Does the GOP/Conservatives want to re-occupy Iraq or not?

The GOP vs Dems blame game aside, there is no reason for the US to be in Iraq. We did our best, but when the government is corrupt and/or incompetent no amount of money or military resources will keep it in power indefinitely i.e. Mubarak in Egypt, Ngo Dinh Diem in South Vietnam,etc.

Question is when are we prepared to leave, and let the Sunni's and Shiites fight their own civil war.

I hope that the ISIS doesn't win in Iraq, but if we advocate airstrikes or involvement it will mean being involved for several decades more in Iraq (and with no guarantee it will be resolved).

Afghanistan is the better bet, and the effort should be put there.
Obama did say he'd stand with the Islamists if the winds turned ugly, so his support of ISIS wasn't a complete shock

If you ask me, I think the fault lies in electing a guy who hates the USA in the first place
ASSWIPE....the US military plan was to keep 10,000 troops in Iraq until Iraq was stable enough to defend themselves.

Your plan has ISIS executing people in Iraq as they move closer to Baghdad. Also, your plan has turned Syria into a hellhole so that groups like ISIS exist and can invade Iraq.

Your plan sucks, because you are fucking stupid.

Since your plan has failed, the US military should use airpower and select spec ops on the ground to kill off the ISIS scum that you helped create and support by doing nothing in Syria and leaving a vacuum in Iraq.

Got that, idiot?

They, as usual, have ZERO ideas. They're going to wait and see what Obama does and then argue the opposite. It'll really fire up the base.

Here is what I got from your post idiot. Your fucking ass WILL NOT be on the line when those troops hit the ground. You got a pretty big fucking mouth to send other Americans kids and loved ones off to get killed in Iraq. For no good fucking reason other than assholes like you elected an idiot like Bush to get us involved in a country we had no business invading.

You are the idiot dude.
Anyone know?

I hear that they're not happy with our "no boots on the ground" policy but what is the alternative...more blood spilled for Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, etc...?

Are any of those places worth more American deaths because there will be deaths involved if we go in. I don't think so.

Are you really interested in an answer or are you just bashing the GOP? I have found that most of you liberals only make threads like this to bash and when you get an actual answer, you either ignore it or ridicule it.

If you are interested in an answer, here it is:

As everyone knows, the GOP and in particular conservatives, are splintered. There are conservatives who believe that we never should have left Iraq, ones that believe we should have left significant troops there in perpetuity, ones who think we should stay out entirely, and those who think it was a mistake to go in in the first place.

You will be able to find all of those types. THIS conservative believes we shouldn't spill another drop of American blood. I believe that if we do anything at all, we should bomb the invading army from the air and we should do it NOW, before they get to Baghdad. Probably should have done it days ago. Although Obama is completely inept at foreign policy, sometimes he accidentally gets it right as in the case of his "no boots on the ground" policy.

As to your question above, the only thing I can say is that they are concerned about the American lives already lost and don't want to throw away what those people died for. I can understand that, I don't support that belief, but I understand it.

BTW, "No boots on the ground"? Those 200+ "advisors" that he sent there, are they wearing sandals?
Obama did say he'd stand with the Islamists if the winds turned ugly, so his support of ISIS wasn't a complete shock

If you ask me, I think the fault lies in electing a guy who hates the USA in the first place

You're a fucking asshole frank. You just make up shit to post. Stupid shit at that.
And for those on the left who bemoan any more Americans dying in Iraq, I have this to say:

If we didn't have a gutless POTUS (and this includes GWB as well), no Americans would have died in Iraq. There is no reason that our army consisting of our military and our technology, shouldn't have mopped up the entire country is a few days. The only reason we lost lives is because of the "rules of engagement" that heavily favored the enemy. Both the POTUS that we have now and the one we just got rid of didn't have the balls to say "Fuck that, it's a suicide mission".
The GOP vs Dems blame game aside, there is no reason for the US to be in Iraq. We did our best, but when the government is corrupt and/or incompetent no amount of money or military resources will keep it in power indefinitely i.e. Mubarak in Egypt, Ngo Dinh Diem in South Vietnam,etc.

Question is when are we prepared to leave, and let the Sunni's and Shiites fight their own civil war.

I hope that the ISIS doesn't win in Iraq, but if we advocate airstrikes or involvement it will mean being involved for several decades more in Iraq (and with no guarantee it will be resolved).

Afghanistan is the better bet, and the effort should be put there.

No. There's no reason an air strike should involve us in this war for decades. Not if the air strike is done right.
Anyone know?

I hear that they're not happy with our "no boots on the ground" policy but what is the alternative...more blood spilled for Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, etc...?

Are any of those places worth more American deaths because there will be deaths involved if we go in. I don't think so.
It depends on what Obama wants, then they want the opposite.
And for those on the left who bemoan any more Americans dying in Iraq, I have this to say:

If we didn't have a gutless POTUS (and this includes GWB as well), no Americans would have died in Iraq.
There is no reason that our army consisting of our military and our technology, shouldn't have mopped up the entire country is a few days. The only reason we lost lives is because of the "rules of engagement" that heavily favored the enemy. Both the POTUS that we have now and the one we just got rid of didn't have the balls to say "Fuck that, it's a suicide mission".

What a stupid fucking statement. If we hadn't of had a stupid right wing President intent on invading a country that didn't attack us, then we wouldn't be in this stupid fucking position. You are full of shit dude.

And the reason we lost so many lives. Try having soldiers ride around in un armored Humvees waiting to be blown up. That'll get em killed or maimed. Now who did that?
And for those on the left who bemoan any more Americans dying in Iraq, I have this to say:

If we didn't have a gutless POTUS (and this includes GWB as well), no Americans would have died in Iraq.
There is no reason that our army consisting of our military and our technology, shouldn't have mopped up the entire country is a few days. The only reason we lost lives is because of the "rules of engagement" that heavily favored the enemy. Both the POTUS that we have now and the one we just got rid of didn't have the balls to say "Fuck that, it's a suicide mission".

What a stupid fucking statement. If we hadn't of had a stupid right wing President intent on invading a country that didn't attack us, then we wouldn't be in this stupid fucking position. You are full of shit dude.

And the reason we lost so many lives. Try having soldiers ride around in un armored Humvees waiting to be blown up. That'll get em killed or maimed. Now who did that?

Agreed....we shouldn't have been there.
Every president inherits bunk from the prior president and they deal with it.
Obama doesn't do well dealing with it, he wasn't ready for the position that he found himself in. He has a weak foreign policy and it's been shown over and over.

But, on a positive note for Obama, he has his golfing handicap down to 17. :clap2:
And for those on the left who bemoan any more Americans dying in Iraq, I have this to say:

If we didn't have a gutless POTUS (and this includes GWB as well), no Americans would have died in Iraq.
There is no reason that our army consisting of our military and our technology, shouldn't have mopped up the entire country is a few days. The only reason we lost lives is because of the "rules of engagement" that heavily favored the enemy. Both the POTUS that we have now and the one we just got rid of didn't have the balls to say "Fuck that, it's a suicide mission".

What a stupid fucking statement. If we hadn't of had a stupid right wing President intent on invading a country that didn't attack us, then we wouldn't be in this stupid fucking position. You are full of shit dude.

And the reason we lost so many lives. Try having soldiers ride around in un armored Humvees waiting to be blown up. That'll get em killed or maimed. Now who did that?

Remember how mom and dad and siblings of soldiers and Marines in Iraq had to hold bake sales to collect funds for the purchase of body armor because their Commander in Chief sent them to war without the needed body armor. Even when he turned the mission into an occupation that required the troops to patrol cities in unarmored vehicles that subjected them to snipers and roadside bombs. Does anyone remember the fight in congress that prevented us from rushing those needed armored vehicles and body armor to the battlefield?
This is so sickening it should make you vomit. The Bush administration demanded that all of Iraqi's debts be forgiven. The Democrats in Congress said no. The body armor and armored vehicle was put into bills that required that the debts be forgiven. So, the only way to get body armor and armored vehicles to out troops was to be extorted into forgiving Iraq's. The debts were not to us, they were to foreign countries.

FOX NEWS couldn't even ignore the disgusting story of how the Bush administration and Republican congress were directly causing unnecessary deaths and injuries caused by their irresponsible political games.
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Here is what it really is all about in Iraq.
dickie cheney and halliburton.
You know, the oil connection and $.
Obama did say he'd stand with the Islamists if the winds turned ugly, so his support of ISIS wasn't a complete shock

If you ask me, I think the fault lies in electing a guy who hates the USA in the first place

You're a fucking asshole frank. You just make up shit to post. Stupid shit at that.

I can't think of any other reason for Obama to throw away all our sacrifice in Iraq and hand it to the Islamists except that he hates America.
Obama did say he'd stand with the Islamists if the winds turned ugly, so his support of ISIS wasn't a complete shock

If you ask me, I think the fault lies in electing a guy who hates the USA in the first place

You're a fucking asshole frank. You just make up shit to post. Stupid shit at that.

I can't think of any other reason for Obama to throw away all our sacrifice in Iraq and hand it to the Islamists except that he hates America.

He campaigned on the promise he would get the USA out of Iraq. It was the main reason the Democrats chose him over Clinton. He won the election and fulfilled his promise. No more flag draped coffins and maimed soldiers coming home from Iraq.
I'm trying to recall a time that any President in the history of our great country ever made decisions, often without consulting Congress, then blamed his Predecessor?? The amazing stupidity on display by Dear Leader and his wild band of Zombies is almost too comical.

Not nearly as comical as your stupidity...Obama is complying with the SOFA treaty that Bush signed in 2008 promising to completely withdraw troops by December 2011. How many times does this have to be repeated on this board? I'm fucking not even going to link to it anymore. Look it up yourself.
So, now you have to answer the question.

Did Bush get us out of Iraq and Obama is taking credit, or did Obama fix Iraq by pulling out before he blew his load?

The answer to the question of the OP is rather obvious, but nothing short of a very simplified response will be understandable to the majority of the progressives here.

So, give us the list of GOP'ers and/or Conservatives that have said they want boots on the ground.

Then give Me a list of GOP'ers that have the actual authority to put boots on the ground, and have said they want boots on the ground.

In other words, first you have to ask the GOP/Conservatives the question. Since there are no elected GOP representatives on this forum, it makes the OP look like a total idiot (hence, I have to dumb down the reply) to ask this question.

So, now that I dismissed the phoney attempt at a legitimate discussion, and you leftists are to cowardly to actually express YOUR ideas, (After all, the problem of Iraq is NOW the Democrats problem) shall we move on?
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I'm trying to recall a time that any President in the history of our great country ever made decisions, often without consulting Congress, then blamed his Predecessor?? The amazing stupidity on display by Dear Leader and his wild band of Zombies is almost too comical.

Not nearly as comical as your stupidity...Obama is complying with the SOFA treaty that Bush signed in 2008 promising to completely withdraw troops by December 2011. How many times does this have to be repeated on this board? I'm fucking not even going to link to it anymore. Look it up yourself.
So, now you have to answer the question.

Did Bush get us out of Iraq and Obama is taking credit, or did Obama fix Iraq by pulling out before he blew his load?

The answer to the question of the OP is rather obvious, but nothing short of a very simplified response will be understandable to the majority of the progressives here.

So, give us the list of GOP'ers and/or Conservatives that have said they want boots on the ground.

Then give Me a list of GOP'ers that have the actual authority to put boots on the ground, and have said they want boots on the ground.

In other words, first you have to ask the GOP/Conservatives the question. Since there are no elected GOP representatives on this forum, it makes the OP look like a total idiot (hence, I have to dumb down the reply) to ask this question.

So, now that I dismissed the phoney attempt at a legitimate discussion, and you leftists are to cowardly to actually express YOUR ideas, (After all, the problem of Iraq is NOW the Democrats problem) shall we move on?

Actually your post makes you sound extremely desperate to find any kind of convoluted excuse to blame Obama for things he has no, nor should have any control of.
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And for those on the left who bemoan any more Americans dying in Iraq, I have this to say:

If we didn't have a gutless POTUS (and this includes GWB as well), no Americans would have died in Iraq.
There is no reason that our army consisting of our military and our technology, shouldn't have mopped up the entire country is a few days. The only reason we lost lives is because of the "rules of engagement" that heavily favored the enemy. Both the POTUS that we have now and the one we just got rid of didn't have the balls to say "Fuck that, it's a suicide mission".

What a stupid fucking statement. If we hadn't of had a stupid right wing President intent on invading a country that didn't attack us, then we wouldn't be in this stupid fucking position. You are full of shit dude.

And the reason we lost so many lives. Try having soldiers ride around in un armored Humvees waiting to be blown up. That'll get em killed or maimed. Now who did that?

Agreed....we shouldn't have been there.
Every president inherits bunk from the prior president and they deal with it.
Obama doesn't do well dealing with it, he wasn't ready for the position that he found himself in. He has a weak foreign policy and it's been shown over and over.

But, on a positive note for Obama, he has his golfing handicap down to 17. :clap2:

Obama has been very patient in his foreign policy and has ignored the taunts from the right demanding a military response

Obama has also been insistent that our allies take a stronger role in regional crisis

It is a welcome change from the saber rattling and nation building of his predecessor
Not nearly as comical as your stupidity...Obama is complying with the SOFA treaty that Bush signed in 2008 promising to completely withdraw troops by December 2011. How many times does this have to be repeated on this board? I'm fucking not even going to link to it anymore. Look it up yourself.
So, now you have to answer the question.

Did Bush get us out of Iraq and Obama is taking credit, or did Obama fix Iraq by pulling out before he blew his load?

The answer to the question of the OP is rather obvious, but nothing short of a very simplified response will be understandable to the majority of the progressives here.

So, give us the list of GOP'ers and/or Conservatives that have said they want boots on the ground.

Then give Me a list of GOP'ers that have the actual authority to put boots on the ground, and have said they want boots on the ground.

In other words, first you have to ask the GOP/Conservatives the question. Since there are no elected GOP representatives on this forum, it makes the OP look like a total idiot (hence, I have to dumb down the reply) to ask this question.

So, now that I dismissed the phoney attempt at a legitimate discussion, and you leftists are to cowardly to actually express YOUR ideas, (After all, the problem of Iraq is NOW the Democrats problem) shall we move on?

Actually your post makes you sound extremely desperate to find any kind of convoluted excuse to blame Obama for things he has no, nor should have no control of.
Do you ever stop and consider your responses before you hit that send button?

What makes you think that in anything in life, let alone an internet forum, I would feel desperate to answer a nonsensical question to anyone's satisfaction but My own?

You sound like you are projecting, or hiding your lack of confidence in yourself, or your president.

I'd ask you to stop and think before posting, but I doubt you'd take the advice.

So, do you have that list or no?
Obama did say he'd stand with the Islamists if the winds turned ugly, so his support of ISIS wasn't a complete shock

If you ask me, I think the fault lies in electing a guy who hates the USA in the first place

You're a fucking asshole frank. You just make up shit to post. Stupid shit at that.

I can't think of any other reason for Obama to throw away all our sacrifice in Iraq and hand it to the Islamists except that he hates America.
*Dreams From His Father*...:eusa_whistle:

You're a fucking asshole frank. You just make up shit to post. Stupid shit at that.

I can't think of any other reason for Obama to throw away all our sacrifice in Iraq and hand it to the Islamists except that he hates America.

He campaigned on the promise he would get the USA out of Iraq. It was the main reason the Democrats chose him over Clinton. He won the election and fulfilled his promise. No more flag draped coffins and maimed soldiers coming home from Iraq.

He campaigned on handing $15 Billion of our best equipment to his Jihad friends?

I must have missed that

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