Does The Status Of The Clinton's Marriage Deserve Scrutiny

I would say Hillary's time as Secretary of State warrants far more scrutiny than her marriage.
Investigated by people with ties to or support for Bill.

Sorry that is stupid.

You don't know that they were liars you just WANT them to be and your other line shows your lack of integrity and selfishness.

Actually, I think most of them were like Paula Jones. She got a bunch of big promises from the Clinton Haters that she was going to get a big old payday at the end of it.

At the end of it, she ended up millions in debt, the lawyers got most of the money from the settlement, her marriage fell apart, and she ended up boxing Tonya Harding and taking off her clothes for Penthouse to pay off her massive debts.


This is the SAFE picture from that last sentence.

So much for "integrity".

I already knew this about you, but thanks for admitting it to everyone.

When it's all said and done it's all about you, you don't really give a shit about anyone but you.
You are also a misogynist,and no you don't have any women in your life

So back to the personal insults.

For the record, I'm not voting for "Who is going to be the boss of my girlfriend or wife or niece." No, I wouldn't want Clinton to be that. The man obviously has an issue with his libido, but there were plenty of women who were more than willing to help him out with that. .

But when you vote for President, you are voting for who is going to be a good steward of the country as a whole.

Clinton stewardship- We went form being busted to having a roaring economy, from half-trillion dollar deficits to surpluses. We didn't have any major wars or recessions on his watch. Everyone I know saw their lives get a lot better on his watch. Except Paula Jones, maybe.

ON Bush's watch- We got two wars, two recessions, a major city got wiped out in a disaster no one was prepared for despite creating this vast new bureaucracy for dealing with disasters, millions lost their homes and jobs and life-savings in the crash of 2008.

But gosh darn it, at least there were no women coming forward telling tales about this guy!

Clinton's first budget was so outrages that even his own party rejected it
it took contract for america to balance the budget with the gop in control of the senate and house

Clinton's first budget was so outrages that even his own party rejected it
it took contract for america to balance the budget with the gop in control of the senate and house

The Contract On America had nothing to do with the budget. It was a bunch of promises the GOP ended up not keeping, mostly about a balanced budget Amendment and a line item veto, neither of which happened.
It absolutely should be examined. If Bill and Hillary are not really husband and wife in reality (eg, they do not fuck, they do not live together, they do not have joint financial interests, and so on...all indicia of a real marriage) then they are perpetrating yet another lie. A vote for Hill is seen also as a vote for Bill, as everyone knows that she is going to drag that piece of white trash with her to the WH.

But, if they are not really living as husband and wife, are they not misleading the electorate to pretend that they are? Maybe being lied to does not bother you, but it does bother me.

If they are "on the skids" and just stay married for political reasons - which every believes to be the case - some people may be uneasy about voting for Hill if they know that Bill is going to be there too.

What I expect of a Hill presidency is that Bill will do a lot of traveling and try to stay out of the way because this is "Hillary's Time"; this is part of the deal they have. However, Bill will still be there, behind the scenes. Hill will need him for advice. Furthermore, it must be acknowledged that Bill is like a bad case of herpes: you know it is going to show up at bad times and that there is nothing you can do about it.

I want HILLARY to acknowledge that she and Bill do not live under the same roof by choice and that they do not have a real marriage in the traditional sense. Otherwise, I want to see pics of her blowing Bill, or if her at least giving him a hand job.

Both Bill and Hill are despicable turds. The only difference is that Bill is a good politician.

You don't like being lied to but you voted for Trump?

WTF does the status of the Clinton's marriage have to do with anything? Neither of them are running for office and even if they were, the status of the marriage is their own personal business.

Let's talk about the status of the Trump marriage. Melania clearly cannot stand to breathe the same air as Donald. Nobody looks as uncomfortable as she does standing next to that piece of orange trash.

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