Does the GOP/Conservatives want to re-occupy Iraq or not?

Yanno....Obama was more effective opposing Boooooosh as Senator than he is as Potus. Can Obama go back to being a senator to oppose Boooooooosh current action in Iraq. Apparently Obama is powerless today

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:cuckoo: A Bush broken country & installed Bush puppet does not = Obama owns it. :cuckoo:

Speaking of :cuckoo: are you REALLY trying to claim that former President George W. Bush "broke" Iraq?


It wasn't Saddam who did that?

Iraq was just humming along merrily until Booooooosh?

Saddam could have been dealt with like we did Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, Tunisia etc. Then use elite forces & drones to cut off the head of the snakes threatening the US.

Bush had US soldiers stand down in Tora Bora to let Afghans negotiate a ceasefire with Osama Bin Laden so he could get away. This is after Bush refused to go after Bin Laden or arrest the known hijackers in the US before 9/11 because "Bin Laden is faking his plot to attack to us distract US from Saddam".

After Bush let Bin Laden go he quagmired our troops in Iraq & destabilized the mid-east destroying Iraq"s opposing force to Iran's power.

You dumb bell.

Libya is devolving into civil war. Egypt is not much better off.

Everything Obumbler touches turns to shit because that community organizer cretin doesn't have ANY actual grasp of the meaning of a "policy" or "principle."

And W never refused to go after bin Laden, either, you pissant. What W DID suggest was that bin Laden ALONE was not the point. W once again was right. Obumbler gets some credit for dispatching bin Laden and it's one of the precious few things Obumbler deserves credit for allowing. But that NEVER should have been touted as the decimation of al qaeda and al qaeda was not the sole player in the world of terrorist organizations anyway.

The balance of your post is as factually accurate as you are persuasive which is to say: not at all.
Speaking of :cuckoo: are you REALLY trying to claim that former President George W. Bush "broke" Iraq?


It wasn't Saddam who did that?

Iraq was just humming along merrily until Booooooosh?

Saddam could have been dealt with like we did Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, Tunisia etc. Then use elite forces & drones to cut off the head of the snakes threatening the US.

Bush had US soldiers stand down in Tora Bora to let Afghans negotiate a ceasefire with Osama Bin Laden so he could get away. This is after Bush refused to go after Bin Laden or arrest the known hijackers in the US before 9/11 because "Bin Laden is faking his plot to attack to distract US from Saddam".

After Bush let Bin Laden go he quagmired our troops in Iraq & destabilized the mid-east destroying Iraq"s opposing force to Iran's power.

< shakes her head in disbelief > You mean stab an ally in the back and have that country's leader overthrown by the very enemy that has shed American blood???? You leftists are too fucking much some times.

So you think the Republicans are stupid also?
Saddam could have been dealt with like we did Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, Tunisia etc. Then use elite forces & drones to cut off the head of the snakes threatening the US.

Bush had US soldiers stand down in Tora Bora to let Afghans negotiate a ceasefire with Osama Bin Laden so he could get away. This is after Bush refused to go after Bin Laden or arrest the known hijackers in the US before 9/11 because "Bin Laden is faking his plot to attack to distract US from Saddam".

After Bush let Bin Laden go he quagmired our troops in Iraq & destabilized the mid-east destroying Iraq"s opposing force to Iran's power.

< shakes her head in disbelief > You mean stab an ally in the back and have that country's leader overthrown by the very enemy that has shed American blood???? You leftists are too fucking much some times.

So you think the Republicans are stupid also?

I think your posts rank up there with Barry's college transcripts...
Yanno....Obama was more effective opposing Boooooosh as Senator than he is as Potus. Can Obama go back to being a senator to oppose Boooooooosh current action in Iraq. Apparently Obama is powerless today

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that's true ... Obama kept the tax cuts going, kept 43's word about leaving Iraq, and kept passing out TARP $$$ .... not too much opposing was there?
Saudi Arabia is still the number one terrorist breeding ground in the Arab region.
The RW'er are like Jehova Witness'. No matter what question you ask them it all goes back to Obama

Ketchup or Mustard?

RW: Let me tell you about Obama and why both ketchup and mustard are owned by Obama

Do you want Ketchup or Mustard Sir?

What I want is Obama to...


Time for all you Utopian dreamers to wake up. Your president is responsible for every great achievement of his.
Bullshit called on typical liberal bullshit from the liberal bullshit flinging siete.

What W had said was that we would leave Iraq when Iraq could stand on her own.

What Obumbler said and -- worse -- DID was to set a timetable, announce it publicly, in advance, and then keep to it, thereby rather preemptively leaving Iraq BEFORE it was able (obviously) to stand on its own.

And that timetable thing? A stroke of douche. It helped the shit-heels like ISIS formulate the plans for what they ultimately put into effect rather effectively, just recently.

Obumbler is just a flat out clusterfuck of fail.
Bush was long gone by 2011 when Iraq was labeled by this administration as one of Obama's great achievements. Obama owns this. Perhaps he should stop playing golf for a few days and do some work.

:cuckoo: A Bush broken country & installed Bush puppet does not = Obama owns it. :cuckoo:

its eXtreme rw :tinfoil: logic I guess :dunno:
With the exception that Truth and logic continue to evade YOU. So? How could YOU know what it is?
Speaking of :cuckoo: are you REALLY trying to claim that former President George W. Bush "broke" Iraq?


It wasn't Saddam who did that?

Iraq was just humming along merrily until Booooooosh?

Saddam could have been dealt with like we did Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, Tunisia etc. Then use elite forces & drones to cut off the head of the snakes threatening the US.

Bush had US soldiers stand down in Tora Bora to let Afghans negotiate a ceasefire with Osama Bin Laden so he could get away. This is after Bush refused to go after Bin Laden or arrest the known hijackers in the US before 9/11 because "Bin Laden is faking his plot to attack to us distract US from Saddam".

After Bush let Bin Laden go he quagmired our troops in Iraq & destabilized the mid-east destroying Iraq"s opposing force to Iran's power.

You dumb bell.

Libya is devolving into civil war. Egypt is not much better off.

Everything Obumbler touches turns to shit because that community organizer cretin doesn't have ANY actual grasp of the meaning of a "policy" or "principle."

And W never refused to go after bin Laden, either, you pissant. What W DID suggest was that bin Laden ALONE was not the point. W once again was right. Obumbler gets some credit for dispatching bin Laden and it's one of the precious few things Obumbler deserves credit for allowing. But that NEVER should have been touted as the decimation of al qaeda and al qaeda was not the sole player in the world of terrorist organizations anyway.

The balance of your post is as factually accurate as you are persuasive which is to say: not at all.

Egypt was 100% planned down to the month it happened & who would be the new leader by Republicans back in 2005. It just happened to be soon after Obama was elected instead of their chosen McCain.

MARCH 2001: &#8220;Federal Aviation officials reviewed dozens of intelligence reports that warned about Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, which specifically discussed airline hijackings and suicide operations"...&#8220;Federal Aviation Administration, despite being focused on risks of hijackings overseas, warned airports in the spring of 2001 that if &#8216;the intent of the hijacker is not to exchange hostages for prisoners, but to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, a domestic hijacking would probably be preferable.&#8217; "

The FAA had indeed considered the possibility that terrorists would hijack a plane and use it as a weapon. The FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that "cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking" Aviation officials amassed so much information about the growing threat posed by terrorists that they conducted classified briefings for security officials at 19 of the nation's busiest airports to warn of the threat posed in particular by Mr. bin Laden, the report said." [NYT]

JUNE 22, 2001: Bush Administration - The C.I.A. had been fooled; Bin Laden is merely pretending to be planning an attack to distract us from Saddam Hussein in Iraq. [NYT]

:lol: There is your brilliant leader in action. :lol:

JUNE 29, 2001: Bush receives Presidential Daiy Brief entitled &#8220;The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden&#8221; [NYT]

AUGUST 6, 2001: Bush receives Presidential Daiy Brief entitled &#8220;Bin Laden Determined to Strike U.S.&#8221; FBI information indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York. [National Archive]

Laura Bush high-school friend General Tommy Franks gave the order for US forces to stand down in Tora Bora allowing Bin Laden to negotiate a ceasefire & escape. :cuckoo:

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Bullshit called on typical liberal bullshit from the liberal bullshit flinging siete.

What W had said was that we would leave Iraq when Iraq could stand on her own.

What Obumbler said and -- worse -- DID was to set a timetable, announce it publicly, in advance, and then keep to it, thereby rather preemptively leaving Iraq BEFORE it was able (obviously) to stand on its own.

And that timetable thing? A stroke of douche. It helped the shit-heels like ISIS formulate the plans for what they ultimately put into effect rather effectively, just recently.

Obumbler is just a flat out clusterfuck of fail.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong? Obama sucks but Bush signed the withdrawal agreement on global television in December 2008.
Iraq?s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence |

Facts are not open to interpretation. ALL of you who blame Obama for Iraq are psychotic. If you actually believe that Iraq was won before 2009 then your mind is gone. It's not a joke anymore. You are psychotic and cannot tell reality from fiction. You are a threat to the General Welfare of the United States of America.
They, as usual, have ZERO ideas. They're going to wait and see what Obama does and then argue the opposite. It'll really fire up the base.

Yup. Seals at Sea World aren't trained as well as your average rightwingnut.

Is Iraq one of Obama's great achievements?

Biden Feb 2011.

"I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government."

Since then:

"...Maliki is no prize. He has repressed the Sunnis and Kurds, promoted Shi’ite officers in the Iraq military who didn’t warrant higher rank, and refused to share power. He used Iraqi security forces to attack peaceful Sunni protests and sidelined the Sunni Sons of Iraq that played an important role in bringing peace to Anbar province.

“Maliki was primarily concerned not with the military situation, but with his own political power,” says Anthony Cordesman, a military analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “He was deeply concerned that if we had stayed he wouldn’t be able to hold together what he thought he had done during 2010 and 2011, which was put virtually all of the instruments of state power under the authority of the prime minister’s office.”

“Maliki is doing the same thing in Iraq that [Mohamed] Morsi did Egypt,” Zinni says. “When I did the assessment in Iraq in the middle of the war [for the U.S. government in 2008] I could see that when Maliki was coming in. Everybody in the country—even the Arabs—were saying ‘Maliki’s the wrong guy—he’ll mouth the words now, but he’ll be totally Shia and won’t be inclusive.’ He made two mistakes: He didn’t bring enough Sunnis into his government—he didn’t distribute the resources well—and he controlled everything from Baghdad. There needed to be more provincial and district distribution. He needs a lesson in Governance 101.”

Iraq Blame Game: Nouri al-Maliki, Barack Obama, George Bush - TIME
Elections have consequences and apparently Boooooooosh is still President

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he broke this great nation's bank by doing nation-building abroad :thup: Sadly, his & Cheney's "Democracy at the end of a gun barrell" didn't take. who woulda' guessed :eusa_think:

could it be (then) Senator Obama in 2002 :shock:

Transcript: Obama's Speech Against The Iraq War : NPR
What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income &#8212; to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics

Frank57!!! [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] do you seriously think blowing $3-5 TRILLION (adding in the cost of healthcare-for-life for the maimed) in BORROWED taxpayer $$$ (our great grandchildres money) to interject ourselves into a muslim civil war was a good idea?
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Bullshit called on typical liberal bullshit from the liberal bullshit flinging siete.

What W had said was that we would leave Iraq when Iraq could stand on her own.

What Obumbler said and -- worse -- DID was to set a timetable, announce it publicly, in advance, and then keep to it, thereby rather preemptively leaving Iraq BEFORE it was able (obviously) to stand on its own.

And that timetable thing? A stroke of douche. It helped the shit-heels like ISIS formulate the plans for what they ultimately put into effect rather effectively, just recently.

Obumbler is just a flat out clusterfuck of fail.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong? Obama sucks but Bush signed the withdrawal agreement on global television in December 2008.
Iraq?s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence |

Facts are not open to interpretation. ALL of you who blame Obama for Iraq are psychotic. If you actually believe that Iraq was won before 2009 then your mind is gone. It's not a joke anymore. You are psychotic and cannot tell reality from fiction. You are a threat to the General Welfare of the United States of America.

You're fogetting the Obama Malaki negotiations bof 2011. Get up to speed.
Elections have consequences and apparently Boooooooosh is still President

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

he broke this great nation's bank by doing nation-building abroad :thup: Sadly, his & Cheney's "Democracy at the end of a gun barrell" didn't take. who woulda' guessed :eusa_think:

Transcript: Obama's Speech Against The Iraq War : NPR
What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics

Frank57!!! [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] do you seriously think blowing $3-5 TRILLION (adding in the cost of healthcare-for-life for the maimed) in BORROWED taxpayer $$$ (our great grandchildres money) to interject ourselves into a muslim civil war was a good idea?

If you're so concerned about spending and vets being cared for then why aren't you concerned about the VA that Obama promised to fix?
Yanno....Obama was more effective opposing Boooooosh as Senator than he is as Potus. Can Obama go back to being a senator to oppose Boooooooosh current action in Iraq. Apparently Obama is powerless today

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

Frank57 thinks we can nation-build in a country that is in a religious civil war that was going to happen regardless :lol:

doubling-down on vietraq after the fact is zany to the nth degree :rofl:
Bullshit called on typical liberal bullshit from the liberal bullshit flinging siete.

What W had said was that we would leave Iraq when Iraq could stand on her own.

What Obumbler said and -- worse -- DID was to set a timetable, announce it publicly, in advance, and then keep to it, thereby rather preemptively leaving Iraq BEFORE it was able (obviously) to stand on its own.

And that timetable thing? A stroke of douche. It helped the shit-heels like ISIS formulate the plans for what they ultimately put into effect rather effectively, just recently.

Obumbler is just a flat out clusterfuck of fail.

I'm not willing to pay the blood & treasure to insert ourselves into the middle of a pre-ordained, internal, religious civil war. You? BTW- you serve?

that war was wrong to begin then when shrub was the decider & its wrong to get involved now.
Yanno....Obama was more effective opposing Boooooosh as Senator than he is as Potus. Can Obama go back to being a senator to oppose Boooooooosh current action in Iraq. Apparently Obama is powerless today

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

Frank57 thinks we can nation-build in a country that is in a religious civil war that was going to happen regardless :lol:

doubling-down on vietraq after the fact is zany to the nth degree :rofl:

Blah, blah, blah. The Obama administration claimed Iraq was one of Obama's great achievements. Obama owns Iraq now. Grow up and take responsibility.
Elections have consequences and apparently Boooooooosh is still President

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

he broke this great nation's bank by doing nation-building abroad :thup: Sadly, his & Cheney's "Democracy at the end of a gun barrell" didn't take. who woulda' guessed :eusa_think:

Transcript: Obama's Speech Against The Iraq War : NPR
What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics

Frank57!!! [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] do you seriously think blowing $3-5 TRILLION (adding in the cost of healthcare-for-life for the maimed) in BORROWED taxpayer $$$ (our great grandchildres money) to interject ourselves into a muslim civil war was a good idea?

If you're so concerned about spending and vets being cared for then why aren't you concerned about the VA that Obama promised to fix?
ummm..... good deflection. BTW n00b asswipe, loudmouth- I've been to a few VA's, in my time, and rec'd quality care.

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