Donald Trump IS America! Strong, Able, Intelligent, Confident. I Wanted to Be Like Him as a Young Man.

I don't think anybody in here, even the leftwingers could deny President Trump is a far superior quarterback than the incompetent senile oaf feloniously installed in Trump's chair right now.
Every one of the sycophantic morons that sing his praises because they want to keep their jobs are the ones who got it right from the start. They described him as a nut, a scoundrel, a Putin puppet, mob connected, stupid, and totally unfit for the job. They were all correct. But in order to come to terms with his win, they all had a decision to make. Continue to speak out for the good of the country or swallow hard and climb aboard the clown car. And knowing what a fragile, wanting, insecure baby he is, they knew that the more they get on their knees and worship that idiot, the more favor they would get from Baby Huey. The level of groveling was directly related to their individual station in congress and in committees etc. They knew it is not possible to heap too much ass kissing upon him because he thrives on others telling him what a great and brilliant man he is. And if they miss an opportunity to stroke his childlike, fragile ego, he would always take it upon himself to fill in the blanks. But, as embarrassing as it all was and is, they never found their balls or their love of country or their self respect.. Probably because they never really had any of those qualities in the first place.
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Every one of the sycophantic morons that sing his praises because they want to keep their jobs are the ones who got it right from the start. They described him as a nut, a scoundrel, a Putin puppet, mob connected, stupid, and totally unfit for the job. They were all correct. But in order to come to terms with his win, they all had a decision to make. Continue to speak out for the good of the country or swallow hard and climb aboard the clown car. And knowing what a fragile, wanting, insecure baby he is, they knew that the more they get on their knees and worship that idiot, the more favor they would get from Baby Huey. The level of groveling was directly related to their individual station in congress and in committees etc. They knew it is not possible to heap too much ass kissing upon him because he thrives on others telling him what a great and brilliant man he is. And if they miss an opportunity to stroke his childlike, fragile ego, he would always take it upon himself to fill in the blanks. But, as embarrassing as it all was and is, they never found their balls or their love of country or their self respect.. Probably because they never really had any of those qualities in the first place.
Wow. Somebody is really jealous.
Looks like It's worked out real well.
Nah, I've got a lot of catching up to do to reach the level of self-righteous idiocy that you and gas bag almighty have achieved. But I'm trying. I'm gonna put some kids in cages tonight and insult some gold star families. Then I'll gas some peaceful protestors so I can stage a moronic bible upside down spectacle and act as if I actually give a shit about religion as folks in the background are gagging and wheezing. Then, I can climb that ladder another rung and look down upon the poor and those who care about democracy. Who said I don't have a plan??! LOL
Nah, I've got a lot of catching up to do to reach the level of self-righteous idiocy that you and gas bag almighty have achieved. But I'm trying. I'm gonna put some kids in cages tonight and insult some gold star families. Then I'll gas some peaceful protestors so I can stage a moronic bible upside down spectacle and act as if I actually give a shit about religion as folks in the background are gagging and wheezing. Then, I can climb that ladder another rung and look down upon the poor and those who care about democracy. Who said I don't have a plan??! LOL
No need to be so miserable is there? You can turn it around in five minutes if you want to.
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No need to be so miserable is there? You can turn it around in five minutes if you want to.
How do you justify worshiping this complete moron? Everything about about his life is a lie. He’s an international embarrassment. He talks like a 9 year old. He’s as stupid as one. He’s a whiny little bitch of the highest order. Oh and he’s probably slept with Ivanka. He’s talked about how hot she was on audio from when she was 13.
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How do you justify worshiping this complete moron? Everything about about his life is a lie. He’s an international embarrassment. He talks like a 9 year old. He’s as stupid as one. He’s a whiny little bitch of the highest order. Oh and he’s probably slept with Ivanka. He’s talked about how hot she was on audio from when she was 13.
Please think logically for a minute. Do you really think someone who has the ability to amass $5 billion can be stupid? Do you really think someone who has the ability to defeat a field of well-qualified Republicans in a primary, then defeat a heavily favored opponent in the general election for President of the United States is stupid?

As I said, you leftwingers are starting to believe the cartoon talking points your Marxist leaders are feeding you.
Please think logically for a minute. Do you really think someone who has the ability to amass $5 billion can be stupid? Do you really think someone who has the ability to defeat a field of well-qualified Republicans in a primary, then defeat a heavily favored opponent in the general election for President of the United States is stupid?

As I said, you leftwingers are starting to believe the cartoon talking points your Marxist leaders are feeding you.
$5 million? That’s a stretch. A huge one. It’s even debatable that even is a billionaire. But sure, maybe he has at least 1 billion. But so what? Daddy gave him millions of dollars of free capital. How many times has he filed for bankruptcy?

Hillary was not heavily favored. They were both unpopular candidates. Either way, he lost the popular vote. That hardly says anything about his popularity. But yeah, Americans are stupid. They make really stupid mistakes in the voting booth.

Who are my Marxist leaders? Biden? What specific policy of his is Marxist? Do you even know?
$5 million? That’s a stretch. A huge one. It’s even debatable that even is a billionaire. But sure, maybe he has at least 1 billion. But so what? Daddy gave him millions of dollars of free capital. How many times has he filed for bankruptcy?

Hillary was not heavily favored. They were both unpopular candidates. Either way, he lost the popular vote. That hardly says anything about his popularity. But yeah, Americans are stupid. They make really stupid mistakes in the voting booth.

Who are my Marxist leaders? Biden? What specific policy of his is Marxist? Do you even know?
Leftwingers just aren't good at math. You all say the same thing. "Trump wasn't a self-made billionaire because his dad loaned him million and he filed for bankruptcy." Yet somehow today he's a billionaire.

Do you people not understand that one million is nowhere near multiple billions?
Leftwingers just aren't good at math. You all say the same thing. "Trump wasn't a self-made billionaire because his dad loaned him million and he filed for bankruptcy." Yet somehow today he's a billionaire.

Do you people not understand that one million is nowhere near multiple billions?
So says Trump himself. It was actually likely more like 60 million, which at the time was worth 140 million with today’s inflation.

So says Trump himself. It was actually likely more like 60 million, which at the time was worth 140 million with today’s inflation.

And how close is $60 million or $140 million to several billion?
If you don't give Trump credit for earning the difference, you don't sound intelligent.
And how close is $60 million or $140 million to several billion?
If you don't give Trump credit for earning the difference, you don't sound intelligent.
This isn’t like he worked to get that amount. You know the investment it would take anyone else. He got it as free capital. He didn’t have to spend a dime to get it. That goes a long way.

Face it, he’s a sack of garbage.

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