Does the GOP/Conservatives want to re-occupy Iraq or not?

Hey libs:

What LESSONS do you think the Obumbler withdrawal from Iraq and the present day clusterfuck in Iraq is teaching our opponents and enemies?
Survey says? Obumbler is a fool, apoloigist, pushover, political appeaser... pushover, and the US is again RIPE for attack on every front. Odd? But I think Puttin was trying to teach the upstart a lesson regarding the Ukraine...:eusa_whistle:
Obama busted a cap in bin Ladens ass years ago how is he still relevant

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Well, being the well trained seal that you are, if bin Laden was still on the loose you stupid rightwingers would be saying Obama should have caught him by now.

Are you catching on yet?
Bush marginalized ubl very early on by removing his state sponsorship. Obama gave AQ back what they lost under Bush

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Bush "maginaliized" him. Is that like being executed or caught and hung like he promised? Bahahahaaa......Sit up, clap your flappers, here comes your bucket of chum....Yeah, blame Bush and Cheney's total epic failure on the next president if he's a Democrat. Right.
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That's an Op/Ed and is not a news agency. Education is a wonderful thing. I suggest you get one.

Did Obama conduct negotiations with Malaki in 2011 on troop withdrawal?

I don't know, but I suspect you think you do.

According to the blog you posted,
"But what about the extensive negotiations the administration has been engaged in for months, regarding U.S. offers to leave thousands of uniformed soldiers in Iraq past the deadline? It has been well reported that those negotiations, led by U.S. Ambassador James Jeffrey, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and White House official Brett McGurk, had been stalled over the U.S. demand that the remaining troops receive immunity from Iraqi courts."...

Sounds like a few others besides Obama was involved, which is often the case.

I agree......You don't know. Obama is the president and the Commander in Chief. Tell us why other presidents are responsible for their administration but Obama isn't.
Did Obama conduct negotiations with Malaki in 2011 on troop withdrawal?

I don't know, but I suspect you think you do.

According to the blog you posted, "But what about the extensive negotiations the administration has been engaged in for months, regarding U.S. offers to leave thousands of uniformed soldiers in Iraq past the deadline? It has been well reported that those negotiations, led by U.S. Ambassador James Jeffrey, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and White House official Brett McGurk, had been stalled over the U.S. demand that the remaining troops receive immunity from Iraqi courts."...

Sounds like a few others besides Obama was involved, which is often the case.

I agree......You don't know. Obama is the president and the Commander in Chief. Tell us why other presidents are responsible for their administration but Obama isn't.
And NEVER has been held to account.
The RW'er are like Jehova Witness'. No matter what question you ask them it all goes back to Obama

Ketchup or Mustard?

RW: Let me tell you about Obama and why both ketchup and mustard are owned by Obama

Do you want Ketchup or Mustard Sir?

What I want is Obama to...

Obama busted a cap in bin Ladens ass years ago how is he still relevant

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Especially when Obama and the left think just because on evil person got what he deserved all problems disappear...their fallacy is that they refuse to admit EVIL exists, and there are a plethora of evil people chomping at the bit to take bin-Laden's place.

In that regard? They remain Pollyannish in their world view.

and he just realeased 5 of the most evil so they can continue their jihad on the USA.

Impeachment is the only answer.

His intention is to empty GTMO, and then tell Congress after it's empty there's NO reason for it to remain open.
What I would have liked was to see the status of forces agreement extended which would have likely keep this scenario from happening. The best thing to do now it seems is have air controllers on the ground to coordinate air strikes to weaken and diminish the terrorist group and then use this to pressure Maliki to getting Iraq back on the path it was on before the status of forces agreement ended. Obama though has pretty much ruled air strikes out so I see Iraq going the way of Syria with Afghanistan soon to follow.
Well, being the well trained seal that you are, if bin Laden was still on the loose you stupid rightwingers would be saying Obama should have caught him by now.

Are you catching on yet?
Bush marginalized ubl very early on by removing his state sponsorship. Obama gave AQ back what they lost under Bush

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Bush "maginaliized" him. Is that like being executed or caught and hung like he promised? Bahahahaaa......Sit up, clap your flappers, here comes your bucket of chum....Yeah, blame Bush and Cheney's total epic failure on the next president if he's a Democrat. Right.

You're not getting it. The Obama administration said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. If someone claims something as a great achievement then how can you blame someone who was out of office for over 3 years when the great achiever made his great achievement?
Well, being the well trained seal that you are, if bin Laden was still on the loose you stupid rightwingers would be saying Obama should have caught him by now.

Are you catching on yet?
Bush marginalized ubl very early on by removing his state sponsorship. Obama gave AQ back what they lost under Bush

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Bush "maginaliized" him. Is that like being executed or caught and hung like he promised? Bahahahaaa......Sit up, clap your flappers, here comes your bucket of chum....Yeah, blame Bush and Cheney's total epic failure on the next president if he's a Democrat. Right.
so if bin Laden was a terrorist mastermind why didn't the Prophet Obama capture him and make him reveal his plans

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Well, being the well trained seal that you are, if bin Laden was still on the loose you stupid rightwingers would be saying Obama should have caught him by now.

Are you catching on yet?
Bush marginalized ubl very early on by removing his state sponsorship. Obama gave AQ back what they lost under Bush

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Bush "maginaliized" him. Is that like being executed or caught and hung like he promised? Bahahahaaa......Sit up, clap your flappers, here comes your bucket of chum....Yeah, blame Bush and Cheney's total epic failure on the next president if he's a Democrat. Right.
Tell us of that poor Doctor in Pakistan that helped us GET Osama...WHY isn't Obama coming to his aid to get him out of Pakistani prison?

Have an answer smartass?
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Bush marginalized ubl very early on by removing his state sponsorship. Obama gave AQ back what they lost under Bush

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Bush "maginaliized" him. Is that like being executed or caught and hung like he promised? Bahahahaaa......Sit up, clap your flappers, here comes your bucket of chum....Yeah, blame Bush and Cheney's total epic failure on the next president if he's a Democrat. Right.

You're not getting it. The Obama administration said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. If someone claims something as a great achievement then how can you blame someone who was out of office for over 3 years when the great achiever made his great achievement?
Isis agrees that Iraq is Obama's greatest achievement for Islam

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Anyone know?

I hear that they're not happy with our "no boots on the ground" policy but what is the alternative...more blood spilled for Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, etc...?

Are any of those places worth more American deaths because there will be deaths involved if we go in. I don't think so.

My guess is it will be to oppose President Obama's decision.
Bush was long gone by 2011 when Iraq was labeled by this administration as one of Obama's great achievements. Obama owns this. Perhaps he should stop playing golf for a few days and do some work.

:cuckoo: A Bush broken country & installed Bush puppet does not = Obama owns it. :cuckoo:

Speaking of :cuckoo: are you REALLY trying to claim that former President George W. Bush "broke" Iraq?


It wasn't Saddam who did that?

Iraq was just humming along merrily until Booooooosh?

Saddam could have been dealt with like we did Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, Tunisia etc. Then use elite forces & drones to cut off the head of the snakes threatening the US.

Bush had US soldiers stand down in Tora Bora to let Afghans negotiate a ceasefire with Osama Bin Laden so he could get away. This is after Bush refused to go after Bin Laden or arrest the known hijackers in the US before 9/11 because "Bin Laden is faking his plot to attack to us distract US from Saddam".

After Bush let Bin Laden go he quagmired our troops in Iraq & destabilized the mid-east destroying Iraq"s opposing force to Iran's power.
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The GOP's face when Obama decides Yes ....OR No


:cuckoo: A Bush broken country & installed Bush puppet does not = Obama owns it. :cuckoo:

Speaking of :cuckoo: are you REALLY trying to claim that former President George W. Bush "broke" Iraq?


It wasn't Saddam who did that?

Iraq was just humming along merrily until Booooooosh?

Saddam could have been dealt with like we did Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, Tunisia etc. Then use elite forces & drones to cut off the head of the snakes threatening the US.

Bush had US soldiers stand down in Tora Bora to let Afghans negotiate a ceasefire with Osama Bin Laden so he could get away. This is after Bush refused to go after Bin Laden or arrest the known hijackers in the US before 9/11 because "Bin Laden is faking his plot to attack to distract US from Saddam".

After Bush let Bin Laden go he quagmired our troops in Iraq & destabilized the mid-east destroying Iraq"s opposing force to Iran's power.

< shakes her head in disbelief > You mean stab an ally in the back and have that country's leader overthrown by the very enemy that has shed American blood???? You leftists are too fucking much some times.
Bush marginalized ubl very early on by removing his state sponsorship. Obama gave AQ back what they lost under Bush

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

Bush "maginaliized" him. Is that like being executed or caught and hung like he promised? Bahahahaaa......Sit up, clap your flappers, here comes your bucket of chum....Yeah, blame Bush and Cheney's total epic failure on the next president if he's a Democrat. Right.

You're not getting it. The Obama administration said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. If someone claims something as a great achievement then how can you blame someone who was out of office for over 3 years when the great achiever made his great achievement?

When 20,000 of Iraq's troops melt away as 800 rebels approach their city, it's is a Bull Horn shouting Nouri Al-Maliki sucks as a leader & Bush fucked up selecting that puppet. Now a civil war will decide Iraq's fate. If we meddle it will never be a legit government & it will be bloody. Just wait until it's over & negotiate with the new leader. If that fails, kill him & install a new one.

Bush was long gone by 2011 when Iraq was labeled by this administration as one of Obama's great achievements. Obama owns this. Perhaps he should stop playing golf for a few days and do some work.

:cuckoo: A Bush broken country & installed Bush puppet does not = Obama owns it. :cuckoo:

its eXtreme rw :tinfoil: logic I guess :dunno:
Elections have consequences and apparently Boooooooosh is still President

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Anyone know?

I hear that they're not happy with our "no boots on the ground" policy but what is the alternative...more blood spilled for Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, etc...?

Are any of those places worth more American deaths because there will be deaths involved if we go in. I don't think so.

My guess is it will be to oppose President Obama's decision.

now we KNOW you are a disingenuous lummox.

As if Obumbler is capable of making a "decision." :eusa_hand:

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