Does the lying of this man, ie Trump, does it ever end????

Listen, you got to keep your healthcare, maybe two people didn't...white people clinging to their guns, well, lets just say, clinging was a bit soft, so Obama was a liar....LOLOL...BUT TRUMP, this man wouldn't is so lost in his base, so certain that these ignorant pink mf's will believe anything and I mean anything that comes out his mouth, he tell lies when there is in your face proof the bitch is lying, but he don't care....its almost as if this man lives in a world of Trump and his adoring deplorable s, and the hell with reality, facts, video proof, etc.....I don't give a fuck if a roasting pile of dog shit in front of Starbucks runs against Trump, we need to vote for it!!
Hiya, Tigah honey, here's a welcome back kiss.

View attachment 276104
I knew you simps would miss me....I'm back, black and happy, horsefly
Listen, you got to keep your healthcare, maybe two people didn't...white people clinging to their guns, well, lets just say, clinging was a bit soft, so Obama was a liar....LOLOL...BUT TRUMP, this man wouldn't is so lost in his base, so certain that these ignorant pink mf's will believe anything and I mean anything that comes out his mouth, he tell lies when there is in your face proof the bitch is lying, but he don't care....its almost as if this man lives in a world of Trump and his adoring deplorable s, and the hell with reality, facts, video proof, etc.....I don't give a fuck if a roasting pile of dog shit in front of Starbucks runs against Trump, we need to vote for it!!
Hiya, Tigah honey, here's a welcome back kiss.

View attachment 276104
I knew you simps would miss me....I'm back, black and happy, horsefly
Yippee Friggin Hooray.
Listen, you got to keep your healthcare, maybe two people didn't...white people clinging to their guns, well, lets just say, clinging was a bit soft, so Obama was a liar....LOLOL...BUT TRUMP, this man wouldn't is so lost in his base, so certain that these ignorant pink mf's will believe anything and I mean anything that comes out his mouth, he tell lies when there is in your face proof the bitch is lying, but he don't care....its almost as if this man lives in a world of Trump and his adoring deplorable s, and the hell with reality, facts, video proof, etc.....I don't give a fuck if a roasting pile of dog shit in front of Starbucks runs against Trump, we need to vote for it!!

HE does live in Trump world ...HEs Trump
HE loves to exaggerate and he just a dopey old school NY salesmen at heart ...

Vote democrat
Vote Trump 2020
White people do cling to their guns. Just in case brown people come too close.

I live in a white area now and still have my guns just in case meth head Progressive commies decide I should part with what I own...

Have a problem with that?

Then change the Constitution!
Thomas Jefferson wanted a new constitution for every generation. A new constitution should be issued at the end of 19 years.

Well you also believe China is a ally of America and Communism is great, so I think your opinion of a new Constitution every nineteen years is as dumb...
Trump is a liar, this thread has a good premises.
It isn't my idea. It is Thomas Jeffersons idea.Jefferson's Proposal for an Expiring Constitution on a 19-Year Cycle | Armstrong Economics

Well Thimas Jefferson did not get his wish and you are foolish to think you will get it either!
Oh, look. Another hyper-partisan political thread.


So Trump does not lie all the time?

Why is Trump lying partisan?
Listen, you got to keep your healthcare, maybe two people didn't...white people clinging to their guns, well, lets just say, clinging was a bit soft, so Obama was a liar....LOLOL...BUT TRUMP, this man wouldn't is so lost in his base, so certain that these ignorant pink mf's will believe anything and I mean anything that comes out his mouth, he tell lies when there is in your face proof the bitch is lying, but he don't care....its almost as if this man lives in a world of Trump and his adoring deplorable s, and the hell with reality, facts, video proof, etc.....I don't give a fuck if a roasting pile of dog shit in front of Starbucks runs against Trump, we need to vote for it!!
Hiya, Tigah honey, here's a welcome back kiss.

View attachment 276104
I knew you simps would miss me....I'm back, black and happy, horsefly
Yippee Friggin Hooray.
Let me tell you why I'm happy, finally finally the whole gotdamn world is laughing you, that clown and this country who allows idiots to vote, ie white simps
Listen, you got to keep your healthcare, maybe two people didn't...white people clinging to their guns, well, lets just say, clinging was a bit soft, so Obama was a liar....LOLOL...BUT TRUMP, this man wouldn't is so lost in his base, so certain that these ignorant pink mf's will believe anything and I mean anything that comes out his mouth, he tell lies when there is in your face proof the bitch is lying, but he don't care....its almost as if this man lives in a world of Trump and his adoring deplorable s, and the hell with reality, facts, video proof, etc.....I don't give a fuck if a roasting pile of dog shit in front of Starbucks runs against Trump, we need to vote for it!!

HE does live in Trump world ...HEs Trump
HE loves to exaggerate and he just a dopey old school NY salesmen at heart ...

Vote democrat
Vote Trump 2020
The whole world now sees this country as miniorities have always seen it, a country full of white ingrates and hypocrites
Listen, you got to keep your healthcare, maybe two people didn't...white people clinging to their guns, well, lets just say, clinging was a bit soft, so Obama was a liar....LOLOL...BUT TRUMP, this man wouldn't is so lost in his base, so certain that these ignorant pink mf's will believe anything and I mean anything that comes out his mouth, he tell lies when there is in your face proof the bitch is lying, but he don't care....its almost as if this man lives in a world of Trump and his adoring deplorable s, and the hell with reality, facts, video proof, etc.....I don't give a fuck if a roasting pile of dog shit in front of Starbucks runs against Trump, we need to vote for it!!

HE does live in Trump world ...HEs Trump
HE loves to exaggerate and he just a dopey old school NY salesmen at heart ...

Vote democrat
Vote Trump 2020
The whole world now sees this country as miniorities have always seen it, a country full of white ingrates and hypocrites

How do you figure it's white people who are ingrates? If it wasn't for us you'd be chucking spears in africa.
Listen, you got to keep your healthcare, maybe two people didn't...white people clinging to their guns, well, lets just say, clinging was a bit soft, so Obama was a liar....LOLOL...BUT TRUMP, this man wouldn't is so lost in his base, so certain that these ignorant pink mf's will believe anything and I mean anything that comes out his mouth, he tell lies when there is in your face proof the bitch is lying, but he don't care....its almost as if this man lives in a world of Trump and his adoring deplorable s, and the hell with reality, facts, video proof, etc.....I don't give a fuck if a roasting pile of dog shit in front of Starbucks runs against Trump, we need to vote for it!!

Wipe the spittle off your chin, get messy when you rant like that!
I heard Trump's many lies described as "nuclear grade bananas".

And the G6 see the US as a "nuisance country".
Listen, you got to keep your healthcare, maybe two people didn't...white people clinging to their guns, well, lets just say, clinging was a bit soft, so Obama was a liar....LOLOL...BUT TRUMP, this man wouldn't is so lost in his base, so certain that these ignorant pink mf's will believe anything and I mean anything that comes out his mouth, he tell lies when there is in your face proof the bitch is lying, but he don't care....its almost as if this man lives in a world of Trump and his adoring deplorable s, and the hell with reality, facts, video proof, etc.....I don't give a fuck if a roasting pile of dog shit in front of Starbucks runs against Trump, we need to vote for it!!
Hiya, Tigah honey, here's a welcome back kiss.

View attachment 276104
I knew you simps would miss me....I'm back, black and happy, horsefly
Yippee Friggin Hooray.
Let me tell you why I'm happy, finally finally the whole gotdamn world is laughing you, that clown and this country who allows idiots to vote, ie white simps
When you say idiots, you mean the black vote? I don't like that inference. No time for racists.
Listen, you got to keep your healthcare, maybe two people didn't...white people clinging to their guns, well, lets just say, clinging was a bit soft, so Obama was a liar....LOLOL...BUT TRUMP, this man wouldn't is so lost in his base, so certain that these ignorant pink mf's will believe anything and I mean anything that comes out his mouth, he tell lies when there is in your face proof the bitch is lying, but he don't care....its almost as if this man lives in a world of Trump and his adoring deplorable s, and the hell with reality, facts, video proof, etc.....I don't give a fuck if a roasting pile of dog shit in front of Starbucks runs against Trump, we need to vote for it!!

HE does live in Trump world ...HEs Trump
HE loves to exaggerate and he just a dopey old school NY salesmen at heart ...

Vote democrat
Vote Trump 2020
The whole world now sees this country as miniorities have always seen it, a country full of white ingrates and hypocrites

How do you figure it's white people who are ingrates? If it wasn't for us you'd be chucking spears in africa. lazy good for nothing white fucks would still be trying to make fire from a stick if it wasn't for anybody but a white man or woman. And miss me on this African shit, imagine the talent black lives gave to this nation all left in white bastards would still be trying to find a window opening in your caves...the only gotdamn thing you pink pussy's did right was IMPORTING THE HELP!!
Listen, you got to keep your healthcare, maybe two people didn't...white people clinging to their guns, well, lets just say, clinging was a bit soft, so Obama was a liar....LOLOL...BUT TRUMP, this man wouldn't is so lost in his base, so certain that these ignorant pink mf's will believe anything and I mean anything that comes out his mouth, he tell lies when there is in your face proof the bitch is lying, but he don't care....its almost as if this man lives in a world of Trump and his adoring deplorable s, and the hell with reality, facts, video proof, etc.....I don't give a fuck if a roasting pile of dog shit in front of Starbucks runs against Trump, we need to vote for it!!
Hiya, Tigah honey, here's a welcome back kiss.

View attachment 276104
I knew you simps would miss me....I'm back, black and happy, horsefly
Yippee Friggin Hooray.
Let me tell you why I'm happy, finally finally the whole gotdamn world is laughing you, that clown and this country who allows idiots to vote, ie white simps
When you say idiots, you mean the black vote? I don't like that inference. No time for racists.
I mean white voters, every gotdamn time you w/pp; get a stick up your ass, you vote in these gotdamned republicans the fuck up our economy, don't do a damn thing for nobody, but make you happy happy to be white. put me on ignore if you don't like the way I sound, act or type. I've had it with white angry left behind simps!!
I heard Trump's many lies described as "nuclear grade bananas".

And the G6 see the US as a "nuisance country".
All the civilized world is tiring of Trump, sick of us not doing anything to stop him and have pretty much thrown in the took years for Obama to rebuild our relationships with our allies after Bush, this time, there will be no more coming back to the US for support, I hope they all leave us behind with the left behind trailer trash cans
Listen, you got to keep your healthcare, maybe two people didn't...white people clinging to their guns, well, lets just say, clinging was a bit soft, so Obama was a liar....LOLOL...BUT TRUMP, this man wouldn't is so lost in his base, so certain that these ignorant pink mf's will believe anything and I mean anything that comes out his mouth, he tell lies when there is in your face proof the bitch is lying, but he don't care....its almost as if this man lives in a world of Trump and his adoring deplorable s, and the hell with reality, facts, video proof, etc.....I don't give a fuck if a roasting pile of dog shit in front of Starbucks runs against Trump, we need to vote for it!!

HE does live in Trump world ...HEs Trump
HE loves to exaggerate and he just a dopey old school NY salesmen at heart ...

Vote democrat
Vote Trump 2020
The whole world now sees this country as miniorities have always seen it, a country full of white ingrates and hypocrites

How do you figure it's white people who are ingrates? If it wasn't for us you'd be chucking spears in africa. lazy good for nothing white fucks would still be trying to make fire from a stick if it wasn't for anybody but a white man or woman. And miss me on this African shit, imagine the talent black lives gave to this nation all left in white bastards would still be trying to find a window opening in your caves...the only gotdamn thing you pink pussy's did right was IMPORTING THE HELP!!
I see why you got banned-not because you are offensive, but because you are STUPID!
Hiya, Tigah honey, here's a welcome back kiss.

View attachment 276104
I knew you simps would miss me....I'm back, black and happy, horsefly
Yippee Friggin Hooray.
Let me tell you why I'm happy, finally finally the whole gotdamn world is laughing you, that clown and this country who allows idiots to vote, ie white simps
When you say idiots, you mean the black vote? I don't like that inference. No time for racists.
I mean white voters, every gotdamn time you w/pp; get a stick up your ass, you vote in these gotdamned republicans the fuck up our economy, don't do a damn thing for nobody, but make you happy happy to be white. put me on ignore if you don't like the way I sound, act or type. I've had it with white angry left behind simps!!
At least whites vote-when are you going to get YOUR people out to try to change things for themselves instead of waiting for some liberal whitey to do it for you?
White people do cling to their guns. Just in case brown people come too close.

Considering that brown people are statistically the most likely to commit rape, robbery or murder it's probably a good idea.
Latinos, and Black Americans don't shoot up synagogues. I as a Jew fear more for white Nazis, than for most brown people. Just that Muslims are pretty bad Nazis, other brown people not really.
Brown people kill 100 times more jews than white Nazis. Youre delusional. Youve never even seen a Nazi, yet you are scared of them? :cuckoo:
Hiya, Tigah honey, here's a welcome back kiss.

View attachment 276104
I knew you simps would miss me....I'm back, black and happy, horsefly
Yippee Friggin Hooray.
Let me tell you why I'm happy, finally finally the whole gotdamn world is laughing you, that clown and this country who allows idiots to vote, ie white simps
When you say idiots, you mean the black vote? I don't like that inference. No time for racists.
I mean white voters, every gotdamn time you w/pp; get a stick up your ass, you vote in these gotdamned republicans the fuck up our economy, don't do a damn thing for nobody, but make you happy happy to be white. put me on ignore if you don't like the way I sound, act or type. I've had it with white angry left behind simps!!

Listen, you got to keep your healthcare, maybe two people didn't...white people clinging to their guns, well, lets just say, clinging was a bit soft, so Obama was a liar....LOLOL...BUT TRUMP, this man wouldn't is so lost in his base, so certain that these ignorant pink mf's will believe anything and I mean anything that comes out his mouth, he tell lies when there is in your face proof the bitch is lying, but he don't care....its almost as if this man lives in a world of Trump and his adoring deplorable s, and the hell with reality, facts, video proof, etc.....I don't give a fuck if a roasting pile of dog shit in front of Starbucks runs against Trump, we need to vote for it!!
Lying is fun when you do it for freedom and America...

Plus it totally triggers the libs...


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