Does the GOP/Conservatives want to re-occupy Iraq or not?

Bullshit called on typical liberal bullshit from the liberal bullshit flinging siete.

What W had said was that we would leave Iraq when Iraq could stand on her own.

What Obumbler said and -- worse -- DID was to set a timetable, announce it publicly, in advance, and then keep to it, thereby rather preemptively leaving Iraq BEFORE it was able (obviously) to stand on its own.

And that timetable thing? A stroke of douche. It helped the shit-heels like ISIS formulate the plans for what they ultimately put into effect rather effectively, just recently.

Obumbler is just a flat out clusterfuck of fail.

I'm not willing to pay the blood & treasure to insert ourselves into the middle of a pre-ordained, internal, religious civil war. You? BTW- you serve?

that war was wrong to begin then when shrub was the decider & its wrong to get involved now.

Too late cumquat. Obama has already started it.:eusa_hand:
Elections have consequences and apparently Boooooooosh is still President

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he broke this great nation's bank by doing nation-building abroad :thup: Sadly, his & Cheney's "Democracy at the end of a gun barrell" didn't take. who woulda' guessed :eusa_think:

Transcript: Obama's Speech Against The Iraq War : NPR
What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics

Frank57!!! [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] do you seriously think blowing $3-5 TRILLION (adding in the cost of healthcare-for-life for the maimed) in BORROWED taxpayer $$$ (our great grandchildres money) to interject ourselves into a muslim civil war was a good idea?

If you're so concerned about spending and vets being cared for then why aren't you concerned about the VA that Obama promised to fix?

You serve? When/where?
Bullshit called on typical liberal bullshit from the liberal bullshit flinging siete.

What W had said was that we would leave Iraq when Iraq could stand on her own.

What Obumbler said and -- worse -- DID was to set a timetable, announce it publicly, in advance, and then keep to it, thereby rather preemptively leaving Iraq BEFORE it was able (obviously) to stand on its own.

And that timetable thing? A stroke of douche. It helped the shit-heels like ISIS formulate the plans for what they ultimately put into effect rather effectively, just recently.

Obumbler is just a flat out clusterfuck of fail.

I'm not willing to pay the blood & treasure to insert ourselves into the middle of a pre-ordained, internal, religious civil war. You? BTW- you serve?

that war was wrong to begin then when shrub was the decider & its wrong to get involved now.

Obama wanted the job. Obama said he would end the war. His administration said Iraq was one of his great achievements. Now it's Bush's fault. That's some weak shit. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You're omitting some history. Education is a wonderful thing. Here.
How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations

That's an Op/Ed and is not a news agency. Education is a wonderful thing. I suggest you get one.

Did Obama conduct negotiations with Malaki in 2011 on troop withdrawal?

Published: October 21, 2011

BAGHDAD — President Obama’s announcement on Friday that all American troops would leave Iraq by the end of the year was an occasion for celebration for many, but some top American military officials were dismayed by the announcement, seeing it as the president’s putting the best face on a breakdown in tortured negotiations with the Iraqis.

And for the negotiators who labored all year to avoid that outcome, it represented the triumph of politics over the reality of Iraq’s fragile security’s requiring some troops to stay, a fact everyone had assumed would prevail.
Bullshit called on typical liberal bullshit from the liberal bullshit flinging siete.

What W had said was that we would leave Iraq when Iraq could stand on her own.

What Obumbler said and -- worse -- DID was to set a timetable, announce it publicly, in advance, and then keep to it, thereby rather preemptively leaving Iraq BEFORE it was able (obviously) to stand on its own.

And that timetable thing? A stroke of douche. It helped the shit-heels like ISIS formulate the plans for what they ultimately put into effect rather effectively, just recently.

Obumbler is just a flat out clusterfuck of fail.

I'm not willing to pay the blood & treasure to insert ourselves into the middle of a pre-ordained, internal, religious civil war. You? BTW- you serve?

that war was wrong to begin then when shrub was the decider & its wrong to get involved now.

Obama wanted the job. Obama said he would end the war. His administration said Iraq was one of his great achievements. Now it's Bush's fault. That's some weak shit. You should be ashamed of yourself.

he got us out of the biggest foreign policy blunder in the last 50+ yrs. Obama PRIOR to Shrub's war of choice son:

Transcript: Obama's Speech Against The Iraq War : NPR
What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics

put down the Fox kool aid :alcoholic: :eusa_hand: or is it rw weed :eusa_think: You're a pot head right?
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Libs if a tree falls in the forest is it Boooooshs fault

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I thought Repub's were deficit hawks :eusa_liar: They cratered the economy w/ that war of choice. :eusa_clap: Now they :tinfoil: want to double-down :talktothehand:
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Bullshit called on typical liberal bullshit from the liberal bullshit flinging siete.

What W had said was that we would leave Iraq when Iraq could stand on her own.

What Obumbler said and -- worse -- DID was to set a timetable, announce it publicly, in advance, and then keep to it, thereby rather preemptively leaving Iraq BEFORE it was able (obviously) to stand on its own.

And that timetable thing? A stroke of douche. It helped the shit-heels like ISIS formulate the plans for what they ultimately put into effect rather effectively, just recently.

Obumbler is just a flat out clusterfuck of fail.

Obama campaigned on ending the war in Iraq. He won the election and so America made it's decision to get the fuck out of Iraq. Obama kept his promise.
Bush campaigned on being against nation building. He lied. If he would have kept his word and left Iraq with the military and government intact, but under strict surrender terms the long drawn out war would have never occurred and the shit in Iraq and Syria going on today wouldn't be happening.
The nation building crap has never worked but you idiots still defend it and promote it and want to try it every chance you get.
he broke this great nation's bank by doing nation-building abroad :thup: Sadly, his & Cheney's "Democracy at the end of a gun barrell" didn't take. who woulda' guessed :eusa_think:

Transcript: Obama's Speech Against The Iraq War : NPR


Frank57!!! [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] do you seriously think blowing $3-5 TRILLION (adding in the cost of healthcare-for-life for the maimed) in BORROWED taxpayer $$$ (our great grandchildres money) to interject ourselves into a muslim civil war was a good idea?

If you're so concerned about spending and vets being cared for then why aren't you concerned about the VA that Obama promised to fix?
ummm..... good deflection. BTW n00b asswipe, loudmouth- I've been to a few VA's, in my time, and rec'd quality care.

Ummmm....good deflection. BTW bootlicker, you are not all the vets who are not getting proper care. You just proved to all of us that you care more about a lying fraud than our soldiers. Shame on you. You'd look better if you just remained silent. You're not equipped to compete with me.
Bullshit called on typical liberal bullshit from the liberal bullshit flinging siete.

What W had said was that we would leave Iraq when Iraq could stand on her own.

What Obumbler said and -- worse -- DID was to set a timetable, announce it publicly, in advance, and then keep to it, thereby rather preemptively leaving Iraq BEFORE it was able (obviously) to stand on its own.

And that timetable thing? A stroke of douche. It helped the shit-heels like ISIS formulate the plans for what they ultimately put into effect rather effectively, just recently.

Obumbler is just a flat out clusterfuck of fail.

Obama campaigned on ending the war in Iraq. He won the election and so America made it's decision to get the fuck out of Iraq. Obama kept his promise.
Bush campaigned on being against nation building. He lied. If he would have kept his word and left Iraq with the military and government intact, but under strict surrender terms the long drawn out war would have never occurred and the shit in Iraq and Syria going on today wouldn't be happening.
The nation building crap has never worked but you idiots still defend it and promote it and want to try it every chance you get.

Umm, you have a problem. Obama claimed that Iraq is one of his great achievements.
Bullshit called on typical liberal bullshit from the liberal bullshit flinging siete.

What W had said was that we would leave Iraq when Iraq could stand on her own.

What Obumbler said and -- worse -- DID was to set a timetable, announce it publicly, in advance, and then keep to it, thereby rather preemptively leaving Iraq BEFORE it was able (obviously) to stand on its own.

And that timetable thing? A stroke of douche. It helped the shit-heels like ISIS formulate the plans for what they ultimately put into effect rather effectively, just recently.

Obumbler is just a flat out clusterfuck of fail.

Obama campaigned on ending the war in Iraq. He won the election and so America made it's decision to get the fuck out of Iraq. Obama kept his promise.
Bush campaigned on being against nation building. He lied. If he would have kept his word and left Iraq with the military and government intact, but under strict surrender terms the long drawn out war would have never occurred and the shit in Iraq and Syria going on today wouldn't be happening.
The nation building crap has never worked but you idiots still defend it and promote it and want to try it every chance you get.

Umm, you have a problem. Obama claimed that Iraq is one of his great achievements.

Got a quote?
Bullshit called on typical liberal bullshit from the liberal bullshit flinging siete.

What W had said was that we would leave Iraq when Iraq could stand on her own.

What Obumbler said and -- worse -- DID was to set a timetable, announce it publicly, in advance, and then keep to it, thereby rather preemptively leaving Iraq BEFORE it was able (obviously) to stand on its own.

And that timetable thing? A stroke of douche. It helped the shit-heels like ISIS formulate the plans for what they ultimately put into effect rather effectively, just recently.

Obumbler is just a flat out clusterfuck of fail.

Obama campaigned on ending the war in Iraq. He won the election and so America made it's decision to get the fuck out of Iraq. Obama kept his promise.
Bush campaigned on being against nation building. He lied. If he would have kept his word and left Iraq with the military and government intact, but under strict surrender terms the long drawn out war would have never occurred and the shit in Iraq and Syria going on today wouldn't be happening.
The nation building crap has never worked but you idiots still defend it and promote it and want to try it every chance you get.

Umm, you have a problem. Obama claimed that Iraq is one of his great achievements.

It was, and that is how it will be written in the history books. He brought the long quagmire war to an end and left with the Iraqi's in control of their own fate. The Iraqi's fucked up, not the USA. We did our job and kept our promise.
The great success was the halting of flag draped coffins and maimed soldiers from coming home. Apparently that is not good enough for some, but it's good enough for a lot of us.
Anyone know?

I hear that they're not happy with our "no boots on the ground" policy but what is the alternative...more blood spilled for Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, etc...?

Are any of those places worth more American deaths because there will be deaths involved if we go in. I don't think so.

They want the opposite of what the niggrah Kenyan does. Unfortunately, half of them agree with the niggrah Kenyan so they're just spinning around in circles spraying drool everywhere.
300 Green Berets, or so I have read. The US put al Qaeda on the back burner from 2002-2009; and ISIS emerged. Congress fiddles while ISIS grows stronger, that much is obvious. The US may have to go in, yet again.
If you're so concerned about spending and vets being cared for then why aren't you concerned about the VA that Obama promised to fix?

Do you ever think before regurgitating political talking points?

How long does it take to educate & train new Doctors & Psychiatrist for the VA?

How long has Obama been President?

You do the math.

Perhaps the dip-shit who sent troops into battle should have also sent some of our best & brightest to medical school instead of getting them killed in Iraq.
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If you're so concerned about spending and vets being cared for then why aren't you concerned about the VA that Obama promised to fix?
ummm..... good deflection. BTW n00b asswipe, loudmouth- I've been to a few VA's, in my time, and rec'd quality care.

Ummmm....good deflection. BTW bootlicker, you are not all the vets who are not getting proper care. You just proved to all of us that you care more about a lying fraud than our soldiers. Shame on you. You'd look better if you just remained silent. You're not equipped to compete with me.

You're funny. A rw, n00b, keyboard warrior, hack but funny. :p
ummm..... good deflection. BTW n00b asswipe, loudmouth- I've been to a few VA's, in my time, and rec'd quality care.

Ummmm....good deflection. BTW bootlicker, you are not all the vets who are not getting proper care. You just proved to all of us that you care more about a lying fraud than our soldiers. Shame on you. You'd look better if you just remained silent. You're not equipped to compete with me.

You're funny. A rw, n00b, keyboard warrior, hack but funny. :p

Questions about VA care remain, and Cantor won't be around to dodge them anymore.
If you're so concerned about spending and vets being cared for then why aren't you concerned about the VA that Obama promised to fix?

Do you ever think before regurgitating political talking points?

How long does it take to educate & train new Doctors & Psychiatrist for the VA?

How long has Obama been President?

You do the math.

Perhaps the dip-shit who sent troops into battle should have also sent some to medical school.

Obama said in 2007 that conditions of wait times at the VA were deplorable. Let's see......that's 6 years as president and he's not responsible for doing nothing. Obama sent additional troops to Afghanistan and more Americans have been killed in Afghanistan during his 6 years than Bush's 8 years. Anything else?

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