratic and authoritarian; right?\\

Isn't it strange how after Obama wins the message from Conservatives is that somehow the people were duped and that a President intending to implement his agenda is appointing himself king?
Well, the Obamahdi (PBUH) did say he was going to change the country.
I never did like that amendment. When you get a good President like Obama, it forces the nation to pick someone else for no reason.
I refuse to believe any sober person could make that statement. Say it ain't so.

Completely sober.

Obama has been a good president. More "hope" than "change" as it turns out, he's had his scandals as any President has, he's had his mis-steps...

Jobs and the economy are on their way back, we're getting out of the Middle East, people now have to buy their own healthcare instead of relying on the taxpayers to foot the bill at the ER everytime they get sick.

Jobs and the economy are on their way back, we're getting out of the Middle East, people now have to buy their own healthcare instead of relying on the taxpayers to foot the bill at the ER everytime they get sick.

Actually we're on our way back into the middle east...And how many people with O'Care are doing it with subsidies which the taxpayers are footing the bill for....
I have the privilidge of paying for someone else's healthcare and now have a huge deductible attached to my plan that I can't pay for.
I'd rather see Obama president for life than risk another republican prez screwing things up. Disasters always happen under republicans. The bunch preceding FDR (harding, coolidge, hoover), Nixon, Reagan, bush jr.
I never did like that amendment. When you get a good President like Obama, it forces the nation to pick someone else for no reason.
I refuse to believe any sober person could make that statement. Say it ain't so.

Completely sober.

Obama has been a good president. More "hope" than "change" as it turns out, he's had his scandals as any President has, he's had his mis-steps...

Jobs and the economy are on their way back, we're getting out of the Middle East, people now have to buy their own healthcare instead of relying on the taxpayers to foot the bill at the ER everytime they get sick.
I think you're drunk.
"When you win, there is ... a feeling that the people have spoken and embraced your point of view," Bush said. "And that's what I intend to tell Congress, that I made it clear what I intend to do as the president; now let's work."

Gee, when Bush said that I'm sure all of the conservatives here thought he was being autocratic and authoritarian; right?\\

Isn't it strange how after Obama wins the message from Conservatives is that somehow the people were duped and that a President intending to implement his agenda is appointing himself king?
Well, the Obamahdi (PBUH) did say he was going to change the country.

You nutters lay awake at night dreaming up different ways to misspell Obama's name?
"When you win, there is ... a feeling that the people have spoken and embraced your point of view," Bush said. "And that's what I intend to tell Congress, that I made it clear what I intend to do as the president; now let's work."

Gee, when Bush said that I'm sure all of the conservatives here thought he was being autocratic and authoritarian; right?\\

Isn't it strange how after Obama wins the message from Conservatives is that somehow the people were duped and that a President intending to implement his agenda is appointing himself king?
Well, the Obamahdi (PBUH) did say he was going to change the country.

You nutters lay awake at night dreaming up different ways to misspell Obama's name?
When I spell Barry Sotero's (PBUH) name is that mis-spelled. And when did he change his name back to Obama (PBUH)?
"When you win, there is ... a feeling that the people have spoken and embraced your point of view," Bush said. "And that's what I intend to tell Congress, that I made it clear what I intend to do as the president; now let's work."

Gee, when Bush said that I'm sure all of the conservatives here thought he was being autocratic and authoritarian; right?\\

Isn't it strange how after Obama wins the message from Conservatives is that somehow the people were duped and that a President intending to implement his agenda is appointing himself king?
Well, the Obamahdi (PBUH) did say he was going to change the country.

You nutters lay awake at night dreaming up different ways to misspell Obama's name?
When I spell Barry Sotero's (PBUH) name is that mis-spelled. And when did he change his name back to Obama (PBUH)?

Obamahdi? Like little kids you guys are. Nothing to say so you come up with this dribble.
At one point I thought he might run for a third term, but now I don't think he enjoys being president. He's obviously in over his head and nobody knows that more than himself. I suspect the only thing he wants to do during the rest of his presidency is probably amnesty for illegals. Other than that he's probably content with kicking the can down the road for the next guy.
It's cutting into his free time....and it would get a little old..I don't know how FDR could stand it...
The Failed Messiah is just watching the clock (and calendar) now... waiting to get cut-loose, and to start enjoying that fat pension and all the perqs, and to write his memoirs, and to make a few million from book sales, and speaking engagements.

My only fear is that his hatchet-man, Rahm Emanuel, might be bench-warming the chair for Mayor of Chicago, or that Pat Quinn is bench-warming the chair for Governor of Illinois, and that we Illini may not have hear the last of him... God forbid.

Honestly, i doubt it. Mayor of Chicago or Governor of IL would be a step down from the Presidency.

More likely he'll start a foundation, get paid a lot to make speeches, and probably be thought of pretty fondly when he leaves.
"When you win, there is ... a feeling that the people have spoken and embraced your point of view," Bush said. "And that's what I intend to tell Congress, that I made it clear what I intend to do as the president; now let's work."

Gee, when Bush said that I'm sure all of the conservatives here thought he was being autocratic and authoritarian; right?\\

Isn't it strange how after Obama wins the message from Conservatives is that somehow the people were duped and that a President intending to implement his agenda is appointing himself king?
Well, the Obamahdi (PBUH) did say he was going to change the country.

You nutters lay awake at night dreaming up different ways to misspell Obama's name?
When I spell Barry Sotero's (PBUH) name is that mis-spelled. And when did he change his name back to Obama (PBUH)?

Obamahdi? Like little kids you guys are. Nothing to say so you come up with this dribble.
That didn't answer the questions you replied to, Snookums.
I never did like that amendment. When you get a good President like Obama, it forces the nation to pick someone else for no reason.
I refuse to believe any sober person could make that statement. Say it ain't so.

Completely sober.

Obama has been a good president. More "hope" than "change" as it turns out, he's had his scandals as any President has, he's had his mis-steps...

Jobs and the economy are on their way back, we're getting out of the Middle East, people now have to buy their own healthcare instead of relying on the taxpayers to foot the bill at the ER everytime they get sick.

Jobs and the economy are on their way back, we're getting out of the Middle East, people now have to buy their own healthcare instead of relying on the taxpayers to foot the bill at the ER everytime they get sick.

Actually we're on our way back into the middle east...And how many people with O'Care are doing it with subsidies which the taxpayers are footing the bill for....
I have the privilidge of paying for someone else's healthcare and now have a huge deductible attached to my plan that I can't pay for.

You were footing the bill for 100% of people who had no insurance and showed up at your local do know that; right?

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