Does Trump have Dementia??

I think he might as his memory is so poor: He can't remember talking to Putin!!

But those comments contradict what he said in 2014, when he spoke at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. During this appearance, he discussed US-Russian relations and claimed that he had talked to Putin during a recent visit to Moscow, where Trump held his Miss Universe pageant. Here's what Trump told the Press Club audience:

Russia does not respect our country any longer. They see we've been greatly weakened, both militarily and otherwise, and he certainly does not respect President Obama. So what I would do—as an example, I own Miss Universe, I was in Russia, I was in Moscow recently and I spoke, indirectly and directly, with President Putin, who could not have been nicer, and we had a tremendous success. The show was live from Moscow and we had tremendous success there and it was amazing, but to do well, you have to get the other side to respect you, and he does not respect our president, which is very sad.

Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks did not immediately respond to a request for comment about Trump's claim that he has spoken to Putin.

It's not the first time that Trump has made contradictory claims about his relationship with Putin. During a Republican primary debate in November, Trump said, "I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes." But it turned out that Trump and Putin were interviewed in separate locations. During his press conference on Wednesday, he claimed not to know anything about the Russian leader. "I never met Putin," he said. "I don't know who Putin is."


Does Trump know Putin or doesn't he? Have they spoken or haven't they? Trump may want to get his story straight.

Donald Trump claims he’s never spoken to Vladimir Putin. In this 2014 video, Trump says he did.

While Trump famously forgets the names of people (as he did recently when he called Apple CEO Tim Cook “Tim Apple”) and places (as when he called Paradise, California, “Pleasure”), one could make allowances for such gaffes. More troubling, Michael Wolff reported in "Fire and Fury" that at the end of 2017, Trump failed to recognize "a succession of old friends" at Mar-a-Lago.

Trump, 72, seemed to hit a new inflection point last week when he said, “My father is German. Right? Was German. And born in a very wonderful place in Germany.” In fact, his father was born in the Bronx and it was his grandfather who was from Germany.

Dementia Care International says a "person may start to mix up relationships and generations” in the second stage of dementia.

incoherent speech, lying, gaslighting, wandering off and repeating the same words over and over again.

There’s a"); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.084px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> YouTube compilation of Trump’s frequent mental lapses such as walking into the wrong room, forgetting where he is and what’s he supposed to be doing and even walking off the steps of Air Force One and wandering away from the presidential limo. According to the Alzheimer’s Society, some other symptoms are having trouble understanding others and impulsive behavior. Sound familiar?

Trump’s father, Fred, began to shows signs of dementia in his later years. According to "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">The New York Times’ obituary, Fred Trump suffered from Alzheimer’s during the last six years of his life. Trump’s condition has only been compounded by living in the White House, his awful diet and lack of exercise.

Many other mental health professionals have warned about Trump’s fragile mental state and the danger it puts the country in. Dr. Bandy Lee, a Yale psychology professor, has written about Trump in “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.” Several other leading mental health professionals also contributed to the book.

The video says unavailable, but I read the Times article. I suspect he lies a lot, and perhaps has the start of dementia, but its very hard to tell. He sure is impulsive, especially his rants on twitter when he gets upset about something. He seems to lose his train of thought when he speaks without a script. Or is this mostly an act!

It's an act to keep exploding Democrap heads in order to keep them in disarray so they continue to make self-defeating decisions.
Democrat dummies.
We just hope he’s turning off the rest of the electorate.

It’s a gamble. He won last time but that was against hillary who never once campaigned in Michigan Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, or Minnesota. Trumps next opponent won’t make that mistake and they won’t be unlikeable like hillary.

We got more turnout in the last midterm.

It’s the deplorable vs the rest of us.

Hillary got more votes than trump. More Americans voted for hillary than trump.
I think he might as his memory is so poor: He can't remember talking to Putin!!

But those comments contradict what he said in 2014, when he spoke at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. During this appearance, he discussed US-Russian relations and claimed that he had talked to Putin during a recent visit to Moscow, where Trump held his Miss Universe pageant. Here's what Trump told the Press Club audience:

Russia does not respect our country any longer. They see we've been greatly weakened, both militarily and otherwise, and he certainly does not respect President Obama. So what I would do—as an example, I own Miss Universe, I was in Russia, I was in Moscow recently and I spoke, indirectly and directly, with President Putin, who could not have been nicer, and we had a tremendous success. The show was live from Moscow and we had tremendous success there and it was amazing, but to do well, you have to get the other side to respect you, and he does not respect our president, which is very sad.

Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks did not immediately respond to a request for comment about Trump's claim that he has spoken to Putin.

It's not the first time that Trump has made contradictory claims about his relationship with Putin. During a Republican primary debate in November, Trump said, "I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes." But it turned out that Trump and Putin were interviewed in separate locations. During his press conference on Wednesday, he claimed not to know anything about the Russian leader. "I never met Putin," he said. "I don't know who Putin is."


Does Trump know Putin or doesn't he? Have they spoken or haven't they? Trump may want to get his story straight.

Donald Trump claims he’s never spoken to Vladimir Putin. In this 2014 video, Trump says he did.


Trump is the King of Tabloids and is trolling the stupid by playing stupid...
Oh gee another far left drone using a far left rag site as their "facts"

Mother Jones is the far left version of the onion..
Says the far right fox bot who will follow his immoral and corrupt "leader" without question.
I think he might as his memory is so poor: He can't remember talking to Putin!!

But those comments contradict what he said in 2014, when he spoke at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. During this appearance, he discussed US-Russian relations and claimed that he had talked to Putin during a recent visit to Moscow, where Trump held his Miss Universe pageant. Here's what Trump told the Press Club audience:

Russia does not respect our country any longer. They see we've been greatly weakened, both militarily and otherwise, and he certainly does not respect President Obama. So what I would do—as an example, I own Miss Universe, I was in Russia, I was in Moscow recently and I spoke, indirectly and directly, with President Putin, who could not have been nicer, and we had a tremendous success. The show was live from Moscow and we had tremendous success there and it was amazing, but to do well, you have to get the other side to respect you, and he does not respect our president, which is very sad.

Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks did not immediately respond to a request for comment about Trump's claim that he has spoken to Putin.

It's not the first time that Trump has made contradictory claims about his relationship with Putin. During a Republican primary debate in November, Trump said, "I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes." But it turned out that Trump and Putin were interviewed in separate locations. During his press conference on Wednesday, he claimed not to know anything about the Russian leader. "I never met Putin," he said. "I don't know who Putin is."


Does Trump know Putin or doesn't he? Have they spoken or haven't they? Trump may want to get his story straight.

Donald Trump claims he’s never spoken to Vladimir Putin. In this 2014 video, Trump says he did.
It's not complicated. He is just a liar and an asshole. That's why republicans love him, its their idea of strength.

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