Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First

OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Here's a couple of items that proves the huffy post is full of shit.

Trump: I will sign a prison reform bill

Trump signs executive order promoting ‘opportunity zones’ in distressed towns

And we could probably do much more if the country wasn't spending 140 billion a year on illegals. Build the wall commies.

OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Brandi Miller what a dumb bitch..


Brandi Miller writes for "Common Dreams", an extreme leftist propaganda website that lamely disguises itself as a legitimate news source.....

"Dale Smith shoots from beyond the three point line!!!........... NOTHING BUT NET!!!!!!
Trump has only put Trump first – to the detriment of America.

That's funny...Trump got rid of the mandate, put consevative supreme Court justices on the bench and tried to keep every promise he made..

Last edited:
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Here's a couple of items that proves the huffy post is full of shit.

Trump: I will sign a prison reform bill

Trump signs executive order promoting ‘opportunity zones’ in distressed towns

And we could probably do much more if the country wasn't spending 140 billion a year on illegals. Build the wall commies.


Here's more proof of your full of shitedness.

The most poisonous claim in the dominant narrative is that our criminal justice system is a product and a source of racial inequity. The drug war in particular is said to be infected by racial bias. “Mass incarceration” is allegedly destroying black communities by taking fathers away from their families and imposing crippling criminal records on released convicts. Finally, prison is condemned as a huge waste of resources.

Nothing in this dominant narrative is true. Prison remains a lifetime achievement award for persistence in criminal offending. Drug enforcement is not the driving factor in the prison system, violent crime is. Even during the most rapid period of prison growth from 1980 to 1990, increased sentences for violent crime played a larger role than drug sentences in the incarceration build up. Since 1999, violent offenders have accounted for all of the increase in the national prison census.

The Myth of Criminal-Justice Racism

OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Curious. I am truly curious.

How can you put America first when you advocate for the safety and welfare of foreigners over your countrymen? How can you sit there and lecture us about putting America first when illegal immigrants take priority over American citizens?

Yes, let's feed our needy, take care of our sick, and maintain our sovereignty. Period.
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OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Two can play the biased propaganda game. It's pointless.

It's like cherry picking crap from a sewer.

Whoop dee doo. Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias.

Virgil: Trump Administration Puts America First and the United Nations a Distant Second
Virgil: Trump Administration Puts America First and the United Nations a Distant Second | Breitbart

". . . And Haley was immediately backed up by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo:

The Human Rights Council has become an exercise in shameless hypocrisy, with many of the world’s worst human-rights abuses going ignored and some of the world’s most serious offenders sitting on the council itself. The only thing worse than a council that does almost nothing to protect human rights is a council that covers for human-rights abuses—and is therefore an obstacle to progress and an impediment to change. . . "

G7 Summit: Trump Gives Masterclass in ‘America First’ to Globalists
G7 Summit: Donald Trump Gives Masterclass In 'America First' To Globalists

“Ultimately that’s what you want,” Trump remarked. “You want a tariff-free [arrangement]. You want no barriers. And you want no subsidies. Because you have some cases where countries are subsidizing industries, and that’s not fair.”

“If they retaliate, they’re making a tremendous mistake, because you see we have a tremendous trade imbalance,” the President warned. “The numbers are so much against them, we win that war 1000 times out of a 1000.”

“I blame our leaders and I congratulate leaders of other countries for taking advantage of our leaders.”

“It’s going to stop. Or we’ll stop trading with them. And that’s a very profitable answer, if we have to do it.”

One U.S. official told Breitbart News Economics and Finance Editor John Carney that world leaders were mistaken if they believed President Trump would soften his position on tariffs.

“If they thought they were going to lecture Trump on the glories of free trade, they got a rude awakening. He came to a gun fight armed with a stealth bomber.”

I like your version much better.
You did click on this link first, right?

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Anything from the Huffing-puffington post has nothing of interest to me, nada...zilch. If I wanted slanted information? I would start following the lamestream media again.

Huffington Post Awarded Pulitzer Prize | HuffPost

How many Pulitzer prizes did World Net Daily, The Gateway Pundit and The Blaze get.....combined??
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Another troll thread!

OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Anything from the Huffing-puffington post has nothing of interest to me, nada...zilch. If I wanted slanted information? I would start following the lamestream media again.

Huffington Post Awarded Pulitzer Prize | HuffPost

How many Pulitzer prizes did World Net Daily, The Gateway Pundit and The Blaze get.....combined??

Just another prize distributed among the Left to themselves. Such prizes mean nothing to those outside the club.
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.
As soon as Ruth croaks Trump will put a third REP SCJ on the bench.
By the end of his first term he'll have put over 100 REP lower court justices on the bench.
If that's not putting America first nothing is.
That's enough for a couple good days at the range. :laughing0301:

I bought a new AK-47 before the election, just in case. Walmart had those 40-round boxes of 7.62x39 for for about 8 dollars, so I kinda bought too much of it. Plus the 5 spam cans or Russian ammo still sitting in the closet.

One thing I can say in Obama's defense, he sure stimulated the firearms and ammunition industry.
I shoot them mostly on my 50 & 100 yarders, on our back 40 in the north woods....The experience did have the upshot of allowing me to discover what is the best and most reliable ammo for my 1022.

Eley .22 LR is supposed to be very accurate. I have alot of crap .22 from Walmart put back, but most of what I shoot in my Ruger Standard .22 pistol and 1951 Marlin Model 80 bolt-action magazine-fed rifle is CCI MIni-Mag or Stingers. That Marlin shoots the tightest groups of any rifle I've ever owned.
I have the same model Marlin. Aside from my 308 Norma Magnum it's the straightest shooting gun I've ever used.
I think it's the quality of the steel used and the fact that all the components were milled instead of stamped.
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Anything from the Huffing-puffington post has nothing of interest to me, nada...zilch. If I wanted slanted information? I would start following the lamestream media again.

Huffington Post Awarded Pulitzer Prize | HuffPost

How many Pulitzer prizes did World Net Daily, The Gateway Pundit and The Blaze get.....combined??
EVERY voting member on the Pulitzer Prize committee is a fucking radial Liberal!
You want proof? The committee gave the 'prize' to the fucking LIB retard Eugene Robinson for writing 'puff pieces' about Obama.
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.
Trump-Hating Opinion Piece....the butt-hurt snowflakes, of course, love it.
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.
You are a liar.
What EXACTLY am I lying about ?
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.
You are a liar.
What EXACTLY am I lying about ?
When you say Trump has never put America first.
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.
You are a liar.
What EXACTLY am I lying about ?
When you say Trump has never put America first.
You mean like the way he dealt with the Khashoggi murder?

Top 5 Ways Trump Put America Last with Whitewash of Saudi Prince
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.
You are a liar.
What EXACTLY am I lying about ?
When you say Trump has never put America first.
You mean like the way he dealt with the Khashoggi murder?

Top 5 Ways Trump Put America Last with Whitewash of Saudi Prince
Yeah liar, just like that.
Hear a lot of well what ever he is doing or not doing, he is getting conservatives on the courts, not a word about getting people on the courts that work strictly by the law & the Constitution & not for one form of government.
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

45 is a Traitor. Nothing More.....Nothing Less.

He sided with Putin against 15-U.S. Security and Intelligence Agencies when they agree that Russia Interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election.

45 shared Highly Classified Israeli HUMIT (Human Intelligence ) with Two Representatives of a Known Hostile a Foreign Power (Russia). Sharing that intelligence Two Representatives of a Foreign Power (Russia) put that Israeli Asset in danger and compromised U.S. Intelligence.

45 shared the locations of Two (02) U.S. Nuclear Powered Submarines with a Foreign Head of State (President Rodrigo Duerte of the Philippines). The U.S. Navy keeps the location of at sea submarines highly classified. Giving their location to Duerte violated U.S. Security and the put lives of the crews of the two submarines in jeopardy.

45, during the Presidential Campaign said he was opposed to Sanctions on Russia. It turns out that the Russian State Bank (VTB) slated to finance the now dead as a door nail Trump Tower Moscow was under U.S. Sanctions. Lifting those sanctions would have allowed the financing to go forward. As an extra added attraction, and just for shits and giggles it turns out that Russian Dictator/Thug/Former Colonel in the K.G.B. Vladimir Putin was going to a Penthouse Apartment in Trump Tower Moscow valued in excess of $50,000,000.00 for free.
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.
You are a liar.


he/she is a liar.

Notice how it is only the biggest trolls at USMB such as WRONGwinger,a shill of the government that is posting winner and agree smileys?:abgg2q.jpg:

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