Donald Trump is launching his own social media platform TRUTHSOCIAL.COM!!!!

What Twitter does is censorship imo. Pick and choose what speech to suppress

No different than any other site on the web, to include this one.

Hell, all news site pick and choose what to talk about and what to suppress.
The list is quite impressive as vice president oversaw the implementation of the American recovery and reinvestment act in 2009 that was the biggest economic recovery plan in our country's history it helped the American save the American economy and the American Auto industry bring us out of the Great recession that bush put us in. Yep design and create Obamacare. In 2016 initiated cancer moonshot which helps find new methods to treat and cure cancer he passed child protection bills in 1986 2005 2007 and 2009 you pass clean energy bills in 1979 US and Soviet nuclear deal in 1994 the first crime bill in 2018 criminal background checks for those who want to buy weapons guns. All these things help protect the people of the United States.
Bullshit. Propping up Banks with borrowed money is NOT a good plan. Obamacare cost 5 TRILLION and is an abject failure.
The Traitor's Social Media Platform, "TRUTH Social" has already been hacked.

Using a false donaljtrump account, hackers posted pictures of the Traitor taking a shit, or was it a pig. It is damned hard tell the difference between a pig and the Traitor, they wallow shit. But pigs are more intelligent than the Traitor.
From the T.O.S.

you may not disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us and/or the Site.

...and lunatics think this isn't censorship ....
No different than any other site on the web, to include this one.

Hell, all news site pick and choose what to talk about and what to suppress.
Twitter isn't a publisher, they are a platform.

according to s230 anyway.

as such, they are not supposed to be able to. if they do, they become a publisher and are legally liable for what is said there.

or are supposed to be.
Trump's site is down and dark after violations of the agreement...typical of Trump and his cohorts.
Twitter isn't a publisher, they are a platform.

according to s230 anyway.

as such, they are not supposed to be able to. if they do, they become a publisher and are legally liable for what is said there.

or are supposed to be.

Nope, sorry. This site is not a publisher and they still get to pick and choose what can stay after we post it. I have been banned from sites for a second offense of saying something bad about either Trump or Obama. Those were not publishers either.

Do you wish to see sites like this become liable for every single thing posted?
Nope, sorry. This site is not a publisher and they still get to pick and choose what can stay after we post it. I have been banned from sites for a second offense of saying something bad about either Trump or Obama. Those were not publishers either.

Do you wish to see sites like this become liable for every single thing posted?
sect 230 states differences between pub and plat.

you cannot be both.

social media takes the advantages of both and responsibility of neither.

and sites like this are why s230 were created so they are NOT liable and don't have to censor everything.

oddly enough, s230 was done to prevent censoring people. social media wants control so they flipped the meaning around to suit their purposes. imagine that.

Do you wish to see sites like this become liable for every single thing posted?
I want the censorship to STOP!!!

I've realized for decades, since I was a child, that when books are bowdlerized they always, ALWAYS take out the most important things in the book.

Turns out it's the same with all censorship. If they would get rid of the useless name-caller types, that would be great, but noooooooooooo --- they have to get rid of the best ideas, the best challenges, the most creative:

Why?? Because that's always the most dangerous to the established power.
sect 230 states differences between pub and plat.

The difference is easy, a publisher approves things prior to them being seen, a platform does not.

Do you think all sites like this should pre-approve every post before anyone else sees it?
I want the censorship to STOP!!!

I've realized for decades, since I was a child, that when books are bowdlerized they always, ALWAYS take out the most important things in the book.

Turns out it's the same with all censorship. If they would get rid of the useless name-caller types, that would be great, but noooooooooooo --- they have to get rid of the best ideas, the best challenges, the most creative:

Why?? Because that's always the most dangerous to the established power.

Then start your own platform and have zero censorship. I have been on one such forum, and when I started to disagree with the owner, I got censored! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Then start your own platform and have zero censorship. I have been on one such forum, and when I started to disagree with the owner, I got censored! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, but I'd probably do it too. Very tempting, censorship. There need to be strong protocols, processes.

Bill of Rights, like that.
The difference is easy, a publisher approves things prior to them being seen, a platform does not.

Do you think all sites like this should pre-approve every post before anyone else sees it?
show me that in sect 230 or any legal document.

however, no a site like this should NOT. that is why in the 90s s230 came to life. so AOL and sites like this wouldn't have to censor. should a site like this be able to impact gov elections? if you want to compare, I will compare all.

over the years s230 is now morphed to allow social media to do whatever they want free from penalty.

is THAT ok?

I do feel s230 doesn't cover today's scenario but it's all we have.

platforms allow me to voice my opinions and thoughts and the platform is not liable for what I say.

if I'm being checked for accuracy, that's a publisher. new rules apply to publishers. These laws need an overhaul but social media should have zero say in the matter.
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You sound orgasmic.

Whatevs... I expect every hacker in the nation and most from outside, also, will be trying to take it down or embarrass him in some way. They'll lose their she-it when he's free to speak his mind, freely and without censorship. I can't WAIT to see the spontaneous combustion of the Leftists...
I doubt it will ever see the light of day, at least not for long. Apple and Google app stores will likely ban it.

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