Does Trump Really Want A Second Term?

What does this cat do for an encore? He's got the economy in record growth, made us first in oil and natural gas production, rebuilt the Military, straightened out the VA, built the Wall, crushed ISIS, crushed Iran, exposed and crushed the Swamp, rebuilt American manufacturing, kicked China's ass into submission, and got us favorable trade deals with them, Japan, South Korea, and USMCA. What the hell else is there to do but be the caretaker of his own legacy? :dunno:

Of course he does.

It will put off the prosecutions for another four years.
Of course he wants a second term. No potus wants to be a one termer. One term means failure. Plus Donnie is an egotistical narcissistic showman.

However he has done some good things, but the forces aligned against him may be too great to win re-election. The MIC, Deep State, MSM, billionaires, and the government bureaucracy all want him gone.

He wouldn't be considered a "one-termer" if he decided not to run when it's obvious he'll be reelected. Being a showman. he knows you got to leave them cheering for more when exiting the stage. Does he need this shit? No. Is there danger in a second term that begins when he's almost 75? Reagan's advisors took advantage of him in his second term and they weren't Rat spies like Trump is dealing with. He could always win reelection and then give the world the finger and hand it off to Pence while he and Melania head down to Mar-a- Lago to retire in glory.
If he doesn’t seek re-election, it will be proclaimed from all corners of the media as a failure. Better than half the public will see it this way, much like they believe Ears was a good potus (when clearly he was a terrible failure). The power of the corporate government run media shouldn’t be discounted.
If he doesn’t seek re-election, it will be proclaimed from all corners of the media as a failure. Better than half the public will see it this way, much like they believe Ears was a good potus (when clearly he was a terrible failure). The power of the corporate government run media shouldn’t be discounted.

Who cares what the Rat Media and most of the world say? We know what he's doing and what he did....I believe he was Heaven-sent....we were this close I......I to a communist take-over and now we're Kings again.....remarkable.
Whether he wants another term or not, is irrelevant. He needs to serve another term in order to complete what he started.

I'm not tired of winning.
He needs another term to stay out of jail.
Because a sitting president cannot be indicted.

LOL, jail? For what crime? Trump is all set for 2020, the dems are panicking already. Bloomberg? Who next, Hillary? Michelle? Oprah? Enjoy 2020 and the following 4-years!!
Perhaps bribery.
Defying subpoena is impeachable by itself.
Textbook impeachable.
Other experts say the same thing.
What does this cat do for an encore? He's got the economy in record growth, made us first in oil and natural gas production, rebuilt the Military, straightened out the VA, built the Wall, crushed ISIS, crushed Iran, exposed and crushed the Swamp, rebuilt American manufacturing, kicked China's ass into submission, and got us favorable trade deals with them, Japan, South Korea, and USMCA. What the hell else is there to do but be the caretaker of his own legacy? :dunno:

Of course he does.

It will put off the prosecutions for another four years.

Whether he wants another term or not, is irrelevant. He needs to serve another term in order to complete what he started.

I'm not tired of winning.
He needs another term to stay out of jail.
Because a sitting president cannot be indicted.

LOL, jail? For what crime? Trump is all set for 2020, the dems are panicking already. Bloomberg? Who next, Hillary? Michelle? Oprah? Enjoy 2020 and the following 4-years!!
Perhaps bribery.
Defying subpoena is impeachable by itself.
Textbook impeachable.
Other experts say the same thing.

“We got him right where we want him this time.”
“”Mueller is closing in on him.”
“Kavanaugh is guilty.”
“I believe survivors.”
“He’s definitely guilty of Russian collusion.”
“Oh wait, I meant obstruction of justice.”
“Oh wait, something about Ukraine.”
“Oh wait, all I know is he’s guilty of something...I know this because another disgusting LefTard said he is and because I really, really, really want him to be.”
What does this cat do for an encore? He's got the economy in record growth, made us first in oil and natural gas production, rebuilt the Military, straightened out the VA, built the Wall, crushed ISIS, crushed Iran, exposed and crushed the Swamp, rebuilt American manufacturing, kicked China's ass into submission, and got us favorable trade deals with them, Japan, South Korea, and USMCA. What the hell else is there to do but be the caretaker of his own legacy? :dunno:

Of course he does.

It will put off the prosecutions for another four years.

Whether he wants another term or not, is irrelevant. He needs to serve another term in order to complete what he started.

I'm not tired of winning.
He needs another term to stay out of jail.
Because a sitting president cannot be indicted.

LOL, jail? For what crime? Trump is all set for 2020, the dems are panicking already. Bloomberg? Who next, Hillary? Michelle? Oprah? Enjoy 2020 and the following 4-years!!
Perhaps bribery.
Defying subpoena is impeachable by itself.
Textbook impeachable.
Other experts say the same thing.

“We got him right where we want him this time.”
“”Mueller is closing in on him.”
“Kavanaugh is guilty.”
“I believe survivors.”
“He’s definitely guilty of Russian collusion.”
“Oh wait, I meant obstruction of justice.”
“Oh wait, something about Ukraine.”
“Oh wait, all I know is he’s guilty of something...I know this because another disgusting LefTard said he is and because I really, really, really want him to be.”
That's nice, kid.

I don't see how it applies to me post, but it's real nice.
"Fake News is reporting that I am talking to Mark Burnett about doing a big show, perhaps The Apprentice, after the presidency, which I would assume they mean in 5 years. This is not true, never had such a conversation, don’t even have time to think about it. False reporting!" - President Trump
Trump is the greatest man of the age, Trumps name will be spoken a thousand years from now. Between now and the end of 2019, 2 million new babies will be named Donald or Melania. He does not need 4 more years.
Who is going to beat Trump? Biden is suffering from dementia and other health issues. Bernie had a heart attack. Warren is an unhinged, far left KOOK and has a personality wore than Hillary's. If Hillary runs again, she will lose even worse than last time.
Who will beat Trump? Lying treasonous democrat and rino scum.
Of course he is looking for a second term but what he really wants is a republican majority in congress which will work to make America great instead of spending their time obstructing the administration and working on a treasonous political coup.
What does this cat do for an encore? He's got the economy in record growth, made us first in oil and natural gas production, rebuilt the Military, straightened out the VA, built the Wall, crushed ISIS, crushed Iran, exposed and crushed the Swamp, rebuilt American manufacturing, kicked China's ass into submission, and got us favorable trade deals with them, Japan, South Korea, and USMCA. What the hell else is there to do but be the caretaker of his own legacy? :dunno:


Of course he is looking for a second term but what he really wants is a republican majority in congress which will work to make America great instead of spending their time obstructing the administration and working on a treasonous political coup.

he had one. Did nothing.
We know that most Americans don’t want Trump to have a second term.
Most voters didn’t want the blob to have a first term

True...Nothing has changed since November 2016.
Wetbacks, pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, white guilt whackos, feminazis, criminals and lowlife piece of shit degenerates still hate him passionately while EVERYBODY truly legitimate continues to smile ear to ear and celebrate his presidency and daily verbal bitchslapping of the filthy Left.
What does this cat do for an encore? He's got the economy in record growth, made us first in oil and natural gas production, rebuilt the Military, straightened out the VA, built the Wall, crushed ISIS, crushed Iran, exposed and crushed the Swamp, rebuilt American manufacturing, kicked China's ass into submission, and got us favorable trade deals with them, Japan, South Korea, and USMCA. What the hell else is there to do but be the caretaker of his own legacy? :dunno:


Get rid of the Stalinist party.

The democrats are perhaps the most corrupt political body in history. Not only are democrats immune to law, but even investigating a democrat is impeachable. We have become utterly lawless, the Stalinist party can do anything they please, kill witnesses in federal prison, extort foreign governments, sell guns to Mexican drug lords, you name it. The Stalinist democrats are simply above the law, all laws.

What can Trump do? Return us to a nation of law, arrest pretty much every major democrat, they are all criminals after all, and restore the concept of Equal Justice Under the Law.
Your Orange Overlord hasn't achieved a single thing you claimed.

But to answer your question, NO - the only thing he likes about the job are his stupid Greatest Hits Rallies and that there are still people who haven't tired of them.

The ONLY reason he wants a second term is to stay out of jail. :)
Don't bail on Trump. he's all we've got. get ready for the fight ahead, HE NEEDS YOU, and we need him.

Built the wall?
What 40 or 50 miles? Hardly a drop in the bucket of what we need.

Crushed Iran?
In what universe? Iran is exercising influence all over the Middle East.

Crushed the swamp?
The swamp is stronger and louder than EVER.

Kicked China into submission?
Cite the deal reached...

A bit early for bullshit revisionist history isn't it?

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