does the gop want to lose power?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
This Obamacare lite bill the GOP is proposing is going to lose them the house and senate.

How is this bill any more constitutional than Obamacare? Where does the constitution give the federal government power over our healthcare????

The bill doesn't let people buy insurance across state lines. There is still a version of the mandate. This is not what we elected these people to do.

Anyone up for a real third party?
This Obamacare lite bill the GOP is proposing is going to lose them the house and senate.

How is this bill any more constitutional than Obamacare? Where does the constitution give the federal government power over our healthcare????

The bill doesn't let people buy insurance across state lines. There is still a version of the mandate. This is not what we elected these people to do.

Anyone up for a real third party?
Yeah transferring the penalty and upping it.......just brilliant....exactly what we voted for......better pull their head out of their ass
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Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase
The GOP bit off much more than they can chew with this Obamacare law...No matter how they vote it will down the GOP ... Suckers..
In that case, the Dems failed too. Maybe that's a sign our government just sucks and we should quit letting them abuse their powers?
My guess is the bill will not take effect until after the 2018 or 2020 election to offer political cover for those that supported it. This of course hinges on if the bill pass or not.
Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase
The bolded is why I asked. That seemed to be a big deal to him.
The GOP bit off much more than they can chew with this Obamacare law...No matter how they vote it will down the GOP ... Suckers..
In that case, the Dems failed too. Maybe that's a sign our government just sucks and we should quit letting them abuse their powers?

No, the democrats like Obamacare, it is the GOP who 1/2 want it and 1/2 want it gone...either way someone is going to be angry .
The GOP bit off much more than they can chew with this Obamacare law...No matter how they vote it will down the GOP ... Suckers..
In that case, the Dems failed too. Maybe that's a sign our government just sucks and we should quit letting them abuse their powers?

Sadly, this slavish devotion to the two party system isn't going anywhere. People piss and moan about the government all the time, but when election day arrives they vote for their team using the "at least they are not from X party" as justification.
The GOP bit off much more than they can chew with this Obamacare law...No matter how they vote it will down the GOP ... Suckers..
In that case, the Dems failed too. Maybe that's a sign our government just sucks and we should quit letting them abuse their powers?

No, the democrats like Obamacare, it is the GOP who 1/2 want it and 1/2 want it gone...either way someone is going to be angry .
You disappoint me..
Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase

The thinking is, you can't reverse the notion that insurance must cover you after Obamacare made this a reality or you will lose votes.

Trump has also agreed with this.

Essentially, Obamacare promised things that cost a great deal of money and the GOP is too scared to reverse it. That is why rates will go up when they nix the mandate.

The fools don't realize, or perhaps they don't care, they will be hated more than the Dims for putting it into place.
The GOP bit off much more than they can chew with this Obamacare law...No matter how they vote it will down the GOP ... Suckers..
In that case, the Dems failed too. Maybe that's a sign our government just sucks and we should quit letting them abuse their powers?

Sadly, this slavish devotion to the two party system isn't going anywhere. People piss and moan about the government all the time, but when election day arrives they vote for their party using the "at least they are not from X party" as justification.

If there was ever a time in recent history for a 3rd party to make it, it was 2016.

The 2 least popular candidates in history, it should have been easy to get a 3rd party installed
Might as well keep the bad ACA, which has better health care coverage, costs the government less money, and covers more citizens, with a lower penalty for not having, if you choose not to have coverage and drop it, then when you decide to get coverage by your choice again, somewhere down the road, the iNSURANCE COMPANIES can double your premium price....!!!!!! :eek: For no reason other than you choosing to pass on health care insurance and dropping it, for 3 months or longer....

this is a terrible bill....these guys in Congress need to do something for a change and work on this....with representation for all of us....

Fix the ACA, or develop something that meets constitutional muster AND helps reduce the costs for ALL, without leaving those poor to die in the gutter.
The GOP bit off much more than they can chew with this Obamacare law...No matter how they vote it will down the GOP ... Suckers..
In that case, the Dems failed too. Maybe that's a sign our government just sucks and we should quit letting them abuse their powers?

No, the democrats like Obamacare, it is the GOP who 1/2 want it and 1/2 want it gone...either way someone is going to be angry .

The democrats only like Obamacare because they know it's failure is ingrained in its very being. They see it as a path to single payer, nothing more or less.
Unlike the monstrosity that was shoved down the throats of Americans without debate, this bill is being debated and changed.
For one, Trump has always pushed for the removal of boundaries in insurance availability. I don't see him signing this current version.

Trump is not loyal to any party. He is in DC to bash the elitists into submission to the American people.

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