Does the GOP/Conservatives want to re-occupy Iraq or not?

I'm trying to recall a time that any President in the history of our great country ever made decisions, often without consulting Congress, then blamed his Predecessor?? The amazing stupidity on display by Dear Leader and his wild band of Zombies is almost too comical.
When 20,000 of Iraq's troops melt away as 800 rebels approach their city, it's is a Bull Horn shouting Nouri Al-Maliki sucks as a leader & Bush fucked up selecting that puppet. Now a civil war will decide Iraq's fate. If we meddle it will never be a legit government & it will be bloody. Just wait until it's over & negotiate with the new leader. If that fails, kill him & install a new one.

Bush was long gone by 2011 when Iraq was labeled by this administration as one of Obama's great achievements. Obama owns this. Perhaps he should stop playing golf for a few days and do some work.

:cuckoo: A Bush broken country & installed Bush puppet does not = Obama owns it. :cuckoo:

Speaking of :cuckoo: are you REALLY trying to claim that former President George W. Bush "broke" Iraq?


It wasn't Saddam who did that?

Iraq was just humming along merrily until Booooooosh?
I'm trying to recall a time that any President in the history of our great country ever made decisions, often without consulting Congress, then blamed his Predecessor?? The amazing stupidity on display by Dear Leader and his wild band of Zombies is almost too comical.

Not nearly as comical as your stupidity...Obama is complying with the SOFA treaty that Bush signed in 2008 promising to completely withdraw troops by December 2011. How many times does this have to be repeated on this board? I'm fucking not even going to link to it anymore. Look it up yourself.
If we had troops still in Iraq as we should have, I would have sent more than advisors, but nothing now.

Having said that....Obama has his golf handicap down to 17, his golfing is really paying off. :eusa_whistle:
Sure what I dont recall tho is you answering either yes or no to the OP.

Its, at most, 3 letters :D

Is this problem Obama's responsibility?

Is that a yes or no?

It's the country's fault, first for electing a congress that was too incompetent to realize that the WMD intel was flawed (both parties, the UN, the EU, et al)..

second for electing an incompetent racist boob as president in 2008 and 2012.

WE, the american people are responsible, just as we were responsible for viet nam.

As long as we continue to elect idiots and send them to DC, this crap will continue.
They, as usual, have ZERO ideas. They're going to wait and see what Obama does and then argue the opposite. It'll really fire up the base.

Who the HELL are they? But yet you are quick not to focus on Obama that screwed things up...why is that? BUSH has been gone awhile. Obama OWNS THIS. Truth stares YOU and the OP in the face junior.:eusa_hand:
I'm trying to recall a time that any President in the history of our great country ever made decisions, often without consulting Congress, then blamed his Predecessor?? The amazing stupidity on display by Dear Leader and his wild band of Zombies is almost too comical.

Not nearly as comical as your stupidity...Obama is complying with the SOFA treaty that Bush signed in 2008 promising to completely withdraw troops by December 2011. How many times does this have to be repeated on this board? I'm fucking not even going to link to it anymore. Look it up yourself.

So he follows that treaty but ignores most of the laws he personally signed????????????

will you ever get your head out of his ass?
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I'm trying to recall a time that any President in the history of our great country ever made decisions, often without consulting Congress, then blamed his Predecessor?? The amazing stupidity on display by Dear Leader and his wild band of Zombies is almost too comical.

Not nearly as comical as your stupidity...Obama is complying with the SOFA treaty that Bush signed in 2008 promising to completely withdraw troops by December 2011. How many times does this have to be repeated on this board? I'm fucking not even going to link to it anymore. Look it up yourself.

ROFLMAO!!! AlBaraqi Hussein picks and chooses which laws he wishes to uphold and which he will break and you're trying to shove this wad of cow shit down our throats that he did it because he had to???? After every Military Adviser told him DO NOT REMOVE OUR PRESENCE FROM IRAQ or there will be consequences.. Someone hand stupid a contract that has land for sell on Sesame Street. LMFAO:eek:
If we had troops still in Iraq as we should have, I would have sent more than advisors, but nothing now.

Having said that....Obama has his golf handicap down to 17, his golfing is really paying off. :eusa_whistle:

Yep...I'll take "What is the Status Of Forces Agreement" for $1,000 Alex...

Obama didn't want to pursue it for political expediency and to avoid making a difficult decision. And now we see the result of HIS lack of vision...shortsightedness.

Obama is a continuing trainwreck played in slow motion when it comes to foreign policy. He has single-handedly taken a relatively stable situation and torched it. "Arab Spring" indeed.
I'm trying to recall a time that any President in the history of our great country ever made decisions, often without consulting Congress, then blamed his Predecessor?? The amazing stupidity on display by Dear Leader and his wild band of Zombies is almost too comical.

Not nearly as comical as your stupidity...Obama is complying with the SOFA treaty that Bush signed in 2008 promising to completely withdraw troops by December 2011. How many times does this have to be repeated on this board? I'm fucking not even going to link to it anymore. Look it up yourself.

You're omitting some history. Education is a wonderful thing. Here.
How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations
IF your other policies cause your allegedly greatest achievement to turn into shit,

THEN is shit your greatest achievement, Mr. President?
They, as usual, have ZERO ideas. They're going to wait and see what Obama does and then argue the opposite. It'll really fire up the base.

Yup. Seals at Sea World aren't trained as well as your average rightwingnut.

Is Iraq one of Obama's great achievements?

If Obama had been elected in 2000 there would never have been the invasion and subsequent illegal occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

I suspect Obama would have gone directly after bin Laden, as he did so famously and successfully in 2011. Military advisement after 9/11 was to cut the head off the snake, not nip at some possible tail hiding in Iraq (al-Queda cells in Iraq).

There was sufficient intelligence that bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan but I suspect that Obama would have chosen to nab him at Tora Bora, unlike Bush who blatantly let the fucker go.


Your thoughts?
Bush was long gone by 2011 when Iraq was labeled by this administration as one of Obama's great achievements. Obama owns this. Perhaps he should stop playing golf for a few days and do some work.

:cuckoo: A Bush broken country & installed Bush puppet does not = Obama owns it. :cuckoo:

In 2011 this administration said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. Do you deny that Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements?

Political spin does not = facts.

Obama great achievement was doing what he was elected to do, getting the US troops out of a Bush/Cheney created disaster. Bush installed the weak prime minister Maliki & that is what Iraq & Obama were stuck with as we got the hell out of there. Now Iraq is going to get rid of that Bush turkey.
Yup. Seals at Sea World aren't trained as well as your average rightwingnut.

Is Iraq one of Obama's great achievements?

If Obama had been elected in 2000 there would never have been the invasion and subsequent illegal occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

I suspect Obama would have gone directly after bin Laden, as he did so famously and successfully in 2011. Military advisement after 9/11 was to cut the head off the snake, not nip at some possible tail hiding in Iraq (al-Queda cells in Iraq).

There was sufficient intelligence that bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan but I suspect that Obama would have chosen to nab him at Tora Bora, unlike Bush who blatantly let the fucker go.


Your thoughts?

My thoughts are you didn't answer my question. In 2011 the Obama administration said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. Do you agree with the Obama administration?

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