Zone1 Does the God Alone Control Climate?

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020
Does the God alone change climate effects that influence human lives on earth?

Is this religious extremism or is there some basis in fact to say that no other influence on climate is possible.

The question must be answered by first understanding that all actions taken by humans are believed by Christians to be attrubutable to the god.

Evidence to the affirmative:
Job 28:25-27
“When He imparted weight to the wind
And meted out the waters by measure,
When He set a limit for the rain
And a course for the thunderbolt,
Then He saw it and declared it;
He established it and also searched it out.
Is this religious extremism or is there some basis in fact to say that no other influence on climate is possible.
The Global Warming Doomsday Cult dupes such as yourself are religious extremists.
Does the God alone change climate effects that influence human lives on earth?

Is this religious extremism or is there some basis in fact to say that no other influence on climate is possible.

The question must be answered by first understanding that all actions taken by humans are believed by Christians to be attrubutable to the god.

Evidence to the affirmative:
I thought it was Mother Nature
I thought it was Mother Nature
Christians believe that 'mother nature' is really their god in that there is no such character as mother nature. All natural events are believed to be attributable to the god.

Ask a Christian for the final word on that.

(please, adhere to the rules of this section of the forum)
God created everything and all the laws governing the behavior of everything. Even 'chaos' acts according to the laws of physics.
God created everything and all the laws governing the behavior of everything. Even 'chaos' acts according to the laws of physics.
The opposite extreme is saying that the god created nothing and doesn't even exist.
Although I admit that's my starting position, I'm also interested in hearing some more 'moderate' opinions.

We can look to the Catholics on their acceptance of Darwinian evolution, which doesn't adhere to extremism saying that the god created everything.

Their opinion seems to be that the god stood back and watched, and then laid claim to everything. Perhaps some Christian can clarify how that took place?
The opposite extreme is saying that the god created nothing and doesn't even exist.
Although I admit that's my starting position, I'm also interested in hearing some more 'moderate' opinions.

We can look to the Catholics on their acceptance of Darwinian evolution, which doesn't adhere to extremism saying that the god created everything.

Their opinion seems to be that the god stood back and watched, and then laid claim to everything. Perhaps some Christian can clarify how that took place?
The common thread in all these beliefs is that none can be understood.

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