Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to remove 11 million

Make it hard so they leave? Is it easier for them on the other side?
Kids left behind. You have 2 kids of your own overnight you have 2 or 3 more kids. That you have to feed, day care, clothing, school etc...Can you support that? Where do they get support? Who will feed them? You and me... How many millions of these kids? If they are in high school or college now what?
Get real. I know you don't understand that.
Over stay visa... How are you going to identify them? Where are you going to find them? See my previous post # 3, 4, and 5. Get real.

Umm.. so now we cant identify people who overstay their visa's either?:uhoh3:

That's easy. They are supposed to report when they leave. Right now no one does anything with those forms. Match them up with the visa records, then go after the people (and they are supposed to give an address) who are not in compliance.

Leftist think we cant enforce any laws, or only the laws they judge to be good laws. they're lawless scumbags really.

Now we are talking... Okay enforce the law. Is it legal to round up people? You need a search warrants to ALL houses, schools, churches etc. that you will raid. What is the intent of the search warrants? Do you have a reasonable documents to search ALL people identifications? Is it legal to just arrest any body in the streets? Is it legal to drag anybody from their house and just leave the American kids at home? Don't forget they still have to go through court process. But I'm glad you are encouraging officials to follow the law.
The fucking boarder you idiot if left up to people like you we wont have a country. Waves of immigration just cost the French over 100 lives. you people are unreal :cuckoo:

You are diverting the subject shit head. You want to talk about illegal asshole will talk immigration. If you want to use thugs language because you are thug. You go for it dumbass.
It's the law. Whether you believe "illegals " deserve it is irrelevant. We are bound by the constitution.

It's illegal to be employed if you are not legally in this country and do not have a legal right to work. It is illegal to have a Social Security number if you are not a citizen, a legal immigrant, or an alien with a proper work permit.

It's illegal to attempt to attain legal immigrant status through marriage if it's not a bona fide marriage.

If ICE encounters you in any of these situations, they have a right to ask for your paperwork. In fact, green card holders are to carry their green cards with them at all times.

So just let the enforcement process work instead of not enforcing it at all, as this Administration is doing.

Can you please provide a link showing that this administration is not enforcing immigration laws at all?

Well, Obama issued his lawless EO to essentially make every illegal legal with the exception of major criminals. And we saw with Kate Steinle that they aren't doing very well with that.

Why don't you show me a link where they are enforcing the law?

Why don't you tell that to GOP lawmakers that refused to reform the immigration. There is a bill co sponsored by Mark Rubio and Paul Ryan to grant amnesties pathway to citizenship to these illegals. That is the bipartisan bill that these GOP refused to passed.
If congress passed the bill that is acceptable to you because it's the law. Correct? But still it's not popular b/c it grant amnesty to illegals.
Obama cannot wait and will not take no for answer. So he issued EO for 5 millions and it's only to deferred deportation and no citizenship with strict regulations. It's illegal to you because it's Obama. So far it's on hold and none of these 5 millions received any kind of deferred amnesty.

Immigration | Paul Ryan

Who wants a pathway to citizenship for lawbreakers?

Glad the bill got tanked.

I am showing to you that it's not only Obama supporting amnesty. Three of the current GOP presidential candidates also support amnesty.
It's illegal to be employed if you are not legally in this country and do not have a legal right to work. It is illegal to have a Social Security number if you are not a citizen, a legal immigrant, or an alien with a proper work permit.

It's illegal to attempt to attain legal immigrant status through marriage if it's not a bona fide marriage.

If ICE encounters you in any of these situations, they have a right to ask for your paperwork. In fact, green card holders are to carry their green cards with them at all times.

So just let the enforcement process work instead of not enforcing it at all, as this Administration is doing.

Problem is that they get deported and a few days later they are back in the country.

The wall needs to be built to stop them from coming into our country. Once that's built we can work on deporting all of the illegals and they won't be able to come back.

Deported then coming back the next day...Nope... That is not true. Illegals crossing is almost at zero just in case you want to know. Lots of these people do go home to attend special occasions such as funeral or weddings. They end up stuck on the other side and cannot come back.
See links how many deportees in 2013 and how many current border agents we have. They are trying to hire not sure of the numbers but I think approximately 800 from Oct to Dec, 2015. It happened that I personally some of them. Between 2013 & 2014 approximately 700, 000 was deported to Mexico.

U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013

Union Chief: Send 5,000 More Border Patrol Agents | The Texas Tribune

Of course in Obama numbers, he counts those caught on the boarder and sent back as deportations:slap:

How do you interpret that? They are caught entering our borders inside our border... Then deported. What is your interpretations?
Not deportation

That is your interpretation because you do not understand or do not know anything about immigration.
The link below are numbers apprehended at the borders.....
I also provided link numbers where we deported each year. NOW you know.

Number of Immigrants Apprehended at U.S.-Mexico Border Falls

The numbers are MANIPULATED, stopping and SENDING BACK at the borders is NOT DEPORTING them, the REGIME LIES, and fools continue to promulgate those LIES! -

Before you blow your gasket. Can you provide a proof how, where and what these numbers are manipulated?

Easy, as always.....

Lou Dobbs: Obama administration 'manipulated deportation ...
Jul 15, 2014 - The Obama administration "manipulated deportation data to make it appear that the Border Patrol was deporting more illegal immigrants than the Bush administration." ... An enduring claim about Obama’s deportation numbers from Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs epitomizes this issue.
Obama's Deportation Claims Disputed | Center for ...
Center for Immigration Studies
However, according to internal and previously un-published ICE statistics, immigration enforcement activity, especially in the interior, has been in decline since ...
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers ...
National Review
Feb 10, 2014 - Proponents of comprehensive immigration reform aren't buying the Republican argument that President Obama simply can't be trusted to ...

LOL... Coming from Republicans. Lou Dooobs work Fox News. Yes the numbers was inflated that doesn't mean we are NOT deporting illegals. We currently do not round up illegals inside our cities or barrios. We caught illegals at border and deport them. We do not catch them and release them inside our border.
And if ANYONE or ALL of you want a tour at our borders Texas or Arizona at your choice. I will be glad to do that. Let me know who are interested.

why do you love citizens from other countries more than Americans?

Why didn't you asked the same question to other members that were arguing with you before me?
I love my country and I care for my fellow Americans.
The link below are numbers apprehended at the borders.....
I also provided link numbers where we deported each year. NOW you know.

Number of Immigrants Apprehended at U.S.-Mexico Border Falls

The numbers are MANIPULATED, stopping and SENDING BACK at the borders is NOT DEPORTING them, the REGIME LIES, and fools continue to promulgate those LIES! -

Before you blow your gasket. Can you provide a proof how, where and what these numbers are manipulated?

Easy, as always.....

Lou Dobbs: Obama administration 'manipulated deportation ...
Jul 15, 2014 - The Obama administration "manipulated deportation data to make it appear that the Border Patrol was deporting more illegal immigrants than the Bush administration." ... An enduring claim about Obama’s deportation numbers from Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs epitomizes this issue.
Obama's Deportation Claims Disputed | Center for ...
Center for Immigration Studies
However, according to internal and previously un-published ICE statistics, immigration enforcement activity, especially in the interior, has been in decline since ...
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers ...
National Review
Feb 10, 2014 - Proponents of comprehensive immigration reform aren't buying the Republican argument that President Obama simply can't be trusted to ...

LOL... Coming from Republicans. Lou Dooobs work Fox News. Yes the numbers was inflated that doesn't mean we are NOT deporting illegals. We currently do not round up illegals inside our cities or barrios. We caught illegals at border and deport them. We do not catch them and release them inside our border.
And if ANYONE or ALL of you want a tour at our borders Texas or Arizona at your choice. I will be glad to do that. Let me know who are interested.

It's hard to believe that these leftist scumbags don't have a fucking idea what goes on around them...AMAZING!

DHS released another 30,000 criminal aliens onto streets ...
The Washington Times
Mar 18, 2015 - Illegal immigrants are processed by the Arizona by the U.S. Border Patrol, 2009. ... DHS broke law in releasing hundreds of criminal aliens: Audit ... aliens in the first place, thanks to President Obama's new immigration plans.

Anger means defeat scumbag. You lost. Try to read your link why it happened scumbag.
The numbers are MANIPULATED, stopping and SENDING BACK at the borders is NOT DEPORTING them, the REGIME LIES, and fools continue to promulgate those LIES! -

Before you blow your gasket. Can you provide a proof how, where and what these numbers are manipulated?

Easy, as always.....

Lou Dobbs: Obama administration 'manipulated deportation ...
Jul 15, 2014 - The Obama administration "manipulated deportation data to make it appear that the Border Patrol was deporting more illegal immigrants than the Bush administration." ... An enduring claim about Obama’s deportation numbers from Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs epitomizes this issue.
Obama's Deportation Claims Disputed | Center for ...
Center for Immigration Studies
However, according to internal and previously un-published ICE statistics, immigration enforcement activity, especially in the interior, has been in decline since ...
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers ...
National Review
Feb 10, 2014 - Proponents of comprehensive immigration reform aren't buying the Republican argument that President Obama simply can't be trusted to ...

LOL... Coming from Republicans. Lou Dooobs work Fox News. Yes the numbers was inflated that doesn't mean we are NOT deporting illegals. We currently do not round up illegals inside our cities or barrios. We caught illegals at border and deport them. We do not catch them and release them inside our border.
And if ANYONE or ALL of you want a tour at our borders Texas or Arizona at your choice. I will be glad to do that. Let me know who are interested.

It's hard to believe that these leftist scumbags don't have a fucking idea what goes on around them...AMAZING!

DHS released another 30,000 criminal aliens onto streets ...
The Washington Times
Mar 18, 2015 - Illegal immigrants are processed by the Arizona by the U.S. Border Patrol, 2009. ... DHS broke law in releasing hundreds of criminal aliens: Audit ... aliens in the first place, thanks to President Obama's new immigration plans.

that must make Chickwin95 happy

Yes because you and your goons do not understand what you people are talking about. Getting desperate because you are loosing the argument. Now you are in the pissing mode. You make me laugh. What a bunch of thugs
The bottom line is that Trump is full of shit. He can not round up 11 million illegal aliens without breaking the law, or trampling on people's constitutional rights, which federal courts will not allow him to do. He is merely pandering to the xenophobes in order to get votes. Then, if elected ( fat chance) he will do exactly what is already being done. He will not build a wall. Mexico will not give us a dime. The illegals will still be here, and he will blame his failure on the Supreme Court, Carson, or his X-wife.

If aliens are deportable under the law, they can be deported. Anyone here illegally over 6 months is deportable.

Presenting facts, logic, and links doesn't impress you much does it?
Last edited:
It's illegal to be employed if you are not legally in this country and do not have a legal right to work. It is illegal to have a Social Security number if you are not a citizen, a legal immigrant, or an alien with a proper work permit.

It's illegal to attempt to attain legal immigrant status through marriage if it's not a bona fide marriage.

If ICE encounters you in any of these situations, they have a right to ask for your paperwork. In fact, green card holders are to carry their green cards with them at all times.

So just let the enforcement process work instead of not enforcing it at all, as this Administration is doing.

Can you please provide a link showing that this administration is not enforcing immigration laws at all?

Well, Obama issued his lawless EO to essentially make every illegal legal with the exception of major criminals. And we saw with Kate Steinle that they aren't doing very well with that.

Why don't you show me a link where they are enforcing the law?

Why don't you tell that to GOP lawmakers that refused to reform the immigration. There is a bill co sponsored by Mark Rubio and Paul Ryan to grant amnesties pathway to citizenship to these illegals. That is the bipartisan bill that these GOP refused to passed.
If congress passed the bill that is acceptable to you because it's the law. Correct? But still it's not popular b/c it grant amnesty to illegals.
Obama cannot wait and will not take no for answer. So he issued EO for 5 millions and it's only to deferred deportation and no citizenship with strict regulations. It's illegal to you because it's Obama. So far it's on hold and none of these 5 millions received any kind of deferred amnesty.

Immigration | Paul Ryan

Who wants a pathway to citizenship for lawbreakers?

Glad the bill got tanked.

I am showing to you that it's not only Obama supporting amnesty. Three of the current GOP presidential candidates also support amnesty.

One of those has recanted his position.

The other two are losers who have no chance -- and one of the biggest reasons they have no chance is because of their position on amnesty.
The bottom line is that Trump is full of shit. He can not round up 11 million illegal aliens without breaking the law, or trampling on people's constitutional rights, which federal courts will not allow him to do. He is merely pandering to the xenophobes in order to get votes. Then, if elected ( fat chance) he will do exactly what is already being done. He will not build a wall. Mexico will not give us a dime. The illegals will still be here, and he will blame his failure on the Supreme Court, Carson, or his X-wife.

If aliens are deportable under the law, they can be deported. Anyone here illegally over 6 months is deportable.

Presenting facts, logic, and links doesn't impress you much does it?

You're the one ignoring facts. What I posted is the law. Any alien illegally in this country for 6 months is a deportable alien.
Well, Obama issued his lawless EO to essentially make every illegal legal with the exception of major criminals. And we saw with Kate Steinle that they aren't doing very well with that.

Why don't you show me a link where they are enforcing the law?

ME! ME! ME, Call on ME!:desk:

That was before the infamous EO. And it's border enforcement. Show me where they are deporting people with adjudicated deportation orders.

The link below are numbers apprehended at the borders.....
I also provided link numbers where we deported each year. NOW you know.

Number of Immigrants Apprehended at U.S.-Mexico Border Falls

The numbers are MANIPULATED, stopping and SENDING BACK at the borders is NOT DEPORTING them, the REGIME LIES, and fools continue to promulgate those LIES! -

Before you blow your gasket. Can you provide a proof how, where and what these numbers are manipulated?

No they can't. They make these blanket claims of malfeasance when pushed into a corner with facts. If it's not ICE cooking the books it's manipulated unemployment figures, lies about attacks, IRS targeting, wherever they can't find evidence of wrongdoing ,they cry conspiracy. It's pathologically retarded thinking.
The bottom line is that Trump is full of shit. He can not round up 11 million illegal aliens without breaking the law, or trampling on people's constitutional rights, which federal courts will not allow him to do. He is merely pandering to the xenophobes in order to get votes. Then, if elected ( fat chance) he will do exactly what is already being done. He will not build a wall. Mexico will not give us a dime. The illegals will still be here, and he will blame his failure on the Supreme Court, Carson, or his X-wife.

If aliens are deportable under the law, they can be deported. Anyone here illegally over 6 months is deportable.

Presenting facts, logic, and links doesn't impress you much does it?

You're the one ignoring facts. What I posted is the law. Any alien illegally in this country for 6 months is a deportable alien.

And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.
No they can't. They make these blanket claims of malfeasance when pushed into a corner with facts. If it's not ICE cooking the books it's manipulated unemployment figures, lies about attacks, IRS targeting, wherever they can't find evidence of wrongdoing ,they cry conspiracy. It's pathologically retarded thinking.

It is impossible to prove to any of you libtards that Obama is fucking up, that the Dimocrats are engaging in voter fraud, that Lerner should be in jail for abuse of her government position or that Hillary was lying through her teeth to the American people about a solid number of things.

It isnt that the proof doesnt exist, its just that you morons refuse to look at it.

That was before the infamous EO. And it's border enforcement. Show me where they are deporting people with adjudicated deportation orders.

The link below are numbers apprehended at the borders.....
I also provided link numbers where we deported each year. NOW you know.

Number of Immigrants Apprehended at U.S.-Mexico Border Falls

The numbers are MANIPULATED, stopping and SENDING BACK at the borders is NOT DEPORTING them, the REGIME LIES, and fools continue to promulgate those LIES! -

Before you blow your gasket. Can you provide a proof how, where and what these numbers are manipulated?

No they can't. They make these blanket claims of malfeasance when pushed into a corner with facts. If it's not ICE cooking the books it's manipulated unemployment figures, lies about attacks, IRS targeting, wherever they can't find evidence of wrongdoing ,they cry conspiracy. It's pathologically retarded thinking.

I've seen it over and over;

"ICE is not deporting anybody!" (I heard it on Fox, so I know it is true)

"Yes, they are"

"Then prove it!"

"Ok, Here are the figures from ICE as published"

"Those figures have been manipulated!" (I hear it on Fox, so I know it is true)

At this point, we might as well let the conversation drift to who was on the grassy knoll.
And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

If we turn off the magnets that draw these bastards up here, we wont have to deport anyone; they will self-deport.
I've seen it over and over;

"ICE is not deporting anybody!" (I heard it on Fox, so I know it is true)

"Yes, they are"

"Then prove it!"

"Ok, Here are the figures from ICE as published"

"Those figures have been manipulated!" (I hear it on Fxo, so I know it is true)

At this point, we might as well let the conversation drift to who was on the grassy knoll.

When the day comes that politicians do not manipulate government data is the day I will eat broken glass.
No they can't. They make these blanket claims of malfeasance when pushed into a corner with facts. If it's not ICE cooking the books it's manipulated unemployment figures, lies about attacks, IRS targeting, wherever they can't find evidence of wrongdoing ,they cry conspiracy. It's pathologically retarded thinking.

It is impossible to prove to any of you libtards that Obama is fucking up, that the Dimocrats are engaging in voter fraud, that Lerner should be in jail for abuse of her government position or that Hillary was lying through her teeth to the American people about a solid number of things.

It isnt that the proof doesnt exist, its just that you morons refuse to look at it.

Hint...It's impossible because it's not real.
It's a tool used to rile up useful idiots.
Hint...It's impossible because it's not real.
It's a tool used to rile up useful idiots.
That Hillary abandoned Americans to die in Lybia is real.

That she also violated numerous laws regarding how to handle and store classified data is also real.

That Obama has caused the greatest number of American unemployables to pile up ever in American history is real.

That Obama has made a complete wreck of our foreign policy is real.

That the Obama administration was incapable of rolling out a signup website for ACA registrations is real.

That Obama has allowed $4 trillion to be given to Wall Street banks while American blacks are seeing their highest unemployment rates in post WW2 history is real.

That The Chicago Dailey Machine has engaged in voter fraud on such a magnitude that it is a running joke in Chicago is real.

That Dimocrats use threats on Social Security to scare up votes from seniors is also real.

That Dimocrats use a terrorist organization, the KKK, (that they created themselves) as a means to scare up votes from blacksis also incredibly real.

You are an idiot and a fool if you dont think that the leaders of the Dimocratic Party wont put the working class on a spit and eat us all for a snack.
Hint...It's impossible because it's not real.
It's a tool used to rile up useful idiots.
That Hillary abandoned Americans to die in Lybia is real.

That she also violated numerous laws regarding how to handle and store classified data is also real.

That Obama has caused the greatest number of American unemployables to pile up ever in American history is real.

That Obama has made a complete wreck of our foreign policy is real.

That the Obama administration was incapable of rolling out a signup website for ACA registrations is real.

That Obama has allowed $4 trillion to be given to Wall Street banks while American blacks are seeing their highest unemployment rates in post WW2 history is real.

That The Chicago Dailey Machine has engaged in voter fraud on such a magnitude that it is a running joke in Chicago is real.

That Dimocrats use threats on Social Security to scare up votes from seniors is also real.

That Dimocrats use a terrorist organization, the KKK, (that they created themselves) as a means to scare up votes from blacksis also incredibly real.

You are an idiot and a fool if you dont think that the leaders of the Dimocratic Party wont put the working class on a spit and eat us all for a snack.

^Useful idiot I spoke of earlier regurgitating Fox narratives.

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