Does the GOP/Conservatives want to re-occupy Iraq or not?

How many students did Bush get in med school to deal with the surge of wounded that he was causing?

Obama started battling congress within months of taking office to get more students into med school. He & his wife have been working at it & sometimes succeeding every since.

Last I checked it took 4 years of college, 4 years med school, then internship & residency to become a doctor. That's about 10 years & considering Obama has been president for only 5.5 years no amount of throwing money at the problem of political barking can fix it yesterday. Had your leader Bush pulled his head out of Cheneys ass & sent our best & brightest to med school instead of Iraq in 2003, they would have started treating soldiers last year before they started dropping dead.

WTF are you talking about?? Honest to God , you sound like a total retard. Obama battled congress?? LMFAO Bush caused a surge of wounded and didn't get people in to med school?? Do me a favor..Register ALWAYS as a democrat.. stay right where you're at.

February 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Direct Funding for Education $77 Billion, College Affordability $30.8 Billion, School Modernization $33.6 Billion boosting medical students enrollment & graduation rates.

October 2009 HR 3962 provided billions in medical-education grants. Those grants helped doctors and nurses pay for their degrees increasing graduation rates, in return for their participation in specific disciplines or programs. Other grants would pay organizations to create educational and training programs under the auspices of the Department of Health and Human Services.

December 2009 Obama signed Consolidated Appropriations increasing the budget for the Veterans Administration by $15.3 billion. $4.6 billion specifically for the purpose of recruiting and retaining more mental health professionals. Plus "an additional $1 million to provide education debt relief as a hiring incentive for mental health professionals."

The Consolidated Appropriations appropriated millions to open more VA health centers. The VA authorized 29 new centers since President Obama took office. Of these, 25 are currently open and operational.

2010 Obama signs ACA including IBR which allows medical residents to cap their monthly repayments at a reduced rate based on income. With an average first year resident stipend of $47,716, the monthly payment is $393 compared to a typical 10-year repayment of over $2,000 a month. All residents qualify for IBR regardless of income or debt levels.

2011 Obama Administration award Texas A&M College of Nursing and Health Sciences funds to help military–and Veterans with previous medical experience–become registered nurses through distance learning technologies.

2011 Obama budget additional $50.6 billion in VA appropriations "build on the historic increase in funding for the VA with a 20 percent total increase since 2009".

2011 Obama & Biden Coordinated Effort By Medical Schools To Train Doctors To Treat TBI, PTSD, In Vets

2012 Nurses Join Forces with Obama / Biden to educate 3 million nurses, through 150 nursing organizations and 500 nursing schools on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in the coming years to support Veterans and Military Families.


Can you believe someone could be such a "tard" and call you a tard? Does that idiot know that Americans were wounded in Iraq? Or does it think they were all wounded under Obama?
And the cost in trillions of modern medicine used in taking care of tens of thousands needlessly maimed in Iraq.
I don't understand these right wingers. This slavery to determined ignorance. Where did it come from?
Not only has Obama has given AL Qaeda back the State Sponsorship they lost under Bush, they also have $15 Billion in US equipment we left behind in Iraq.

Not only has Obama has given AL Qaeda back the State Sponsorship they lost under Bush, they also have $15 Billion in US equipment we left behind in Iraq.


Did you know that WE won every major battle in 'Nam and up to 1975 the Democrats pulled know what happened after that. See something familiar here?
Inbred shit eater....I am talking about when Obama was sitting in the White House jacking off.

Obama claimed Iraq didn't need our military support to complete the transition in the post-Saddam era, he lied.
Obama fucked up in Syria allowing Assad and AQ terrorist groups to turn the country into a fucking mess that affects the entire region.

ISIS came out of the mess in Syria and figured out Obama left a gaping hole for them to invade Iraq, so Obama's original blunder with Iraq has turned into a disaster.

What Obama actually said...

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history. I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world

Barack Obama Oct 2 2002
You are claiming the terrorists in Iraq are flying missions with F16's provided by the USA.

You might want to post a link proving that line of bullshit. Or are you like Frank and just post whatever makes you feel "good"?
Reading deficiency there ZOINK? (And you don't know the history of the situation). I never said that asswipe. The aircraft are in EGYPT you schmuck, Try the weapons given to the radicals against ASSAD...they are the very same weapons AND people.

DO try to keep up ZOINK.

SCHMUCK :eusa_hand:

Obama halted sales of F-16's to Egypt as soon as the government changed in Egypt.
Maybe you have a better or more recent source than Defense Industry Daily?
Here is there recent status on F-16 to Egypt report. Also an explanation of the model, which differs in missile capabilities than the model we use even when and if the sales ever go through.

Egypt: More F-16s on Hold

The T & his *cough* "sources" :rofl:

Come on T boi. :nono: You can do better than that or can you? :eusa_think:

As to the OP, Repubs need to send THEIR kids over there to carry on where everyone else's kids left off if they're so adamant about nation-building & blowing ginormous sums of BORROWED taxpayer money :thup: .
Not only has Obama has given AL Qaeda back the State Sponsorship they lost under Bush, they also have $15 Billion in US equipment we left behind in Iraq.


You serve in vietraq Frankie? When?

aLSO, What would be the occupation time table this time around & how many more BILLIONS/TRILLIONS $$$ THAT WE DON'T HAVE :banghead: you hack?
Not only has Obama has given AL Qaeda back the State Sponsorship they lost under Bush, they also have $15 Billion in US equipment we left behind in Iraq.


Did you know that WE won every major battle in 'Nam and up to 1975 the Democrats pulled know what happened after that. See something familiar here?

What did we gain from Vietnam war?

Why did we go there to fight?
Obama claimed in 2011 "Iraq was a SUCCESS thanks to him."

Now in 2014 when Obama's mistake of leaving no US troops behind has helped's all Bush's fault according to the demented fucks.
Not only has Obama has given AL Qaeda back the State Sponsorship they lost under Bush, they also have $15 Billion in US equipment we left behind in Iraq.


maybe the people who started that optional war, that then Sen Obama condemned :eusa_shhh: , should have factored that into the black hole of blood and treasure AKA- vietraq? :eusa_think: What were they thinking :dunno: That the war would pay for itself? :eusa_shifty:

Iraq war: Predictions made, and results -

:thup: Righty chicken hawks
Not only has Obama has given AL Qaeda back the State Sponsorship they lost under Bush, they also have $15 Billion in US equipment we left behind in Iraq.


Did you know that WE won every major battle in 'Nam and up to 1975 the Democrats pulled know what happened after that. See something familiar here?

What did we gain from Vietnam war?

Why did we go there to fight?
Point is? WE were wining in BOTH scenarios...only to have tyranny fill the void upon our exodus and lack of will to maintain liberty.. Get it?
Re-writing history Righties?

Why Are We Listening To These People?
A stopped clock is right twice a day, but in the Orwellian world that is U.S. mainstream media it seems that stopped clocks are always right — as long as one doesn’t look too much into the background, that is, to see the rusted, smashed-up innards of the clocks themselves. For a perfect example of this inexplicable ability of the media to never hold people accountable, just look at how American media has responded to the advance of extremist Sunni guerrillas across northern Iraq.

It’s like going back in time to 2003, when all things Iraq were still fresh and horrifyingly new. Eleven years ago, pundits, government officials and “experts” trotted out by right-wing think tanks assured us that war against Iraq was both necessary and extremely expedient. Why, some said, the war would pay for itself! We would be greeted with chocolates and flowers, said others. Yes, of course, the “liberated” people of Iraq would naturally get along and form a Madisonian democracy even though they had no history or cultural experience of it! The media, compliant as ever, lapped it up.
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It's an endless cycle of insanity with liberals and losertarians with their kook websites telling them lies about the world then they come here linking those sites as their proof.
Did you know that WE won every major battle in 'Nam and up to 1975 the Democrats pulled know what happened after that. See something familiar here?

What did we gain from Vietnam war?

Why did we go there to fight?
Point is? WE were wining in BOTH scenarios...only to have tyranny fill the void upon our exodus and lack of will to maintain liberty.. Get it?

We can only claim to have won every battle because of the way we defined "winning". Body counts and chasing the enemy off the field were the determining factors in "winning". The enemy saw it differently. They were able to return to the field because we could only control the field temporarily. Hence, they considered our victory only temporary and their return to control the field after we left as a victory.

Example: Ambush of 2nd Bat 7th Cav on way to LZ Albany after Ia Drang.
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Anyone know?

I hear that they're not happy with our "no boots on the ground" policy but what is the alternative...more blood spilled for Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, etc...?

Are any of those places worth more American deaths because there will be deaths involved if we go in. I don't think so.

I suppose, by the actions of most professional pols in the GOP, that the one thing that want to occupy is the White House; of course they also want to have a larger majority of activist conservatives on the Supreme Court and to win enough seats in The Congress to fulfill their ultimate goal of transforming our democratic republic in an Oligarchy.

They are more than half-way there, soon enough the 1% will control everything, what you eat, drink and think. Welcome to 1984.

Freddo suddenly realizes that the government and not Apple or Microsoft, is controlling his activities, but he can't put it into words, so it comes out "Oligarchy"

What does any of that have to do with Obama's Plan for Iraq?

As a concrete thinker (I hate to use thinker in the same sentence as CrusaderFrank, but...) CrusaderFrank doesn't understand - as to be expected - that an Oligarchy is the Power Elite, those like Microsoft and Apple, Banks/Insurance Companies/Financial 'Advisers', Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Pharma and Big Farms, etc. who are able to buy elections and create law; thus control government to benefit them at the expense of We The People.
Did you know that WE won every major battle in 'Nam and up to 1975 the Democrats pulled know what happened after that. See something familiar here?

What did we gain from Vietnam war?

Why did we go there to fight?
Point is? WE were wining in BOTH scenarios...only to have tyranny fill the void upon our exodus and lack of will to maintain liberty.. Get it?

Yet LBJ gets the blame for escalating the war; no question both Vietnam, and Iraq, have turned to tyranny. There are times I wish Nixon had not resigned. He promised "peace with honor", but then came Watergate. In 1973, South Vietnam had control of its territory, then, the Case-Church Amendment; after that the Vietcong had free reign, and Watergate dominated US energy and thought.
Obama is the occupier and it's of US and our country...we have lost many freedoms, he has UNLEASHED every government agency on us and it's going to HURT BAD

everything he's touched has went to hell

Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel is afraid of us now...

that should tell you a lot about voting for another PROGRESSIVE/Democrat folks

No, it tells us what a shrill, dishonest bitch you are.
The GOP vs Dems blame game aside, there is no reason for the US to be in Iraq. We did our best, but when the government is corrupt and/or incompetent no amount of money or military resources will keep it in power indefinitely i.e. Mubarak in Egypt, Ngo Dinh Diem in South Vietnam,etc.

Question is when are we prepared to leave, and let the Sunni's and Shiites fight their own civil war.

I hope that the ISIS doesn't win in Iraq, but if we advocate airstrikes or involvement it will mean being involved for several decades more in Iraq (and with no guarantee it will be resolved).

Afghanistan is the better bet, and the effort should be put there.

We will likely assist with missile or drone attacks. Whomever "wins" in Iraq will be anti-American. I find it humorous that some here want to spill even more blood and treasure to install another Islmic theocracy that will ultimately hate us.
The GOP vs Dems blame game aside, there is no reason for the US to be in Iraq. We did our best, but when the government is corrupt and/or incompetent no amount of money or military resources will keep it in power indefinitely i.e. Mubarak in Egypt, Ngo Dinh Diem in South Vietnam,etc.

Question is when are we prepared to leave, and let the Sunni's and Shiites fight their own civil war.

I hope that the ISIS doesn't win in Iraq, but if we advocate airstrikes or involvement it will mean being involved for several decades more in Iraq (and with no guarantee it will be resolved).

Afghanistan is the better bet, and the effort should be put there.

We will likely assist with missile or drone attacks. Whomever "wins" in Iraq will be anti-American. I find it humorous that some here want to spill even more blood and treasure to install another Islmic theocracy that will ultimately hate us.

That your Boi King has armed, let's not forget that little factoid.
Did you know that WE won every major battle in 'Nam and up to 1975 the Democrats pulled know what happened after that. See something familiar here?

What did we gain from Vietnam war?

Why did we go there to fight?
Point is? WE were wining in BOTH scenarios...only to have tyranny fill the void upon our exodus and lack of will to maintain liberty.. Get it?

What were we winning?

Yes we killed more people & spent more money than they did. But what did we win or gain other than dead or wounded US soldiers, a lot of debt & inflation?
What did we gain from Vietnam war?

Why did we go there to fight?
Point is? WE were wining in BOTH scenarios...only to have tyranny fill the void upon our exodus and lack of will to maintain liberty.. Get it?

Yet LBJ gets the blame for escalating the war; no question both Vietnam, and Iraq, have turned to tyranny. There are times I wish Nixon had not resigned. He promised "peace with honor", but then came Watergate. In 1973, South Vietnam had control of its territory, then, the Case-Church Amendment; after that the Vietcong had free reign, and Watergate dominated US energy and thought.
Kind of like the diversions of Social issues have this country by the throat AS the same kind of an attempt to take our EYES off the true target. The political ballet continues, doesn't it?

I don't disagree with you in this regard...albeit Reid wants us to focus on the naming and LOSS of a trademark of an NFL team that's been around for over 7 decades...because of racism...Really? There are larger issues certainly.

Sheer lunacy abounds to distract the non-astute.

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