Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

What else are you gonna do? Turn schools into prison systems?
Illegalize mental illness? Aint no limp wristed laws gonna stop this shit. We have a culture problem.

For the Neo-GOP masses.
Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?
He does

Trump just came out with a plan today.

He is going to take out his magic wand and then round up all the guns and shove them up your rear.

Next question.
Agreed. Gun culture is out of control.
Sigh .. what a stupid comment. Guns aren't the problem. Mental illness, which is the predominant trend we see for those committing mass shootings. Why go after a symptom when you can target the underlying problem?

Removing guns doesn't solve the problem ..
So...he has no solutions...
Your people are in charge, idiot. Not Trump.

dayum, but you people are brazenly fucking stupid. It's like you revel in it, like you wear it as a badge of honor, like you're proud of being stupid.

I'd start with the Teachers Unions. Shut them down. If that can't be done, then start issuing vouchers to parents.

Oh? That's a State-controlled situation, you say?


Sigh .. what a stupid comment. Guns aren't the problem. Mental illness, which is the predominant trend we see for those committing mass shootings. Why go after a symptom when you can target the underlying problem?

Removing guns doesn't solve the problem ..

Because --

They're not just stupid, they're fucking stupid.
Why go after a symptom when you can target the underlying problem?

Removing guns doesn't solve the problem ..
This is America. we like band aids. So, when they fail, we can use more band aids while also growing the government and eroding our rights.
Sigh .. what a stupid comment. Guns aren't the problem. Mental illness, which is the predominant trend we see for those committing mass shootings. Why go after a symptom when you can target the underlying problem?

Removing guns doesn't solve the problem ..
Sure. Cute mental illness. SO EASY! Why didn’t anyone else think of that?
Because they (Democrats) ignore it .. and openly support it -- the LGBT alphabet is a great example and a growing trend with mass school shootings.
Kids with gun nut parents are standard fare for mass school shootings.

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