Does Clinton Derangement Syndrome Exist?


This "_________ Derangement Syndrome" thing started when the Republicans were defending Bush. "BDS".

It was tedious a long time ago, as the partisans try to deflect away from criticism of someone on their "side".

Why don't partisans see how transparent they are? I thought they're smarter than everyone else.

No CDS doesnt exist.

Everybody gets upset at a political figure for not tipping the Chipotle cashier :tinfoil:
The Clinton's deserve the scrutiny. They have earned it. Where the teapers fail...when it comes to Clinton and Obama, is by doing what they criticize the liberals do. They reach a conclusion and support a narrative before all of the facts are in. They don't reserve judgement, they immediately turn issues into the next Watergate, no matter the seriousness, not matter the evidence.

watch out. NEXT we'll be hearing them wail about SEXIST sexist sexist

just like with their chosen one Obama and his SKIN COLOR.

everything was: racist racist racist racist racist racist

Does Clinton Derangement Syndrome Exist? Or is there something deeper at work here? The attacks on everything and anything Clinton are irrefutably irrational. So what is at work in the political sphere where seemingly rational people exhibits signs of irrationality and paranoia, whenever the Clintons are mentioned?
You can replace "Clinton" with "Bush" or "Walker" for the same results.
As far back as I can remember, there has been a derangement syndrome among the current occupier of the White House.

Nixon Derangement Syndrome was probably the worst.

Carter was vilified for the hostage crisis, the oil crisis, stagflation, you name it.

Reagan was going to get us all nuked.

Hmmm. Now that I think about it, there wasn't much in the way of Bush Sr. Derangement Syndrome. He was just kind of wishy-washy. He was actually pretty popular until Ross Perot came along and cut him off at the knees.

Bill Clinton? Sheeeeee-it. Clinton Derangement Syndrome was second only to Nixon Derangement Syndrome. Even back then they went after his wife. Especially on HillaryCare. Clinton Derangement Syndrome led to the birth of Hillary's Vast Right Wing Conspiracy™. And then along came Monica and all hell broke loose.

Bill Clinton was blamed for everything that went wrong in the first six years of Dubya's presidency.

Bush, Jr. Derangement Syndrome certainly existed, and Darth Cheney didn't help much. BushCo. BushHitler. Those of us who weren't in a coma well remember BDS.

Hell, there was Jefferson Derangement Syndrome, too. Just ask that guy Marbury. This shit goes WAY back.

It will continue.
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watch out. NEXT we'll be hearing them wail about SEXIST sexist sexist

just like with their chosen one Obama and his SKIN COLOR.

everything was: racist racist racist racist racist racist

OMG OMG frick frack make them stop obama!
No, CDS does not exist. Clinton is not the target of the deraignment. You ask if CDS exists because you are a partisan hack.
Partisan hacks exist and they will attack anyone on the other side for completely fabricated, false reasons. They exist on both sides and are not going to go away any time soon.

This "_________ Derangement Syndrome" thing started when the Republicans were defending Bush. "BDS".

It was tedious a long time ago, as the partisans try to deflect away from criticism of someone on their "side".

Why don't partisans see how transparent they are? I thought they're smarter than everyone else.

The loony left did have BDS

twas not tedious, twas true

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