Does Barack Obama Deserve A Third Term?

I don't think I can take another 4 years of rwer's crying and slitting their wrists...

OMG, ain't it the truth. Racist secessionists are really on the edge. If only the Rapture would come soon and take them away.

You obviously don't know what happens after the rapture. You ain't gonna enjoy it.

After Sky Daddy raptures the NaziCon retards - we sane people can rebuild the planet.

If you believe in the rapture then you ain't rebuilding anything. Bad days for you.
What if your motor goes out in your only auto?
Bill Clinton could probably win reelection as president; however, it's unlikely Obama could win a third term - because whites are over their historical racist guilt. Now that they have sufficiently demonized Obama - they feel justified in their racist beliefs. It's called rationalization.
Honestly, i doubt it. Mayor of Chicago or Governor of IL would be a step down from the Presidency.

More likely he'll start a foundation, get paid a lot to make speeches, and probably be thought of pretty fondly when he leaves.

If he thinks he getting Clinton money for his speeches he's sadly mistaken. Remember he's an unpopular president.

Is that why W is not on the stump circuit?


That and Bush sounded like a retard with speechwriters. I could imagine he'd be worse off the cuff.
Obama makes Bush look like a great orator. Obama is dumber than a mannequin.
That mannequin happens to be Bob Dole,,be nice..
Bill Clinton could probably win reelection as president; however, it's unlikely Obama could win a third term - because whites are over their historical racist guilt. Now that they have sufficiently demonized Obama - they feel justified in their racist beliefs. It's called rationalization.

We need a Native American Indian president..
It would, indeed, be a step down, but both pay lucratively, one way or another, and do not suffer from the same term-limit restrictions. We should also probably keep in mind that a number of US Presidents took 'step-down' jobs (Congress, etc.) after they'd left office - and Obumble is too young to retire... I dunno.

No president has run for a lesser office since Andrew Johnson in 1874, and that was after two failed attempts to win election.

But if Obama were to follow that route, his best bet would be to run for Senate against Mark Kirk, who really hasn't been the same since his stroke and has alienated most of his Republican base by being, well, reasonable.

Obama could also just be waiting for President Hillary to appoint him to the Supreme Court.
Bill Clinton could probably win reelection as president; however, it's unlikely Obama could win a third term - because whites are over their historical racist guilt. Now that they have sufficiently demonized Obama - they feel justified in their racist beliefs. It's called rationalization.

We need a Native American Indian president..

Or a queer.. oh wait, we already have/d one

The Failed Messiah is just watching the clock (and calendar) now... waiting to get cut-loose, and to start enjoying that fat pension and all the perqs, and to write his memoirs, and to make a few million from book sales, and speaking engagements.

My only fear is that his hatchet-man, Rahm Emanuel, might be bench-warming the chair for Mayor of Chicago, or that Pat Quinn is bench-warming the chair for Governor of Illinois, and that we Illini may not have hear the last of him... God forbid.

Honestly, i doubt it. Mayor of Chicago or Governor of IL would be a step down from the Presidency.

More likely he'll start a foundation, get paid a lot to make speeches, and probably be thought of pretty fondly when he leaves.

If he thinks he getting Clinton money for his speeches he's sadly mistaken. Remember he's an unpopular president.

Is that why W is not on the stump circuit?


That and Bush sounded like a retard with speechwriters. I could imagine he'd be worse off the cuff.
Bill Clinton could probably win reelection as president; however, it's unlikely Obama could win a third term - because whites are over their historical racist guilt. Now that they have sufficiently demonized Obama - they feel justified in their racist beliefs. It's called rationalization.

We need a Native American Indian president..

Or a queer.. oh wait, we already have/d one

Reagan, I didn't know you knew that..
Bill Clinton could probably win reelection as president; however, it's unlikely Obama could win a third term - because whites are over their historical racist guilt. Now that they have sufficiently demonized Obama - they feel justified in their racist beliefs. It's called rationalization.

Oh my, yes. Obama is a poor black victim. Poor little black boy just wanted to do good and help people because he really really cares about America. LOL
Bill Clinton could probably win reelection as president; however, it's unlikely Obama could win a third term - because whites are over their historical racist guilt. Now that they have sufficiently demonized Obama - they feel justified in their racist beliefs. It's called rationalization.

We need a Native American Indian president..

How about someone qualified, regardless of race, creed, gender, etc. Let's practice what we preach.
Sure there's a constitutional prohibition against it. But first such things have never stopped Obama before. And second Congres can vote to amend or suspend the Constitution if it wants.
But shouldn't Obama get at least a third term to finish what he's started. Look at all he's done. He saved us from total economic collapse. He made us the strong world leaders we are. He faced down Iran, Russia, China, ISIS, and Assad. He insured health care for every American, North or South. He caused the ice cap at the Arctic to grow. ANd he fundamentally changed the tone in Washington.
Imagine what he could do in a third term. Truly world peace and nirvana are at hand. If only.
Rabbi had a nightmare last nite...and thought he would share....
Bill Clinton could probably win reelection as president; however, it's unlikely Obama could win a third term - because whites are over their historical racist guilt. Now that they have sufficiently demonized Obama - they feel justified in their racist beliefs. It's called rationalization.

Oh my, yes. Obama is a poor black victim. Poor little black boy just wanted to do good and help people because he really really cares about America. LOL

Sure there's a constitutional prohibition against it. But first such things have never stopped Obama before. And second Congres can vote to amend or suspend the Constitution if it wants.
But shouldn't Obama get at least a third term to finish what he's started. Look at all he's done. He saved us from total economic collapse. He made us the strong world leaders we are. He faced down Iran, Russia, China, ISIS, and Assad. He insured health care for every American, North or South. He caused the ice cap at the Arctic to grow. ANd he fundamentally changed the tone in Washington.
Imagine what he could do in a third term. Truly world peace and nirvana are at hand. If only.
Rabbi had a nightmare last nite...and thought he would share....
No! Look at all the Obama accomplishments! Imagine what the US would look like with even another 4 years with him as president.
I damn sure don't want Hillary to be president, and I don't think we can laugh enough to put up with Palin as president...
I dunno... at least Sarah is easier on the eyes... as shallow as that sounds (is).

Have to record my disagreement.........

Bill Clinton could probably win reelection as president; however, it's unlikely Obama could win a third term - because whites are over their historical racist guilt. Now that they have sufficiently demonized Obama - they feel justified in their racist beliefs. It's called rationalization.

We need a Native American Indian president..

How about someone qualified, regardless of race, creed, gender, etc. Let's practice what we preach.
You've never heard me preach that, since the best leaders seem to come from broken homes or businesses... generals make the worst presidents..
Stupid Op is stupid.
Why do you hate black people?

Rabbi, the answer is simple, republicans for Michelle ... 4 more years.

I agree! Run Michelle. Have Barack as VP. When they're elected Moose resigns and its a 3rd term for Barack. Come on, Dems. Go for it!

I agree! Run Michelle. Have Barack as VP. When they're elected Moose resigns and its a 3rd term for Barack. Come on, Dems. Go for it!
it's your idea Rabid, enabling those unable to think for themselves is a blessing to be thankful for.

Bill Clinton could probably win reelection as president; however, it's unlikely Obama could win a third term - because whites are over their historical racist guilt. Now that they have sufficiently demonized Obama - they feel justified in their racist beliefs. It's called rationalization.

We need a Native American Indian president..

How about someone qualified, regardless of race, creed, gender, etc. Let's practice what we preach.
You've never heard me preach that, since the best leaders seem to come from broken homes or businesses... generals make the worst presidents..
Race hustling lying frauds also make bad Presidents.

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