Donald J Trump Is A Traitor, And He Should Be Treated As Such

What Donald J. Trump is doing is treachery to the American republic, and it should be treated as such.

As reported by the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election are unprecedented in American history and an even more audacious use of brute political force to gain the White House than when Congress gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency during Reconstruction.
Mr. Trump’s chances of succeeding are somewhere between remote and impossible, and a sign of his desperation after President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. won by nearly six million popular votes and counting, as well as a clear Electoral College margin.
This is really a no-brainer. We’re dealing with a traitor in the White House, nothing more, nothing less.

Every single member of his Cabinet that supports him is guilty of treachery. Every single Republican lawmaker that supports him is equally guilty. Every single pundit on Fox News or any other right-wing outlet that supports this coup attempt is, in fact, supporting a traitor.

As explained by historian Michael Beschloss, this moment is truly unprecedented in our history:

“This is a manufactured crisis. It is a president abusing his huge powers in order to stay in office after the voters clearly rejected him for re-election.”
He added: “This is what many of the founders dreaded.”
There is no other word for them. They are traitors to the nation--all of them. They are trying their damnedest to erase the rights we in this country were born with.

They should carry that with them for the rest of their lives, into their graves.

Way to be unifying


Sleepy Joe needs to start reaching across the aisle like his old buddy McCain did. Time for Biden-Harris to start reaching out to Deplorable Americans as well as Chumps and to meet their needs. Biden promised to be a president for everyone during the campaign. Pro-Chump legislation and EO's have to be priority one.

McCain is dead, and you conservatives were hollering about how Hillary called people "deplorables". You gotta quit living in the past. Biden won the election, Trump lost, deal with it.
Biden said he wanted to be the President for all Americans. I am Going to give him a chance to prove it. Fair?
What Donald J. Trump is doing is treachery to the American republic, and it should be treated as such.

As reported by the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election are unprecedented in American history and an even more audacious use of brute political force to gain the White House than when Congress gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency during Reconstruction.
Mr. Trump’s chances of succeeding are somewhere between remote and impossible, and a sign of his desperation after President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. won by nearly six million popular votes and counting, as well as a clear Electoral College margin.
This is really a no-brainer. We’re dealing with a traitor in the White House, nothing more, nothing less.

Every single member of his Cabinet that supports him is guilty of treachery. Every single Republican lawmaker that supports him is equally guilty. Every single pundit on Fox News or any other right-wing outlet that supports this coup attempt is, in fact, supporting a traitor.

As explained by historian Michael Beschloss, this moment is truly unprecedented in our history:

“This is a manufactured crisis. It is a president abusing his huge powers in order to stay in office after the voters clearly rejected him for re-election.”
He added: “This is what many of the founders dreaded.”
There is no other word for them. They are traitors to the nation--all of them. They are trying their damnedest to erase the rights we in this country were born with.

They should carry that with them for the rest of their lives, into their graves.

I am not a Trump supporter and am far left of anyone here, but until Trump has actually done something to deliberately hard the rights of anyone else, then he is not guilty of anything, much less treason.

The closest thing he has done to treason was moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
And that really is not that significant.
I don't think he's a traitor. He's just a badly damaged little man.

He's not the problem. A society that put him in the White House is.

The fact that we woke up and threw him out as soon as possible at least mitigates that mistake, to a point.

This. I don't think this country would have survived another four years of his incompetence and narcissism. They don't have any evidence of voter fraud. They aren't going to get near going in front of a judge with their so called "evidence" because the moment they do, the whole game is over. Same with these recounts. It's just a stall tactic to keep the base whipped up and sow enough doubt in the integrity of the election so that in the oh so slimmest of possibilities, you get some Republican led legislatures in these swing states to send their own slate of electors that will steal the election for him. In the meantime, people are dying, no relief package is being pushed through Congress, and the guy that didn't want the job in the first place and has never displayed any interest in doing it, is throwing a temper tantrum.

Treason in this case would be hard to prove and make stick. I'll settle for him slinking from the WH in the dead of night. I don't think he'll want to be photographed leaving. I'll settle for that. That and the SD of NY and various other legal entities keeping him and his family tied up in court for the rest of their lives.

Will we survive 4 years of Biden, or will Pelosi bring up the 25th, to get him out of office, and the first female president in?

Guess you flunked civics class in school, because if Biden is removed or impeached, Harris will be the first female president, not Pelosi.

Problem reading?

I said Pelosi will bring up the 25th, so that the first female president will be put in office.

That would be Harris.

I did NOT say Pelosi will become president.

The way you wrote your post made it sound like you were saying Pelosi would be gunning for the top position.

Like I said, you Trumpsters should be careful what you wish for, because if Biden is removed, impeached, or dies in office, Harris will take over and become the first female, black president.

A female Black would be a vast improvement over Biden, but the problem with Harris is not gender or race, but the fact she was an evil prosecutor.
What Donald J. Trump is doing is treachery to the American republic, and it should be treated as such.

As reported by the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election are unprecedented in American history and an even more audacious use of brute political force to gain the White House than when Congress gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency during Reconstruction.
Mr. Trump’s chances of succeeding are somewhere between remote and impossible, and a sign of his desperation after President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. won by nearly six million popular votes and counting, as well as a clear Electoral College margin.
This is really a no-brainer. We’re dealing with a traitor in the White House, nothing more, nothing less.

Every single member of his Cabinet that supports him is guilty of treachery. Every single Republican lawmaker that supports him is equally guilty. Every single pundit on Fox News or any other right-wing outlet that supports this coup attempt is, in fact, supporting a traitor.

As explained by historian Michael Beschloss, this moment is truly unprecedented in our history:

“This is a manufactured crisis. It is a president abusing his huge powers in order to stay in office after the voters clearly rejected him for re-election.”
He added: “This is what many of the founders dreaded.”
There is no other word for them. They are traitors to the nation--all of them. They are trying their damnedest to erase the rights we in this country were born with.

They should carry that with them for the rest of their lives, into their graves.

Way to be unifying


Sleepy Joe needs to start reaching across the aisle like his old buddy McCain did. Time for Biden-Harris to start reaching out to Deplorable Americans as well as Chumps and to meet their needs. Biden promised to be a president for everyone during the campaign. Pro-Chump legislation and EO's have to be priority one.

McCain is dead, and you conservatives were hollering about how Hillary called people "deplorables". You gotta quit living in the past. Biden won the election, Trump lost, deal with it.
Biden said he wanted to be the President for all Americans. I am Going to give him a chance to prove it. Fair?

Biden already hart the US by supporting the theft of oil and gas by the Ukraine, in order to get kickbacks of US foreign aid to his son. That is about as reprehensible as one could get, since harming our relations with Russia is very bad for all of us in the US. We have no inherent conflict with Russia, and it would be best if we could arrange to be allies instead. Hostilities between the US and Russia help no one but armament profiteers.
What Donald J. Trump is doing is treachery to the American republic, and it should be treated as such.

As reported by the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election are unprecedented in American history and an even more audacious use of brute political force to gain the White House than when Congress gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency during Reconstruction.
Mr. Trump’s chances of succeeding are somewhere between remote and impossible, and a sign of his desperation after President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. won by nearly six million popular votes and counting, as well as a clear Electoral College margin.
This is really a no-brainer. We’re dealing with a traitor in the White House, nothing more, nothing less.

Every single member of his Cabinet that supports him is guilty of treachery. Every single Republican lawmaker that supports him is equally guilty. Every single pundit on Fox News or any other right-wing outlet that supports this coup attempt is, in fact, supporting a traitor.

As explained by historian Michael Beschloss, this moment is truly unprecedented in our history:

“This is a manufactured crisis. It is a president abusing his huge powers in order to stay in office after the voters clearly rejected him for re-election.”
He added: “This is what many of the founders dreaded.”
There is no other word for them. They are traitors to the nation--all of them. They are trying their damnedest to erase the rights we in this country were born with.

They should carry that with them for the rest of their lives, into their graves.

Way to be unifying


Sleepy Joe needs to start reaching across the aisle like his old buddy McCain did. Time for Biden-Harris to start reaching out to Deplorable Americans as well as Chumps and to meet their needs. Biden promised to be a president for everyone during the campaign. Pro-Chump legislation and EO's have to be priority one.

McCain is dead, and you conservatives were hollering about how Hillary called people "deplorables". You gotta quit living in the past. Biden won the election, Trump lost, deal with it.
Biden said he wanted to be the President for all Americans. I am Going to give him a chance to prove it. Fair?

Biden already hart the US by supporting the theft of oil and gas by the Ukraine, in order to get kickbacks of US foreign aid to his son. That is about as reprehensible as one could get, since harming our relations with Russia is very bad for all of us in the US. We have no inherent conflict with Russia, and it would be best if we could arrange to be allies instead. Hostilities between the US and Russia help no one but armament profiteers.
He is not even president yet and you're already bashing him? Only in America. LOL.
It certainly is traitorous.

The penalty for that is DEATH.

However, I'd settle for a #LockHimUp solution.

So using the constitutional systems the founders put in place is treason? I guess we should kill all the commie lawyers that went to court to change election procedures at the last moment then. That would be the logical extension of your brain dead thoughts.

Last edited:
What Donald J. Trump is doing is treachery to the American republic, and it should be treated as such.

As reported by the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election are unprecedented in American history and an even more audacious use of brute political force to gain the White House than when Congress gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency during Reconstruction.
Mr. Trump’s chances of succeeding are somewhere between remote and impossible, and a sign of his desperation after President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. won by nearly six million popular votes and counting, as well as a clear Electoral College margin.
This is really a no-brainer. We’re dealing with a traitor in the White House, nothing more, nothing less.

Every single member of his Cabinet that supports him is guilty of treachery. Every single Republican lawmaker that supports him is equally guilty. Every single pundit on Fox News or any other right-wing outlet that supports this coup attempt is, in fact, supporting a traitor.

As explained by historian Michael Beschloss, this moment is truly unprecedented in our history:

“This is a manufactured crisis. It is a president abusing his huge powers in order to stay in office after the voters clearly rejected him for re-election.”
He added: “This is what many of the founders dreaded.”
There is no other word for them. They are traitors to the nation--all of them. They are trying their damnedest to erase the rights we in this country were born with.

They should carry that with them for the rest of their lives, into their graves.

Way to be unifying


Sleepy Joe needs to start reaching across the aisle like his old buddy McCain did. Time for Biden-Harris to start reaching out to Deplorable Americans as well as Chumps and to meet their needs. Biden promised to be a president for everyone during the campaign. Pro-Chump legislation and EO's have to be priority one.

McCain is dead, and you conservatives were hollering about how Hillary called people "deplorables". You gotta quit living in the past. Biden won the election, Trump lost, deal with it.
Biden said he wanted to be the President for all Americans. I am Going to give him a chance to prove it. Fair?

Biden already hart the US by supporting the theft of oil and gas by the Ukraine, in order to get kickbacks of US foreign aid to his son. That is about as reprehensible as one could get, since harming our relations with Russia is very bad for all of us in the US. We have no inherent conflict with Russia, and it would be best if we could arrange to be allies instead. Hostilities between the US and Russia help no one but armament profiteers.
He is not even president yet and you're already bashing him? Only in America. LOL.
Fuck him with a cactus
The extreme talk from Biden and the Leftards, yet NO EVIDENCE being presented from the Biden-bunker, tells me that Trump has hit a nerve.

Its a new America, and massive election cheating sponsored by unfriendly foreigners in Germany and Venezuela isn't going to be permitted if Donald J. Trump has anything to say about it.

Biden bunker? Ever since Trump lost, he's been holed up in the WH, and even cancelled his Thanksgiving plans for Mar a Lago, choosing instead to hide in the WH.

Biden on the other hand has been at many public appearances ever since he won. Biden struck a serious nerve on Trump.

And the press has dutifully changed bidens diapers. They've proven they will continue to be the propaganda arm of the DNC, journalism died in the US more than a decade ago.

I don't think he's a traitor. He's just a badly damaged little man.

He's not the problem. A society that put him in the White House is.

The fact that we woke up and threw him out as soon as possible at least mitigates that mistake, to a point.

This. I don't think this country would have survived another four years of his incompetence and narcissism. They don't have any evidence of voter fraud. They aren't going to get near going in front of a judge with their so called "evidence" because the moment they do, the whole game is over. Same with these recounts. It's just a stall tactic to keep the base whipped up and sow enough doubt in the integrity of the election so that in the oh so slimmest of possibilities, you get some Republican led legislatures in these swing states to send their own slate of electors that will steal the election for him. In the meantime, people are dying, no relief package is being pushed through Congress, and the guy that didn't want the job in the first place and has never displayed any interest in doing it, is throwing a temper tantrum.

Treason in this case would be hard to prove and make stick. I'll settle for him slinking from the WH in the dead of night. I don't think he'll want to be photographed leaving. I'll settle for that. That and the SD of NY and various other legal entities keeping him and his family tied up in court for the rest of their lives.

Will we survive 4 years of Biden, or will Pelosi bring up the 25th, to get him out of office, and the first female president in?

Guess you flunked civics class in school, because if Biden is removed or impeached, Harris will be the first female president, not Pelosi.

Problem reading?

I said Pelosi will bring up the 25th, so that the first female president will be put in office.

That would be Harris.

I did NOT say Pelosi will become president.

The way you wrote your post made it sound like you were saying Pelosi would be gunning for the top position.

Like I said, you Trumpsters should be careful what you wish for, because if Biden is removed, impeached, or dies in office, Harris will take over and become the first female, black president.

Bullshit, the bitch has lighter skin than mine.

The extreme talk from Biden and the Leftards, yet NO EVIDENCE being presented from the Biden-bunker, tells me that Trump has hit a nerve.

Its a new America, and massive election cheating sponsored by unfriendly foreigners in Germany and Venezuela isn't going to be permitted if Donald J. Trump has anything to say about it.

Biden bunker? Ever since Trump lost, he's been holed up in the WH, and even cancelled his Thanksgiving plans for Mar a Lago, choosing instead to hide in the WH.

Biden on the other hand has been at many public appearances ever since he won. Biden struck a serious nerve on Trump.

And the press has dutifully changed bidens diapers. They've proven they will continue to be the propaganda arm of the DNC, journalism died in the US more than a decade ago.


The kinds of questions that the media asks Sleepy Joe tell the story. "Sir- what flavor do you prefer, chocolate or vanilla" "Where do you stand on the Boxers vs Briefs controversy"
Donald J Trump Is A Traitor, And He Should Be Treated As Such

WE FINALLY AGREE, Skewy, Donald Trump IS a traitor to all that the Left, the Commies and the fascist progressive globalists hold dear.


You GO Donald-- -- you have at least another two months to screw them to the wall, hopefully another four years of fighting for America!
The op and the other Biden fans are the ones that are traiters. they want a commie in office loyal to China and stood by and did nothing when mass murderer Obama expanded bush’s war in the Mideast murdering women and children around the world,he needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a traiter to Americans.
Donald J Trump Is A Traitor, And He Should Be Treated As Such

WE FINALLY AGREE, Skewy, Donald Trump IS a traitor to all that the Left, the Commies and the fascist progressive globalists hold dear.


You GO Donald-- -- you have at least another two months to screw them to the wall, hopefully another four years of fighting for America!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :thankusmile:
What Donald J. Trump is doing is treachery to the American republic, and it should be treated as such.

As reported by the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election are unprecedented in American history and an even more audacious use of brute political force to gain the White House than when Congress gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency during Reconstruction.
Mr. Trump’s chances of succeeding are somewhere between remote and impossible, and a sign of his desperation after President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. won by nearly six million popular votes and counting, as well as a clear Electoral College margin.
This is really a no-brainer. We’re dealing with a traitor in the White House, nothing more, nothing less.

Every single member of his Cabinet that supports him is guilty of treachery. Every single Republican lawmaker that supports him is equally guilty. Every single pundit on Fox News or any other right-wing outlet that supports this coup attempt is, in fact, supporting a traitor.

As explained by historian Michael Beschloss, this moment is truly unprecedented in our history:

“This is a manufactured crisis. It is a president abusing his huge powers in order to stay in office after the voters clearly rejected him for re-election.”
He added: “This is what many of the founders dreaded.”
There is no other word for them. They are traitors to the nation--all of them. They are trying their damnedest to erase the rights we in this country were born with.

They should carry that with them for the rest of their lives, into their graves.

Way to be unifying


Sleepy Joe needs to start reaching across the aisle like his old buddy McCain did. Time for Biden-Harris to start reaching out to Deplorable Americans as well as Chumps and to meet their needs. Biden promised to be a president for everyone during the campaign. Pro-Chump legislation and EO's have to be priority one.

McCain is dead, and you conservatives were hollering about how Hillary called people "deplorables". You gotta quit living in the past. Biden won the election, Trump lost, deal with it.

Sure we will, just like you commies dealt with Trumps election.

What Donald J. Trump is doing is treachery to the American republic, and it should be treated as such.

As reported by the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election are unprecedented in American history and an even more audacious use of brute political force to gain the White House than when Congress gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency during Reconstruction.
Mr. Trump’s chances of succeeding are somewhere between remote and impossible, and a sign of his desperation after President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. won by nearly six million popular votes and counting, as well as a clear Electoral College margin.
This is really a no-brainer. We’re dealing with a traitor in the White House, nothing more, nothing less.

Every single member of his Cabinet that supports him is guilty of treachery. Every single Republican lawmaker that supports him is equally guilty. Every single pundit on Fox News or any other right-wing outlet that supports this coup attempt is, in fact, supporting a traitor.

As explained by historian Michael Beschloss, this moment is truly unprecedented in our history:

“This is a manufactured crisis. It is a president abusing his huge powers in order to stay in office after the voters clearly rejected him for re-election.”
He added: “This is what many of the founders dreaded.”
There is no other word for them. They are traitors to the nation--all of them. They are trying their damnedest to erase the rights we in this country were born with.

They should carry that with them for the rest of their lives, into their graves.

I am not a Trump supporter and am far left of anyone here, but until Trump has actually done something to deliberately hard the rights of anyone else, then he is not guilty of anything, much less treason.

The closest thing he has done to treason was moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
And that really is not that significant.

Really, it was congress that voted to move the embassy and every president for the past 20 years promised to follow the law, only Trump followed through.

What Donald J. Trump is doing is treachery to the American republic, and it should be treated as such.

As reported by the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election are unprecedented in American history and an even more audacious use of brute political force to gain the White House than when Congress gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency during Reconstruction.
Mr. Trump’s chances of succeeding are somewhere between remote and impossible, and a sign of his desperation after President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. won by nearly six million popular votes and counting, as well as a clear Electoral College margin.
This is really a no-brainer. We’re dealing with a traitor in the White House, nothing more, nothing less.

Every single member of his Cabinet that supports him is guilty of treachery. Every single Republican lawmaker that supports him is equally guilty. Every single pundit on Fox News or any other right-wing outlet that supports this coup attempt is, in fact, supporting a traitor.

As explained by historian Michael Beschloss, this moment is truly unprecedented in our history:

“This is a manufactured crisis. It is a president abusing his huge powers in order to stay in office after the voters clearly rejected him for re-election.”
He added: “This is what many of the founders dreaded.”
There is no other word for them. They are traitors to the nation--all of them. They are trying their damnedest to erase the rights we in this country were born with.

They should carry that with them for the rest of their lives, into their graves.

I am not a Trump supporter and am far left of anyone here, but until Trump has actually done something to deliberately hard the rights of anyone else, then he is not guilty of anything, much less treason.

The closest thing he has done to treason was moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
And that really is not that significant.

Congress voted to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, including Sleepy Joe himself. It was in the Democrat Party platform.

Trump merely obeyed the law that Obama scoffed at
I don't think he's a traitor. He's just a badly damaged little man.

He's not the problem. A society that put him in the White House is.

The fact that we woke up and threw him out as soon as possible at least mitigates that mistake, to a point.

Nope, he's a traitor.
Trump is trying to pull off a coup, interfere with a fair and legal election and stay in office.
He's allowed the pandemic to consume this country, he's broken his oath to protect the citizens of this country.

Treason: "the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government."
What Donald J. Trump is doing is treachery to the American republic, and it should be treated as such.

As reported by the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election are unprecedented in American history and an even more audacious use of brute political force to gain the White House than when Congress gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency during Reconstruction.
Mr. Trump’s chances of succeeding are somewhere between remote and impossible, and a sign of his desperation after President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. won by nearly six million popular votes and counting, as well as a clear Electoral College margin.
This is really a no-brainer. We’re dealing with a traitor in the White House, nothing more, nothing less.

Every single member of his Cabinet that supports him is guilty of treachery. Every single Republican lawmaker that supports him is equally guilty. Every single pundit on Fox News or any other right-wing outlet that supports this coup attempt is, in fact, supporting a traitor.

As explained by historian Michael Beschloss, this moment is truly unprecedented in our history:

“This is a manufactured crisis. It is a president abusing his huge powers in order to stay in office after the voters clearly rejected him for re-election.”
He added: “This is what many of the founders dreaded.”
There is no other word for them. They are traitors to the nation--all of them. They are trying their damnedest to erase the rights we in this country were born with.

They should carry that with them for the rest of their lives, into their graves.

There has been nonsense done with the vote count and we don't know who won yet. You friign dumbocrats can't dig that. The fact that you don't want to wait for an accurate count proves that you are the disloyal one.
What Donald J. Trump is doing is treachery to the American republic, and it should be treated as such.

As reported by the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election are unprecedented in American history and an even more audacious use of brute political force to gain the White House than when Congress gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency during Reconstruction.
Mr. Trump’s chances of succeeding are somewhere between remote and impossible, and a sign of his desperation after President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. won by nearly six million popular votes and counting, as well as a clear Electoral College margin.
This is really a no-brainer. We’re dealing with a traitor in the White House, nothing more, nothing less.

Every single member of his Cabinet that supports him is guilty of treachery. Every single Republican lawmaker that supports him is equally guilty. Every single pundit on Fox News or any other right-wing outlet that supports this coup attempt is, in fact, supporting a traitor.

As explained by historian Michael Beschloss, this moment is truly unprecedented in our history:

“This is a manufactured crisis. It is a president abusing his huge powers in order to stay in office after the voters clearly rejected him for re-election.”
He added: “This is what many of the founders dreaded.”
There is no other word for them. They are traitors to the nation--all of them. They are trying their damnedest to erase the rights we in this country were born with.

They should carry that with them for the rest of their lives, into their graves.

I am not a Trump supporter and am far left of anyone here, but until Trump has actually done something to deliberately hard the rights of anyone else, then he is not guilty of anything, much less treason.

The closest thing he has done to treason was moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
And that really is not that significant.

Congress voted to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, including Sleepy Joe himself. It was in the Democrat Party platform.

Trump merely obeyed the law that Obama scoffed at
Show us that law.

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