Does Obama even have a plan?

Well Amelia... you certainly found a way to shut up Democrats..:lol:
Hilarious seeing dupes trying to guess what Obama wants to do. LOL. He's already saved Medicare/aid and our global competitiveness with Obamacare. Proven by Romneycare, not reported by the gigantic disgrace, the Pub propaganda machine, dupes..
He's already saved Medicare/aid and our global competitiveness with Obamacare.

The most generous claim I have seen from any credible source was that Obama pushed the crisis a few years down the road. I still haven't heard about any plan to save it long term.

And you won't even pretend that he has a plan to save Social Security or reduce the debt?
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What is Obama's plan to save Medicare? To save Social Security? To lower the debt?

Tax the rich.. that is the only one I seen. I love it when they yell about Romney not having a plan but he has said what it is . But they want the numbers down to the penny .. Until he is office he cant have those. BUT in 2008 the only plan Obama had was Hope and Change. WTF is that but I guess the left wing people thought that was so grand because they hired his ass even though he had NO experience except as a community organizer
Hilarious seeing dupes trying to guess what Obama wants to do. LOL. He's already saved Medicare/aid and our global competitiveness with Obamacare. Proven by Romneycare, not reported by the gigantic disgrace, the Pub propaganda machine, dupes..

This is yet to be seen . It is already falling about They are stealing from medicare to pay for Obamacare, Private businesses are not hiring full time employees because they do not the unknown on what they will have to pay on their hands. Obama is an idiot . You guys are just trying to save what little dignity he has left which is not much since the independents are going towards Romney , all Obama has is his base and even some of them are going to either Romney or Gary Johnson:badgrin:
What is Obama's plan to save Medicare? To save Social Security? To lower the debt?

Do the Tonight show and Jimmy Fallon then Late night with David Letterman followed by the View.A few rounds of golf,some speeches where he ridicules people who create businesses.
Have Valerie Jarrett release talking points to MSNBC so the attacks on Republicans cover the same issues.

Oh you said plans for important stuff....

Who knows when this administration will get around to that. :eusa_whistle:
What is Obama's plan to save Medicare?

Tax the rich.

To save Social Security?

Tax the rich.

To lower the debt?

Tax the rich.

I keep hearing that over and over, and I keep hearing his cheerleading crew cheering. I think that's why it's so expensive to get him and his entourage jetsetted around the world in so many places--he has to have constant cheering to continue the ninnyhammering that vacuous shibboleth.
What is Obama's plan to save Medicare? To save Social Security? To lower the debt?

No--Obama doesn't have a plan to save social security and medicare. In fact he has no NEW plan to grow the economy--it's just a repeat of the same failed policies that he campaigned on in 2008.

What is Obama's plan to save Medicare? To save Social Security? To lower the debt?

I think Obama does have a plan for this whole country, but he can't tell us now because he knows people would revolt. Instead, he's just going to keep diverting attention to other meaningless scandals while the real work is done in private.

His EPA and czars have been busy working on the fundamental changes he wants to make to this country. It'll be a surprise and no one will recognize the America when he's done.
Wow, 3 pages and no plan. At least Romney and Ryan have the balls to put something out there, which is more than I can say for Obama and any democrat. Obama has never had a plan, just speeches here and there with no substance and no details. No leadership, poor management, lots of hypocrisy, no guts and no clue. We are fools if we re-elect this man.

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