Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to remove 11 million

The bottom line is that Trump is full of shit. He can not round up 11 million illegal aliens without breaking the law, or trampling on people's constitutional rights, which federal courts will not allow him to do. He is merely pandering to the xenophobes in order to get votes. Then, if elected ( fat chance) he will do exactly what is already being done. He will not build a wall. Mexico will not give us a dime. The illegals will still be here, and he will blame his failure on the Supreme Court, Carson, or his X-wife.

If aliens are deportable under the law, they can be deported. Anyone here illegally over 6 months is deportable.

Presenting facts, logic, and links doesn't impress you much does it?

You're the one ignoring facts. What I posted is the law. Any alien illegally in this country for 6 months is a deportable alien.

And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

"Our" constitutional rights?

Illegal aliens do not have full constitutional rights. You can look it up.

BTW, if you have actually read my postings you would see that I have put out a comprehensive enforcement plan that does not violate anyone's rights.
And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

If we turn off the magnets that draw these bastards up here, we wont have to deport anyone; they will self-deport.

Stepped enforcement will discourage many. Plus, turn off the employment and welfare magnets.
I've seen it over and over;

"ICE is not deporting anybody!" (I heard it on Fox, so I know it is true)

"Yes, they are"

"Then prove it!"

"Ok, Here are the figures from ICE as published"

"Those figures have been manipulated!" (I hear it on Fxo, so I know it is true)

At this point, we might as well let the conversation drift to who was on the grassy knoll.

When the day comes that politicians do not manipulate government data is the day I will eat broken glass.

I like to joke that for 38 years I wrote fiction for the Federal Government.
The bottom line is that Trump is full of shit. He can not round up 11 million illegal aliens without breaking the law, or trampling on people's constitutional rights, which federal courts will not allow him to do. He is merely pandering to the xenophobes in order to get votes. Then, if elected ( fat chance) he will do exactly what is already being done. He will not build a wall. Mexico will not give us a dime. The illegals will still be here, and he will blame his failure on the Supreme Court, Carson, or his X-wife.

If aliens are deportable under the law, they can be deported. Anyone here illegally over 6 months is deportable.

Presenting facts, logic, and links doesn't impress you much does it?

You're the one ignoring facts. What I posted is the law. Any alien illegally in this country for 6 months is a deportable alien.

And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

"Our" constitutional rights?

Illegal aliens do not have full constitutional rights. You can look it up.

BTW, if you have actually read my postings you would see that I have put out a comprehensive enforcement plan that does not violate anyone's rights.

Ok, Girl. I am an officer of the law, and I think that you are an illegal alien. I demand to see proof from you that you are not. i have not seen you break any law.

You have two choices. you can maintain your constitutional right, and refuse my request, and i can not do anything about it, or you can forfeit your constitutional right to protection from unreasonable search and seizure, and show me proof that you are a US citizen. Anyone else in American can also refuse that demand, and the law enforcement officer must accept it. In fact, you can reply, "I refuse to show you poof of citizenship, because despite what that neo nazi, Trump, says, America is not a fascist regime".

And, no, you have not told me how 11 million people would be deported by Trump, other than some vague platitudes about "enforcing the law", and E-verify, which we already do in Arizona, with no measureable results. You are also wrong in saying that illegal aliens have no constitutional rights. That is flat out false. They are presumed innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law. Therefore, until they are convicted, they have every constitutional right that you have, including the right to a trial.

Fail, fail, and fail, again.
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If aliens are deportable under the law, they can be deported. Anyone here illegally over 6 months is deportable.

Presenting facts, logic, and links doesn't impress you much does it?

You're the one ignoring facts. What I posted is the law. Any alien illegally in this country for 6 months is a deportable alien.

And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

"Our" constitutional rights?

Illegal aliens do not have full constitutional rights. You can look it up.

BTW, if you have actually read my postings you would see that I have put out a comprehensive enforcement plan that does not violate anyone's rights.

Ok, Girl. I am an officer of the law, and I think that you are an illegal alien. I demand to see proof from you that you are not. i have not seen you break any law.

You have two choices. you can maintain your constitutional right, and refuse my request, and i can not do anything about it, or you can forfeit your constitutional right to protection from unreasonable search and seizure, and show me proof that you are a US citizen. Anyone else in American can also refuse that demand, and the law enforcement officer must accept it. In fact, you can reply, "I refuse to show you poof of citizenship, because despite what that neo nazi, Trump, says, America is not a fascist regime".

And, no, you have not told me how 11 million people would be deported by Trump, other than some vague platitudes about "enforcing the law", and E-verify, which we already do in Arizona, with no measureable results. You are also wrong in saying that illegal aliens have no constitutional rights. That is flat out false. They are presumed innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law. Therefore, until they are convicted, they have every constitutional right that you have, including the right to a trial.

Fail, fail, and fail, again.

You need to educate yourself.

Here is a relevant fact from the official US Citizenship and Immigration Service website:

After a Green Card is Granted

A green card is issued to all permanent residents as proof that they are authorized to live and work in the United States. If you are a permanent resident age 18 or older, you are required to have a valid green card in your possession at all times.

Dry up employment (by requiring that employers use E-VErify) and your illegal alien problem will shrink drastically.
Presenting facts, logic, and links doesn't impress you much does it?

You're the one ignoring facts. What I posted is the law. Any alien illegally in this country for 6 months is a deportable alien.

And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

"Our" constitutional rights?

Illegal aliens do not have full constitutional rights. You can look it up.

BTW, if you have actually read my postings you would see that I have put out a comprehensive enforcement plan that does not violate anyone's rights.

Ok, Girl. I am an officer of the law, and I think that you are an illegal alien. I demand to see proof from you that you are not. i have not seen you break any law.

You have two choices. you can maintain your constitutional right, and refuse my request, and i can not do anything about it, or you can forfeit your constitutional right to protection from unreasonable search and seizure, and show me proof that you are a US citizen. Anyone else in American can also refuse that demand, and the law enforcement officer must accept it. In fact, you can reply, "I refuse to show you poof of citizenship, because despite what that neo nazi, Trump, says, America is not a fascist regime".

And, no, you have not told me how 11 million people would be deported by Trump, other than some vague platitudes about "enforcing the law", and E-verify, which we already do in Arizona, with no measureable results. You are also wrong in saying that illegal aliens have no constitutional rights. That is flat out false. They are presumed innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law. Therefore, until they are convicted, they have every constitutional right that you have, including the right to a trial.

Fail, fail, and fail, again.

You need to educate yourself.

Here is a relevant fact from the official US Citizenship and Immigration Service website:

After a Green Card is Granted

A green card is issued to all permanent residents as proof that they are authorized to live and work in the United States. If you are a permanent resident age 18 or older, you are required to have a valid green card in your possession at all times.

Dry up employment (by requiring that employers use E-VErify) and your illegal alien problem will shrink drastically.

1. I am a permanent resident
2. I have no green card.
3. If I did, I would not have to show it unless I were applying for a job, or some government assistance, or a cop had probable cause that I had committed a crime. Being Latino or speaking Spanish is NOT probable cause. A law enforcement officer has no right to randomly demand to see it.

I live 35 miles from the border, AG, and I deal with immigration issues every day. I don't get my news and information from AM radio. I have posted the law, and I have even posted videos of people defying law enforcement demands for ID, and then driving off into the sunset.

I'm through with you AG. You are the very reason that Trump is such a disaster. You actually believe that the sky is green and the ocean is beige, in spite of proof to the contrary, because you heard it somewhere. It is bad enough dealing with low information people, but you have crossed the line into a class that I call "Non Educationable".
You're the one ignoring facts. What I posted is the law. Any alien illegally in this country for 6 months is a deportable alien.

And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

"Our" constitutional rights?

Illegal aliens do not have full constitutional rights. You can look it up.

BTW, if you have actually read my postings you would see that I have put out a comprehensive enforcement plan that does not violate anyone's rights.

Ok, Girl. I am an officer of the law, and I think that you are an illegal alien. I demand to see proof from you that you are not. i have not seen you break any law.

You have two choices. you can maintain your constitutional right, and refuse my request, and i can not do anything about it, or you can forfeit your constitutional right to protection from unreasonable search and seizure, and show me proof that you are a US citizen. Anyone else in American can also refuse that demand, and the law enforcement officer must accept it. In fact, you can reply, "I refuse to show you poof of citizenship, because despite what that neo nazi, Trump, says, America is not a fascist regime".

And, no, you have not told me how 11 million people would be deported by Trump, other than some vague platitudes about "enforcing the law", and E-verify, which we already do in Arizona, with no measureable results. You are also wrong in saying that illegal aliens have no constitutional rights. That is flat out false. They are presumed innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law. Therefore, until they are convicted, they have every constitutional right that you have, including the right to a trial.

Fail, fail, and fail, again.

You need to educate yourself.

Here is a relevant fact from the official US Citizenship and Immigration Service website:

After a Green Card is Granted

A green card is issued to all permanent residents as proof that they are authorized to live and work in the United States. If you are a permanent resident age 18 or older, you are required to have a valid green card in your possession at all times.

Dry up employment (by requiring that employers use E-VErify) and your illegal alien problem will shrink drastically.

1. I am a permanent resident
2. I have no green card.
3. If I did, I would not have to show it unless I were applying for a job, or some government assistance, or a cop had probable cause that I had committed a crime. Being Latino or speaking Spanish is NOT probable cause. A law enforcement officer has no right to randomly demand to see it.

I live 35 miles from the border, AG, and I deal with immigration issues every day. I don't get my news and information from AM radio. I have posted the law, and I have even posted videos of people defying law enforcement demands for ID, and then driving off into the sunset.

I'm through with you AG. You are the very reason that Trump is such a disaster. You actually believe that the sky is green and the ocean is beige, in spite of proof to the contrary, because you heard it somewhere. It is bad enough dealing with low information people, but you have crossed the line into a class that I call "Non Educationable".

Why do you have no green card if you are a legal permanent resident? You saw from my link that you are breaking the law.

Oh, wait a minute -- I did not see that you said you were a legal permanent resident.

Are you an illegal alien? That would explain a lot.
The bottom line is that Trump is full of shit. He can not round up 11 million illegal aliens without breaking the law, or trampling on people's constitutional rights, which federal courts will not allow him to do. He is merely pandering to the xenophobes in order to get votes. Then, if elected ( fat chance) he will do exactly what is already being done. He will not build a wall. Mexico will not give us a dime. The illegals will still be here, and he will blame his failure on the Supreme Court, Carson, or his X-wife.

If aliens are deportable under the law, they can be deported. Anyone here illegally over 6 months is deportable.

Presenting facts, logic, and links doesn't impress you much does it?

You're the one ignoring facts. What I posted is the law. Any alien illegally in this country for 6 months is a deportable alien.

And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

"Our" constitutional rights?

Illegal aliens do not have full constitutional rights. You can look it up.

BTW, if you have actually read my postings you would see that I have put out a comprehensive enforcement plan that does not violate anyone's rights.

Maybe you can look it up. A foreign worker came here to US via H2 visa from Philippines to Oregon. He did not report to his sponsors instead he was picked up by his relatives at the airport. His sponsor file a report. ICE was able to tracked him in Tucson and Irvine. Ca. living with his brother. ICE picked him up and handcuffed him right on the spot. They took him to detention for processing. His lawyer showed they went to court. That was 2011 and he still here today. Think about that.... There is even a real complaint file against him.
If aliens are deportable under the law, they can be deported. Anyone here illegally over 6 months is deportable.

Presenting facts, logic, and links doesn't impress you much does it?

You're the one ignoring facts. What I posted is the law. Any alien illegally in this country for 6 months is a deportable alien.

And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

"Our" constitutional rights?

Illegal aliens do not have full constitutional rights. You can look it up.

BTW, if you have actually read my postings you would see that I have put out a comprehensive enforcement plan that does not violate anyone's rights.

Maybe you can look it up. A foreign worker came here to US via H2 visa from Philippines to Oregon. He did not report to his sponsors instead he was picked up by his relatives at the airport. His sponsor file a report. ICE was able to tracked him in Tucson and Irvine. Ca. living with his brother. ICE picked him up and handcuffed him right on the spot. They took him to detention for processing. His lawyer showed they went to court. That was 2011 and he still here today. Think about that.... There is even a real complaint file against him.

His case is being processed. You say he's in detention. The process is ongoing.
I am sure he will have a lot of people ready to put on the brown shirts and man the cattle cars for the round up


Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

It be more like this..

The bottom line is that Trump is full of shit. He can not round up 11 million illegal aliens without breaking the law, or trampling on people's constitutional rights, which federal courts will not allow him to do. He is merely pandering to the xenophobes in order to get votes. Then, if elected ( fat chance) he will do exactly what is already being done. He will not build a wall. Mexico will not give us a dime. The illegals will still be here, and he will blame his failure on the Supreme Court, Carson, or his X-wife.

If aliens are deportable under the law, they can be deported. Anyone here illegally over 6 months is deportable.

Presenting facts, logic, and links doesn't impress you much does it?

You're the one ignoring facts. What I posted is the law. Any alien illegally in this country for 6 months is a deportable alien.

And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

"Our" constitutional rights?

Illegal aliens do not have full constitutional rights. You can look it up.

BTW, if you have actually read my postings you would see that I have put out a comprehensive enforcement plan that does not violate anyone's rights.
Undocumented immigrants are entitled to the rights enshrined in the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments – the right to due process, to a presumption of innocence, the right to a trial, the right to counsel, and the right to confront evidence against him.

This illustrates the idiocy of Trump's 'plan,' that it's comprehensively ignorant and unworkable, that in order to accomplish such a 'plan,' our rights – the rights of all persons in the United States – would end up being violated and ignored, jeopardizing everyone's rights, citizen and immigrant alike.
And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

If we turn off the magnets that draw these bastards up here, we wont have to deport anyone; they will self-deport.

Stepped enforcement will discourage many. Plus, turn off the employment and welfare magnets.
Undocumented immigrants aren't entitled to public assistance, save that of emergency state Medicaid.

Consequently the notion of a 'welfare magnet' is ignorant and wrong.
If aliens are deportable under the law, they can be deported. Anyone here illegally over 6 months is deportable.

Presenting facts, logic, and links doesn't impress you much does it?

You're the one ignoring facts. What I posted is the law. Any alien illegally in this country for 6 months is a deportable alien.

And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

"Our" constitutional rights?

Illegal aliens do not have full constitutional rights. You can look it up.

BTW, if you have actually read my postings you would see that I have put out a comprehensive enforcement plan that does not violate anyone's rights.
Undocumented immigrants are entitled to the rights enshrined in the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments – the right to due process, to a presumption of innocence, the right to a trial, the right to counsel, and the right to confront evidence against him.

This illustrates the idiocy of Trump's 'plan,' that it's comprehensively ignorant and unworkable, that in order to accomplish such a 'plan,' our rights – the rights of all persons in the United States – would end up being violated and ignored, jeopardizing everyone's rights, citizen and immigrant alike.

As immigration violations are administrative, not criminal, the type of trial is limited. They used to have hearings where hundreds were tried. The burden of proof is on the alien to prove he is legally in this country, not the opposite.

I think you people think it's like being arrested for being a mugger. It's not.
And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

If we turn off the magnets that draw these bastards up here, we wont have to deport anyone; they will self-deport.

Stepped enforcement will discourage many. Plus, turn off the employment and welfare magnets.
Undocumented immigrants aren't entitled to public assistance, save that of emergency state Medicaid.

Consequently the notion of a 'welfare magnet' is ignorant and wrong.

I think you are misinformed.
And yet, both you and Trump have repeatedly failed to state how you can identify him and try him, without trampling on our constitutional rights.

If we turn off the magnets that draw these bastards up here, we wont have to deport anyone; they will self-deport.

Stepped enforcement will discourage many. Plus, turn off the employment and welfare magnets.
Undocumented immigrants aren't entitled to public assistance, save that of emergency state Medicaid.

That's not exactly true.

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