Does Trump Really Want A Second Term?

Of course he wants a second term. No potus wants to be a one termer. One term means failure. Plus Donnie is an egotistical narcissistic showman.

However he has done some good things, but the forces aligned against him may be too great to win re-election. The MIC, Deep State, MSM, billionaires, and the government bureaucracy all want him gone.
Not for president James Polk. Most underrated president of all time.

Served one term. Got all of his objectives passed. Only one to do so. President that is credited for making this country sea to shiny sea.
Of course he wants a second term. No potus wants to be a one termer. One term means failure. Plus Donnie is an egotistical narcissistic showman.

However he has done some good things, but the forces aligned against him may be too great to win re-election. The MIC, Deep State, MSM, billionaires, and the government bureaucracy all want him gone.
Who do you think on the communist/socialist/demonRAT side has a fighting chance against Trump....the billionaires like Doomsberg, the RADICAL COMMIES like Fauxahontas. Bernie, the RED, racists like Kamaltoe or cocker, and ones that show a slight sign of having a brain like Tulsi. Are called RED ASSETS, by such leaders of the ABNORMALS, as the Hildebeast herself (I still think she is looking seriously at the spot, until AG Barr starts the real and thorough investigation of her over 100+ verified felonies spelled out by Comey).....Perhaps they can drag the Mooocher Oblowme away from her new $14+ million WATERFRONT HOME in Mass. and LOOK at all those $200k speaking engagements she would have to give up, besides it is ACTUALLY WORK!....How about the Orcah, ooops, Oprah....But no TV show and her popularity disappeared and so di het MSM coverage.....oh. thos poor DEMONRAT . even with impeachment, the best they can hope for is a hand full of sperm!... and what would be their platform....$54 trillion healthcare bill. 43% tax rate, more unemployment from the 2 million jobs lost ust to healthcare layoffs. Watch your 401K's crater with Warren on KILL for WALL STREET..... yes, fun times for all!!!
Of course he wants a second term. No potus wants to be a one termer. One term means failure. Plus Donnie is an egotistical narcissistic showman.

However he has done some good things, but the forces aligned against him may be too great to win re-election. The MIC, Deep State, MSM, billionaires, and the government bureaucracy all want him gone.
Who do you think on the communist/socialist/demonRAT side has a fighting chance against Trump....the billionaires like Doomsberg, the RADICAL COMMIES like Fauxahontas. Bernie, the RED, racists like Kamaltoe or cocker, and ones that show a slight sign of having a brain like Tulsi. Are called RED ASSETS, by such leaders of the ABNORMALS, as the Hildebeast herself (I still think she is looking seriously at the spot, until AG Barr starts the real and thorough investigation of her over 100+ verified felonies spelled out by Comey).....Perhaps they can drag the Mooocher Oblowme away from her new $14+ million WATERFRONT HOME in Mass. and LOOK at all those $200k speaking engagements she would have to give up, besides it is ACTUALLY WORK!....How about the Orcah, ooops, Oprah....But no TV show and her popularity disappeared and so di het MSM coverage.....oh. thos poor DEMONRAT . even with impeachment, the best they can hope for is a hand full of sperm!... and what would be their platform....$54 trillion healthcare bill. 43% tax rate, more unemployment from the 2 million jobs lost ust to healthcare layoffs. Watch your 401K's crater with Warren on KILL for WALL STREET..... yes, fun times for all!!!
You hopefully realize that as a Trump supporter and R partisan, your opinion is biased.
Built the wall?
What 40 or 50 miles? Hardly a drop in the bucket of what we need.

Crushed Iran?
In what universe? Iran is exercising influence all over the Middle East.

Crushed the swamp?
The swamp is stronger and louder than EVER.

Kicked China into submission?
Cite the deal reached...

A bit early for bullshit revisionist history isn't it?

Dispute anything I've said....60 miles of NEW wall in southern Arizona and the Rio Grande sectors, a hundred of old wall. Iran is on it's ass and can't even keep control at home. The Swamp? Ask me in 6 months how the inbred, corrupt establishment looks with the intel heads all indicted and most of the Obama admin turning states evidence on each other. China.....who are you or you? Their supply chain is falling apart and they're begging for tariff relief......You want to talk bullshit, look in the mirror, fool.
Built the wall?
What 40 or 50 miles? Hardly a drop in the bucket of what we need.

Crushed Iran?
In what universe? Iran is exercising influence all over the Middle East.

Crushed the swamp?
The swamp is stronger and louder than EVER.

Kicked China into submission?
Cite the deal reached...

A bit early for bullshit revisionist history isn't it?

Dispute anything I've said....60 miles of NEW wall in southern Arizona and the Rio Grande sectors, a hundred of old wall. Iran is on it's ass and can't even keep control at home. The Swamp? Ask me in 6 months how the inbred, corrupt establishment looks with the intel heads all indicted and most of the Obama admin turning states evidence on each other. China.....who are you or you? Their supply chain is falling apart and they're begging for tariff relief......You want to talk bullshit, look in the mirror, fool.
I already disputed what you said. Can you read?
I already disputed what you said. Can you read?

I read you loud and clear, convict...sounds like you turned pinko...miss being a prison bride do ya?
I see you can't refute my points so you resort to leftist tactics of personal attacks.

Predictable & pathetic
Well Grampa, now you're not pure enough for the Trumpiest Trumpsters.

So now you're a commie.

I hope you look good in red!
Of course he wants a second term. No potus wants to be a one termer. One term means failure. Plus Donnie is an egotistical narcissistic showman.

However he has done some good things, but the forces aligned against him may be too great to win re-election. The MIC, Deep State, MSM, billionaires, and the government bureaucracy all want him gone.

He wouldn't be considered a "one-termer" if he decided not to run when it's obvious he'll be reelected. Being a showman. he knows you got to leave them cheering for more when exiting the stage. Does he need this shit? No. Is there danger in a second term that begins when he's almost 75? Reagan's advisors took advantage of him in his second term and they weren't Rat spies like Trump is dealing with. He could always win reelection and then give the world the finger and hand it off to Pence while he and Melania head down to Mar-a- Lago to retire in glory.
The POS is already making deals for him to return to TV
Trump didn't even want a first term..

But hey, if God is on your side, why argue.

I see you can't refute my points so you resort to leftist tactics of personal attacks.

Predictable & pathetic

Hang out with the leftist trash from now're just another weakling not ready for MAGA.
Hysterical nonsense. I AM a conservative. Not a Trumper or any other nonsensical gibberish. I simply pointed out HE ISN'T DONE and you freak the fuck out. Pretty sad that you freak out over a different OPINION of the current state of things.
You call me a leftist despite the fact that I have espoused exactly ZERO leftist positions.
If ever a person fit the definition of a snowflake you certainly fit it.
Can I offer you a coloring book in a nice quiet safe space?
What does this cat do for an encore? He's got the economy in record growth, made us first in oil and natural gas production, rebuilt the Military, straightened out the VA, built the Wall, crushed ISIS, crushed Iran, exposed and crushed the Swamp, rebuilt American manufacturing, kicked China's ass into submission, and got us favorable trade deals with them, Japan, South Korea, and USMCA. What the hell else is there to do but be the caretaker of his own legacy? :dunno:


He hasn't crushed the swamp yet, as it has very long tentacles.
But Trump will play along as he is still having fun........AND WINNING!!!
I already disputed what you said. Can you read?

I read you loud and clear, convict...sounds like you turned pinko...miss being a prison bride do ya?
I see you can't refute my points so you resort to leftist tactics of personal attacks.

Predictable & pathetic
Well Grampa, now you're not pure enough for the Trumpiest Trumpsters.

So now you're a commie.

I hope you look good in red!
I wear red EVERY Friday and Sunday.....GO CHIEFS!
What does this cat do for an encore? He's got the economy in record growth, made us first in oil and natural gas production, rebuilt the Military, straightened out the VA, built the Wall, crushed ISIS, crushed Iran, exposed and crushed the Swamp, rebuilt American manufacturing, kicked China's ass into submission, and got us favorable trade deals with them, Japan, South Korea, and USMCA. What the hell else is there to do but be the caretaker of his own legacy? :dunno:


He hasn't crushed the swamp yet, as it has very long tentacles.
But Trump will play along as he is still having fun........AND WINNING!!!
Be careful, the moron op will call you a commie for stating that FACT.
He hasn't crushed the swamp yet, as it has very long tentacles.
But Trump will play along as he is still having fun........AND WINNING!!!

It's a work in soon as Barr/Durham unload on these roaches the Swamp will be short enough gators to drain. WORD.
The clown calls my listing Trump's success "revisonist bullshit" then calls himself a "conservative"...yeah, like the kind of "conservatives" at the Weekly Standard that lost to the commies so long they think Trump and us MAGA are populist rabble. Fuck em, all of em...including this clown...sunshine patriots ain't worth a bucket of spit.
Be careful, the moron op will call you a commie for stating that FACT.

You stepped to me, convict and I called you out for what you are.....a bitch who can't handle MAGA...don't like it? who gives a shit, eh?
I didn't "step to you" lol

I have not yet begun to speak my mind about you.

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