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Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S.

Nope, it was the Democrats idea to leave the dirty war in Iraq, and expand the clean war in Afghanistan and Libya.

Now we have ISIS, a worldwide Syrian refugee crisis, and hundreds of Westerners
being needlessly murdered by Islamic radicals.

The blood is on your hands because you support Obama.

I've never supported Obama in my life. What I don't have is Obama Derangement Syndrome. i'm okay with what he did in iraq and Afghanistan. Libya was a bad move but wasn't all his fault by a long stretch.
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I just keep going over it in my mind. Accepting them doesn't help us. Not accepting them doesn't hurt us. Why are they so darn insistent about us taking in immigrants that we really cannot afford?
It is never good when you alienate or dehumanize one type of people be it a race or culture or religion. Think about any muslims who are now in America that hear these comments. Do you think they have a better chance to steer away from terrorism when hateful words are spouted off by Donald and his followers, when they alone are singled out from immigration, singled out for just traveling to the US, singled out to be registered... Where does it stop? If you think not accepting and demonizing a whole group of people can't hurt you then you have a lot of growing up to do. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Do not antagonize people and shut them out. How do you think terrorists are created in the first place?
Apparently you have missed the part where they are dehumanizing humans themselves. If they are dehumanized it is being solely self inflicted in this case.
Are you stating that all Muslims are terrorists?
Apparently enough are that already in other countries and personally I am unwilling to open the doors and wish them well until we can figure out who is hostile and who is not.

It has been almost twenty years ago I went into a Kmart while working out of town to pick up something I needed for my stay. I won't ever forget the hateful and disdainful looks I received from some guy that dressed like a sheikh or something and his man servant. That made it very obvious that in their eyes I had no right to be in the same isle much less the same store they were in.

A lot of times the women won't even look at you. Almost as if they purposefully try to avoid looking at you. Yeah, they don't seem to be the "friendliest" bunch. Lol.
And we can see your nothing but Sunshine and rainbows towards them.
Dear America,

I thought you were at an all time low when you elected George W. Bush... twice. I didn't think you could get any lower. Then you actually allowed some one like Sarah Palin to run for Vice President. Well one again you have lowered my expectations. At first I thought this Trump fellow was some kind of a joke. I thought people were going to say, we fooled those liberals, did they actually believe we would allow such a character like Trump to actually run for President. Reading through these forums I really hoped that this place was infested with trolls. There can't be this much people supporting such racism and bigotry. The rest of the world is going to leave you behind.

its called common sense, lib. If a certain type of people and religion are doing ALL the terrorism in YOUR FREE DEMOCRATIC country and you have to stop it or else you will not have a country then FFS of course its expected and smart and reasonable to stop them from coming in.
Wake up for God sake. Trump is proposing making second class citizens out of 7 to 12 million Muslims in the US, most of which are American citizens. His proposals would be a violation federal law as well as the 1st, 5th, and 14th amendment. And what justifies is this action?

Out of approximately 90,000 murders in the US over the last 5 years Islamic terrorist have kill 38 Americans. That makes the odds of being killed by an Islamic terrorist in the US approximately 1 in 39 million or put another way; you are 43 times more likely to be killed by lightening.

Out of 7 million Muslims in the US 18 of them over the last 5 years have commited terrorist attacks in the US. So following Trump's proposal, it is completely reasonable to punish 6,999,982 people because of the acts of 18 people. As the ex-mayor of Los Angles said, this is insane.
Post his statement then. Oh wait, you can't cause he didn't say that. Get your facts straight

Not only has he proposed the ban, see the quote below, but has reiterated the ban, then stated it wouldn't last long, then said he would exempt US military, then said he would stand by his statement and finally he's making comments about leaving the party.

At a rally in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina on Monday evening, Trump pointed to the statement he released earlier in the day.

Should I read you the statement?” he asked.

The crowd enthusiastically agreed that he should.

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on,” he said, adding the word “hell" for emphasis this time.

We have no choice. We have no choice,” Trump said. "We have no choice.”

Trump calls for ‘total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States’
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Trump is not proposing cutting off immigration of Muslims. He is proposing stopping the entry of all Muslims into the US. That means Muslim who are permanent residents of the US as well as Muslims who are US citizens would not be able to re-enter the US. And that my friend would be a clear violation of the 1st amendment, and depending on the situation a violation of 5th amendment and possibly the 14th amendment.

Furthermore using a religious test for entry into the US would certainly be a violation in spirit if not in actual law of Article 5, "No Religious Test" Clause.

Beyond the law, using religious discrimination for immigration would be "impossible to administer" and "stupidly play into the hands of extreme Islamic terrorists."

Well frankly, if you're found to have traveled to the ME for ISIS training, I personally don't think you /should/ be allowed back in... I'm not sure how one would track that though. I do believe we could put x through z countries on our no travel to list, and do a passport check to ensure they didn't travel to them though.

I am not so sure about the religious test thing, firstly a refugee asking for protection has to describe their reasons and one of them can be "religious persecution," they are also placed in locations that have "similar religions" (so they don't throw a "heathen" to a theocracy and so forth.) In addition it has been noted by our own government that x% of the refugees are muslim, x% are christian - how would we get that information if we can't ask the question? With refugee's I'll note that /America/ doesn't actually screen these guys for being sent into the US, a global agency does and they are under no such PC liberal ideals to /not/ ask such questions and decide where they'll send refugees.

On immigration, again, if you'd read what I wrote, no one has to even ask these folks what religion they follow - just cross the ME countries off the "allowed in" list by putting their numbers down to 0 for the year, and it's done.
Germanys with visas were considered enemy aliens. They were internment camps as were japanese.

It was war, which is what we are at with ISIS and radical terrorism.
Progressives want to see more Paris style attacks in the US, so they will keep supporting importing more Islamists.

Common sense Americans know we need to shut the doors to Islamists. They are a backwards, barbaric ideology that enslaves women and doesn't tolerate gays at all. Their values do not line up with American values at all.
Your post doesnt line up with American values either. Should you be deported?
I keep wondering why the liberals are so adamant about us accepting immigrants from the middle east? Why?
Liberals are ADDICTED to immigrants. They see them as VOTES for Democrats. In most cases, that is true. I'm not so sure with the Syrians though. After fleeing from ISIS, they may not be so comfortable with the Democrats' loose, reckless, and irresponsible ideas on national security.
I just keep going over it in my mind. Accepting them doesn't help us. Not accepting them doesn't hurt us. Why are they so darn insistent about us taking in immigrants that we really cannot afford?
It is never good when you alienate or dehumanize one type of people be it a race or culture or religion. Think about any muslims who are now in America that hear these comments. Do you think they have a better chance to steer away from terrorism when hateful words are spouted off by Donald and his followers, when they alone are singled out from immigration, singled out for just traveling to the US, singled out to be registered... Where does it stop? If you think not accepting and demonizing a whole group of people can't hurt you then you have a lot of growing up to do. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Do not antagonize people and shut them out. How do you think terrorists are created in the first place?
Apparently you have missed the part where they are dehumanizing humans themselves. If they are dehumanized it is being solely self inflicted in this case.
Are you stating that all Muslims are terrorists?

How do you tell the difference?
So what you are saying is, if you belong to the same race or religion as a terrorist then you must be treated as one. With your logic not one human being can be differentiated from a terrorist.

no ones holy book except the koran calls for killing of infidels.
I'd really like for a liberal to tell me why please.

I will take a flyer. They want the Votes. Even if they can't swindle them to polls right away. Muslims are reportedly voting Dem.
I wouldn't count on that happening with the Syrians, or anyone fleeing from ISIS. They'd be more likely to line up behind the republicans stronger anti-ISIS policies, and tougher national security.
Your post doesnt line up with American values either. Should you be deported?
Since when is national suicide an "American value" ? Since when is abandonment of NATIONAL SECURITY an "American value" ? Why am I talking to you ?
It is never good when you alienate or dehumanize one type of people be it a race or culture or religion. Think about any muslims who are now in America that hear these comments. Do you think they have a better chance to steer away from terrorism when hateful words are spouted off by Donald and his followers, when they alone are singled out from immigration, singled out for just traveling to the US, singled out to be registered... Where does it stop? If you think not accepting and demonizing a whole group of people can't hurt you then you have a lot of growing up to do. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Do not antagonize people and shut them out. How do you think terrorists are created in the first place?
Apparently you have missed the part where they are dehumanizing humans themselves. If they are dehumanized it is being solely self inflicted in this case.
Are you stating that all Muslims are terrorists?

How do you tell the difference?
So what you are saying is, if you belong to the same race or religion as a terrorist then you must be treated as one. With your logic not one human being can be differentiated from a terrorist.

no ones holy book except the koran calls for killing of infidels.
You must have never read the bible.
Your post doesnt line up with American values either. Should you be deported?
Since when is national suicide an "American value" ? Since when is abandonment of NATIONAL SECURITY an "American value" ? Why am I talking to you ?
Who said national suicide or abandonment of national security was an american value? You are talking to me because you know I'm your intellectual superior. Dont fight it. Its only going to traumatize you.
Are you stating that all Muslims are terrorists?
Technically, YES, they ALL are, because to be a Muslim is to be a follower and obeyer of the Koran, which has 132 suras calling for violence and/or killing of non-Mulsims. It is cover to cover terrorism.
Donald Trump Is a Bad Person

Can there be any doubt now that Donald Trump is a fascist?

His declaration yesterday that he would close the United States to all Muslim immigrants, including tourists and Muslim American citizens abroad trying to return home, confirmed both his fascistic tendencies and his undisguised bigotry, and made something else clear in the process: that he is simply a bad person.

1. Not fascist.

2. Not bigoted.

3. Not bad person

Strike 1. Strike 2. Strike 3.
Who said national suicide or abandonment of national security was an american value? You are talking to me because you know I'm your intellectual superior. Dont fight it. Its only going to traumatize you.
YOU said it, INFERIOR, ugly, smelly, slave boy.
Dear America,

I thought you were at an all time low when you elected George W. Bush... twice. I didn't think you could get any lower. Then you actually allowed some one like Sarah Palin to run for Vice President. Well one again you have lowered my expectations. At first I thought this Trump fellow was some kind of a joke. I thought people were going to say, we fooled those liberals, did they actually believe we would allow such a character like Trump to actually run for President. Reading through these forums I really hoped that this place was infested with trolls. There can't be this much people supporting such racism and bigotry. The rest of the world is going to leave you behind.
Trump's not elected yet, not even nominated. As the field narrows, the second choice favorites of candidate who drop out will become important. Cruz will get a biggest boost followed by Rubio and Carson. The GOP will do everything possible to keep Trump from being nominated but there is a strong possibility that he will win the nomination.

Most troubling for Trump supporters is the growing number of Republicans who will not support him in a general election. Although Donald Trump has signed a pledge to support the Republican Party’s nominee, that doesn’t mean the party’s establishment will support him, should he win the GOP presidential nod.

The big money Republican donors are actually looking to support Hillary Clinton for commander in chief if Trump is at the top of the GOP ticket. Yes, the Democrat Hillary Clinton could be getting millions of dollars from Republicans but the problem goes much further than just the money. As long time Republican mayor Dick Riordan said: “I would probably go find a deserted island if Trump were nominated. "I think Hillary is disgusting. And I think Trump is crazy.” Republican congressman seem to echo Riordan. Over a hundred congressmen have endorsed other candidates. At this point only one congressman has endorsed Trump. Half of the Republican governors have endorsed candidates; none have endorsed Trump. All this is good news for Democrats and bad news for Republicans.

Even better news for Democrats is the rank and file hatred for Trump. If there is anyone that can unite Democrats, it's Trump.

GOP establishment to back Hillary if Trump nominee
Out of approximately 90,000 murders in the US over the last 5 years Islamic terrorist have kill 38 Americans. That makes the odds of being killed by an Islamic terrorist in the US approximately 1 in 39 million or put another way; you are 43 times more likely to be killed by lightening.

Out of 7 million Muslims in the US 18 of them over the last 5 years have commited terrorist attacks in the US. So following Trump's proposal, it is completely reasonable to punish 6,999,982 people because of the acts of 18 people. As the ex-mayor of Los Angles said, this is insane.
1. The ideology (masquerading as a religion) is illegal and 100% unconstitutional to begin with.

2. Past performance over last 5 years is irrelevant. What is relevant is the jihadist desire to kill large numbers of Americans, while living in a nuclear technology age. How many Americans had been killed by Muslims on US soil, on September 10, 2001 ? Or by Japs on December 6, 1941 ?

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