Does the GOP/Conservatives want to re-occupy Iraq or not?

Yup. Seals at Sea World aren't trained as well as your average rightwingnut.

Is Iraq one of Obama's great achievements?

If Obama had been elected in 2000 there would never have been the invasion and subsequent illegal occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

I suspect Obama would have gone directly after bin Laden, as he did so famously and successfully in 2011. Military advisement after 9/11 was to cut the head off the snake, not nip at some possible tail hiding in Iraq (al-Queda cells in Iraq).

There was sufficient intelligence that bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan but I suspect that Obama would have chosen to nab him at Tora Bora, unlike Bush who blatantly let the fucker go.


Your thoughts?

If FDR had listened to his advisors in the Navy, Pearl Harbor would not have happened. Funny how hindsight is always 20/20.

Another history lesson for you-------------------Both parties in congress authorized and funded that Iraq fiasco, it was also supported by the UN, the EU, and most of the countries of the world. THEY ALL BOUGHT THE BAD INTEL THAT CAME FROM THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION.

I know that blaming Bush makes you libs feel good, but its a lie. They are ALL culpable. They are ALL liable and have blood on their hands.

Get over the partisan bullshit and see the truth.
Is Iraq one of Obama's great achievements?

If Obama had been elected in 2000 there would never have been the invasion and subsequent illegal occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

I suspect Obama would have gone directly after bin Laden, as he did so famously and successfully in 2011. Military advisement after 9/11 was to cut the head off the snake, not nip at some possible tail hiding in Iraq (al-Queda cells in Iraq).

There was sufficient intelligence that bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan but I suspect that Obama would have chosen to nab him at Tora Bora, unlike Bush who blatantly let the fucker go.


Your thoughts?

My thoughts are you didn't answer my question. In 2011 the Obama administration said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. Do you agree with the Obama administration?

In other words HE and the left took credit for what they were against...and now it has blown up in their collective faces.
:cuckoo: A Bush broken country & installed Bush puppet does not = Obama owns it. :cuckoo:

In 2011 this administration said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. Do you deny that Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements?

Political spin does not = facts.

Obama great achievement was doing what he was elected to do, getting the US troops out of a Bush/Cheney created disaster. Bush installed the weak prime minister Maliki & that is what Iraq & Obama were stuck with as we got the hell out of there. Now Iraq is going to get rid of that Bush turkey.

I quoted the Obama administration. The Obama administration said in 2011 that Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. Do you agree with the Obama administration or not?
Did anyone see if There were some answers to whether conservatives want to re-occupy or not? I've seen 2 no's in 8 pages; basically agreeing with our President.
Yup. Seals at Sea World aren't trained as well as your average rightwingnut.

Is Iraq one of Obama's great achievements?

If Obama had been elected in 2000 there would never have been the invasion and subsequent illegal occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

I suspect Obama would have gone directly after bin Laden, as he did so famously and successfully in 2011. Military advisement after 9/11 was to cut the head off the snake, not nip at some possible tail hiding in Iraq (al-Queda cells in Iraq).

There was sufficient intelligence that bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan but I suspect that Obama would have chosen to nab him at Tora Bora, unlike Bush who blatantly let the fucker go.


Your thoughts?
Obama busted a cap in bin Ladens ass years ago how is he still relevant

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I'm trying to recall a time that any President in the history of our great country ever made decisions, often without consulting Congress, then blamed his Predecessor?? The amazing stupidity on display by Dear Leader and his wild band of Zombies is almost too comical.

Not nearly as comical as your stupidity...Obama is complying with the SOFA treaty that Bush signed in 2008 promising to completely withdraw troops by December 2011. How many times does this have to be repeated on this board? I'm fucking not even going to link to it anymore. Look it up yourself.

You're omitting some history. Education is a wonderful thing. Here.
How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations

That's an Op/Ed and is not a news agency. Education is a wonderful thing. I suggest you get one.
If Obama had been elected in 2000 there would never have been the invasion and subsequent illegal occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

I suspect Obama would have gone directly after bin Laden, as he did so famously and successfully in 2011. Military advisement after 9/11 was to cut the head off the snake, not nip at some possible tail hiding in Iraq (al-Queda cells in Iraq).

There was sufficient intelligence that bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan but I suspect that Obama would have chosen to nab him at Tora Bora, unlike Bush who blatantly let the fucker go.


Your thoughts?

My thoughts are you didn't answer my question. In 2011 the Obama administration said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. Do you agree with the Obama administration?

In other words HE and the left took credit for what they were against...and now it has blown up in their collective faces.

Did anyone see if There were some answers to whether conservatives want to re-occupy or not? I've seen 2 no's in 8 pages; basically agreeing with our President.

Have you seen one of Obama's great achievements go to shit?
:cuckoo: A Bush broken country & installed Bush puppet does not = Obama owns it. :cuckoo:

In 2011 this administration said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. Do you deny that Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements?

Political spin does not = facts.

Obama great achievement was doing what he was elected to do, getting the US troops out of a Bush/Cheney created disaster. Bush installed the weak prime minister Maliki & that is what Iraq & Obama were stuck with as we got the hell out of there. Now Iraq is going to get rid of that Bush turkey.

^ A very adept effort at evasion. :eusa_clap: Evasion just the same.

And by the by: Obumbler was NOT elected to get the troops out of Iraq. He was elected so that the American people could feel warm and cozy in the comfort of knowing that we don't elect Presidents simply because the candidate is white.

And free phones.

But to the extent that Obumbler ran on "getting troops out of Iraq," one MIGHT hazard the guess that the people who supported him on that platform PROBABLY imagined that it was intended to be LIMITED by the caveat: "when it is safe and prudent to do so."

Throwing away all that had been achieved at great cost (lives and health and money) is neither safe nor prudent. Obumbler is a gigantic fuck up and he OWNS his self-proclaimed "greatest achievement." ISIS approves.
Is Iraq one of Obama's great achievements?

If Obama had been elected in 2000 there would never have been the invasion and subsequent illegal occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

I suspect Obama would have gone directly after bin Laden, as he did so famously and successfully in 2011. Military advisement after 9/11 was to cut the head off the snake, not nip at some possible tail hiding in Iraq (al-Queda cells in Iraq).

There was sufficient intelligence that bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan but I suspect that Obama would have chosen to nab him at Tora Bora, unlike Bush who blatantly let the fucker go.


Your thoughts?
Obama busted a cap in bin Ladens ass years ago how is he still relevant

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Especially when Obama and the left think just because on evil person got what he deserved all problems disappear...their fallacy is that they refuse to admit EVIL exists, and there are a plethora of evil people chomping at the bit to take bin-Laden's place.

In that regard? They remain Pollyannish in their world view.
Do conservatives prefer Chocolate or Vanilla?

RW: Obama made Ice Cream go up!!


When oil goes up, everything goes up, including ice cream. Obama has made the price of oil go up with his stupid energy "policies" and his incompetent international policies.

Get ready for $8 gas you fricken libtardian fool.
Is Iraq one of Obama's great achievements?

If Obama had been elected in 2000 there would never have been the invasion and subsequent illegal occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

I suspect Obama would have gone directly after bin Laden, as he did so famously and successfully in 2011. Military advisement after 9/11 was to cut the head off the snake, not nip at some possible tail hiding in Iraq (al-Queda cells in Iraq).

There was sufficient intelligence that bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan but I suspect that Obama would have chosen to nab him at Tora Bora, unlike Bush who blatantly let the fucker go.


Your thoughts?
Obama busted a cap in bin Ladens ass years ago how is he still relevant

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

Well, being the well trained seal that you are, if bin Laden was still on the loose you stupid rightwingers would be saying Obama should have caught him by now.

Are you catching on yet?
Not nearly as comical as your stupidity...Obama is complying with the SOFA treaty that Bush signed in 2008 promising to completely withdraw troops by December 2011. How many times does this have to be repeated on this board? I'm fucking not even going to link to it anymore. Look it up yourself.

You're omitting some history. Education is a wonderful thing. Here.
How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations

That's an Op/Ed and is not a news agency. Education is a wonderful thing. I suggest you get one.

Did Obama conduct negotiations with Malaki in 2011 on troop withdrawal?
Hey libs:

What LESSONS do you think the Obumbler withdrawal from Iraq and the present day clusterfuck in Iraq is teaching our opponents and enemies?
Do conservatives prefer Chocolate or Vanilla?

RW: Obama made Ice Cream go up!!


When oil goes up, everything goes up, including ice cream. Obama has made the price of oil go up with his stupid energy "policies" and his incompetent international policies.

Get ready for $8 gas you fricken libtardian fool.

Another red herring from a red fish. OPEC dictates the price of oil, not the POTUS.
If Obama had been elected in 2000 there would never have been the invasion and subsequent illegal occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

I suspect Obama would have gone directly after bin Laden, as he did so famously and successfully in 2011. Military advisement after 9/11 was to cut the head off the snake, not nip at some possible tail hiding in Iraq (al-Queda cells in Iraq).

There was sufficient intelligence that bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan but I suspect that Obama would have chosen to nab him at Tora Bora, unlike Bush who blatantly let the fucker go.


Your thoughts?
Obama busted a cap in bin Ladens ass years ago how is he still relevant

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Especially when Obama and the left think just because on evil person got what he deserved all problems disappear...their fallacy is that they refuse to admit EVIL exists, and there are a plethora of evil people chomping at the bit to take bin-Laden's place.

In that regard? They remain Pollyannish in their world view.

and he just realeased 5 of the most evil so they can continue their jihad on the USA.

Impeachment is the only answer.
Hey libs:

What LESSONS do you think the Obumbler withdrawal from Iraq and the present day clusterfuck in Iraq is teaching our opponents and enemies?

They're salivating like a pack of hungry wolves watching a field of sheep left vulnerable by a city slicker pretending to be a shepherd
If Obama had been elected in 2000 there would never have been the invasion and subsequent illegal occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

I suspect Obama would have gone directly after bin Laden, as he did so famously and successfully in 2011. Military advisement after 9/11 was to cut the head off the snake, not nip at some possible tail hiding in Iraq (al-Queda cells in Iraq).

There was sufficient intelligence that bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan but I suspect that Obama would have chosen to nab him at Tora Bora, unlike Bush who blatantly let the fucker go.


Your thoughts?
Obama busted a cap in bin Ladens ass years ago how is he still relevant

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

Well, being the well trained seal that you are, if bin Laden was still on the loose you stupid rightwingers would be saying Obama should have caught him by now.

Are you catching on yet?
Bush marginalized ubl very early on by removing his state sponsorship. Obama gave AQ back what they lost under Bush

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Obama busted a cap in bin Ladens ass years ago how is he still relevant

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Especially when Obama and the left think just because on evil person got what he deserved all problems disappear...their fallacy is that they refuse to admit EVIL exists, and there are a plethora of evil people chomping at the bit to take bin-Laden's place.

In that regard? They remain Pollyannish in their world view.

and he just realeased 5 of the most evil so they can continue their jihad on the USA.

Impeachment is the only answer.
6 including Berghdal

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
You're omitting some history. Education is a wonderful thing. Here.
How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations

That's an Op/Ed and is not a news agency. Education is a wonderful thing. I suggest you get one.

Did Obama conduct negotiations with Malaki in 2011 on troop withdrawal?

I don't know, but I suspect you think you do.

According to the blog you posted,
"But what about the extensive negotiations the administration has been engaged in for months, regarding U.S. offers to leave thousands of uniformed soldiers in Iraq past the deadline? It has been well reported that those negotiations, led by U.S. Ambassador James Jeffrey, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and White House official Brett McGurk, had been stalled over the U.S. demand that the remaining troops receive immunity from Iraqi courts."...

Sounds like a few others besides Obama was involved, which is often the case.

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