CDZ Does John Kerry deserve a Nobel Peace Prize?

U.S. Iran reach historic nuclear framework agreement

Through his hard work and tough negotiations, John Kerry has just made the whole world safer


If the President deserved one for doing a whole lotta nothing, then yes Kerry does too since he at least did something. :)

Barack Obama became the first black man elected President of the United States....a historic achievement
To bad it turned out to be...a historic clusterfuck.
U.S. Iran reach historic nuclear framework agreement

Through his hard work and tough negotiations, John Kerry has just made the whole world safer


If the President deserved one for doing a whole lotta nothing, then yes Kerry does too since he at least did something. :)

Barack Obama became the first black man elected President of the United States....a historic achievement
To bad it turned out to be...a historic clusterfuck.

As yesterdays treaty with Iran showed.....far from it

Obama's sanctions agaisnt Iran worked
Well it all looks to be exactly what we thought - Iran wins, we lose.
When FRANCE says the "deal" is too weak - you KNOW it is a bad deal!!!!

So to answer the ridiculous question of this thread - NO.
Kerry deserves the Kiss ass of the year award.
Kerry doesn't deserve the Nobel Prize any more than he deserved his Vietnam medals but he will probably nominate himself for it the way he nominated himself for his Vietnam medals.
Kerry has just made the world a safer place

Grounds for a Nobel Prize
Yeah RW...I see what your doing. Some call it fishing, some call it trolling.
Even you know the deal is a bad one. Your not fooling anybody with your false accolades for Kerry.
As stated previously, when freaking FRANCE says the deal is too soft?? I mean damn.
But of course this matters not to this administration. If all they received out of the deal is a lollipop they would claim it was a landslide victory for the whole world.
Like I said twice now - the result of the deal was never important to this administration. They just wanted to get a piece of paper signed so they can proclaim they did something.
Iran wanted a short term victory and lowering of sanctions to soften the anger from their citizenry, and they got exactly that. They will pretend to go along, and this administration isn;t about to do anything about non-compliance because then they would look like the chumps they are. So Iran just got two years with sanctions lifted at no cost to them.
Yeah RW...I see what your doing. Some call it fishing, some call it trolling.
Even you know the deal is a bad one. Your not fooling anybody with your false accolades for Kerry.
As stated previously, when freaking FRANCE says the deal is too soft?? I mean damn.
But of course this matters not to this administration. If all they received out of the deal is a lollipop they would claim it was a landslide victory for the whole world.
Like I said twice now - the result of the deal was never important to this administration. They just wanted to get a piece of paper signed so they can proclaim they did something.
Iran wanted a short term victory and lowering of sanctions to soften the anger from their citizenry, and they got exactly that. They will pretend to go along, and this administration isn;t about to do anything about non-compliance because then they would look like the chumps they are. So Iran just got two years with sanctions lifted at no cost to them.

The deal exceeds our expectations regardless of rightwing fear mongering

Russia, China, France, Germany, UK and the U.S. are all in support

Republicans and radicals in Iran oppose it
Haha...why don't you read Iranian President Rouhani's words today?
I will give you a hint, he says he won't cheat as long as we don't...of course that is ambiguous - at best since Iran makes ridiculously unsubstantiated claims against America as a matter of policy.
He also didn;t hesitate to go on to say that Iran has "other" choices.
It's like going to a car lot that has ripped people off 100 cars in a row, your neighbor sees this and refuses to buy a car there...but not can't wait to show you run out and buy a car and then want to brag about how great the deal is.
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Oh an BTW - did you catch what the Press Secretary said today??
He said, as a part of the deal, which is interesting since I didn't know Iran is in control of Iraq - that the U.S. is "allowed" to dismantle the "very dangerous weapons grade material" out of a nuke facility there. And all of the parts will be shipped out of the region, and the weapons grade material will be replaced by non weapons grade material (at our expense of course) when did Iraq get all of this capabilities???
I thought they had no WMD's and was years away from nukes???
And I thought the UN inspector in 2003 said they didn;t have any???
Weird huh?
I mean, either the UN inspectors were blind as a bat, or they were lying, or our government was lying to us...either way Iraq had (has) a - quote - "very dangerous weapons grade facility (in 2015 mind how is it STILL there???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)
OR - our White House Spokesperson is lying and exaggerating the facility to make things sound better.
Either way - we are being duped all the way around.
But by all means let's celebrate this deal!
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Oh - sorry forgot to is so heart warming to see that the Germans support this. like they supported Iraq by supplying Saddam with 60 tons of Tabun in the 80's
And then as late as 1988 they sold 1,000's of tons of material to make chemical weapons to Iraq.
And the Russians support it...well thank God. I mean I would never accept a deal if they didn;t support it!!!
Same with China...who afterall have been selling technology and helping Iran build their conflict of interest there!!
What a great day
U.S. Iran reach historic nuclear framework agreement

Through his hard work and tough negotiations, John Kerry has just made the whole world safer


They're not very clever, to say the leadt, since Iran cannot be trusted. If a peace prize is combined with naivity prize, then why not. Otherwise, not so much

They can't be trusted now can they? They have an active nuclear program with a reactor capable of producing weapons grade plutonium.

After the deal......They won't

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