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Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S.

Whatever. At least he's taking a strong stand. It's high time someone called it for what it is.

Hitler also took a "strong stand." Remember Koresh? Maybe Christians should have been banned after that mess in Texas? I really didn't think Donald would go this far, but I guess I underestimated him.
Trump pounced on the fear of the illiterate and feeble minded conservatives. Remember he is a businessman and he knows what type of ignorant people he is dealing with.

You Liberals really do need to take the pulse of the American people. It's not only the Conservatives who are fed up with Liberal politics.
You really need to get back on your meds before you shoot up a movie theater. No one of any consequence was duped by Trump except feeble minded, inbred, conservatives.

Discrimination against ANY religious sect is not liberal. It is unconstitution, Fascist, and illegal. But that has never stopped Donald in the past.

Congress passed a bill that banned European immigration in 1917 and back then the vast majority of the Europeans were Christian.
Donald Trump Is a Bad Person

Can there be any doubt now that Donald Trump is a fascist?

His declaration yesterday that he would close the United States to all Muslim immigrants, including tourists and Muslim American citizens abroad trying to return home, confirmed both his fascistic tendencies and his undisguised bigotry, and made something else clear in the process: that he is simply a bad person.
The libtard logic is amazing; allow more terrorist slaughters of Americans in order to keep the libtard view of America going strong.

I and a growing number of Americans dont care if you think Trump is a fascist or not. Just like the leftwing Black Lies Matters movement, who declares all of society to be racist with our microaggressions and similar bullshit, we have had enough.

Trump is going to be our next president and if you dont like it you can go fuck yourself.

Isnt free speech a wonderful thing?
    The Marshall Report ^ | Dianne Marshall
    America's Usurper, Obama has been supporting his Muslim brothers and violating The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. On the USCIS web site. In Section 212 Chapter 2, it Prohibits entry into America Aliens belonging to an organization seeking the unlawful overthrow of the federal government of the United States by force, violence and other unconstitutional means. Islamic immigration would be illegal under this law. Why? The Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam. To which are against our values and violate the Constitution as it requires them to kill the infidel, which happens to...

Please quit publishing lies from your RW loony rags...it just illustrates your ignorance.

If it's a LIE, refute it!

Go read the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 which replaced the one from 1952. You can continue to twist and spin all you want but TRUMP IS YOURS!

And if he mains the GOP nomination, he will hand the GOP the most embarrassing loss in election history. It is really a gift to the DNC.

Donald Trump Is a Bad Person

Can there be any doubt now that Donald Trump is a fascist?

His declaration yesterday that he would close the United States to all Muslim immigrants, including tourists and Muslim American citizens abroad trying to return home, confirmed both his fascistic tendencies and his undisguised bigotry, and made something else clear in the process: that he is simply a bad person.
The libtard logic is amazing; allow more terrorist slaughters of Americans in order to keep the libtard view of America going strong.

I and a growing number of Americans dont care if you think Trump is a fascist or not. Just like the leftwing Black Lies Matters movement, who declares all of society to be racist with our microaggressions and similar bullshit, we have had enough.

Trump is going to be our next president and if you dont like it you can go fuck yourself.

Isnt free speech a wonderful thing?

You do realize that if Trump is nominated, which is a GOP nightmare, most of the registered Republicans will stay at home on election day. He has embarrassed the core of the Republican Party to the point that I am sure the establishment GOP are drawing up plans right now to stop him. Their dilemma is he will most certainly run as a Third party, if he is not the GOP nominee.

Many Republican, true conservative and not wing nuts like you, have come to the conclusion that Trump would do more damage to the GOP as their nominee, than I would as a Third party candidate. The heat will be going up on Mister Trump at the beginning of 2016.

PERSONALLY, I LOVE THE GUY! He is saying what many RW loony Republicans want to hear. And he is repeating what a majority of the Republicans whisper is the back hall.

can muslims lie about their own religion? I mean can they say they are not one when they are questioned about it by a gov. official?
They are allowed to lie about their religion if it will be beneficial for their religion. Al taqiyya and kitman. They can tell any lie provided in their heart they still hold true to Islam. This is a real problem for non muslims for obvious reasons. They can also engage in haram stuff too, if necessary, like the 9/11 butchers who drank alcohol in nightclubs and stuff prior to their attack.
can muslims lie about their own religion? I mean can they say they are not one when they are questioned about it by a gov. official?

hmm that's an interesting question. I don't think it could be used as any kind of criteria for anything. However, I would think that given they believe their religion is the only one that is right, and the only one that will be around in the end, I would guess they couldn't...
Al taqiyya and kitman.
    The Marshall Report ^ | Dianne Marshall
    America's Usurper, Obama has been supporting his Muslim brothers and violating The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. On the USCIS web site. In Section 212 Chapter 2, it Prohibits entry into America Aliens belonging to an organization seeking the unlawful overthrow of the federal government of the United States by force, violence and other unconstitutional means. Islamic immigration would be illegal under this law. Why? The Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam. To which are against our values and violate the Constitution as it requires them to kill the infidel, which happens to...

Please quit publishing lies from your RW loony rags...it just illustrates your ignorance.

If it's a LIE, refute it!

Go read the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 which replaced the one from 1952. You can continue to twist and spin all you want but TRUMP IS YOURS!

And if he mains the GOP nomination, he will hand the GOP the most embarrassing loss in election history. It is really a gift to the DNC.

I don't think so. You guys lie as easy as you take a breath.

He said a temporary ban, not a permanent ban. Jimmy Carter did exactly that against Iranians after the Tehran Embassy Hostage takeover.

Just like that lie about Tax-cuts for the Rich, If you like your plan you can keep it, and Obamacare will save us $2500.....so goes this lie too.

Everybody is lying about what he said.....even claimed that he was booed off the stage in NC, which turned out to be a total fabrication by Reuters. They are all part of the Washington political establishment. They act like they are at odds, but really they're working together to rob us blind.
It is never good when you alienate or dehumanize one type of people be it a race or culture or religion. Think about any muslims who are now in America that hear these comments. Do you think they have a better chance to steer away from terrorism when hateful words are spouted off by Donald and his followers, when they alone are singled out from immigration, singled out for just traveling to the US, singled out to be registered... Where does it stop? If you think not accepting and demonizing a whole group of people can't hurt you then you have a lot of growing up to do. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Do not antagonize people and shut them out. How do you think terrorists are created in the first place?
Apparently you have missed the part where they are dehumanizing humans themselves. If they are dehumanized it is being solely self inflicted in this case.
Are you stating that all Muslims are terrorists?
Apparently enough are that already in other countries and personally I am unwilling to open the doors and wish them well until we can figure out who is hostile and who is not.

It has been almost twenty years ago I went into a Kmart while working out of town to pick up something I needed for my stay. I won't ever forget the hateful and disdainful looks I received from some guy that dressed like a sheikh or something and his man servant. That made it very obvious that in their eyes I had no right to be in the same isle much less the same store they were in.

A lot of times the women won't even look at you. Almost as if they purposefully try to avoid looking at you. Yeah, they don't seem to be the "friendliest" bunch. Lol.
And we can see your nothing but Sunshine and rainbows towards them.

Oh yes, I look at them and smile and say hello. They are quite unfriendly for the most part though. Occasionally I've gotten a response. Of course, they consider you a second class citizen if you aren't a Muslim. Aren't you aware of that little factoid? :D
You know, this post is so vile, I doubt even the OP would agree with it.

Your troops invaded and killed people that had not attacked them until they invaded.
I have no problem with the Iraqi army or any other defending force killing American invaders.
can muslims lie about their own religion? I mean can they say they are not one when they are questioned about it by a gov. official?
They are allowed to lie about their religion if it will be beneficial for their religion. Al taqiyya and kitman. They can tell any lie provided in their heart they still hold true to Islam. This is a real problem for non muslims for obvious reasons. They can also engage in haram stuff too, if necessary, like the 9/11 butchers who drank alcohol in nightclubs and stuff prior to their attack.

There was that Muslim who claimed to be Christian to get into the country to kill Americans.

"Fazliddin Kurbanov was admitted as a Christian refugee in 2009 from the booming world power of Uzbekistan. He claimed that he and his family were being persecuted in the majority Muslim country.

Soon after arriving, Kurbanov realized: He was a Muslim, after all!

He began communicating with the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, telling them: "We are the closest ones to the infidels .... What would you say if with the help of God we implement a martyrdom act?"

At trial, Kurbanov's defense was that he was just trying to get information on the terrorists in order "to capture them."

The jury was unconvinced, perhaps swayed by the stores of ammonium nitrate, acetone, aluminum powder and Tannerite found in Kurbanov's apartment. Our immigration officials would have found Kurbanov's story as believable as his Christianity. "
The Republican presidential front-runner's statement advocating a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" was condemned as bigoted, unconstitutional and potentially dangerous for American interests abroad. David Cameron, ... (Daily Telegraph (UK))

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